There is considerable confusion about this area of the Brown family. I am a descendant of Mathew Brown, Revolutionary War
patriot, who came to Laurens County, South Carolina about 1764. Mathew claims in his Pension application to have been born in
1752 in County Wexford, Ireland. One belief is he arrived here with his widowed mother and siblings when he was twelve years of
age, on these pages is presented another thought, that he arrived with both his parents and siblings. Time will hopefully tell on the
subject of his parents, and siblings, anyone wishing to add information please feel free to do so. I owe a great deal of thanks to Mr.
James C. Vollnogle, who sent me his manuscript of the Descendants of John Brown, Sr., also credit must be given to Wilson
Brown, Richard Weightman, Laura Ross-Dedloff, Gail Brandolino, William Bishop and a special thanks to Leslie Vollnogle who
first asked her father to send me his information. Thanks also must be given to the wonderful website of Shelby County, Indiana.
It has taken a year for me to enter this information, and the editing is far from over. May you find the link you are looking for in
these pages and may it inspire in you and yours to live up to what those who came before have stood for.
I must caution anyone doing research that this is a work in progress, and there is no one responsible for the accuracy of the
information found within these pages, what documentation I have will be readily shared, but it is the responsibility of each
researcher to check the accuracy of his work.