Mary Gardner
F, (1789 - )
Father | Pryor Gardner (19 Jan 1758 - May 1830) |
Mother | Drucilla Rose (19 Jan 1755 - 15 Oct 1826) |
Name Variation | She was also known as Polly. | |
Birth* | 1789 | Mary was born in 1789. |
Last Edited | 9 May 1999 |
Elizabeth Gardner
F, (8 April 1802 - )
Father | Pryor Gardner (19 Jan 1758 - May 1830) |
Mother | Drucilla Rose (19 Jan 1755 - 15 Oct 1826) |
Birth* | 8 April 1802 | Elizabeth was born at Georgia on 8 April 1802. |
Married Name | say 1822 | As of say 1822, her married name was Veazey.1 |
Marriage* | say 1822 | She married John Veazey say 1822.2 |
Family | John Veazey (say 1799 - ) |
Last Edited | 11 August 2002 |
- Daniel Nathan Crumpton, compiler, Cemeteries and Genealogy: Waren County, Georgia and immediate vicinity, 1792-1987, Vol. I, Roswell, Georgia: WH Wolfe Associates, 1987, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.8625 V3c v. 2.
p. 166. - Correspondence from Ruth Allison Waldron Hill, (Collection of Letters between Hill and Hopkins), to Elizabeth Hopkins, 1950-1952, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 164,482.
Thomas Gardner1
M, (8 August 1721 - 10 November 1773)
Research note* | At one time, this page asserted that Thomas Gardner was born in Eastern Port, North Carolina, and that he was the son of Jean Gardner and Mary Pryor. However, in his well-reseached book on the Gardner Family, Ken Wilson disputes these assertions, and therefore they have been withdrawn for lack of evidence.2 | |
Birth* | 8 August 1721 | Thomas was born at North Carolina on 8 August 1721.1 |
Marriage* | circa 1743 | He married Martha Pryor circa 1743.1 |
Will* | 10 November 1773 | He made a will at Halifax Co., North Carolina, on 10 November 1773, naming as heir(s) Pryor Gardner, Martha Pryor, William Gardner, John Gardner, George Gardner, Kemp Gardner and Sterling Gardner. Halifax County, NC - Will of Thomas Gardner - 1777 In the name of God Amen, I, Thomas Gardner, being very sick and weak of body but of sound mind and perfect memory, Praise God, do think fit to make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Vis: First I recommend my soul to Almight God which gave it me helping through the merits of my ever blessed Saviour to receive a free pardon and remission of all my sins. My body I commit to the earth to be decently Interred at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as for my worldy estate which it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I leave as followeth In Primis I give and bequeath to my three sons George, John, and Sterling Gardner all my Lands and will to be equally divided among them only my son Sterling to have my dwelling place and George to have the part in the road and John to have over the Marsh Swamp. Also I give to my son George one Negro girl named Dinah. Also I give to my son Sterling one Negro girl named Suca they and their increase to them and their heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my son William Gardner one Negro boy named James also one Negro fellow named Harry to him and his heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my son Camp Gardner one Negro boy named Bristoll and one ditto named Lewis to him and his heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Gardner one Negro boy named Peter also one Negro woman named Winney she and her increase from this day (with the said Peter) to him and his heirs forever, also my lot in Winton. Item: I give and bequeath to my son Pryor Gardner one Negro fellow named Sam one Negro woman named Cate she and her increase from this day (with the said Sam) to him and his heirs forever. My will and desire is that my beloved son William Gardner shall receive his said Negroes, I have above given him on the twenty fourth day of December 1773 and that the other children receive their Negroes above given them at the day of marriage or when they attain to the age of twenty one years and if either of my said children should die without heir lawfully begotten that their part shall be equally divided amongst the living. Item: I give all my other estate both royal and personal to be sold and the money equally divided among my seven sons Viz: William, John, George, Camp, Pryor, Thomas, and Sterling Gardner. Lastly I appoint my beloved wife Martha Gardner and my son William Gardner and my son Sterling Gardner full, whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament revoking all other will in wills heretofore by me made and acknowledge this to be my last will and no other. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy and Three. Thos. Gardner (Seal) Signed, sealed & C In presence of Wm. Hargrove, George Gardner, Thomas Haile Halifax S s. C May Court 1777. Then this Will was exhibited in open Court by the Executors and proved by George Gardner a witness thereto in due form of Law Whereupon Martha Gardner qualified as executrix thereto and in motion Ordid to be recorded. Test. B. McCulloch C. Ct.3 |
Death* | 10 November 1773 | He died at Halifax Co., North Carolina, on 10 November 1773 at age 52.4,5 |
Probate* | May 1777 | A probate action was taken on his estate in May 1777 at Halifax Co., North Carolina, Wit by George Gardner, William Hargrove, and Thomas Haile. (Will #236, pg 51.) |
Family Bible* | THOMAS GARDNER'S BIBLE RECORD, WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Note: This Bible was published in 1805 by Mathew Carey, Philadelphia. The original owner was Rev. Thomas Gardner (1756-1827), a Baptist minister, of Halifax and Warren Counties, N.C. He began the record (inclusive dates, 1721-1882) with the births of his parents and their children. The Bible is (1969) in custody of a descendant, Mildred Allen Adams (Mrs. James E., Sr.), Warrenton, N.C. This typescript was edited and transcribed by Mildred A. Adams and Malcolm E. Gardner. FAMILY RECORD PAGE 1 Marriages Thomas Gardner was Marryed to Betty Gardner his wife February the 12th 1778 Thomas Gardner was Marryed to Elizabeth Kerk his second wife on March the 15th 1808 Winfield S. Gardner was born Oct. the 7 1849 Son of Thomas P. Gardner, Finetta S. A. W. Myrick his wife John C. Gardner was born March the 5 1851 Son of T. P. Gardner Polley Gardner was Marryed to Francis Balthrop December the 27th 1804 Betsey Gardner was Marryed to Joseph Tanner January the 19th 1812 Martha P. Gardner was Married to G. Talley January the 20th 1826 Thomas P. Gardner was Marryed to Finetta S. A. W. Myri[ck] his wife March the 8 1848 Births The age of Thomas Gardner Senr born August the 8th 1721 Martha Gardner his wife was born April the 10th 1723 William Gardner born May the 6th 1744 Thomas Gardner born January the 17th 1746 John Gardner born December the 11th 1748 George Gardner born November the 30th 1750 Thomas Gardner Junr was born March the 16th 1756 Betty Gardner his wife was born January the 7th 1754 Nancey Gardner born December the 27th 1778 Polly Gardner born June the 2d 1780 Betsey Gardner born December 16th 1781 Frances Gardner born March the 16th 1784 PAGE 2: Births Christopher Gardner born [Oc]tober the 26 1752 Kemp Gardner born July the 5th 1754 Thomas Gardner the Younger born March the 16th 1756 Pryor Gardner born January the 19th 1758 Betty Gardner born November the 18th 1759 Starling Gardner born May the 5th 1762 John Waller Gardner born January the 9th 1786 Patsey Pryor Gardner born January the 20th 1788 Thomas Pettis Gardner born February the 17th 1831 Son of John W. Gardner and Nancy P. Gardner his wife Patsey Kemp Balthrop born November the 17th 1805 Betsey Waller Balthrop born October the 23d 1807 [sic] Thomsa Gardner Balthrop born January the 7th 1808 [sic] John Christian B[alt]hrop born [Ap]ril the 8th 1810 William Balthrop born September the 29th 1811 James Madison Balthrop born april the 17th 1813 Deaths Thomas Gardner Senr Departed this life November the 10th 1773 Martha Gardner his wife Departed this life March the 13th 1780 Ann Ray Mother to my wife Departed this life May the 5th 1796 in her Sixty seventh year Nancy Gardner Daughter of Thomas Gardner Junr Departed this life August 6th 1800 Betty Gardner the tender Loveing wife of my you[th] Departed this life Nove[mber] the 14th 1806 Polley Balthrop my Dau[ghter] Departed this life May the 13th 1813 Elisabeth Gardner my Second Wife Departed this Life August the 19th 1824 PAGE 3: Deaths Thomas Gardner Departed this Life October 15th 1827 Martha P Talley Departed this life August the 8th 1829 John Waller Gardner Departed this life February the 4th 1837 about 3 oClock P. M. after a painful illness of nine days which he bore with Christian fortitude [F]rances Johnson an unknown date aughter of the Revd [T]homas Gardner [de]parted this life at an unknown age ugust 16th 1841 Pattie Petis Gardner Daughter of Finetta & Thomas P. Gardner Depated this life August the 7 1857 Births Winfield S Gardner was born Oct 7 1849 John C Gardner was born March 5 1851 James M. Gardner was born Jan 17 1853 Franklin P. Gardner was born April 5 1854 Pattie Pettis Gardner was borne Sept[ember] the 28 1856 Pattie Ray Gardner was Born Nov the 28 185[7] Marriages Winfield S. Gardner & Sallie N. Egerton were married Nov. 2nd 1875 Pattie Ray Gardner & Jas R Rodwell were married Jan 14th 1879 John C Gardner & Sallie B Rodwell were married Oct 29th 1879 Jas M Gardner and Cate H. White were married Nov 26 1879 Franklin P. Gardner & Dora Rodwell were married Nov 29 18[82] PAGE 4: The Names of Negroes Owned and born in my House Peter was born February the 16th 1770 Affey was born September the 10th 1777 Sarah was born November the 6 1787 Bob was born September the 1st 1793 Sebrina was born January the 19th 1795 Henry was born January the 15th 1802 Mildred was born December the 17th 1802 Ephraim was born April the 17th 1804 Ned was born May the 7th 1806 Peter was born June the 30th 18[torn] Nancy was born July the 15 1790 Sam was born September the 18 1814 Drusillar was born November the 28 1816 Dilley was born December the 21 1817 Luiss wsa born June the 11th [?] 1818 Mariah was born May the 27 1819 Nell [?] was born May the 29 1820 Jack was born September the 3d 1820 Nat was born June the 27th 1821 Cager [?] was born May the 17 1822 Polley was born July the 28 1823 was born September 14 1823 [Faded] was born July the 12 1824 was born January the 20 1826 was born February the 12 1826 Lucy was born July the 7 1826 Jane was born July the 13th 1827 Sarah was born August the 14th 1828 Robert was born September the 1st 1829 Cornelius was born April the 30 1831 Harry was born September the 25 1831 Dellar was born Febuary the 14 1853 Richard Henry was born May the 19 1856 Drucilla was born July the 4 1859 indiana Missouri was born September the 4 1861.4 |
Family | Martha Pryor (10 April 1723 - 13 March 1780) | |
Children |
Last Edited | 13 July 2011 |
- Rev. Thomas Gardner (1756-1827) Family Bible, 1805, Mathew Carey - Philadelphia, Mildred Allen Adams (w/o James E. Allen Sr.), owner, Warrenton, NC, (1969).
Thomas Gardner Senr born August the 8th 1721
Martha Gardner his wife was born April the 10th 1723. - C. K. "Ken" Wilson, The Gardner Family: Ancestors, Descendants, Inlaws & Outlaws, , May 2007.
- USGenWeb Archives.
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Larealia Camp - Susan Shields Sasek, compiler, e-mail address, Sassytazzy's Online Genealogical Research Library, Rootsweb, Jun 2006.
Thomas Gardner Jr.'s Family Bible: - Rev. Thomas Gardner (1756-1827) Family Bible, 1805, Mathew Carey - Philadelphia, Mildred Allen Adams (w/o James E. Allen Sr.), owner, Warrenton, NC, (1969).
Thomas Gardner Senr Departed this life November the 10th 1773
Martha Gardner his wife Departed this life March the 13th 1780. - E-mail written Jun 2005 to Warren Culpepper from Patricia Daniel Bailey, e-mail address.
Mrs. George O. (Charlotte Thomas) Marshall, Jr. cites Gardner family relationships and dates from a family bible. - Larry D. Kingsley, compiler, e-mail address, The King's Meadow, Rootsweb: WorldConnect (online family tree).
Sterling Gardner
M, (1777 - before 5 July 1830)
Father | Pryor Gardner (19 Jan 1758 - May 1830) |
Mother | Drucilla Rose (19 Jan 1755 - 15 Oct 1826) |
Birth* | 1777 | Sterling was born at North Carolina in 1777. |
Marriage* | say 1800 | He married Sarah Moss say 1800.1 |
Deed | 7 October 1800 | He witnessed a deed grant on 7 October 1800 at Warren Co., Georgia, John Fletcher granted a deed to Wiley Harris. Benjamin Wells and Elisha Wright were adjacent landowners. Ambrose Edmundsen was an additional witness.2 |
(Heir) Will | 1 February 1827 | Sterling, William, Elisha, Martha, Frances and Polly named as heir(s) in the will of Pryor Gardner at Warren Co., Georgia, on 1 February 1827.3 |
Death* | before 5 July 1830 | He died before 5 July 1830 He was deceased by the time of the probate of his father's will. |
Biography* | Had three children: Mary T. Gardner Caroline E. Gardner Alabama Gardner.1 |
Family | Sarah Moss (say 1780 - ) |
Last Edited | 1 September 2002 |
- Story of Upson County, Georgia, , 1930.
- Daniel Nathan Crumpton, compiler, Cemeteries and Genealogy: Waren County, Georgia and immediate vicinity, 1792-1987, Volume II, Roswell, Georgia: WH Wolfe Associates, 1987, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.8625 V3c v. 1.
p. 197. - Daniel Nathan Crumpton, compiler, Cemeteries and Genealogy: Waren County, Georgia and immediate vicinity, 1792-1987, Vol. I, Roswell, Georgia: WH Wolfe Associates, 1987, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.8625 V3c v. 2.
p. 166.
Rushing Gardner
M, (after 1778 - )
Father | Pryor Gardner (19 Jan 1758 - May 1830) |
Mother | Drucilla Rose (19 Jan 1755 - 15 Oct 1826) |
Birth* | after 1778 | Rushing was born after 1778. |
Last Edited | 1 October 2000 |
Polly P. Gardner
F, (after 1778 - )
Father | Pryor Gardner (19 Jan 1758 - May 1830) |
Mother | Drucilla Rose (19 Jan 1755 - 15 Oct 1826) |
Birth* | after 1778 | Polly was born after 1778. |
Married Name | say 1798 | As of say 1798, her married name was Heath. |
Marriage* | say 1798 | She married Henry Heath say 1798.1 |
(Heir) Will | 1 February 1827 | Sterling, William, Elisha, Martha, Frances and Polly named as heir(s) in the will of Pryor Gardner at Warren Co., Georgia, on 1 February 1827.1 |
Family | Henry Heath (say 1775 - ) |
Last Edited | 1 October 2000 |
- Daniel Nathan Crumpton, compiler, Cemeteries and Genealogy: Waren County, Georgia and immediate vicinity, 1792-1987, Vol. I, Roswell, Georgia: WH Wolfe Associates, 1987, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.8625 V3c v. 2.
p. 166.
Martha Pryor1
F, (10 April 1723 - 13 March 1780)
Father | Col. Samuel Pryor2 (b 1699 - a 1766) |
Mother | Prudence Thornton3 (s 1696 - c 1763) |
Name Variation | She was also known as Patsy. | |
Birth* | 10 April 1723 | Martha was born at North Carolina on 10 April 1723.4 |
Marriage* | circa 1743 | She married Thomas Gardner circa 1743.4 |
Married Name | 1743 | As of 1743, her married name was Gardner.1 |
(Heir) Will | 10 November 1773 | Pryor, Martha, William, John, George, Kemp and Sterling named as heir(s) in the will of Thomas Gardner at Halifax Co., North Carolina, on 10 November 1773.5 |
Death* | 13 March 1780 | She died at Halifax Co., North Carolina, on 13 March 1780 at age 56.6,7 |
Family | Thomas Gardner (8 August 1721 - 10 November 1773) | |
Children |
Last Edited | 13 July 2011 |
- E-mail written Jun 2005 to Warren Culpepper from Patricia Daniel Bailey, e-mail address.
Mrs. George O. (Charlotte Thomas) Marshall, Jr. cites Gardner family names, relationships and dates from a family bible. - J. Gatewood Pryor, A Pryor Family Narrative, Atlanta, Georgia: , 1995.
- E-mail written Jun 2005 to Warren Culpepper from Patricia Daniel Bailey, e-mail address.
Mrs. George O. (Charlotte Thomas) Marshall, Jr. cites Gardner family relationships and dates from a family bible. - Rev. Thomas Gardner (1756-1827) Family Bible, 1805, Mathew Carey - Philadelphia, Mildred Allen Adams (w/o James E. Allen Sr.), owner, Warrenton, NC, (1969).
Thomas Gardner Senr born August the 8th 1721
Martha Gardner his wife was born April the 10th 1723. - USGenWeb Archives.
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Larealia Camp - Susan Shields Sasek, compiler, e-mail address, Sassytazzy's Online Genealogical Research Library, Rootsweb, Jun 2006.
Thomas Gardner Jr.'s Family Bible: - Rev. Thomas Gardner (1756-1827) Family Bible, 1805, Mathew Carey - Philadelphia, Mildred Allen Adams (w/o James E. Allen Sr.), owner, Warrenton, NC, (1969).
Thomas Gardner Senr Departed this life November the 10th 1773
Martha Gardner his wife Departed this life March the 13th 1780. - Larry D. Kingsley, compiler, e-mail address, The King's Meadow, Rootsweb: WorldConnect (online family tree).