Allen County, Ohio Delphos
Attorneys and Justices of the Peace Brotherton, B. J., attorney-at-law. Ashery Rice, John & J. K., manufacturers and dealers in black salts, wood and ashes. Banks Commercial Bank. R. K. Lytle, president; Dr. R. E. Jones, vice-president;
W. H. Fuller, cashier. Barbers Findley, Peter L., barber and hairdresser. Blacksmith Evans, D. H., blacksmith. Brewer Yaumann, Anton, brewer. Boots and Shoes Chambers & Davies, dealers in boots, shoes, and rubber goods. Carriages, Etc. Kollsmith, F., manufacturer of carriages, buggies, and wagons. Repairing promptly attended to. Cigars Kindley, J., manufacturer of fine cigars, and dealer in tobacco, meerschaum pipes, etc. Clothing Chambers & Davies, dealers in clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes, and gent's furnishing goods. Contractors and Builders Clime, Jas. H., contractor and builder. Will furnish plans and estimates
for public or private buildings,
churchs, etc. Drugs, Books, Etc. People's Drug Store. H. P. Eysenbach, proprietor. Also, office of the Delphos
Brewery, Delphos Paper Company, and Delphos
Woollen Mills. Dry Goods, Notions, Etc. Moennig, F. H., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, boots, shoes,
hats, notions, etc. Brick building opposite
P. O. Farm Machinery Moennig, Henry J., dealer in first class farm machinery, agricultural implements, repairs, etc.; also general hardware. Grocer Eberenz, A., grocer and baker. Hotels Brown's hotel, corner Jackson and Canal Streets, Jonathan Roby,
proprietor. Jeweller Walsh, John, jeweller and dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, plated ware, cutlery, etc. Livery Fisher, Aaron, proprietor livery in rear of Phelan House. Meat Market Rothe Brothers, butchers and dealers in fresh and salt meats. Mills Miller, Aaron and Morton, P. W., proprietors Delphos Flouring Mills. Newspapers Delphos Weekly Herald, D. H. Tolan, editor and proprietor. Pastor Hoeffel, A. J., pastor of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. Physician Wagner, H. P., physician and surgeon. Stave Manufactories Hall, G. W., manufacturer of staves, hoops, and lumber. Stoves, Tinware, Etc. Green, J. B., dealer in stoves, tinware, and horse furnishing goods. General jobbing in all sheet irons, manufacturer of street and boat lamps. Undertaker Feely, J. W., undertaker. Miscellaneous Grimes, W. B., retired farmer. Information taken from the Atlas of Allen County, Ohio: From Records & Original Surveys, drawn & compiled by R H Harrison. Illustrations by William Engel, Artist. Published by R H Harrison, Philadelphia. 1880. |