Amanda Auglaize
Sugar Creek
Allen County, Ohio
Business Patrons' References
German Township
Section |
P. O. Address |
Albrecht, August, farmer and stock raiser |
28 |
Lima |
Armstrong, James, farmer and stock raiser, |
32 |
Lima |
Baxter, Smith, farmer and stock raiser, |
8 |
Elida |
Bechtol, Benjamin, farmer and carpenter, |
23 |
Lima |
Beiler, John, farmer and minister, |
12 |
Lima |
Bowersock, W. M., farmer and stock raiser, |
33 |
Lima |
Brenneman, David, farmer and stock raiser, |
7 |
Elida |
Brower, Daniel, farmer and elder of the Sugar Creek Church, |
12 |
Lima |
Crites, Charles, farmer and stock raiser, |
19 |
Elida |
Crites, Elias, farmer and dealer in fine cattle, |
8 |
Elida |
Crites, Jacob, county commissioner, farmer, and dealer in fine hogs, |
30 |
Allentown |
Culp, David, farmer and stock raiser, |
8 |
Elida |
East, Samuel, farmer and stock raiser, |
15 |
Lima |
Fraunfelter, Israel, farmer and township trustee, |
28 |
Lima |
Hutchins, A. B., farmer and teamster, |
21 |
Elida |
Imler, Eli, farmer and stock raiser, |
30 |
Allentown |
Imler, Henry, farmer and stock raiser, dealer and breeder in full
blood Berkshire hogs |
31 |
Allentown |
John, Abia, farmer and stock raiser, |
18 |
Elida |
Kesler, George, farmer and stock raiser, and dealer, |
17 |
Elida |
Knittle, William, farmer and stock raiser, |
17 |
Elida |
Peltier, J. W., farmer and stock raiser, |
26 |
Lima |
Reed, Joseph, farmer and carpenter, |
22 |
Lima |
Sawmiller, G. W., farmer, |
18 |
Elida |
Sawmiller, Isaac, farmer and steam thresher, |
27 |
Allentown |
Shane, J. N., farmer and stock raiser, |
34 |
Lima |
Shook, E. H., farmer and manufacturer of drain tile of all sizes;
good supply constantly on hand, |
21 |
Lima |
Shope, John, farmer and stock raiser, |
9 |
Elida |
Smith, Ellen, dress maker, |
16 |
Elida |
Smith, W. H., farmer and thresher, |
--- |
--- |
Tall, Cornelius, farmer and blacksmith, |
24 |
Lima |
Trempert, H., farmer and stock raiser, |
15 |
Lima |
Verbryke, Ruliff, farmer and stock raiser, |
32 |
Allentown |
Watt, Joe H., farmer and stock raiser, |
21 |
Lima |
Young, Amos, farmer, township clerk, and land appraiser, |
33 |
Lima |
Crites, D. L., clerk of courts.
Crites, S. D., principal of Elida school.
Davis, Alvin, proprietor of hotel, stock dealer, and shipper.
Deal, William, pastor of M. E. Church.
John, J. J., farmer.
Kiracofe, Henry, retired farmer.
Leist, George R., retired merchant and ex-justice of the peace.
Maltbie, William T., local Methodist preacher County Bible agent.
Morris, I. N., boot and shoemaker, and dealer in groceries, queensware, glass ware,
wooden ware, canned fruit tobacco, cigars, etc.
Myers, Daniel, dealer in dry goods, groceries, tobacco, cigars, canned fruit, etc.
Rice, C. Buel, physician and surgeon.
Rice, Charles B., druggist and postmaster, telegraph operator, freight,
tick, and express agent; also notary public, and Fire and Life Insurance agent.
Rice, Richard, physician and surgeon.
Sherrick, S. S., grain dealer.
Strayer, Nicholas, machine agent.
Swisher, James A., farmer.
Wentz, J. W., pastor U. B. Church.
Boysel, L. A., proprietor of Allentown Mills, dealer in grain, flour,
feed, etc.
Kesler, Eli, farmer and school teacher.
Information taken from the
Atlas of Allen County, Ohio: From Records & Original Surveys, drawn &
compiled by R H Harrison. Illustrations by William Engel, Artist. Published by R H
Harrison, Philadelphia. 1880.