1880 Allen County Patrons' Business References--Lima













Sugar Creek
































































































1880 Allen County, Ohio
Business Patrons' References


County Officers

McCullough, Hon. M. H., representative.
Overmyer, George W., probate judge.
Chambers, S. D., auditor.
East, David, treasurer.
Heman, H. H., recorder.
Crites, D. L., clerk of courts.
Franks, John, sheriff.
Keeth, John, surveyor.
Prophet, H. S., prosecuting attorney.
Curtis, Dr. E., coroner.
Clum, F. M., commisioner.
Williams, W. W., commisioner.
Crites, Jacob, commissioner.


Brice, Calvin S., office over Allen County Bank.
Cunningham, T. E., office over Moore's Dry Goods Store.
East, A. B., office Ashton Block.
Irvine, Jas., office over Allen County Bank.
Mackenzie & Robb, office over Ashton's Drug Store.
Pillars, Isaiah, office over Mowen's Grocery.
Richie, J. E., office Thompson's Block.
Richie, W. B., office Thompson's Block.
Stewart, A. G., office over Donze's Hardware Store.


Allen County Bank: B. C. Faurot, president; S. W. Moore, cashier; C. M. Hughes, Jr., assistant cashier. A general banking business transacted. Prompt attention given to collections.
Bank of Lima: J. H. Dague, O. B. Selfridge, partners. O. B. Selfridge, cashier. Buys and sells exchange; buys good notes and mortgages; loans money on short time, and does a general banking business. Collections promptly attended to.
City Bank: T. T. Mitchell, president; A. C. Baxter, cashier; E. B. Mitchell, assistant cashier. Does a general banking business.
First National Bank: S. A. Baxter, president; C. S. Brice, vice-president; E. B. Halladay, cashier. Capital, $55,000. Does a general banking business.

Book Bindery

Sherman, Gale, bookbinder. Pictures framed to order.

Brick Manufacturers

Gottfried, Lewis, manufacturer and dealer in moulded and pressed brick of all kinds. West end of North Street.


Hofmann, John, butcher and proprietor meat market. Dealer in all kinds of fresh, salt, and dried meats. East side Main, south of High Street.

Carriages and Wagons

Weot, Peter, manufacturer of carriages, buggies, and spring wagons. Horseshoeing and repairing a specialty. Corner Spring and Main Streets.

Contractors and Builders

Cunningham, John, contractor.
Haller, John P., contractor and builder.
McCormick, N. W., contractor and builder. Will construct stone, brick, or frame buildings. Style and workmanship guaranteed.
Mechling, W. L., contractor and builder.
Shuler, D. J., contractor and builder.


Hall, George, dentist. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of nitrous oxide gas. Artificial teeth inserted, and the patent atmospheric disk used, holding them firmly in place, and making them as comfortable and reliable in every respect as natural teeth. Office, N. E. corner Public Square.
Irvin, G. H., doctor of dental surgery. Teeth extracted without pain, by the use of nitrous oxide gas. Teeth inserted on any plate desired, and made to look natural. All fillings warranted. Office in Union Block.

Drugs and Books

Ashton, E., druggist and bookseller. Pure drugs, medicines, fancy goods, and toliet articles. School books, blank books, stationery, etc. Also, wall paper, window shades, and fixtures.

Dry Goods, Carpets, Etc.

Campbell, I. T. & Company, dealers in dry goods, notions, carpets, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc.
Watt, J. D. & W. L., dealers in dry goods, notions, etc. Boots, shoes, and carpets a specialty.
Williams, W. W., dealers in dry goods, notions, carpets, etc.

Grain, Salt, Etc.

Clutter, A. E., dealer in grain, seeds, and salt, Main Street South P., Ft. W. & C. R. R.
King & Day, north of P., Fort W. & C. R. R.


Wheeler, John, dealer in groceries, provisions, feed, and country produce. Cash paid for grain, etc. No. 24 Public Square.
Wykoff, G., dealer in groceries, provisions, glass and wooden ware, canned fruits, tobacco, cigars, etc.


Burnet House, S. V. Brownell, proprietor; centrally located. $1.50 per day.
Florentine Hotel, Sylvester Brunt, proprietor. Restaurant located in connection. East side D. & M. R. R., near depot.


O'Connor, J. S., represents the largest and most reliable fire, life, and accident companies.


Pangle, Milton, livery, feed, and sale stable, rear of Burnet House.


Hall, W. H. & Company, lumber dealers.
Reichelderfer, L. & Company, lumber dealers; mill and yard on D. & M. R. R. and High Street.


Lima Marble Works--J. D. Halter, dealer in Italian and American marble. Scotch granite, and building stone; office and yard on Tanner Street between North and High.


Anchor Mills--David East & H. W. Lewis, proprietors--manufacturers of the celebrated WHITE ROSE FLOUR; dealers in flour and mill feed; Pearl Street near D. & M. R. R.
Ottawa Mills--W. B. Gordon, proprietor--manufacturer of the celebrated LILY WHITE FLOUR; dealer in flour and feed; West Street between Spring and Elm.


Allen County Democrat, H. B. Kelly, proprietor; steam job printing rooms. Commercial printing of all kinds neatly and promptly done at lowest prices.
Allen County Republican, Charles L. Long & Company, proprietors. Job printing of every description in the best style and at lowest prices.
Democratic Times, O. B. Selfridge, Jr., & Company, proprietors. Largest circulation in Allen County. Book and job printing of every description done in the best manner at lowest prices.
Lima Courier, George Feltz, editor and proprietor. The only German paper in northwestern Ohio.
Lima Gazette, C. Parmenter, publisher. Every description of job printing well executed with promptness at lowest prices.


Curtis, E., office East Market Street.
Fowler, C. R., office Union Block.
Harper, W. H., office and residence corner Main and North Streets.
Miesse, A., office East Market Street.
Sanford, S., retired physician.
Thrift, R. W., office over Ashton's drug store.

Pork Packers

King & Day, pork packers--established 1852. Highest price paid for hogs and dressed pork in their season.

Sewing Machines

Singer Manufacturing Company, J. F. Ralston, agent, office No. 81 Main Street.

Stoves and Tinware

Roush, John, dealer in stoves and tinware, No. 52 Main Street. Spouting and roofing a specialty.


Gamble, R. H., surveyor and civil engineer.
Haller, John P., surveyor and city civil engineer, office S. W. corner Public Square.
Nicholas, D. D., surveyor and civil engineer, office Thompson's Block.

Veterinary Surgeon

Smeall, A. N., veterinary surgeon, office in Collins's Block.

Lima Wheel Company

Mahurin, M. B., Rastetter, L., Rodeheaver, W. H., manufacturers and dealers in carriage and wagon woodwork supplies, finished and unfinished; office and works on D. & M. R. R. South of Market Street.


Arthur, Martin V., engine watchman.
Ashton, Louis, printer in Gazette office.
Biteman, W. A., farmer, stock dealer, and wool buyer.
Carlisle, L. W., farmer, P. O. address Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Corns, J. H., ex-transfer agent.
Evans, S. D., conductor D. & M. R. R.
Hadsell, H. G., superintendent bagging factory.
Henry, Reverend F. J., pastor of St. Rose's Catholic Church.
Keller, H. L., bender at Lima Wheel Works.
Kennedy, John B., stone quarryman.
Krebs, A. R., local preacher in M. E. Church.
McCullough, M. H., farmer and dealer in real estate.
Metheany, A. M., train dispatcher and superintendent telegraph D. & M. R. R.
Richmond, D. C., supervisor subdivision 5, P., Ft. W. & C. R. R. Residence corner West and Wayne Streets.
Reese, John, farmer.
Roberts, Hannah J., seamstress.
Roberts, William, stock dealer.
Rydman, George W., Eureka Dairy.
Tracy, J. E., conductor D. & M. R. R.
Tracy, Peter, carpenter.
Walker, G. W., superintendent of public schools.

Information taken from the Atlas of Allen County, Ohio: From Records & Original Surveys, drawn & compiled by R H Harrison. Illustrations by William Engel, Artist. Published by R H Harrison, Philadelphia. 1880.