Amanda Auglaize
Sugar Creek
Allen County, Ohio
Business Patrons' References
Marion Township
Section |
P. O. Address |
Allen, J. H., farmer, |
5 |
Delphos |
Allen, J. L., farmer, |
18 |
Delphos |
Baxter, Curtis, farmer, |
9 |
Delphos |
Baxter, David, farmer and stock raiser, |
9 |
Delphos |
Baxter, G. J., farmer and school teacher, |
10 |
Delphos |
Baxter, Samuel, farmer, |
5 |
Delphos |
Baxter, S. M., farmer, |
10 |
Delphos |
Bechtel, William T., farmer, |
13 |
Elida |
Bliss, D. M., farmer and breeder short horn cattle, |
8 |
Delphos |
Bliss, Lester, farmer, |
9 |
Delphos |
Breese, Thomas, farmer and dealer in stock, |
25 |
Delphos |
Bresler, John, farmer, |
14 |
Elida |
Briggs, Amos, steam saw-mill, |
17 |
Delphos |
Buckrod, Frederick, farmer, |
19 |
Delphos |
Carr, Abner, farmer, |
13 |
Elida |
Clawson, James, farmer, |
28 |
Delphos |
Cochrane, John M., farmer, |
33 |
Auglaize P. O. |
Cochran, James, farmer, |
34 |
Delphos |
Ditto, W. W., farmer, |
8 |
Delphos |
Dunn, B. S., farmer, |
17 |
Delphos |
Elwer, W., farmer, |
31 |
Delphos |
Eysenbach, Louis, farmer, |
30 |
Delphos |
Folles, W., farmer and stock raiser, |
32 |
Delphos |
Ford, James, farmer and stock raiser, |
3 |
Auglaize P. O. |
Ford, Joseph, farmer and stock raiser, and township trustee |
--- |
--- |
Fulke, Julian, farmer, |
18 |
Southworth P. O. |
Handel, T. A., farmer |
17 |
Delphos |
Harris, Roscoe B., farmer, |
17 |
Delphos |
Heiland, John B., pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, |
--- |
Landeck |
Hunsaker, Jacob, farmer and township trustee, |
35 |
Auglaize P. O. |
Jones, D. W., farmer and carpenter, |
22 |
Delphos |
Jones, E. H., farmer, |
24 |
Delphos |
Jones, Mary, farmer, |
21 |
Delphos |
Jones, Thomas R., farmer, |
27 |
Delphos |
Jones, W. J., farmer and stock raiser, |
10 |
Delphos |
Jones, W. W., farmer, |
16 |
Delphos |
Kiggins, J., farmer, |
32 |
Delphos |
Kiggins, J., farmer, |
31 |
Delphos |
King, J. W. H., farmer and sewing machine agent, |
32 |
Delphos |
Knapp, Walter, farmer, |
20 |
Delphos |
Long, Mrs. Josie, farmer and school teacher, |
17 |
Delphos |
Long, M. T., farmer and stock raiser, |
28 |
Delphos |
Ludwig, Isaac, farmer and stock raiser, |
32 |
Delphos |
Lytle, J. W., farmer and stock raiser, |
30 |
Delphos |
Mannen, Sarah, retired farmer, |
33 |
Delphos |
Miller, Amos A., farmer, |
13 |
Elida |
Miller, Emily, farmer, |
13 |
Elida |
Myers, Leah, farmer, |
3 |
Auglaize P. O. |
Myers, Silas P., farmer and stock raiser, |
4 |
Delphos |
Mosier, George, farmer, |
12 |
Elida |
Mosier, Valentine, farmer, |
14 |
Elida |
Pangle, E. C., farmer, |
28 |
Delphos |
Patrick, A. M., farmer and contractor, |
18 |
Delphos |
Patton, A. J., farmer and mechanic, |
24 |
Auglaize P. O. |
Peltier, E. D., farmer and carpenter, |
24 |
Auglaize P. O. |
Phillips, George, farmer, |
35 |
Delphos |
Plankenhorn, M., farmer, |
19 |
Delphos |
Plikerd, Jacob, farmer, |
27 |
Delphos |
Plikerd, Julia Ann, farmer, |
34 |
Delphos |
Pohlman, Casper, farmer, |
19 |
Delphos |
Point, William, farmer and plasterer, |
28 |
Delphos |
Rozell, I. H., farmer, |
29 |
Delphos |
Russell, Thomas, farmer, |
5 |
Delphos |
Saums, John, farmer, |
20 |
Delphos |
Scott, William & Sons, farmer, |
34 |
Auglaize P. O. |
Sharf, Jacob, farmer, |
8 |
Delphos |
Shemiller, Catherine, farmer, |
3 |
Landeck |
Stever, Jacob, farmer, |
14 |
Elida |
Thompson, Joshua, farmer and plasterer, |
5 |
Delphos |
Tucker, G. W., farmer and carpenter, |
34 |
Delphos |
Vanatta, H. L., tile works, |
11 |
Elida |
Whirrett, Elizabeth, farmer, |
29 |
Delphos |
White, Robert, farmer, |
35 |
Delphos |
Williams, Mrs. M., farmer, |
3 |
Landeck |
Wright, S. W., farmer and stock raiser, and pike contractor, |
32 |
Delphos |
Wright, W. G., farmer, |
29 |
Delphos |
Information taken from the
Atlas of Allen County, Ohio: From Records & Original Surveys, drawn &
compiled by R H Harrison. Illustrations by William Engel, Artist. Published by R H
Harrison, Philadelphia. 1880.