1880 Allen County Patrons' Business References--Richland Township













Sugar Creek








































1880 Allen County, Ohio
Business Patrons' References

Richland Township

Section P. O. Address
Amstutz, Peter B., farmer and stock trader, 10 Bluffton
Augsburger, Lewis, farmer, 34 Beaver Dam
Augstburger, Moses, farmer, 8 Bluffton
Basinger, David, farmer and stock raiser, 3 Bluffton
Bailey, D. M., school teacher, 19 Beaver Dam
Bailey, G. W., farmer and stock raiser, 19 Beaver Dam
Bassett, Samuel, farmer, 30 Beaver Dam
Bentley, T. J., farmer and stock raiser, 14 Bluffton
Boon, Peter, farmer and stock raiser, 30 Beaver Dam
Bowers, George, farmer and stock raiser, 19 Beaver Dam
Burns, Samuel M., farmer and stock raiser, 31 Beaver Dam
Carnahan, Anna, farmer 11 Bluffton
Charles, Elijah, farmer and stock raiser, 11 Bluffton
Conrad, John J., farmer and township accessor, 29 Beaver Dam
Edgecomb, Marquis, farmer and stock raiser, 31 Beaver Dam
Edgecomb, M., farmer and grain raiser, 30 Beaver Dam
Fatt, Thomas, farmer and stock raiser, 14 Bluffton
Fansler, Philip, farmer and stock raiser, 30 Beaver Dam
Flick, S. D., school teacher, 11 Bluffton
Fruchey, William, farmer and stock raiser, 30 Beaver Dam
Gratz, Christian, farmer and dealer in blooded stock, 10 Bluffton
Hauenstein, Samuel, farmer and stock raiser, 27 Bluffton
Huber, Erastus, farmer and stock raiser, 35 Herring P. O.
Huber, Henry, farmer and stock raiser, 24 Bluffton
Huber, Jacob, farmer and dealer in blooded stock, 35 Bluffton
Huffman, Lewis, farmer and stock raiser, 31 Beaver Dam
Jennings, Lewis, farmer and stock raiser, 32 Beaver Dam
Lloyd, Isaac, farmer and stock raiser, 30 Beaver Dam
Lugibihl, Benjamin M., farmer and stock raiser, 21 Bluffton
Link, S. H., farmer and stock raiser, 36 Bluffton
McDorman, James, farmer and stock raiser, 31 Beaver Dam
Niswander, A. D. & Co., manufacturers and dealers in hardwood lumber, shingles, lath, turned goods, and all kinds of building material, 3 Bluffton
Neuschwander, J. S., farmer, 34 Bluffton
Neuschwander, Joshua, farmer, 12 Bluffton
Owens, James, farmer and stock raiser, 25 Bluffton
Roberts, Lewis, farmer and dealer in stock, 31 Beaver Dam
Rusterholz, H., pastor German Reformed Church, 22 Bluffton
Solomon, George, farmer and stock raiser, township trustee, 30 Beaver Dam
Stager, Moses, farmer and stock raiser, 2 Bluffton
Stettler, Christian, farmer and stock raiser, 10 Bluffton
Steiner, Benjamin, farmer and carpenter, 33 Bluffton
Steiner, C. P., farmer and stock raiser, and minister Menonite Church, 7 Cranberry P. O.
Steiner, Tobias, farmer, 8 Bluffton
Wenzinger, Martin, farmer and stock raiser, 21 Beaver Dam
Wilson, S. L., farmer and school teacher, 18 Beaver Dam
Zimmerly, Peter, farmer, 10 Bluffton


Asire, J. L., practising physician, dealer in drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, paints, oils, varnishes, and dye stuffs. All varieties druggists' sundries, cigars, etc. Pure wines and liquors for medicinal purposes.
Craig, John S., carriage and wagon maker.
Fansler, Daniel, boot and shoe maker. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Charges moderate.
Scott, H. C., proprietor Scott's hotel.
Shull, J., justice of the peace, and dealer in drugs and medicines.
Snodgrass, Field & Co., general dealers in dry goods and groceries. Also, manufacturers and dealers in lumber of all kinds.
Young, G. W., postmaster.


Bates, J. T., township trustee. Dealer in building and paving stone, wholesale and retail.
Brand, S. J., mayor, druggist, and dealer in medicines and fancy articles.
Cramer, W., grocer and baker, dealer in general merchandise.
Cunningham, N. W., editor and publisher "Bluffton News."
Johnson, T. P., insurance agent and civil engineer.
Kibler, A. G., dealer in boots and shoes.
Lugibill, J. E., school teacher.
Murray, Thomas, livery, feed, and sale stable; horses boarded by the week; hacks to and from all trains, and to all parts of the town.
Russell, Daniel & Son, dealers in general merchandise.
Sheldon, J. W., proprietor National Hotel.
Yates, J. J., hotel and livery.

Information taken from the Atlas of Allen County, Ohio: From Records & Original Surveys, drawn & compiled by R H Harrison. Illustrations by William Engel, Artist. Published by R H Harrison, Philadelphia. 1880.