Charles Amos Upham photo album

Photos of Charles Amos Upham

Birth: 6/11/1864 in MA
Death: after 1939
See details of his life
Charles and his first wife,
Susie W. Fellows
They had no children;
Susie died within a year
of their marriage.
Charles and second wife
Mary Cleveland Bridgham
With his car,
taken in Fairlawn, NJ
after 1920.

Posted by his great-grandaughter, Carol Livingstone
2409 S. Vine Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Contact me at: [email protected]

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Photos on these pages c. 1999,2000,2001 by Carol Livingstone. All rights reserved.
Permission granted to link to them or to use them on your web site provided you credit them to me.