

The Descendents of

William Lunsford



This lineage focuses on the descendents of William Lunsford, the patriarch and oldest confirmed ancestor in this line of our family.


William Lunsford was born October 8, 1805, in North Carolina, where he married his first wife between 1820 and 1825, and where at least six of his children were born.  Between 1833 and 1835, this family moved to Tennessee, most likely Hardeman County.  Two more children are believed to have been born in Hardeman County, for a total of at least eight children born to this marriage.


It is believed that William's first wife died in 1836.    On January 12, 1837, William Lunsford married Mariah "Marcie" Norris in Hardeman County, Tennessee.  Mariah Norris had previously been married to (probably) John Ryan, and brought three Ryan children into the family. 


By 1840, the family of William and Mariah Lunsford were in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, where they remained until their deaths in 1884 and 1890, respectively.  Eight children (according to Goodspeed's Biography of Aris Riley Lunsford) were born to the marriage of William and Mariah, with only five of these being identified.  Based on documentation, five of the children of William and Mariah survived through 1889.  The identity of this fifth child has not been confirmed.


Many members of this family are suspected to have been buried in Old New Hope Methodist Church Cemetery in Lauderdale County, along with William and Mariah Lunsford, although many graves are no longer marked.


Many hours of work have been put into the research and documentation of these ancestors. Although much theory exists as to the ancestry of William Lunsford, without sufficient confirmation, I have chosen to exclude this information.  As proven documentation is obtained, this additional information will be added.


Special thanks goes to Henry Lunsford who has researched this family for many years.  Without his help, obtaining much of this information would not have been possible.


In order to protect the privacy of living individuals, this lineage is posted through the three earliest generations.  If you would like additional information on this family, please contact me or one of the other Lunsford researchers.


I hope you will benefit from the information I present here. If you can add to this information, or connect in any way, I would enjoy hearing from you.




Table of Contents

  Descendants of William LUNSFORD

Who to Contact for More Information

EmailSend E-mail to [email protected]

Send mail to:
Deborah (Deb) Lunsford Yates
P.O. Box 114
Cherry Valley, AR  72324-0114

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