as taken from
"The Byrn Family"
From the book
"The Byrn Family,
by Wm. Harvey
JOHN BLOUNT BYRN, was the first known of this family to come to this
county. It is apparent that from all is
known that he was an only child.
(*Note: this was later dis-proved)
His father was Scotch and all that is known indicates
that his mother was French and that they lived in
John Blount Byrn married Emily Fergason and they bought land near what is now the
Two cemeteries were laid off on the Byrn
farm, one a little East and North of the house that was built and occupied by
Walter Miller and the other North about 1/4 miles of this house in the E. W. Arwood field.
The gravemarkers
have been removed and as told to me, placed in a gulley.
Gravemarkers may be found on the
property owned by Walter Miller and his wife Victoria Stewart. Victoria Stewart is a descendant of this
Page 4 (of the book).
(*Note: Victoria Stewart, daughter of Frances
Elizabeth Byrn, granddaughter of Hannah Lunsford Byrn.)
Credit is given to William David Lapsley
Moore (reference Page 11) for furnishing information concerning the history of
the Byrn family.
Other relatives have
furnished much of the information concerning their immediate families for
without their assistance and cooperation this booklet would have never been published.
Crest Haven" Rt #5
1 December 1964
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