Miles H. Davis,
Guardian of
Stephen T. Lunsford minor children
Power of Attorney to Green C. LUNSFORD
February 4, 1889
Know all men by these presents that I, M. H. Davis, guardian of Laura,
Stephen and Andy Lunsford do hereby make constitute and appoint G. C. Lunsford
of Lauderdale County, Tenn my lawful attorney to
rent, contract and receipt for any and all rents that I may have control of in
said county of Lauderdale, and I hereby bind myself to abide by an contracts
that he may make in regard to renting, collecting and receiving the rent son
said land, as fully as though I were present and doing the same myself.
Witness my hand this the 4th day of
February 1889
H. Davis, gardean (Guardian)
Personally appeared before W. L.
Wilkerson, Clerk of County Court of said County, the above named M. H. Davis
Guardian, the bargainer, with whom I am personally acquainted and who
acknowledged that he executed the annexed instrument fo purposes therein contained.
Witness my hand, at office, this 4 day of February
L. Wilkerson, Clerk
Fee 25 cts
Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2006
Updated Wednesday,
March 29, 2006, 9:55:20