David Crittenden
Jeanette, Crittenden
County, Arkansas
Letter To
James Franklin Taylor
David Crittenden “Crit”
Linville & Marinda “Mary” Taylor
The following letter is in possession
of Opal Taylor Mahan, granddaughter of James Franklin Taylor. The letter was
found in a trunk after her grandfather’s death.
James “Jim” Taylor was unable to read
and write, and for some unknown reason, possibly no one was available to pen
letters for him, wasn’t able to answer the letters that had been written to him
by his brother in law, David Crittenden Linville.
David Crittenden Linville was the son
of Samuel Chester Linville and Charity Adeline Meadows, formerly of Allen
County, Kentucky. Marinda “Mary” Ann Taylor was the daughter of John Taylor and
Lucinda Ipoch of Jackson County, Tennessee.
Crit and Mary Linville were married September 5, 1896 in Jackson County,
Sarah and Matt, as mentioned in the
letter, were two younger siblings of Mary Taylor Linville, who had moved to
who died in
The identities of the other children
mentioned in the letter are unknown. Matt Taylor was
John Madison Taylor who registered for
the World War I Draft on September 12, 1918,
and was residing at
No further record has been found for
The letter has been typed with the
same spelling and punctuation as appeared in the letter.
Oct 5, 1919
Jim taylor
dear brother and famley i seat my self to rite you one time more to see if i
can here from you. all well Jim. the last time we hird from you did say you was
sick. we rote to you rite back hav and rote to you 2 more and got no anser so i
thought i would rite to you agin
Jim if you get this rite and tell us what you all ar doing. how crops is. Well
Jim, Sary and the Childern is well. mat cut his foot with an ax a bout a month
ago. has not walked on it and don’t know when he will. all the rest well. thay
are picking some cotton. well Jim Mary says tell you to
to hir and tell hir what is the matter that you don’t rite to hir and the
Childern. She talks about you a lot and wonders what could be the matter with
you all. She says you ouot [ought] to be here for dinner. She has rossen years
[roasting ears] and green beans and calf milk and butter, sweet pottatoes and
turnip greens for this rainey day.
Jim I don’t know mutch to rite. i will have to rite to will [Will]. Cant rite very mutch. I will haft to close
for this time. Jim rite as soon as you get this.
D. C. Linville and famley to my deer brother and famley. Rite soon and long
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