David G. Lunsford

New Lexington, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama


Letter To


William Lunsford

Ripley, Lauderdale County, Tennessee




The following letter is in possession of Jonathan and Margaret (Lunsford) Abbott

of Blytheville, Mississippi County, Arkansas.


The letter was included in documents from the estate of Charles Benjamin Lunsford,

son of Green C. Lunsford, and grandson of William Lunsford of

Lauderdale County, Tennessee.  


David G. Lunsford was the son of Bennett S. and Helen Lunsford




May the 30 1883

New Lexington PO

Tuscaloosa Co Ala


Mr. William Lunceford


Dear Sir


I will write you @ few lines.  This leaves me well.  I hope it will find you the same.  What I am writing for is to find out how much money there are coming to me from Pa estate. Uncule Cullen said there was some coming to me and I want to know how much it is.


So I will come to @ close for this time.  Hoping to hear from you soon.


Tell Dunken to write to me.  I have been writing and cant get any answers.  Tell all of the connection to write to me.


No more at present.


D. G. Lunceford






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© Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 – 2006

Last Updated Wednesday, March 29, 2006