[ PAGES 191 - 194 ]
Court met pursuant to adjournment, the worshipful T. Bun Carson, chairman presiding.
W. R. Miller, Sheriff of said county and William H. Jackson, Clerk.
A.R. Lunsford et al
J.W. Lunsford et al
Be it remembered that this cause came on to be heard before the worshipful County Court of Lauderdale County , Tennessee, T. Bun Carson, Esq. Chairman of said court presiding, on the report of the clerk, which is as follows:
A.R. Lunsford et al Clerk
Report of the sale of the lands
vs. in this
J.W. Lunsford et al
To the
The undersigned, Clerk of the said Court, respectfully reports that in pursuance of the decree of sale rendered in this cause at the December term 1886, of said court after advertising as directed in said Decree, he proceeded, on this 22dn day of January 1887, at the east door of the Court House in the town of Ripley, Tennessee, to offer for sale to the highest bidder, on the terms directed in said decree, the reversionary interest in the two tracts of land Covered by the Homestead and Dower of Mrs. Mariah Lunsford, assigned to her by Commissioners appointed in this cause - when the tract of 56 acres Covered by the Dower of Mrs. Mariah Lunsford, being first sold, was struck off and sold to G.W Byrn, at the price of Three Hundred and twenty five ($325.00) Dollars, he being the highest and best bidder - and that he has complied with the terms of said sale by executing his note for that amount due 1st day of December 1887, with J. W. Miller and F.G. Ferguson for his sureties.
And that the tract of 68 acres and 57 ˝ poles covered by the Homestead of said Mrs. Mariah Lunsford, was struck off and sold to J. A. Lunsford at the price of One Hundred and nine and 50/100 ($109.50) dollars, he being the highest and best bidder - and he has Complied with the terms of said sale by Executing his note for that amount, with G. W. Byrn and J. B. Carson, for his Sureties, due 1st day of December 1887, and a lien was retained on said lands until all the purchase money is paid.
William H. Jackson, clerk
By A.B.
And since this report was made, J.G. Keltner, has applied before me, and advanced the bid on the 56 acre tract to $357.50 and filed with me, his note for that amount, payable as required by the decree of Sale, with G.C. Lunsford, and William Tucker, Sureties, and they are good and solvent for the same, and said note is accepted by me.
William H. Jackson, clerk
By A. B. Hearring, D.C.
And there being No exception to said report so far as the Sale of the reversionary interest in the Homestead tract of 68 acres and 57 ˝ poles, to J. A. Lunsford, is concerned; and that said J. A. Lunsford, having complied with the terms of purchase, and the said tract so purchased by him, being described as follows;
Lying in the 2nd Civil District of Lauderdale County Tennessee, beginning at the S W Corner of J. A. Lunsfords tract, and in the East boundary line of Green Byrn’s land, a black and slippery elm; runs thence East 87 ˝ poles to a Stake in a field; thence South 125 poles to a Stake in the North boundary line of F. G. Ferguson’s land; Thence West with said Ferguson’s line 87 ˝ poles to Ferguson’s N W Corner, a stake; Thence North with Miller and Byrn’s East boundary line, 125 poles to the beginning, containing 68 acres and 57 ˝ poles, as doth appear in the plat annexed to the report of Commissioners in this cause. The East fence to be set on the line between G. C. Lunsford and the Osteen Heirs, on the East and Mrs. Lunsfords Homestead on the west.
It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that all the reversionary interest and title, in and to said tract of land of all the other parties to this suit, the Heirs of William Lunsford, dec’d, be, and the same is divested out of them and vested in the said, J. A. Lunsford, his heirs, and assigns in fee simple, subject to a lien, which is retained on the same to secure said Note, given for the purchase money for the same - And it appearing from said report that since the reversionary interest in the said 56 acre tract was knocked off and sold, J. G. Keltner has come before the Clerk, and advanced his bid thereon to the sum of $357.50/100 and offered that sum for the same, and executed to the Clerk his note for said sum, with good personal security, and he now asks that biddings on said 56 acre tract be opened -
It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that the biddings on said 56 acre tract, mentioned in said report as sold to G. W. Byrn, be and the same and hereby opened; And it is ordered that the Clerk of this Court keep the biddings on said tract open at this office in Ripley, without further advertisement, until 2 o’clock P.M. on Saturday the 29th- January 1887, and that he sell the reversionary interest in said 56 acre tract for the highest and best he can get upon the same up to that hour, when said biddings will be closed and the sale reported to the present term
In making said re-sale the Clerk will commence with the said bid of J. G. Keltner-
The foregoing report of this decree having been made, on Monday January 22nd- 1887, is entered Nune Pro Tune.
And the said cause came on further to be heard, on this the 29th day of January 1887, on the report of the Clerk of this Court, which is in the words and figures following, to wit;
A. R. Lunsford, et al Clerks
2nd Report of
J. W. Lunsford, et al
To the Worshipful
The undersigned, Clerk of said Court, respectfully reports; That in obedience to the Order of said Court, at its present term, he held open at his office, the biddings on the reversionary interest in the 56 acre tract of land heretofore at the present term reported as sold to G. W. Byrn, until this the 29th day of January 1887, at 2 O’clock P. M., when the same was struck off and resold to J. G. Keltner at the price of Three Hundred and fifty Eight and 25/100 ($358.25) Dollars, he being the highest and best bidder- And that he has complied with the terms of sale by Executing to me his note for that amount with William Tucker, G. C. Lunsford and B. F. Lackey for his Sureties -
Respectfully submitted
William H. Jackson, Clerk
By A. B. Hearring, D. C.
And there being no exception to said report, the sums is in all things approved and confirmed -- And it appearing therefrom that the reversionary interest in said 56 acre tract (covered by Dower of Mariah Lunsford) was knocked off and sold by the Clerk to J. G. Keltner, at and for the sum of $358.25, and that he has in all things complied with the terms of sale; It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that all the right, title and interest of the other parties to this suit, the Heirs of Wm. Lunsford, dec’d, in and to said 56 acre tract (subject to said Dower) and which is described and bounded as follows; Lying in the 6th Civil District of Lauderdale County, Tennessee. Beginning at a dogwood, Mulberry, black gum. Thence East 80 poles to a black gum, beech, ash and Walnut pointers. Thence North 112 poles to a stump, honey Locust pointer; thence South 112 poles to the beginning, containing 56 acres. - be, and the same is hereby divested out of them, and vested in said J. G. Keltner, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple, subject to a lien on same which is hereby retained to secure the payment of the said Note for the purchase Money Thereof –
The other notes given the Clerk on bids which were not accepted, he will cancel and deliver up to the Makers respectively
The heirs of Wm. Lunsford, dec’d, are named in full in the former decrees, to which reference is made.
Ordered that Court adjourn until Monday Morning at
T. Bun Carson, Chairman
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Source: Lauderdale County Court
Lauderdale County Courthouse, Ripley,
Transcribed by Shannon Greenhaw Marquis
Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2004
Last Updated Monday, July 19,
2004, 9:43:59 PM CST