[PAGES 8-10]


APRIL 5th, 1852


WILLIAM LUNSFORD                   



April Term 1852

Lauderdale County, Tennessee


The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounden William Lunsford was on the first Saturday in March A. D. 1852 duly and legally elected Trustee of Lauderdale County aforesaid by the qualified voters thereof as appears from the Certificate of the Sheriff of said County.

Now if the said William Lunsford shall safely keep and faithfully pay out all moneys which shall be deposited in his hands by virtue of his said office agreeable to the orders of the County Court of said County made in pursuance of law, and faithfully discharge and perform the duties of said office according to law in all things, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

   Signed, sealed and acknowledged in open court and approved by the same

April 5, 1852


James A. Lackey, Chairman                      



William Lunsford                  

Isaac M. Steele                        

George Chipman                   

Wm. P. Gaines                        

Thomas Fitzpatrick                

Dickason Jennings                 

Edmund Fitzpatrick              

Jno. J. Nelson                          


Know all men by these presents that we William Lunsford, Isaac M. Steele, George Chipman, Wm. P. Gains, Thos. Fitzpatrick, Dickerson Jennings, Edmund Fitzpatrick and John J. Nelson ---- all of the County of Lauderdale and State of Tennessee are held and firmly bound unto said State of Tennessee in the penal sum of Two ---- Thousand Dollars for the payment of which will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents.


Sealed with our Seals and dated the 5th day of April, A. D. 1852.


The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounden William Lunsford was on the First Saturday in March, A. D. 1852, duly and legally elected Trustee of said County of Lauderdale as appears from the Certificate of the Sheriff of said County.

   Now if the said William Lunsford shall faithfully pay over according to law all money ----- of common schools then the above obligation void, otherwise to remain in full force ---- virtue.

   Signed sealed and acknowledged in open court and approved by the same - April                      

James A. Lackey, Chairman


William Lunsford

Isaac M. Steele

George Chipman

Wm P. Gaines

Thomas Fitzpatrick

Dickason Jennings

Edmund Fitzpatrick

Jno. J. Nelson


Which said several bonds were duly --- and acknowledged in open court by all the ---- thereto and said bonds were approved --- court and ordered to be recorded --- accordingly done. Whereupon the said William Lunsford was sworn according to law.








[PAGES 208-209]


SEPTEMBER 5th, 1853



WILLIAM LUNSFORD                   

COUNTY TRUSTEE BOND                                   


This day came here into open court William Lunsford, Trustee of this the County of Lauderdale together with Haulditch Hipp and Joseph Wardlaw for his securities and entered into bond in the words and figures following (to wit);


   Know all men by these presents that we Williams Lunsford and Haulditch Hipp and Joseph Wardlaw, all of the County of Lauderdale, State of Tennessee, are held and firmly bound unto said State of Tennessee in the penal sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars, for the payment of which will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents. 


Sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of September 1853


   The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said William Lunsford is the duly and legally elected and qualified County Trustee of said County of Lauderdale in said State of Tennessee.


   Now if the said William Lunsford shall faithfully pay over according to law all money s which shall come into his hands on account of common schools then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.


William Lunsford                {Seal}

Haulditch Hipp                    {Seal}

Joseph Wardlaw                   {Seal}



Acknowledged and approved by the court Sept 5th 1853


Daniel McLeod Chairman



Which said bond was acknowledged in open court by all the parties hereto and was fully approved by the court and ordered to be spread on the minutes.




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Source:  Lauderdale County Court Minutes

Lauderdale County Courthouse, Ripley, Lauderdale County, Tennessee

Transcribed by Deborah Lunsford Yates



© Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2006

Last Updated Thursday, January 26, 2006, 9:57:11 PM CST