Minute Books
- 1900
Book K, Page 179
John G. Thompson, Admr. of H. H. Lunsford,
Admr's Settlement
This day the clerk of this court presented to the court a
settlement made by him with John G. Thompson, Admr.
of the estate of H. H. Lunsford on 14th
of Feb. 1881, which was examined by the court, approved and ordered to be
Book K, Page 310
Prorata of the Estate of H. H. Lunsford, Dec'd
day the clerk of this court presented to the court a report of the prorate
distribution of the assets of the estate of H. H.
Lunsford in the hands of J. G. Thompson, Admr.,
which report was examined and ordered to be recorded.
L - Pages 161, 162
A. Lunsford Application
to correct assessment
VS of
land in the 6th Civil District
On the hearing of this application
it appeared to the Court that the applicant J. A. Lunsford is assessed for the
year 1882, with the taxes on a tract of 129 acres of land in the 6th
Civil District of Lauderdale County Tennessee, and it further appearing that
instead of 129 acres there are only 64 1/2 acres in said tract, and that the
evaluation of the said land is excessive to the amount of One hundred and
seventy five Dollars. And it further
appearing to the Court that the said J. A. Lunsford has paid to the
Voting aye: Adams, Alexander, Baker,
Carson, Cusick, Frrat??, Holmes, Mitchell, Patton, Whiter, Wright, Young &
L, Page 419
A. R. Lunsford Application
for Certificate
VS for
Wolf Scalp
County Court of
It appearing to the satisfaction of
the Court that the wolf scalp this day produced her in open court by A. R.
Lunsford, with both Ears was taken from a wolf killed by the said A. R.
Lunsford running wild in
L - Page 524
R. Lunsford, Admr Appointment
& Qualification
It appearing to the Court that
William Lunsford, late a resident of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, is dead -
that he died intestate, and that there has been no administration upon his
Estate -- And A. R. Lunsford having applied to the Court to be appointed to
administer, doth hereby appoint him, and order that Letters issue to him upon
his entering into bond, with good and sufficient security as required by law,
and taking the oath prescribed by the statutes.
Said bond to be in the sum of Eight hundred Dollars. Thereupon the said A. R. Lunsford with G. C.
Lunsford and J. G. Keltner for his sureties appeared in open Court, and they
entered into bond in the sum of Eight hundred Dollars, conditioned and payable
as required by law, and said bond being approved and accepted by the Court, and
said A. R. Lunsford sworn according to law.
Letters are issued accordingly.
L – Page 525
Provision Commissioners Appointed
for To Lay Off and Set Apart
Mrs. Mariah Lunsford
appearing to the court that William Lunsford
is dead; that he died intestate and that he left surviving his widow Mariah Lunsford, and she having applied to the court to have
a years provisions laid off and set apart to her. It is ordered that W. R. Miller, F. G. Ferguson and J. M. Crocker, respectable free holders
of said county who are unconnected either by affinity or consanguinity with any
of the parties interested, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to
lay off and set apart to the said Mrs. Mariah Lunsford,
out of the crop, stock, provisions, money on hand, or other personal assets of
her deceased husband, a sufficiency thereof, to support her for one year from
the death of her said husband. Said
commissioners will first be sworn to discharge their duties fairly and
impartially. And they will report to the
next term of this court.
L, Page 533
Provision Commissioners Report
Mrs. Mariah Lunsford
This day W. R. Miller, J.
M. Crocker, and F. G. Ferguson, Commissioners
appointed by this court, at its present term, to lay off and set apart to Mrs. Mariah Lunsford,
a years provisions out of the estate of her late husband Wm. Lunsford,
returned to the court their report, which was approved by the court and ordered
to be recorded.
Pierson, Chairman
Book M, Page 94
A. R.
Lunsford, Admr. Settlement
Adjudication of
Lunsford Claims Confirmed
Wm H. Jackson, Clerk of
this Court, this day presented to the court a settlement and a report of
adjudication of claims in said estate, which are approved and ordered to be
recorded. Said settlement shows the
administrator to owe and be indebted to said estate in the sum of $326.97, and
the said report on adjudication of claims filed against said estate shows
claims allowed to the amount of $1230.31
Pierson, Chairman
A. R.
Lunsford, Admr. Settlement Confirmed
Lunsford, Dec'd
The settlement made on the
28TH day of April 1886, by A. R. Lunsford,
Administrator the Estate of William Lunsford,
Dec'd, with the Clerk of the Court, was examined by
the Court, approved, and ordered to be recorded.
M, Page 547
Years Support } Commissioners
Report Confirmed
For }
M. J. Moore }
E. M. Hall, G. W. Chambers
and C. Hafford, Commissioners appointed by this court
at its last term to lay off and set apart to Mrs. M. J.
Moore, widow of W. T. (F/J) Moore,
and her family, a years support, made their report, which was examined
by the court, approved and ordered to be recorded.
A. R.
Lunsford, Et als }
VS } Order for Publication
J. W.
Lunsford, Et als }
In this cause, on motion of the Complainants, and it
appearing from affidavit filed herein, and the bill which is sworn to, that the
following named defendants to said bill are non residents of the State of
Harrison and her husband Thomas
A. R.
Wm C.
E. Osteen
Sarah Whitten and her husband
________ Whitten
Taylor and her husband ________
full names of said Whitten and Taylor cannot be ascertained after diligent
inquiry) and
Mollie James
It is therefore ordered by
the Court that all the above named defendants be and they are required to be
and appear before the County Court of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, at its next
term, to be held a the Courthouse in Ripley, in said County, on the First
Monday in September 1886 (it being the 6th day of said month, and a
regular term of said Court) and plead, answer or demur to the bill of
Complainant in this cause, or the same will be taken for confessed as whereas
to them, and set for hearing Exparte - It is
further ordered that this order be published in the Ripley News, a news paper
published at Ripley for four Consecutive weeks ----
that Court adjourn until tomorrow morning at
Pierson, Chrmn
Book N - Pages 483, 484
Court met pursuant to
adjournment, present the worshipful T. Bun Carson, Chairman of said Court
presiding, W. R. Miller Sheriff of said County, and Wm H. Jackson, Clerk.
A. R.
Lunsford, Et al
J. W.
Lunsford, Et al
Be it remembered this cause came on this day to be heard,
on the report of the Clerk, which is as follows:
A. R.
Lunsford, et al Clerks
Report of payment of
VS purchase money
J. W.
Lunsford, et al for
lands sold
To the worshipful
And that on this
Wm H. Jackson, Clerk
A. B. Hearning, D. C.
And said report, being unexcepted
to, is in all things confirmed. And it
appearing to the Court from said report that J. A. Lunsford and J. G. Keltner
have paid off the purchase money in full for the two tracts respectively
purchased by them in this Cause the sales whereof to them were confirmed at the
January term 1887, in this Cause, it is therefore ordered and decreed that the
lien heretofore retained on said land for said purchase money be, and is hereby
discharged. It is ordered that out of
the funds in his hands in this cause, W. H. Jackson pay W. E. Lynn fifteen
Dollars, and retain the unpaid costs of this cause and his commissions; and
that he pay out of the balance of said fund to the heirs of Wm Lunsford, dec'd in the proportions; and according to their interests,
as heretofore declared in this cause. The interest of minors to be paid to their regular guardians.
Book N - Page 521
A. R.
Lunsford, Et al
J. W.
Lunsford, Et al
This cause came on to be heard, on this the 9th
day of January 1888, upon the application in open Court of J. W. Lunsford, a
defendant in this cause, who was a minor at the time of the filing of the bill
in this cause, to have his interest in the proceeds of the land sold in this
cause paid to him. And it appearing to
the court that the said J. W. Lunsford has attained to the age of twenty one
years, and that he is entitled to one fortieth of the fund in the cause, to wit
Ten & 80/ 7/8 ($10.80 7/8) dollars, less fifty-cents, the costs of this order. It is thereupon ordered that the Clerk of
this Court retain fifty-cents, the cost of this order and pay to said
defendant, J. W. Lunsford, the balance of said sum, to wit $10.30 7/8 and take
his receipt for the same.
Ordered by the Court that Court adjourn
until tomorrow morning at
Bun Carson, Chairman
No. 5
W. R.
Lunsford to the County Court
Application to be released from payment of poll taxes and
road work. It appearing to the court
that W. R. Lunsford is on account of
physical infirmities unable to procure a livelihood by manual labor. It is ordered that he be released from
payment of poll taxes and working on roads.
B. F. Lackey } DECREE
VS }
Lunsford, et als }
The undersigned this day the Clerk presented to the court
his report of disbursements which being unexcepted to
is in all things confirmed and is in the words and figures following to wit:
B. F. Lackey } Clerks Report of Disbursements
VS }
Lunsford, et al }
The undersigned would respectfully report that since his
last report he has made the following disbursements of the ____ in this cause.
He has retained additional
cost of Two and 20/100 dollars. Has paid
David Lunsford $4.08. Has paid Jo Marley Lunsford
$122.76 and has taken their receipts for same which are here shown to the
Wm H. Jackson Clerk
Blair Pierson, D. C.
Book P - Page 151
A. R.
J. W.
Lunsford Et als
This cause was this day further heard upon the Clerks
report of disbursements made herein which being unexcepted
to is in all things confirmed and the words and figures following to wit;
A. R.
VS Clerks Report
J. W.
Lunsford Et als Disbursements
The undersigned would respectfully report that in
obedience to the order of this Court he has made disbursements of the fund in
this case as follows:
Costs and Commission
retained $2.70
Paid to Jno Williams & Wife $10.80 7/8
Paid to W. E. Lynn Atty Fee $15.00
Paid to J. A. Lunsford $43.23 1/2
Paid to J. Wyatt Lunsford $10.80 7/8
Paid to G. C. Lunsford $43.23 1/2
Paid to A. R. Lunsford $43.23 1/2
Paid to G. C. Lunsford assignee of Turner $43.23 1/2
Paid to A. R. Osteen $43.23 1/2
Paid to H. M. Byrn wife of Geo Byrn $43.23 1/2
Paid to J. G. & Sophronia Keltner $43.23 1/2
Paid to M. H. Davis Guardian $8.65
Paid to G. C. Lunsford Agent $8.65
Paid to A. M. Lunsford Assignee Wyatt $43.23
G. C.
Lunsford Assignee $43.23 1/2
And have taken their
receipt for same which are shown to the Court
Respectfully Submitted
Wm H. Jackson, Clerk by Blair Pierson D. C.
B. F. Lackey }
VS }
Lunsford, et als }
In this cause it is ordered by the court that W. H.
Jackson, former Clerk of this Court, report instanter
what notes given for land sold in this cause on moneys are in his hands, until
the coming in or which report all other questions herein answered, and now on
the coming in or aid report which being unexcepted to
is in all things confirmed and is in the words and figures following, to wit;
B. F. Lackey }
VS } Former Clerk Report of
Lunsford, et als } Moneys
on Hand
undersigned former Clerk of this Court in obedience to the order made herein
would respectfully report that there is in his hands in the cause the sum of
fifteen 13/100 dollars which belongs to James Lunsford.
Wm. H. Jackson
Whereupon H. D. Glass who
has been appointed Special Commission in this cause comes into Court with J. Y.
Barbee and J. E. Palmer for his sureties and entered into bond in the penal sum
of Thirty Dollars conditioned and payable as required by law which said bond is
acknowledged in open Court by all the parties approved by the Court and is in
the words and figures following to wit;
H. D. Glass has been appointed Special Commission of this Court in the above
Cause and is required to give bond therein. Thereupon W. H. D. Glass and J. Y. Barbee and
J. E. Palmer are held and firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the penal
sum of Thirty ($30) Dollars to be void if the above bounded H. D. Glass as said
Commissioner shall promptly pay over to the parties entitled to the money
coming into his hands in this cause and shall promptly comply with the orders
of the Court in this cause. Otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
Witness our hands this the
18th day of Oct 1890.
D. Glass
Y. Barbee
E. Palmer
J. F. Young, Chairman of the County Court
B. F. Lackey }
VS } Special Commissioners
Lunsford, et als } Report
To the worshipfull
County Court of Lauderdale County
Made in this cause this
H. D. Glass, Special
The proceedings in this
cause were had on the 13th and entered in today's minutes.
A. R. Lunsford Et al }
VS }
J. W.
Lunsford, Et al }
In this cause it is ordered by the Court that W. H.
Jackson, former Clerk of this Court, report instanter
what notes given for land sold in this cause or moneys on in his hands until
the coming in of which report all other questions herein answered and now upon
the coming in of said report which being unexcepted
to and is in all
things confirmed and is in the words and figures following, to wit;
A. R.
Lunsford Et al } Former Clerks Report of
VS } Moneys on
J. W.
Lunsford, Et al }
The undersigned former Clerk would respectfully report in
obedience to an order made herein that there is in this case in his hands the
sum of $4.32 of which $2.16 belongs to Stephen Lunsford,
$1.08 belongs to Andrew Lunsford.
W. H.
Whereupon W. D. Glass who
has been appointed Special Commissioner in this Cause came into Court with J.
Y. Barbee and J. E. Palmer for his sureties and entered into bond in the penal
sum of Eight Dollars conditioned and payable as the law directs, which was
acknowledged in open Court by all the parties and approved by the Court and is
in the ....
A. R.
Lunsford Et al }
VS }
J. W.
Lunsford, Et al }
In the County Court of Lauderdale
County Tennessee. Whereas H. D.
Glass has been appointed Special Commissioner of this Court in the above styled
cause and is required to give bond therein.
Thereupon we W. H. Glass and J. Y. Barbee and J. E. Palmer are held and
firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the penal sum of Eight ($8.00)
Dollars to be void if the above bounden H. D. Glass as said Commissioner shall
promptly pay over to the parties entitled to the money coming into his hands in
the Cause and shall promptly comply with the orders of this court in this
cause, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
Witness our hands this 13th day of October
D. Glass
Y. Barbee
E. Palmer
J. F. Young, Chairman of
the County Court
It is therefore ordered by the Court that W. H. Jackson,
former Clerk of this Court, turn over to H. D. Glass who has been appointed
Special Commissioner in this cause, all the notes and money he has in his hands
in this Cause. And that he report instanter to this court until the coming in of which report
all other questions herein answered, and now on the coming in of said report
which being unexcepted to is in all things confirmed
and is in the words and figures following to wit;
A. R.
Lunsford Et al }
VS } Special Commissioner
J. W.
Lunsford, Et al } Report
To the worshipful County Court of
Lauderdale County Tennessee. The
undersigned Special Commissioner in this cause Respectfully
reports that W. H. Jackson, former Clerk of this Court has turned over into his
hands the money mentioned and described in the above report made in this cause.
H. D.
Glass Special Commissioner
The proceeding
in this cause were had on the 13th and were entered in the
minutes of this day.
A. R.
Osteen }
VS }
Osteen Et al }
In this cause it is ordered by the Court that W. H.
Jackson, former clerk of this Court, report instanter
what notes given for Land sold on moneys he has in his hands in the Cause until
the coming in of which report all other questions herein answered. And upon the coming in of said report which
is unexcepted to and is in all things confirmed and
is in the words and figures following to wit:
A. R.
Osteen }
VS } Former Clerks Report of
Osteen Et al } Moneys on hand
The undersigned former clerk of this Court in obedience
to an order made herein respectfully reports that there is in his hands in this
Case the sum of Seventy Five 36/100 dollars of which $37.68 belongs to Anthony
Osteen and the balance to Alonzo E. Osteen.
Respectfully Submitted
Whereupon it is ordered by
the Court that H. D. Glass be appointed Special
Commissioner in this Cause. When the
said H. D. Glass came into open Court with J. Y. Barbee and J. E. Palmer for
his securities and entered into bond in the penal sum of One Hundred and Fifty
dollars conditioned and payable as required by law which was acknowledged in
open court the all the parties approved by the Court and is in the words and
figures following to wit:
A. R.
Osteen }
VS }
Osteen Et al }
In the County Court of Lauderdale
County Tennessee. Whereas H. D.
Glass has been appointed Special Commissioner of this Court in this the above styled
cause and is required to give bond therein.
Therefore we H. D. Glass and J. Y Barbee and J. E. Palmer are held and
firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the penal sum of One Hundred and
Fifty -- Dollars to be void if the above bounden H. D. Glass as said
Commissioner shall promptly pay over to the parties entitled to the money
coming into his hands in this Cause and shall promptly comply with the orders
of this Court in this cause otherwise to remain in full force and affect.
Witness our hands this 13th
day of October 1890
Approved H.
D. Glass
Y. Barbee
E. Palmer
It is therefore ordered by
the Court that William H. Jackson, former Clerk of this Court, turn over to H.
D. Glass, Special Commissioner in this Cause, all the notes and money he has in
his hands in this Cause and that he report instanter
to this Court until the coming in of which report all other questions herein
answered. And now upon the coming in of
said report which being unexcepted is in all things
confirmed and is in the words and figures following to wit;
A. R.
Osteen }
VS } Special
Osteen Et al } Report
To the Worshipful County Court of
Lauderdale County Tennessee. The
undersigned Special Commissioner in this Cause respectfully reports that W. H.
Jackson, former Clerk of this Court, has turned over into his hands all the
moneys mentioned and described in the above report made in this cause.
The proceedings in this
cause were had on the 13th and entered on the minutes of this day.
Book Q, Page 411
Wm. R. Burnham }
VS }
John Williams & Wife,
Et Als }
On motion of the complainant and it appearing to the
court that all the defendants in the cause to wit; Defendents
John Williams and Wife Elizabeth [Lunsford] Williams, Laura Lunsford,
Andrew Lunsford and Stephen Lunsford, have all been served with process in the
cause more than five days before the present term of the court. It is therefore ordered by the court that complainants
bill be taken for confessed against the defendants John Williams & Wife Elizabeth Williams and set for hearing exparte
as to them and it appearing to the court that the defendant Laura Lunsford, Stephen Lunsford and Andrew Lunsford
are minors under twenty one years of age and have no regular guardian, the
court is pleased to appoint Geo. W. Young Esq. Guardian ad-litem
for said minor defendants to defend this suit for them.
Ordered that court adjourn until
tomorrow morning
J. F.
Young, Chairman
Book Q, Page 413
Wm. R. Burnham }
VS }
John Williams Et ux, Et al }
This cause was this day heard upon the bill exhibit
thereto order proconfesso against the defendant John
Williams and wife Elizabeth Williams
answer of the minor defendants Laura Lunsford,
Stephen Lunsford and Andrew Lunsford by their guardian ad-litem
George W. Young and proof and on the trial of this cause complainant read as
evidence the record and proceeding and decree in the cause of A. R. Lunsford et
al VS J. W. Lunsford et al, hereto-fore
pending in this court when it appeared to the court that the complainant and
defendants Elizabeth Williams wife of
defendant John Williams, Laura Lunsford,
Stephen Lunsford and Andrew Lunsford are the owners in fee or tenants in common
of the two tracts of land in the pleading described the complainant owning an
undivided one fourth part in value of said two tracts of land, the defendant Elizabeth Williams owning an undivided one fourth part in
value of said two tracts of land, the defendant Laura
Lunsford owning an undivided one fourth part in value of said two
tracts of land, the defendant Stephen Lunsford
owning an undivided one eighth part in value if said two tracts of land and the
defendant Andrew Lunsford owning an undivided one
eighth part in value of said two tracts of land, the court doth so adjudge and
decree said two tracts of land bounded as follows, both lying and being in the
6th Civil district of Lauderdale County, Tennessee. One tract, beginning at a stake in the West
line of an entry for 640 acres in the name of Thomas Henderson (now W. K.
Lackey) Mulberry Elm and Horn Beam pointers runs West 100 poles to a stake in a
field thence North 45 degrees West 44 poles to a stake then North 26 poles to a
stake thence South 75 degrees West 54 1/2 poles to a stake in an old field
thence South 115 poles to a stake in the North boundary line of Wm. R.
Burnham's tract thence East with the North boundary line of John W. Lucas's old
Shearer place 51 poles to a stake then North 64 poles to a stake - Lucas's
corner thence East with his line 33 poles to a stake thence North 6 poles to a
stake thence East 30 poles to a stake with Poplar pointer thence South 12 poles
to a stake Hoeft's corner, thence South 83 degrees
east 109 poles to a Dogwood, with 3 Elm Pointers thence North 55 poles to a
stake in W. K. Lackey's South line thence West 35 poles to Lackey's Southwest
corner thence North 20 poles to the beginning containing by estimation 100
The other tract is bounded
as follows; Beginning at a stake in the
Emily Thompson branch and in the line of Wm Boydston's
tract being the southwest corner of the Carson 35 acre tract runs thence East
along said branch to a stake in the branch thence South 50 degrees East 8 poles
thence South 75 degrees East 23 poles to a stake ..... in the branch thence
South 40 degrees east 6 poles, thence North 60 degrees East 7 3/4 poles thence
North 60 degrees West 10 1/2 poles thence North 20 degrees East 7 poles to a
Beach Stanley's corner, thence East 68 poles to a stake in Curlin's
line thence South with his line 34 poles to a stake in the North boundary line
of the Lunsford 100 acre tract thence South 75
degrees West 14 poles to a stake in an old field thence South with the line of
said 100 acre tract 62 poles to a stake by the branch thence West 89 poles to a
stake Burnham's Northwest corner thence North 42 poles to a stake thence West
40 poles to a stake in Boydston's East boundary line
thence North 45 poles to the beginning containing 63 acres 107 poles.
These two tracts of land were laid off to the heirs of Stephen Lunsford by decree of the court in the cause of A. R. Lunsford et al VS J. W. Lunsford
et al, see Minute Book N, Pages 136 &c of this court.
And it appearing to the court that said two tracts of
land lie adjoining each other and would better sell, sold together than
separately and that the premises are so situated that partition thereof cannot
be made, and that the premises and such description that it would be manifestly
for the advantage of the parties that the same should be sold instead of
partitioned the court doth so adjudge and decree.
is therefore decreed by the court that the clerk of this court after
advertising by printed hand-bills a five or more public places in Lauderdale
County, proceed..........for partition at public auction at the court house in
Ripley Tennessee for one fourth of the purchase money cash in hand paid and the
balance on a credit of one and two years from date of sale and for the deferred
payments take notes with two good and solvent sureties and retain a lien upon
said land until the same are paid in full, and ascertain if there are any taxes
due upon said land on the day of the sale thereof that are a lien upon it, if
any what amount and report it said fact and his report of sale to the next term
of this county.
S, Page 524
A. R.
Lunsford, Admr. ξ
ξ Appointment &
William Lunsford ξ
appearing to the court that William Lunsford,
late a resident of Lauderdale County, Tennessee is dead -- that he died
intestate, and that there has been no administration upon his estate -- and that A. R. Lunsford having applied to the court to be appointed
administrator of said estate and the court being satisfied of his right to
administer, doth hereby appoint him, and order that letters open to him upon
his entering into bond, with good and sufficient security as required by law,
and taking the oath prescribed by the statutes, said bond to be in the sum of
eight hundred dollars. Thereupon the
said A. R. Lunsford with G. C. Lunsford and J. G. Keltner
for his securities appeared in open court, and they entered into bond in the
sum of eight hundred dollars, conditioned and payable as required by law, and
said bond being approved and accepted by the court and said A. R. Lunsford sworn according to law. Letters are issued to him accordingly.
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Researched and Transcribed by Deborah Lunsford Yates
Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2004
Last Updated Monday, July 19,
2004, 9:42:21 PM CST