Pleas and
- 1848
Court met according to
Ordered by Court that a
Jury review be appointed to mark and lay off a road the nearest and best way
from William Crain to intersect the road leading to Carthage the said jury
being first sworn and report to next court:
Landon Shoemaker, John Price, MOSES LINVILLE, William Rotton, Alexander Lowery, Jacob Anderson, William Crain - .
February Term 1809
Ordered by Court that the
following men be appointed to view a road around MOSES LENVILLE’S field the
nearest and best way to meet Alexander, James McClain, Elijah War, James Bounds
and William Pryer and report the same to next court.
Page 18
John Crook, Admr.
vs ) Asst.
consent of the securities and with the assent of the Court the trial this cause
is postponed till the afternoon of the present day.
Page 25
John Crook Sur Admr
of John Kirby Goolsby, Dec ) Asst.
This day dame the parties by their own attorneys and there upon
came a Jury of good & lawful men to wit, William Marlow, Nathanial Charles,
Sampson Cash, Howard Cash, James W. Halcom, Mark Lowrey, James Farrell and Walker Harrison who being elected
tried and sworn the truth upon the issue found.
Ordered that Court be
adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 0’clock
Page 26
John Cook Sur Admr
By John Kirby Goolsby Dec’d ) Asst.
This day by consent of the parties and with the assent of the
Court, James W. Halcom one of the Jurors sworn in the
above cause from Giving a verdict in the above cause is acquitted and forever
discharged and with the assent of the parties William Graham was sworn a juror
in his room and Stead in the above cause.
Page 50
Crook Snr Admr.
Of John Kirby Goolsby Dec’d ) Asst.
vs Issd
This day came the parties by their attornies
and there upon came the Jury who were sworn at the present term of this Court
to speak the truth upon the issue joined between the parties upon their oath do
say that the Defendant did not assume and take upon him self in manner and form
as the plaintiff against him hath complained as in pleading he hath alledged. There fore
it considered by the Court that the Defendant go hence with out day and recover
against the plaintiff his cost by him about his defence
in this behalf expended. From which
Judgment the plaintiff prayed for and obtained an appeal to the honorable
Circuit Court to be holden for the County of White at
the Court House in Sparta on the first Monday in March next and filed his
reason there fore which was enrolled and ordered to be made a part of the
record in this cause, and for the faithful prosecution of his said appeal
entered into and acknowledged bond with Anthny
Dibrell and William H. Campbell in the sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned
as the law requires.
State of
At a Court began and held for the County of White at the Court
house in the town of Sparta before the Quorum Justices of said Court on the
first Monday being the third day of September in the year of our Lord One
thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and of the Independence of the United
States of America the sixty third year.
Present the Worshipful
John Jett ( Esquires
David Snodgrass (
John Bryan ( Justices
Issd; This day was exhibited in open Court a
writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Stephen Farley late of
the County of White deceased and the due execution and publication thereof as
the last will and testament of said Stephen Farley deceased and was provided in
open Court by the oaths of William
Goodwin and PLEASANT LYNNVILLE two of the subscribing witnesses thereto for the
purposes and things therein contained and that the said Stephen Farley at the
date of the execution and publication thereof as such was of sound and
disposing mind and memory all of which is ordered to be recorded and at the
same time appeared in open Court Thomas Tallent and
Jeremiah Farley the Executors nominated and appointed by the said Stephen
Farley in said last will and Testament who agree to take upon themselves the
further of the execution (P-254) of the said last will and Testament and
thereupon took the oath required by law and together with William Goodwin,
PLEASANT LYNVILLE and Pleasant Farley entered into and acknowledged bon in the
sum of One thousand Dollars and conditioned as the law requires.
William Goodwin
Personally appeared before me Nicholas Oldham Clerk of White
County Court, William Lynville, the within named
conveyor with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged the due
execution of the within and for the purpose therein conceived which is
Witness my hand at office this 5th Febry 1844
N. Oldham Clerk of
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Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2004
Last Updated Monday, July 19,
2004, 9:43:09 PM CST