1932 ~ 1972 The Wynne
Progress Obituaries
Mrs. Eula Ray
Morelock of Route 1, Bay Road, Wynne, died Sunday morning at her
home. She was 40 years of age. She was born at West Plains, Missouri, and
was a member of the Cherry Valley She leaves her husband, Dale Morelock;
three sons, William Carroll Morelock of Cherry Valley and Lilburn and Dean
Morelock, both of the home; four daughters, Misses Carolyn, Eunice, Dianne and Patricia
Morelock, all of the home; one brother, Verdie
Middlecoff of Hoxie; three sisters, Mrs. Alpha Bryant of Batesville,
Mrs. Gladys Johnson of Cobert, Funeral services were Tuesday afternoon at
graveside at Reverend
James Decanter officiating. Kernodle
Funeral Home was charge of arrangements.
© Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2002 Last Updated Thursday, June 20, 2002, 9:36:06 PM CST