Son of William Lunsford and Mariah
"Marcie" Norris Lunsford THE LAUDERDALE Funeral services for the late G.C. Lunsford will be
preached the 5th Sunday in May at Confederate veterans THE LAUDERDALE Report of
Confederate Veterans: "Since our
organization May 1897 (these deaths
of members have occurred): W.H. Jackson, G.C. Jennings, Robt.
Jeffries, J.A. Jackson, G.C. Lunsford, J.A. Waldin." (W.H.
Jackson's death was reported in issue of Waldin's in ACCOUNT BOOK 1894-1901 Coffin ordered for G. C. Lunsford Estate, 6'3" paid by Charley Lunsford "hearse to
© Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2002 Last Updated Thursday, June 20, 2002, 10:16:11 PM CST