The Lauderdale Enterprise February, 1912 The OBITUARY OF HANNAH LUNSFORD BYRN The After a lingering illness at her home two
miles north of Ripley, Mrs. Hannah Lunsford BYRN entered into rest She was the
daughter of William and Mariah LUNSFORD who died in 1884 and 1890
respectively; was the mother of fifteen, seven of whom are now living and
were with her during her last illness and at the time of her death, to
wit: Mrs. Fannie E. Stewart, Mrs.
Georgia A. Thompson, J. W. Byrn, R. L. Byrn, Walter Byrn, and Mrs. Cora B.
Caldwell, all of whom are now living near the old home place except J. W. and
R. L. Byrn who reside in Brownsville, Haywood County, Tennessee. Besides
being the mother of fifteen children, she was the grandmother of thirty
children and the great grandmother of twenty-six children. Her only living brother, A. R. LUNSFORD, of She was a
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at ...The
remains were laid to rest in Mr. A. R.
Lunsford of Monette, Ark., who was called here by the death of his sister,
Mrs. Hannah Byrn, returned home Monday. [ State of Name of Deceased: Mrs. Hanna Burns 652 Date of
Death: Sex: F Color: W Age: 70 years Place of
Death: Near Ripley Cause of
Death: Uremic
Poison Place of
Birth: Lauderdale Co. Occupation: House Keeper Physician: G. A. Lusk Date
Recorded: Aug 8 - 1912 County Court
Clerk: Lee B. Archer
© Deborah Lunsford Yates 2000 - 2002 Last Updated Tuesday, July 30, 2002, 10:29:43 PM CST