~~DEATH~~ Lauderdale County, as well as Haywood
County, sustained a great loss in the passing away of J.W. BYRN, which sad
event occurred at his home in He followed his usual avocation the
previous day, returning to his home at the usual evening hour. After supper, he suffered slightly with
indigestion, but upon retiring, had seemingly recovered from the attack, and
later was found sleeping peacefully. When the daughter went to his bedside
to call him to breakfast, it was discovered that his gentle spirit had taken
its flight, possibly several hours earlier. There was no evidence that he had
undergone the least pain or struggle, but like a tired child, had fallen
asleep. His posture was so typical of his life ,at peace with his Maker and
all mankind, and no person who knew him, could doubt the final resting place of a life as pure and noble. Though he had been a resident of He was married to Miss Birdie HOBSON, of
Lewisburg, about 35 years ago, and besides his wife, is survived by one daughter,
Mrs. Arthur ROSE, of Brownsville; three brothers, R.L. BYRN & Walter
BYRN, both of Mercedes, Texas and Green BYRN, of Ripley; two sisters, Mrs.
Fannie STEWART & Mrs. H. D. CALDWELL, both of Ripley. Deceased would have been 69 years of
age in June.
© Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2002 Last Updated Tuesday, July 30, 2002, 9:55:49 PM CST