Born Daughter of George Chipman and Mary Ann Jones Wife of Rezin Berryman Ferguson
and mother of George F. Ferguson The Lauderdale
Enterprise Issue ~ Mary's Chapel ~ Mrs. Tennie after an illness of typhoid fever. Mrs. Ferguson
was born March 29, 1859, and was married in 1875 ( in death three years. For 23 years
she had been a member of Grace Baptist church. She is
survived by five children --- Mrs. Tessa Riley of Effie
Holloway, Mrs. Eddie Webb, George and Tom Ferguson of this county, and one
brother and sister, Mr. James Chipman of and Mrs. M.
F. Gray of this place. The funeral
was conducted by Rev. Tracy after which her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery here. [Burial was
in Mary's Chapel cemetery] ~ Whitefield
~ Mr. Jim
Chipman of here by the
death of Mrs. R. B. Ferguson ~ Mary's
Chapel ~ Mr. James Chipman
of were called here by the death of their
mother and sister, Mrs. Tennie Ferguson. Mrs. Narcissa Tennessee Ferguson estate - C. M. Ferguson, adm.
© Deborah
Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2002 Last
Updated Sunday, September 08, 2002, 8:05:47 AM CST