January 7, 1855 ~ September 20, 1912


Born Lauderdale County, Tennessee

Son of  Felix Grundy Ferguson and Darthula P. Byrn



The Lauderdale Enterprise

Ripley, Tennessee


 Issue September 27, 1912




          Friday afternoon while hauling hay on his farm three miles east of Ripley, Berry Ferguson, aged about 65, in some way was thrown from his wagon and one leg broken and his head badly bruised.


He was unconscious when found, some two hours after he had left the house. 


He regained consciousness and explained in a way how the accident occurred and said he was dragged some distance after falling.


 He died late that night from the effect of his injuries. 


He leaves a wife and six children. 


Burial was in Mary's Chapel cemetery




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Last Updated Sunday, September 08, 2002, 7:32:46 AM CST