LUNSFORD Son of Green C. Lunsford and Mariah Louise Thompson
Newspaper Ripley,
1890 ~~DIED~~ It is with a feeling of regret and deepest sorrow
that we chronicle the death of our young and promising citizen, W.R.
Lunsford. He died of Typhoid Pneumonia Monday morning at the
home of his father, Mr. Green C. Lunsford, living about four miles north of
Ripley. It was only last June That Bob completed the
curriculum in Lauderdale Institute, and with boundless expectations, in
October, entered the Vanderbilt Medical School, from which he returned a few
weeks ago bearing the respects and admirations of all. But, his bright future is forever shadowed by the
darkness of death and the joyous return to mother's arms and dear old home,
is thus ultimately eternal farewell, and an everlasting absence in the
unknown realms of the great hereafter. We are sad; but to the bereaved parents we tender
the consolations, that they reared to manhood a noble son who perhaps
consecrated his life on the altar of earnest endeavor to achieve success, and
bring honor to his family.
© Deborah Lunsford Yates, 2000 - 2002 Last Updated Thursday, June 20, 2002, 9:53:24 PM CST