Will and Inventoryh of Richard Lyman


Home   Will   
1st 2nd Generation Richard I Richard II  
3rd4th5th6th7thGeneration Richard III Samuel Samuel James James 
  8th9th10 th11 th Generation  Samue Chester  Franklin Alvin  
12 th Generation  Leslie  
13thGeneration Pat   Bob  Gerry  Bill  Peg  Mary  Terri  Lynne 
14th Generation  Vikki  Bill Jr  Marie  Sam  Patti  Andi 

[From Colonial Records, vol. 1. HARTFORD, CONN.
    The last Will and Testament of RICHARD LYMAN, being in p'fect memory, I giue unto my wife all my houseing and lands dureing her life, and one-third p'te of my lands to dispose at her death amongst my children as sheo pleaseth, and I giue to her all my moucable goods, as Cattell and houshold stuffe, and all other impliments or mouables. And the other two p'ts of my land I give to my clder sonne Richard, and to his heires forever, and if he dy without an heir, then I giue yt to my sonne Robert, and to his heires forever. For my son Richard my mynd is that the Cattell I have formerly giuen him that he shall enjoy. To my daughter Sarah, besids the Cattell I formerly haue giuen her, my will is that my wife shall pay her twenty pounds to yeres after my death. To my sonne John Lyman I giue him thirty pownds, to be paid him by my wife, att two and twenty yeres of age, and the hoggs that I formerly haue giuen him, I giue unto my wife, and if he contends wth her and will not be content my wife should enjoy the hoggs, then yt is my will that shee should not pay him the thirty pownds. To my sonne Robert, I giue twenty fower pownds, to be paid him at twenty-two yeres of age; and to my daughter Fillis, the wife of Willis Hills, I giue tenne shillings; and I make my wife sole executrix to this my will.
Dated the 22d of Aprill, 1640.
    The two prts of my land and howse I giue to Richard Lyman my sonne; the reson of writeing this is because the word howse was not formerly expressed. RICHARD LYMAN.
Read, sealed and deld in the prsents of us, Tho. Bull, John Moodie, Andrew Bacon.July 24th.

    The wydow Lymans mynd is that her sonne Richard Lyman should performe her husbands will, and that her sonne Robert should liue wth him till he be twenty two yeres of age, and then shee giues Robert Lyman the third prte of the howsen and grounds, and for prformance of her husbands will shee giues Richard all her moucable goods both wthout the howse and wthin, only her wcuring cloathes and some of her lining shee will dispose of.

A Inuentory of the goods of Richard Lyman, dcceased, made the V1th of Septeber, 1641.
  • A Cow and a Cow calfe �8. 10. 00
  • Item, a heifer of a yere and half old 4. 00. 00
  • It: a bull, 4l. 10s.;
  • It: a goate and 2 kids, 1l. 13s. [6. 03. 00
  • It: 8 hoggs and halfe a sowe, nnd the pewtre 10. 00. 00
  • It: one acro of mislin (a mixture of wheat and rye) 3. 10. 00
  • It: an acre of summer wheat, 21, 102.; an acre of oats, 21 4. 10. 00
  • It: 3 roods of pease and barly 1. 10. 00
  • It: 5 acres of Indian Corne 8. 15. 00
  • It: for squared tymber, planke and board 1. 05. 00
  • It: a cart and plow and tacklin belonging to them 1. 08. 06
  • It: a Tabell, forms and chaires, 8s; It: a Cubbard, 15a[1. 03. 00
  • It: 4 chests, a trunke, a old one 0. 18. 06
  • It: 2 beare vessells, 5s.; It: 4 old firkins, 3s [0. 08. 00
  • It: 1 payle and a wooden platter, 2s.; an old byble, 2a, 6d [0. 04. 06
  • It: 3 kettells, 2 skillitts, and old brasse pot 2. 04. 00
  • It: 2 brass pans and a baking pan 0. 12. 00
  • It: a pestell, a mortar and old kettell 0. 06. 06
  • It: 4 platters, 2 cansticks, drinking pott wth some other smale pieces of pewter 1. 02. 00
  • It: a warmlng pann, a chaffin dish and pewtre botell 0. 09. 00
  • It: 2 frying pans, 3 Iron potts 1. 00. 00
  • It: a cob iron, a gridiron, a trammel, a fire pan, doggs and some other old iron 0. 11. 00
  • It: 2 fier locke pieces, a sowrd and belt 2. 03. 00
  • It: a sacke and wool 0. 08. 00
  • It: 2 bedds and bowlsters and pillowes 6. 00. 00
  • It: 3 Couerlids, 4 blankets, 3 straw bedds 4. 08. 00
  • It: 8 Curtens, 1l.; 3 bedsteds, 6s.; Tewed1 skins, 8s. 1. 14. 00
  • It: 2 Wheels, 9 pre sheets and one odd one 3. 13. 08
  • It: 4 table cloathes and a dossen and halfe napkins 1. 09. 00
  • It: 7 pillobers and 2 other smale peeces of linnen 0. 13. 06
  • It: a coate, Jergen, 2 dubletts, and a pre of breeches, 1. 10. 00
  • It: 2 sythes wth their tacklin. 2 Iadders 0. 12. 00
  • It: a churne and meat in yt., 4 howes 0. 16. 00
  • It: 2 wedges, 2 betel rings, 2 sawes 0. 16. 00
  • It: a broad axc, 2 harrow axes, wimbell and chisells 0. 11. 00
  • It: a powdering trofe 0. 01. 00
  • Some is 83l. 16s, 2d,
Lyman Family

Last updated Jan. 02, 2004
Created by Bill Lyman