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COFER3,87 was born in 1815 in Of, Clark Co, KY.3,87 She died
in 1860.3,87 She was also known as Aunt Pop. She is
reference number 47057. She has Ancestral File Number R529-CG.
[mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Polly (Aunt Pop) COFER female b 1815 of Clark Co KY. !AFN:R529-2W; Co-Submitters: Kris Anne GUSTAVSON, 1338 Nancarrow Ct, San Jose CA 95120; Betty Jo GILLESPIE, 1199 Oakridge Dr, La Verns CA 91750; NOTE: Polly (Aunt Pop) COFER, b 1815 of Clark Co KY; died 1860. Parents: Jacob COFER and Mildred Elizabeth HARRISON. Rachel COFER3,87 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47097. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: James COFER, married Judah; in 1782 had 12 in family: James, Rachel, Judah, Thomas, Margaret, Mary; this next group he holds suspect: Rhoda, John, Henry, Martha. Parents: James COFER and Partheney. Spouse: James HERRING. James HERRING and Rachel COFER were married on 2 Apr 1782.3,87 Reference Number:830720 Rachel Marina COFER3,87 was born on 30 Mar 1843 in Ste. Genevieve Co, MO.3,87 She died on 21 Apr 1932 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA.3,87 She was buried on 23 Apr 1932 in Forest Lawn Cemetery, San Francisco, Sf Co, CA.3,87 She is reference number 47148. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !CENSUS-BIRTH: 5 Aug 1850; District # 80 St Francois Co MO; pg 155 & 309; Fm 53 Dw 53. film a t Gresham Lib. NOTE: Marina COFER age 8 f b MO. !CENSUS: 1860 Fed Cen; LDS# 803645; Liberty Twp St Francois Co MO; pg 7; Dw 42 Fm 42. NOTE : R M COFFER age 17 f b MO. !CENSUS: 1870 Grafton PO Jersey Co IL, Twp 6, range 12, line 27, page 29, ; NOTE: PELIHO Edward 26 m w cooper IL Rachel M. 26 f w keeping house MO Emily 2 f w MO HARRIS Eliza 14 f w --- Sarah J. 12 f w --- COFER Larkin 71 M, W. !E-Mail: [email protected];25 Sep 1998; Garland Hurst PILLIAR; 22 Sep 1998, page from his bab y book by mail;GH PILLIAR P O Bx 24 Quincy WA 98848-0024. !SOUNDEX: 1880 ND Territory Soundex, Burleigh Co, vol 1 ED 81, sheet 24, line 27; NOTE: Edwar d W. PILLIAR w, m, age 40 b IL *Rachel M. w, age 36 b MO Emma D. daughter age 12 b MO Cora D daughter age 1 KA. !CENSUS; 18 & 19 Jun 1880 North Dakota Territory page 24 ED 81; 181\193, 183 &195 and 184\196 ; NOTE: Rucker A COFFER lives a house above and Jackson lives a house below. Parents: Larken A. COFER and Rachel ALEXANDER. Spouse: George HARRIS. George HARRIS and Rachel Marina COFER were married on 10 Sep 1861.3,87 Reference Number:817625 Spouse: Cooper Edward D. PILLIAR. Cooper Edward D. PILLIAR and Rachel Marina COFER were married on 11 Apr 1867 in Hardin, Calhoun Co, IL.3,87 Reference Number:831590 Corporal Reuben COFER3,87 was born in 1763 in Of, Culpepper Co, VA.3,87 He died on 28 Oct 1839 in , Bath Co, KY.3,87 He is reference number 47030. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Correspondence from Betty I SILFIES 3023 Livingston St Allentown PA 18104; 610-434-3831; E-mail CVCC 06 @prodigy.com; dated 8 Dec 1996; NOTE: ...Ancestral File Family ver 4.15; AFN: R529-LN; Reuben COFER b abt 1758; Penciled in ...arrived KY 1787; died Bath Co KY 1840. !FAMILY-HISTORY-RESIDENCE: In Search of MORGAN's Station and "The Last Indian Raid in KENTUCKY" by Harry G ENOCH; NOTE: page 147; Montgomery County Pioneers from the 179 7 Tax Assessment Rolls; Reuben COFER, (COPHER). Page 65; NOTE: In March of 1791 families a re listed as residing at Morgan's Station, seven single men are listed, among them is Reube n COFER. Page 69; NOTE: 2nd March 1791 the Indians backtracked on the trail of the now dea d John WADE which brought them to Morgan's Station. James WADE said, " From this on they dog ged us for two weeks." There were only five men at the station--Reuben COFER......Reuben wa s with James WADE to track the Indians......Page 71; NOTE: "David ALLINGTON and Reuben COFER , who were along, were much affrighted (and) made immediately for the station", they were wi th those who discovered REYNOLD's body.....Page 57 & 58; NOTE: They were caught in an ambush , QUOTE: Thomas ROGERS and Reuben COFER were both injured....COFER was hit in the arm and wa s able to joke about it with the other men....John WADE was mortally wounded...The injured we re taken up to the cabins....Page 86; NOTE: 1793, Reuben COFER was again alluded to as bein g a single man.....Page 97; NOTE: 1793, The (whole) station was burnt...and plundered.... cat tle shot with arrows ...Reuben COFER's horse, as well as everyone else's had been stolen..... ...Page 138; NOTE: ....Reuben COFER, another Revolutionary War pensioner, settled in Bath Cou nty and died there in 1828. !RESEARCH-TO-DO: Counties, before 1790 begin with Montgomery Co VA; 1790 Bourbon Co KY; 1800, Montgomery, Clark, Bourbon, Nicholas; 1810, Montgomery; 1820, Bath. !MARRIAGE: IGI 1994-ver 3.06; NOTE: Reuben COFER male married 1783 KY to Miss MC CLANAHAN. !FAMILY-HISTORY-RESIDENCE: In Search of MORGAN's Station and "The Last Indian Raid in KENTUCKY" by Harry G ENOCH; NOTE: page 153; Montgomery County Pioneers from the 179 7 Tax Assessment Rolls; James McCLANAHAN. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Reuben C OFER, 1759-60, married 1826 to Gincey McCLANAHAN of KY; married 1st Jane DAVIS 1809, (Peter ) Sr, Elizabeth PAGE. !CENSUS: 1787 Census of VA, Vol 1, pages 1-784; PGF; Fayette Co KY Personal Property Tax List "C", page 16; NOTE: Reuben COPHER in the household of Jesse COPHER. !PENSION: Rev. War Pension Files, vol. 1, page 693, NOTE:Reuben COFFER or COFER, Gincey, W1 027, BLW #26533-160-55, 18 Apr 1818 Montgomery Co KY Reuben COFFER aged 55 declares he enlisted 1778 und er Capt. KIRTLEY, in the Reg. of Col. Frances TAYLOR, and continued as Corpo ral in that Regiment over two years and was discharged at Winchester, (Berkle y Co) VA. 04 Oct 1820 Montgomery Co KY Reuben COFFER age 59 or 60 declares that he enl isted in 1778-9 in VA in the Co. of Capt KIRKLEY in the Regiment of France s TAYLOR and served until 1781 when discharged in Winchester Va by Col. TAYLOR. He owns one mare and colt one cow and two spring calves two sows and 15 pigs one bed and household furniture valued at $100. and owes a judgement of $130 and costs and small deb ts of $100.00 and had owing to him about $50.00. 18 Feb 1826 Bath Co KY marriage bond: Reuben (X) COFFER to Gincey McCLANAHAN Surety by Elijah COPHER (signed E. COFER) 24 Feb 1826 marriage return by Samuel JACKSON a preacher of the Gospel. 12 Aug 1853 F. Rand writes from Owingsville (Bath Co) KY that Jane COFFER, wid ow of Reuben COFFER, requests a copy of her husband's Pension declaration. 12 Sep 1853 Bath Co KY Gincey (X) COFFER of said county aged 72 declares she i s a widow of Reuben COFFER. She was married 24 Feb 1826 and her husband died 2 8 Oct 1840, and she is still his widow. 10 Oct 1853 Bath Co KY. James SUDDETH declares Gincey COFFER is widow of Reu ben COFFER. 15 Mar 1855 Bath Co KY. Gincey (X) COFFER of said county declares she is a wid ow of Reuben COFFER. She was married....etc Her name was Gincey McCLANNAHAN. She applies for land bounty. Haines or Harris (X) COFFER. Reuben COFFER of KY corporal in the VA Line for over two years, was placed on the KY Pen sion Roll at $8.00 per month from three Dec 1818 under the Act of 1818 Cert #697 8 WAS ISSUED 12 Feb 1819. Gincey COFFER, widow of Reuben, Private in the NC Lin e was placed on the KY Pension Roll at $40.00 per annum. Certificate 2678 und er the Act of 1853 was issued 27 Oct 1853. 10 May 1856 Bounty Land Warrant #26533 for 160 acres. Parents: Merchant Thomas T COFER and Mary ANDERSON. Spouse: Jane DAVIS. Corporal Reuben COFER and Jane DAVIS were married in 1809 in Montgomery Co., KY.3,87 Reference Number:829215 Children were: Hiram Murrell COFER, Elijah COFER. Spouse: Jane Gincey Jennie MCCLANAHAN. Corporal Reuben COFER and Jane Gincey Jennie MCCLANAHAN were married on 24 Feb 1826 in , Bath Co, KY.3,87 Reference Number:829223 Children were: Haines Or Harris COFER. Reuben COFER3,87 was born about 1817 in Of, Clark Co, KY.3,87 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 47093. He has Ancestral File Number R529-DM. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !AFN:R529-2W; Co-Submitters: Kris Anne GUSTAVSON, 1338 Nancarrow Ct, San Jose CA 95120; Betty Jo GILLESPIE, 1199 Oakridge Dr, La Verns CA 91750; NOTE: Reuben COFER, abt 1817 of Clark Co KY. Parents: Jacob COFER and Mildred Elizabeth HARRISON. Rhoda COFER3,87 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47102. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: James COFER, married Judah; in 1782 had 12 in family: James, Rachel, Judah, Thomas, Margaret, Mary; this next group he holds suspect: Rhoda, John, Henry, Martha. !MARRIAGE: Marriages of Culpepper Co VA; 1781-1815; PGF; page 43; NOTE: 8 Apr 1782, Stephen HAM & Rhode COFER, Minister: George EVE, Baptist, page 51. Parents: James COFER and Partheney. Spouse: Stephen HAM. Stephen HAM and Rhoda COFER were married on 8 Apr 1782 in , Culpepper Co, VA.3,87 Reference Number:830811 Richard COFER3,87 was born in 1712 in , Charles Co, MD.3,87 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 47205. Parents: John COFER and Elizabeth THOMAS. Spouse: Eleanore. Richard COFER and Eleanore were married. Reference Number:832352 Merchant Rucker A. COFER3,87 was born on 24 Mar 1840 in Liberty Twp, St Francois Co, MO.3,87 He died on 2 Jun 1919 in Mt. Vernon, Skagit Co, WA.3,87 He was buried on 3 Jun 1919 in I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Mt. Vernon, Skagit Co, WA.3,87 He is reference number 46610. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !CENSUS-BIRTH: 5 Aug 1850; District # 80 St Francois Co MO; pg 155 & 309; Fm 53 Dw 53. film a t Gresham Lib. NOTE: Rucker A COFER age 11 m b MO. !CENSUS: 18 & 19 Jun 1880 Federal Census Burleigh Co ND Territory; page 24; 181\193; NOTE: CO FFER Rucker A. w, m, age 39, single, farmer, MO, KY, NC. !CENSUS: 1885 Dakota Territory Census on line index; NOTE: R. A. COFFER, age 41, farmer, b MO , ED 60-018-50, McLean County. !PHONE-BOOK: 1902 Skagit Phine Book, Skagit County Directory page 87; NOTE: COFFER, Jackson COFFER R. A. junk dealer, Front Street. !CENSUS: 1910 LaConner Skagit Co WA; (from Gar PILLAR); NOTE: Rucker A. COFER age 66 male hea d of household, single and a junk merchant; can R & W, Jackson A. COFER living in the househ old. !DEATH: Gar PILLAR [email protected]; 6 Jun 1999; Death Certificate: NOTE: record number 206, M t. Vernon Skagit Co WA, Skagit Hospital,R. A. COFFER, 160 (?) male, white, single, birth 1844 , aged 75, laborer, bp MO,informant: H. E. ALEXANDER Mt. Vernon, RR 3, dd 2 Jun 1919, attende d deceased 15 Apr 1919 to Jun 2 1919 time of death 3:10 pm, cause of death organic heart dise ase, cardiac asthma, duration 15 years, Clinical test, MD W. N. HUNTaddress Burlington' Plac e of burial: IOOF Cemetery Mt. Vernon, undertaker: Raron LIGHT, Mt. Vernon. !FUNERAL: 1919 Record of Funeral, 103, total number 361, number 46 2 Jun 1919; NOTE: R. A. COFFER, white, born MO, blank in space for widow, son or daughter, Order given by W. N . HUNT; Charge to Skagit Co Commissioners (WA), address Mt. Vernon, how secured W. N. HUNT, d ate of funeral, 3 Jun 1919; Residence, Skagit County Home; Place of death, Skagit County Home ; time of funeral,4 pm, cause of death, organie heart disease. !CEMETERY: NSDAR, R. A. COFFER lot 8, block 1, sec 5, unmarked grave, near road, Mt Vernon Ce metery 1200 E. Fir Road, Mt. Vernon, WA, 98273; 360-336-6845; 360-336-2153; e-mail: kerns@cnw .com. Parents: Larken A. COFER and Rachel ALEXANDER. Samuel Boone COFER3,87 was born about 1797 in , Clark Co, KY.3,87 He died in 1879 in Columbia, Boone Co, MO.3,87 He is reference number 47053. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Samuel B COPHER male b abt 1809 Clark Co KY. !FAMILYHISTORY:Correspondence from Betty Jo GILLISPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive LaVerne CA 91750; Data compliled by Jack STIDHAM 808 NE 83rd St Kamsas City MO 64811 (see my copy) QUOTE: Capt Jesse COPHER and Elizabeth BOONE were parents of ..Samue l Boone b 1797 KY d 1879 in Columbia MO m Anna THOMPSON 1818 KY and died in the home of his d aughter and son-in-law Nancy W COPHER and Capt John H L ALLEN. !LAND: Recorder of Deeds; Boone Co MO Original Land Patents; as recorded in MO Pio Co & Gen e Records vol 2, Feb 1968, page 23; NOTE: Township 52 N, Range 13 Samuel B COPHER, 1832. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Samuel B COFER married 1818 Anne THOMPSON, (2) Ann MAUPIN, to MO. Parents: Captain Jesse COFER and Elizabeth BOONE. Spouse: Ann MAUPIN. Samuel Boone COFER and Ann MAUPIN were married. Reference Number:829701 Spouse: Anna THOMPSON. Samuel Boone COFER and Anna THOMPSON were married on 12 Feb 1818 in , Clark Co, KY.3,87 Reference Number:829702 Sarah COFER3,87 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47203. Parents: John COFER and Elizabeth THOMAS. Sarah COFER3,87 was born on 28 Oct 1694 in , Charles Co, MD.3,87 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47208. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH: Steve and Ray COPHER: 20 Nov 1999; NOTE: ...daughter, Sarah, born 28 Oct 1694, of Tho mas COFFER , Emigrant. Parents: Thomas COFER. Parents: Thomas COFER and Mary. Sarah COFER3,87 was born in 1718 in , , VA.3,87 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47096. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Will o f Tom PLUNKETT of 1717 names Tom COFER and Granddaughter, Sarah COFER. **Locate will of To m PLUNKETT******* Parents: Merchant Thomas T COFER and Mary PLUNKETT. Sarah COFER3,87 was born about 1795 in , Clark Co, KY.3,87 She died in 1859 in , Davis Co, IA.3,87 She is reference number 47055. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Sarah COPHER female b abt 1813 Clark Co KY. !FAMILYHISTORY:Correspondence from Betty Jo GILLISPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive LaVerne CA 91750; QUOTE: Capt Jesse COPHER and Elizabeth BOONE were parents of ..Sarah b 1795 KY d 1859 in Davis Co IA m Henry DOOLEY 1819 KY. !MARIAGE: IGI 1994 Ed- Ver 3.06; NOTE: Sarah COFER, female, Married 6 Mar 1819, Clark Co KY; Spouse: Henry DOOLEY. !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Sarah COPHER female b abt 1813 Clark Co KY. !FAMILYHISTORY:Correspondence from Betty Jo GILLISPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive LaVerne CA 91750; QUOTE: Capt Jesse COPHER and Elizabeth BOONE were parents of ..Sarah b 1795 KY d 1859 in Davis Co IA m Henry DOOLEY 1819 KY. !MARIAGE: IGI 1994 Ed- Ver 3.06; NOTE: Sarah COFER, female, Married 6 Mar 1819, Clark Co KY; Spouse: Henry DOOLEY. Parents: Captain Jesse COFER and Elizabeth BOONE. Spouse: Henry DOOLEY. Henry DOOLEY and Sarah COFER were married on 6 Mar 1819 in , Clark Co, KY.3,87 Reference Number:829758 Son COFER3,87 was born on 15 Aug 1827 in , Ste. Genevieve Co, MO.3,87 He died on 15 Aug 1827.3,87 He is reference number 46552. Parents: Larken A. COFER and Rachel ALEXANDER. Susanna COFER3,87 was born about 1759 in Of, Bedford Co, VA.3,87 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47059. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH:AFN:R52C-PG; Submitter: Betty Jo GILLESPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive La Verne CA 91750. QUOTE: Susanna COFER abt 1759 of Bedford Co VA. Parents: Josias COFER and Mary Catherine LANEHART. Sylvester COFER3,87 was born in 1753 in , , VA.3,87 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 46527. Parents: John COFER and Ann. Tabitha COFER3,87 was born in 1780.3,87 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47108. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Tabitha COFER b 1780, married 1798 Richard MARSHALL (Geo MURRELL, surety), (John and Jacob COFER were witnesses. !MARRIAGE: Ridge Runner vol 12, page 7, Queries; NOTER: MARSHALL-COFER, Interested in names of children of Richard MARSHALL and Tabia COFER married 1793 in Albermarle Co VA; Also children of Benjamin MARSHALL and Mary COFER m 1789 Albermarle Co VA; Were they related to Richard MARSHALL who m Mary BOSWELL ALbermarle Co VA 1782?; Martin MARSHALl went from Clavert Co MD to Albermarle Co VA ca 1790 and died in Stokes Co NC 1824 and was related; Need information on his early life. Mrs Betty McGARITY, 1829 Almeta Ave NE, Atlanta GA, 30307. Parents: Jacob COFER and Mildred Elizabeth HARRISON. Spouse: Richard MARSHALL. Richard MARSHALL and Tabitha COFER were married in 1798 in , Albermarle Co, VA.3,87 Reference Number:830926 Thomas COFER3,87 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 47099. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: James COFER, married Judah; in 1782 had 12 in family: James, Rachel, Judah, Thomas, Margaret, Mary; this next group he holds suspect: Rhoda, John, Henry, Martha. Parents: James COFER and Partheney. Spouse: Elizabeth TAYLOR. Thomas COFER and Elizabeth TAYLOR were married on 15 Mar 1792.3,87 Reference Number:830752 Thomas COFER3,87 was born on 15 Aug 1667 in , Charles Co, MD.3,87 He died in 1699 in , Charles Co, MD.3,87 He is reference number 47193. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Mike MARSHALL via Steve and Ray COPHER; 20 Nov 1999; John COFFER, Emigrant ; NOTE: Parents: Planter John COFER and Sarah. Children were: Francis COFER, COFER, John COFER, Sarah COFER. Spouse: Mary. Thomas COFER and Mary were married in , Charles Co, MD.3,87 Reference Number:832149 Children were: Sarah COFER. Thomas COFER3,87 was born in 1720 in , , VA.3,87 He died before 1791 in Culpepper, Culpepper Co, VA.3,87 He is reference number 47095. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Thomas C OFER may be the one who was in the Rev War and received a land grant in SC. !REV-WAR: Index to Revolutionary War "Publick" Claims; PGF; page 53; NOTE: Thomas COFER of Culpepper Co VA made a claim. **check county courts to find inquiry to prove claim** Parents: Merchant Thomas T COFER and Mom RUCKER. Thomas COFER3,87 was born about 1784 in , Clark Co, KY.3,87 He died in 1840 in , Boone Co, MO.3,87 He is reference number 47046. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Thomas COPHER b abt 1795 Clark Co KY. !FAMILYHISTORY:Correspondence from Betty Jo GILLISPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive LaVerne CA 91750; QUOTE: Capt Jesse COPHER and Elizabeth BOONE were parents of ..Thomas b 1784 KY and d 1840 Boone Co MO m Hattie Pat GAY 1805 KY. !LAND: Recorder of Deeds; Boone Co MO Original Land Patents; as recorded in MO Pio Co & Gene Records vol 2, Feb 1968, page 25; NOTE: Township 49, Range 14 Thomas COPHER, 1821. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Thomas COFER fought in The War of 1812. !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Thomas COPHER b abt 1795 Clark Co KY. !FAMILYHISTORY:Correspondence from Betty Jo GILLISPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive LaVerne CA 91750; QUOTE: Capt Jesse COPHER and Elizabeth BOONE were parents of ..Thomas b 1784 KY and d 1840 Boone Co MO m Hattie Pat GAY 1805 KY. !LAND: Recorder of Deeds; Boone Co MO Original Land Patents; as recorded in MO Pio Co & Gene Records vol 2, Feb 1968, page 25; NOTE: Township 49, Range 14 Thomas COPHER, 1821. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Thomas COFER fought in The War of 1812. Parents: Captain Jesse COFER and Elizabeth BOONE. Spouse: Hester Hattie Patton GAY. Thomas COFER and Hester Hattie Patton GAY were married in 1805 in , KY.3,87 Reference Number:829484 Thomas COFER3,87 was born in 1790 in Of, Bedford Co, VA.3,87 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 47067. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH:AFN:R52C-LX; Submitter: Betty Jo GILLESPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive La Verne CA 91750. QUOTE: Thomas COFER abt 1790 of Bedford Co VA. Parents: Josias COFER and Mary Catherine LANEHART. Thomas COFER3,87 was born about 1800 in , Clark Co, KY.3,87 He died on 22 Feb 1856 in , Bath Co, KY.3,87 He was buried Unknown in Spencer Graveyard.3,87 He is reference number 47091. He has Ancestral File Number R529-8X. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !AFN:R529-2W; Co-Submitters: Kris Anne GUSTAVSON, 1338 Nancarrow Ct, San Jose CA 95120; Betty Jo GILLESPIE, 1199 Oakridge Dr, La Verns CA 91750; NOTE: Thomas COFER, abt 1800, Clark Co KY; died 22 Feb 1856, Bath Co KY; bur Spencer Graveyard; married Fanny AYERS or AYNES on 1 Jan 1822, Bourbon Co KY. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Thomas COFER b 1782?. Parents: Jacob COFER and Mildred Elizabeth HARRISON. Spouse: Fanny AYERS. Thomas COFER and Fanny AYERS were married on 1 Jan 1822 in , Bourbon Co, KY.3,87 Reference Number:830599 Merchant Thomas T COFER3,87 was born about 1699 in , , MD.3,87 He died in 1791 in Culpepper, Culpepper Co, VA.3,87 He is reference number 47023. He has Ancestral File Number R529-W7. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !Possibilities:Jan 2000; [email protected] Ray COPHER Muscle Shoals Alabama; NOTE: Thoma s COFER d 1791 Madison Co VA...whose mother I believe is Ann ______ who married a COFER. Thi s Ann then married 2nd George ANDERSON....ANDERSON & Ann's Children would be half siblings t o Thomas COFER b 1791 VA. George ANDERSON d 1778 had records in VA in the 1730's Spotsylvan ia Co VA deed Cp13, In 1734 William CRAWFORD made a deed of gift to Benjamin COWARD & wife E lizabeth. 100 acres on upper side of Elk Run joining Thomas JACKSON, William CRAWFORD jr. , & Thomas CRAWFORD. Wit: were D. BRYNE, *George ANDERSON*(his mark), William CRAWFORD Jr. The mark George ANDERSON d 1778 used was not an "x", but was rather an elaborate capital "A" . This "A" appears as the mark on Spotsylvania Co VA deed Cp13. Culpepper Co VA deed Book p age 55-57, 1753, when George ANDERSON Mark"A" wife Ann sold 100 acres to George THOMPSON in 1 753 on or near Elk Run, the deed said the patent was made to George ANDERSON in 1753. Wit: Na than UNDERWOOD,*Thomas COFER* mark "T" and George EASTHAM. The will of George ANDERSON d 1778 mentions "my wife's son,Thomas COFER. Josias COFER, son o f Thomas COFER d 1791 was named executor. In 1745 Thomas COFER bought 70 acres on Elk Run in Madison Co V, which tract joined the 173B/ 6 patent of George ANDERSON d 1778. In 1747 Thomas COFER bought an additional 90 acres, an d Nathan UNDERWOOD d 1802 witnessed the deed. Thomas COFER wrote his will in 1785, and died 1791. It names the children below and appointe d George ANDERSON(son of Geo. ANDERSON d1778) & Joel COFER as executors. Witnesses were Natha n UNDERWOOD, d 1802, Joseph UNDERWOOD(son of Nathan) and Charles COCKE. The following recordings of the name probably refer to George ANDERSON Sr. d 1778 or to his s on of the same name. 1742 George ANDERSON (Sr?), Nathan UNDERWOOD, & George ANDERSON Jr? werw all in the same comp any of the Augusta Militia. VA Coolonial Militia by CROZIER pg 92. 1744 George ANDERSON, Henry DOOLEY, etc, were viewers of a road from the south side of the Sh enandoah to the Falls of the Rappahannock, Orange Co VA order 4 page 218. 1745 George ANDERSON proved a deed from Nathan UNDERWOOD to Christian CLEMENT. Augusta Ci V A order 1pl. 1746 George ANDERSON was constable on South River of the Shenandoah, Augusta order one pag e before the entry of 13 May 1746. 1749/50 Feb. George ANDERSON d 1778 (mark "A") sold 330 acres on the south branch of the Shen andoah. Augusta deed 2 pag 514-15. 1753 George ANDERSON d 1778 sold 100 acres to George THOMPSON and sold 100 acres to Nathan UN DERWOOD. These tracts were part of his 173B/6 patent of 3Bo acres on Elk Run in present Madis on Co VA, Culpepper Co VA deeds Bp55,57,59. 1756 George UNDERSON d 1778 "of Orange Co VA" present Greene Co sold to John POWELL 150 acre s the remainder of his grant on Elk Run. Culpepper Co VA Bp480. 1760 George ANDERSON d 1778 "of Bedford Co VA" bought about 200 acres Bedford Co VA 1p393. 1768 George ANDERSON d 1778 sold the same tract to Moses DOOLEY, probably his grandson. Bedf ord Co VA Deed 3p189. !FAMILYHISTORY: Correspondence from Betty I SILFIES 3023 Livingston St Allentown PA 18104; 610-434-3831; E-mail CVCC 06 @prodigy.com; dated 8 Dec 1996; NOTE: ...Ancestral File ver 4.15; AFN:R529-W7 b abt 1699; died 1791 Culpepper, Culpepper Co VA. !WILL: Correspondence from Betty I SILFIES; dated 8 Dec 1996; Will of Thomas COFER; Culpepper Co VA; Will Book D page 38; Dated 24 Apr 1785; Betty recieved it from Ra y W COOPER P O Box 2336 Muscle Shoals Al 356??; 205-383-4693; undated; QUOTING WILL: In the n ame of God Amen, The 24th of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and e ighty five; I Thomas COFER of Culpepper Co, being sick of body, but of good and sound memory , thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this transitory lif e, and that all flesh must submit and yield to death; when it shall please God to call, do m ake, constitute, ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form follow ing; revoking and annulling by these presents, all and every testament and testaments, will a nd wills heretofore by me made and declare either by word or writing, and this to be taken fo r my last will and testament, and none other and now for the settling of my temporal estate , and such goods, chattels and debts as it has pleased God far above me deserts to bestow upo n me, I do order, give and dispose the same in manner and form following: viz; First I will t hat all the debts and dues as I owe in right or conscience, to any manner of person or person s, whatsoever, shall by will and truly contended and paid within convenient time after my dec ease, by my executors here after named. Imprinis: I lend and bequeath to Mary, my belove d wife, all that I personally possess as horses, cattle, movable and immovable land and durin g her life and also one negro fellow named Harry. !Item: My son James having had an equal part or nearly so with the rest, I hope he will cont ent himself there with. !Item: I give and bequeath to my son Josias, the sum of five pounds. !Item: I give and bequeath to my son Jesse, the sum of ten pounds. !Item: I give and bequeath to my sons, Jacob, Joel, George and Reuben, after all the legacies are paid, and anything remains, for what is left, to be equally divided amongst them four. !Item: I give and bequeath to my son Reuben, a certain tract of land containing ninety acres more or less, which I bought of John STOCKDELL and Joel COFER. !Item: I give and bequeath to my son George this tract of land where I now live, containing ninety acres, had of James RUCKER and ten acres I had of Mr TWIMAN (TWYMAN). !Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth twenty pounds. !Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann GIBSON five pounds. !Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Phoebe, one negro fellow named Harvey, but if she dies without heirs I will that the negro be sold and the money be equally divided amongst the whole of my children. !In witness to the above I herewith set my hand and seal. I desire George ANDERSON and Joel COFER, executors. Thomas COFER Witnesses: Joseph UNDERWOOD Nathan UNDERWOOD Charles COCKE Received 17 Dec 1791 !FAMILYRESEARCH: by Betty I SILFIES; dated 8 Dec 1996; QUOTE: COFFER\ COFER Family of Culpepper Co VA The family seems to have lived along Elk Run near Walker Mill Dam. St Thomas Parish is mentioned as is St Mark's earlier. St Mark's is also mentioned in Orange Co VA ...(Culpepper Co was formed 1748 from Orange Co which was formed in 1734 from Spotsylvania Co which was formed 172 0-21 from Essex, King and Queen, King William Cos.).... *1749\50 Sale of land, William RUCKER to William TUYMAN, corner of land to property of Thomas COFER. *1754 Thomas T COFFER - land mentioned in sale of land of Geo ANDERSON and Ann to Geo THOMPSO N. Witnesses: Geo EASTHAM, Nathan UNDERWOOD, Thomas COFFER; dated 21 Feb 1754. *1753 15 Nov Sale - Geo ANDERSON of Orange Co VA to Nathan UNDERWOOD of Culpepper - lower side of Elk Run corner to Thomas COFFER. *1755 16 Oct Wm TWYMAN and Winnefred -- to Thomas COFER... 10 acres joyning COFER's Plantation. *1763 Thomas COFER- To cash to Mr Thomas COFER for 1 and one half barrills of corn- from th e estate of John HENDERSON. Wm WALKER guar. *1764 James COFER- Cash due from James to estate of John HENDERSON. L 8.6 *1769 17 Aug Thomas COFER- rec cash for 3 barrils of corn from same estate above. (Wm TYWMAN made 2 coats, 3 britches. Ephraim RUCKER for rum and sugar). *1779 30 Sep Indenture- James COFER of Parish of Brumfield to George EVE 105 acres for L600. Witnessed: Ephraim RUCKER, Elijah KIRTLEY, William WALKER, Frans. KIRTLEY, Merry WALKER. *1781 James COFER- for 3 bushels corn 25 diatts(?) Thomas COFER- for 275# beef. (From VA Public Claims- after Rev War) *1784 Joel COFFER 13 Jul - Indenture between Geo and Elizabeth EAVES to Simeon BUFORD- land b etween the 2 Elk Runs- corner to Joel COFFER. *1784 Thomas COFFER- Will wife Mary- sons James, Josias, Jesse, Jacob, Joel, George, Reuben. *1787 Tax Lists George COFER Jacob COFER Thomas COFER- (not tithable- may have been a merchant, they were not taxed). Jacob and George COFFER- Indenture for 90 acres on Elk Run- teste John JAMESON. Thomas COFFER's land along Elk Run mentioned in indenture between John NEALE and Mordecai BARBOUR. *1791 Joel COFER - Inventory and appraisal of estate of Joseph MINOR by Alex. BRADFORD, Jame s ARCHER and Joel COFER. !APPRAISAL-ESTATE: Culpepper Co (VA) Will Book D, page 48-49; NOTE: We Ephriam RUCKER, John ROWZEE and Merry WALKER being appointed by the Worshipful Court of Cu lpepper County to Appraise the Estate of Thomas COFER decd being first swaron have been appra ised the said Estate in the following manner (Viz).. items listed and valued to total 175 pou nds 9/10....(includes a negro fellow named Harry appraised to sum 55 pounds, a mulatto wenc h named Sarah and her girl child named Alpha appraised to sum 55 pounds; one yellow girl name d Rachel appraised to sum 20 pounds).. The above Estate of Thomas COFER deceased is appraise d as above mentioned by we the Subscribers to One hundred and seventy-five pounds Nine shilli ngs and Ten pence Specie which is the personal Estate of Thomas COFER deceased produced to us . Given under our hands this 17th day of May One thousand seven hundred and ninety two... ma de by appraisers (as above)...At a Court held for Culpapper County the 16th July 1792... Thi s Inventory of the Estate of Thomas COFER decd was this day returned into Court and ordered t o be recorded. !HISTORY: The Fayette Co KY Genealogical Quartley vol 11, #3, Fall 1996; the BRYAN Family pa ges 68-85; NOTE: page 72: Elizabeth BOONE married Jesse COPHER (1760-1822), s/o Thomas COPHER of PA and VA. Bo rn 1765 in NC. Died after 1855 in Boone Co MO. Parents: COFER. Spouse: Mary PLUNKETT. Merchant Thomas T COFER and Mary PLUNKETT were married about 1717 in Maybe, VA.3,87 Reference Number:828973 Children were: Sarah COFER. Spouse: Mom RUCKER. Merchant Thomas T COFER and Mom RUCKER were married about 1719.3,87 Reference Number:828996 Children were: Thomas COFER, Joseph COFER, James COFER, Josias COFER. Spouse: Mary ANDERSON. Merchant Thomas T COFER and Mary ANDERSON were married about 1746.3,87 Reference Number:821580 Children were: Jacob COFER, Joel COFER, Ann COFER, Captain Jesse COFER, Corporal George COFER, Elizabeth COFER, Corporal Reuben COFER, Phoebe COFER. Thomas Withers COFER3,87 was born on 29 Sep 1713.3,87 He died on 19 Oct 1763.3,87 He is reference number 47212. Parents: Francis COFER and Mary LITTLEJOHN. Spouse: Mary FARGUSON. Thomas Withers COFER and Mary FARGUSON were married in 1733.3,87 Reference Number:832443 Tomsey Marina COFER3,87 was born on 17 Jan 1837 in Brye Twp, Cape Girardeau Co, MO.3,87 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47077. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !CENSUS: 20 Oct 1850 Federal Census; District #14 Being Cape Girardeau Co MO; page 416; DW\Fm 1081\1092; NOTE: Marena COPHER, age 12, female, attends school, b MO. !QUERIE: KY Ancestors, vol 8, SLC FHC, Queries; page 156, Q #4101; NOTE: BARNETT, COFER, HANFORD, WOLFE: seeking information on George Washington WOLFE,physician, b 1 4 Jul 1824, KY. Parents, Henry WOLFE and Susannah BARNETT, bp unknown. Married Tomsey Marin a COFER, b 17 Jan 1837 MO. Her parents ? COFER and ? HANFORD, both b in KY. He went to C A in 1849 and she went in 1853. They were married 1 Mar 1854, settled in CA and had 11 child ren. He was a physician in Hannibal MO before going West. Submitted by Mrs Nancy A CHAMBERS , 7419 Tanglewood Road, Richmond VA 23225. !BIRTH-PLACE: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Marena COPHER, female, b abt 1838, of Brye Twp, Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau Co MO; Father: Elliot COFER; Mother: Mrs Mary COFER. Parents: Farmer Elliot COFER and Mary HANSFORD. Spouse: Physican George Washington WOLFE. Physican George Washington WOLFE and Tomsey Marina COFER were married on 1 Mar 1854.3,87 Reference Number:830255 Tomzy COFER3,87 was born in 1790 in , , VA.3,87 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,387 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3 She died on 21 Jan 1861 in Saline Twp, Ste Genevieve Co, MO.3,87 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,387 She was also known as Tomsey Coffer.3,387 She was also known as Tomsey Or Tansey Coffer.3,387 She was also known as Tomsey Or Tansey Coffer.3,38 She was buried Unknown in Boyd Farmyard, Ste Genevieve Co, MO.3,87 She is reference number 46631. She has Ancestral File Number 1W2D-V93. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !CENSUS: Index to 1830 Census of MO; SLC; page 34; William G BOYD in Ste Genevieve Co MO. !NOTE: What was Montgomery Co VA in 1811, became Bath Co KY in 1812. !BIOGRAPHY: Ste Genevieve Co MO Family History, Family #0076-BOYD FAMILY, #0005-COUNTS FAMILY; SLC FHC. !NOTE: Elliot G BOYD.....son of William G BOYD and Tansey COFFER, who came to Ste Genevieve C o MO. !CENSUS:15 Aug 1860 Fed Census Avon PO Saline Twp Ste Genevieve Co MO; LDS# 803645; pg 309; 145\981\983. NOTE: William G BOYD age 68 and Tomsey COFFER age 72 are living with son, William and family. Neither William G nor Tomsey show on 1870. !RESIDENCE: Ste Genevieve Co MO Family History; family #0076 and #0005 SLC FHL; NOTE: 1819 ar rived to New TN or Avon Ste Genevieve Co MO. !FAMILYHISTORY: John BOYD of Berkley Co West VA; by Gordon W PAUL; SLC; chapter 4, page 20 sa y they went to AR 1820 and that he married his wife in either Bath or Nicholas Cos KY. Chapte r 1 page 11: Issue of John BOYD and Ann "Nancy" MARTIN: William G BOYD b May 1792. !CENSUS: 28 Sep 1850 (Gresham Lib); Saline Twp Ste Genevieve Co MO; page 240; Dw 502 Fm 518 . NOTE: William G BOYD, age 58, m, w, farmer, RE $ 300.00 b VA.................. Tomsey BOYD , age 62, f, w, b VA, cannot read or write, .................... William, age 16, m, w, b MO. .. !CENSUS: 1840 Federal Census, Saline Twp, Ste Genevieve Co MO; NOTE: William G BOYD, 1 male 5 -10; 1 male 10-15; 2 males 15-20; 1 male 40-50; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 50-60; in agricultur e. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Ste Genevieve Co, MO Family Histories; SLC 977.8692 D25; Family 76; NOTE : William G. BOYD born 1792 of Virginia and his wife, Tomsey COFFER died January 21, 1851 o f North Carolina, were married January 9, 1812 in Bath County, KY.... !NAME: 13 Nov 1997; phone conversation with Betty CATHCART, P O Box 328, Clyde, TX 79510; p h # 915-893-5521; she is related through Elijah BOYD son of William Glenn BOYD and Tomzy COFF ER. !MARRIAGE:Betty CATHCART, Box 328, Clyde, TX 79510; NOTE: Wingate JACKSON, Baptist Minister a nd father to UEL. Wingate married Tomszy COFFER and William G BOYD in Bath Co KY.!CENSUS: In dex to 1830 Census of MO; SLC; page 34; William G BOYD in Ste Genevieve Co MO. !NOTE: What was Montgomery Co VA in 1811, became Bath Co KY in 1812. !BIOGRAPHY: Ste Genevieve Co MO Family History, Family #0076-BOYD FAMILY, #0005-COUNTS FAMILY; SLC FHC. !NOTE: Elliot G BOYD.....son of William G BOYD and Tansey COFFER, who came to Ste Genevieve C o MO. !CENSUS:15 Aug 1860 Fed Census Avon PO Saline Twp Ste Genevieve Co MO; LDS# 803645; pg 309; 145\981\983. NOTE: William G BOYD age 68 and Tomsey COFFER age 72 are living with son, William and family. Neither William G nor Tomsey show on 1870. !RESIDENCE: Ste Genevieve Co MO Family History; family #0076 and #0005 SLC FHL; NOTE: 1819 ar rived to New TN or Avon Ste Genevieve Co MO. !FAMILYHISTORY: John BOYD of Berkley Co West VA; by Gordon W PAUL; SLC; chapter 4, page 20 sa y they went to AR 1820 and that he married his wife in either Bath or Nicholas Cos KY. Chapte r 1 page 11: Issue of John BOYD and Ann "Nancy" MARTIN: William G BOYD b May 1792. !CENSUS: 28 Sep 1850 (Gresham Lib); Saline Twp Ste Genevieve Co MO; page 240; Dw 502 Fm 518 . NOTE: William G BOYD, age 58, m, w, farmer, RE $ 300.00 b VA.................. Tomsey BOYD , age 62, f, w, b VA, cannot read or write, .................... William, age 16, m, w, b MO. .. !CENSUS: 1840 Federal Census, Saline Twp, Ste Genevieve Co MO; NOTE: William G BOYD, 1 male 5 -10; 1 male 10-15; 2 males 15-20; 1 male 40-50; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 50-60; in agricultur e. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Ste Genevieve Co, MO Family Histories; SLC 977.8692 D25; Family 76; NOTE : William G. BOYD born 1792 of Virginia and his wife, Tomsey COFFER died January 21, 1851 o f North Carolina, were married January 9, 1812 in Bath County, KY.... !NAME: 13 Nov 1997; phone conversation with Betty CATHCART, P O Box 328, Clyde, TX 79510; p h # 915-893-5521; she is related through Elijah BOYD son of William Glenn BOYD and Tomzy COFF ER. !MARRIAGE:Betty CATHCART, Box 328, Clyde, TX 79510; NOTE: Wingate JACKSON, Baptist Minister a nd father to UEL. Wingate married Tomszy COFFER and William G BOYD in Bath Co KY.!CENSUS: In dex to 1830 Census of MO; SLC; page 34; William G BOYD in Ste Genevieve Co MO. !NOTE: What was Montgomery Co VA in 1811, became Bath Co KY in 1812. !BIOGRAPHY: Ste Genevieve Co MO Family History, Family #0076-BOYD FAMILY, #0005-COUNTS FAMILY; SLC FHC. !NOTE: Elliot G BOYD.....son of William G BOYD and Tansey COFFER, who came to Ste Genevieve C o MO. !CENSUS:15 Aug 1860 Fed Census Avon PO Saline Twp Ste Genevieve Co MO; LDS# 803645; pg 309; 145\981\983. NOTE: William G BOYD age 68 and Tomsey COFFER age 72 are living with son, William and family. Neither William G nor Tomsey show on 1870. !RESIDENCE: Ste Genevieve Co MO Family History; family #0076 and #0005 SLC FHL; NOTE: 1819 ar rived to New TN or Avon Ste Genevieve Co MO. !FAMILYHISTORY: John BOYD of Berkley Co West VA; by Gordon W PAUL; SLC; chapter 4, page 20 sa y they went to AR 1820 and that he married his wife in either Bath or Nicholas Cos KY. Chapte r 1 page 11: Issue of John BOYD and Ann "Nancy" MARTIN: William G BOYD b May 1792. !CENSUS: 28 Sep 1850 (Gresham Lib); Saline Twp Ste Genevieve Co MO; page 240; Dw 502 Fm 518 . NOTE: William G BOYD, age 58, m, w, farmer, RE $ 300.00 b VA.................. Tomsey BOYD , age 62, f, w, b VA, cannot read or write, .................... William, age 16, m, w, b MO. .. !CENSUS: 1840 Federal Census, Saline Twp, Ste Genevieve Co MO; NOTE: William G BOYD, 1 male 5 -10; 1 male 10-15; 2 males 15-20; 1 male 40-50; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 50-60; in agricultur e. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Ste Genevieve Co, MO Family Histories; SLC 977.8692 D25; Family 76; NOTE : William G. BOYD born 1792 of Virginia and his wife, Tomsey COFFER died January 21, 1851 o f North Carolina, were married January 9, 1812 in Bath County, KY.... !NAME: 13 Nov 1997; phone conversation with Betty CATHCART, P O Box 328, Clyde, TX 79510; p h # 915-893-5521; she is related through Elijah BOYD son of William Glenn BOYD and Tomzy COFF ER. !MARRIAGE:Betty CATHCART, Box 328, Clyde, TX 79510; NOTE: Wingate JACKSON, Baptist Minister a nd father to UEL. Wingate married Tomszy COFFER and William G BOYD in Bath Co KY.[powell.FTW] !SOURCE 1819 arrived to New TN or Avon Ste Genevieve Co MO CENSUS: 28 Sep 1850 (Gresham Lib); Saline Twp Ste Genevieve Co MO; page 240; Dw 502 Fm 518. NOTE: Tomsey BOYD age 60 f b VA cannot read or write. !NOTE: What was Montgomery Co VA in 1811, became Bath Co KY in 1812. !BIOGRAPHY: Ste Genevieve Co MO Family History, Family #0076-BOYD FAMILY, #0005-COUNTS FAMILY; SLC FHC. NOTE: Elliot G BOYD.....son of William G BOYD and Tansey COFFER, who migrated to MO around 1820. Parents: Corporal George COFER and Marena. Spouse: William Glenn BOYD. William Glenn BOYD and Tomzy COFER were married on 9 Jan 1812 in Owingsville, Bath Co, KY.3,87 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,387 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,387 Reference Number:775528 Children were: Sarah BOYD, Farmer John W. BOYD, Julie BOYD, Elijah Fletcher BOYD, Nancy BOYD, Farmer Jackson BOYD, Madison BOYD, Elliot G BOYD, Phillip G BOYD, Mary Elizabeth BOYD, Farmer George D. BOYD, Clarissa BOYD, Farmer William J. BOYD. Udosha COFER3,87 was born about 1799 in , Clark Co, KY.3,87 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 47049. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Udosha COPHER female b abt 1801 Clark Co KY. !FAMILYHISTORY:Correspondence from Betty Jo GILLISPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive LaVerne CA 91750; QUOTE: Capt Jesse COPHER and Elizabeth BOONE were parents of ..Udosha b 1799 KY m Samuel STEEL 1821 MO. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Udesia (Endesia) COFER married John STEELE. !BIRTH: IGI 1994 Ed ver 3.06; NOTE: Udosha COPHER female b abt 1801 Clark Co KY. !FAMILYHISTORY:Correspondence from Betty Jo GILLISPIE 1199 Oakridge Drive LaVerne CA 91750; QUOTE: Capt Jesse COPHER and Elizabeth BOONE were parents of ..Udosha b 1799 KY m Samuel STEEL 1821 MO. !FAMILY-HISTORY: Compiled by Jack STIDHAM, 808 NE 83st, Kansas City, MO 64118; NOTE: Udesia (Endesia) COFER married John STEELE. Parents: Captain Jesse COFER and Elizabeth BOONE. Spouse: Samuel STEEL. Samuel STEEL and Udosha COFER were married on 28 Mar 1821 in , Boone Co, MO.3,87 Reference Number:829583 William COFER3,87 was born in 1836 in , St Francois Co, MO.3,87 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 46678. Parents: First Joshua Peter COFER and Elizabeth CRAIN. William COFER3,87 was born on 16 Dec 1859 in , Ste. Genevieve Co, MO.3,87 He died on 16 Dec 1859 in , Ste. Genevieve Co, MO.3,87 He is reference number 46494. Parents: Larken A. COFER and Eliza BURNS. William W. COFER3,87 was born about 1834 in , MO.3,87 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 47076. [boyd-trees.ged] [mmboyd.FTW] [Mmboyd.ged] !CENSUS: 20 Oct 1850 Federal Census; District #14 Being Cape Girardeau Co MO; page 416; DW\Fm 1081\1092; NOTE: William COPHER, age 16, male, farmer, b MO. !CENSUS-INDEX: 1860 Census Index CA; NOTE: COFFER W.W. page 517, Armally Twp Sonoma Co CA. !CENSUS: 23 Jul 1860 page 517; Sonoma Co CA Armally Twp; 283\283; NOTE: W. W. COFER age 24 b MO $3000.\$2000 Prudence age 23 b MO; George W. age 4 b CA; Louisa age 2 b CA; Priscilla age 1 b CA. !CENSUS-INDEX: 1870 Census Index; NOTE: COFER William W. page 323 Petaluna Twp Sonoma Co CA. Parents: Farmer Elliot COFER and Mary HANSFORD. Spouse: Prudence. William W. COFER and Prudence were married about 1855.3,87 Reference Number:830230 Ann COFEY.5,94,126,127 Spouse: John KELLOGG. Daisy COFFEE.19 Spouse: John CARTER. John COFFEE3,426 was born WFT Est 1763-1798.3,426 He died WFT Est 1789-1877.3,426 He is reference number 79275. Spouse: Diana WALKER. John COFFEE and Diana WALKER were married WFT Est 1789-1834.3,426 Reference Number:1289255 Living COFFELL.3 Parents: Living ALBERTSON and Living IVA. Thelma COFFENBERGER.138 Spouse: Ernest Ellsworth GRAY. Lonizy COFFER2,3 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 32735. Spouse: William BOYD. William BOYD and Lonizy COFFER were married on 9 Jan 1811 in , Bath Co., Kentucky.2,3 Reference Number:616797 COFFEY3,426 was born WFT Est 1759-1796.3,426 He died WFT Est 1785-1874.3,426 He is reference number 80402. Spouse: Hannah BOONE. COFFEY and Hannah BOONE were married WFT Est 1785-1831.3,426 Reference Number:1308067 COFFEY3,426 was born WFT Est 1759-1796.3,426 He died WFT Est 1785-1874.3,426 He is reference number 80404. Spouse: Anna BOONE. COFFEY and Anna BOONE were married WFT Est 1785-1831.3,426 Reference Number:1308106 COFFEY3,426 was born WFT Est 1759-1796.3,426 He died WFT Est 1785-1874.3,426 He is reference number 80408. Spouse: Rachel BOONE. COFFEY and Rachel BOONE were married WFT Est 1785-1831.3,426 Reference Number:1308170 Alice Beatrice COFFEY3,667 was born on 10 Dec 1921 in Sweetwater, Beckham Co, OK.3,667 She died on 27 Aug 1996 in Hill Country Memorial Hosp. Fredericksburg, TX And Buried In Erick Cemetery, OK..3,667 She was buried on 31 Aug 1996 in Erick Cemetary, Beckham Co. OK.3,667 She is reference number 2309. She was in Housewife.3,667 She was in Baptist.3,667 She was baptized in At Sweetwater, Oklahoma.3,667 [boyd-trees.ged] [moses.ftw] Beatrice was only 7 years old when her father died. She remembered always watching for her father to come home in his car. She would have a rock ready for him to put behind the tire. When her father died of typhoid fever, she and some of the other children came down with it. She almost died and had to stay for months in Erick with a lady near the hospital. Although Daddy said she couldn't cook when they got married and they ate peanut butter sandwiches for the first year, she learned to cook and do it in grand style. In the typical Coffey tradition, she was a wonderful cook, It runs in the Coffey blood! Her sisters were all great cooks too. Beatrice used to cook huge meals, feasts really, in the summer when we had hands helping with harvest and cousins staying with us. When they were first married Bea told Sim that she did not like her name and so he said "Well, we will change it." From that day on he called her "Annabel". She had a great sense of humor and liked people. Sometimes she was a little shy at first. She was widowed when she was in her early 40's and she moved to Erick. She always had a garden. On the farm it was a big garden. Even in town, she planted more than she could ever eat so she could give it to her friends and relatives. She loved her family. Her children, grandchildren & great grands were her life. She was an unselfish person and would do anything to help people. In her diary there was noted that almost daily she was making a pie or cookies for someone to brighten their day. She was her happiest when her family was around. Emmitt (Leroy) Tipton, the husband of her niece, Glenda, gave the following eulogy at her funeral at the First Baptist Church in Erick OK. in August of 1996. As his eulogy shows, Leroy knew Mama well Eulogy: Almost 27 years ago, I married my wife, Glenda. After only a few short weeks of marriage, she told me she wanted to go to Oklahoma. When I asked her why, she said, "to see Aunt Bea". Thus began my association with Aunt Bea. Aunt Bea was a strong lady. Born in 1921, she was only seven years old when her father died. She, along with her brothers and sisters, were raised by their mother during the great depression. They undoubtedly endured many hardships during this time. In 1939, she married Sim and they moved south of Erick to farm. At the same time, she was mother to her two daughters, and aunt to several nieces and nephews. It was fun going to Aunt Bea's house. In 1958, the farm home burned and the family moved west of Erick. In 1966, her husband died, and she lived alone for the last thirty years of her life. She endured health problems in her latter years, but through all these hardships, she never complained. By the world's definition, Aunt Bea was not a wealthy woman. But she found her riches in those things most precious to her. Sherry and Irma were her life. She loved them beyond measure. She loved her sons in law, Alex and John. And Bodie loved her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Even while she was so sick she could tell you about "Big Time". If you look on the north wall of her living room, you will see all of the family pictures hanging there for all to see. She loved her brothers and sisters. The handkerchief she is holding, belonged to her sister, Ina. Aunt Bea enjoyed coming to Plainview to visit Ina. She cared about her friends, as evidenced by her concern that the nurses and workers at the nursing home were spending too much time caring for her. She loved Erick and her garden. When I would offer to come get her and take her to Plainview, she would say she couldn't be gone from home. If it was winter, she needed to be home to keep things from freezing up, and if it was summer, she needed to be home to tend to her garden. She loved her music, as evidenced by the music being sung in this service today. She kept her record player, and later her tape player, in her room where she could listen to it at night. She loved her Lord and was quick to talk about her personal relationship with Him. On her collar today is the guardian angel which was pinned to her curtain in her room at the home. We as a family have such sweet memories of her. Don't lose those memories. Keep them present in your mind. To all of us present, but especially to Irma and Sherry, I think she would say "Thanks for loving me. Thanks for opening your homes to me and taking care of me. Thanks for being the light of my life and making my life rich beyond measure." Copy of Delayed Birth Certificate in file State of Oklahoma, Department of Health- File #1921-194 Name At Birth: Alice Beatrice Coffey Date of Birth: December 10, 1921 Color or Race: White Sex: Female Full Name of Father: Joe Lee Coffey Father's Birthplace: Texas Full Name of Mother: Ora Avaline Thomas Mother's Birthplace: Grayson County, Texas Information Sources: Sister's Affidavit, Beckham Co. OK School census, Child's Birth Cert.-OK [my family file 7.11.99.FTW] Mama was a pretty lady. Although Daddy said she couldn't cook when they got married and they ate peanut butter sandwiches for the first year, she learned to cook and do it in grand style. In the typical Coffey tradition, she was a wonderful cook, It runs in the Coffey blood! Her sisters were all great cooks too. Beatrice used to cook huge meals, feasts really, in the summer when we had hands helping with harvest and cousins staying with us. When they were first married Bea told Sim that she did not like her name and so he said "Well, we will change it." From that day on he called her "Annabel". She had a great sense of humor and liked people. Sometimes she was a little shy at first. She was widowed when she was in her early 40's and she moved to Erick. She always had a garden. On the farm it was a big garden. Even in town, she planted more than she could ever eat so she could give it to her friends and relatives. She loved her family. Her children, grandchildren & great grands were her life. She was an unselfish person and would do anything to help people. In her diary there was noted that almost daily she was making a pie or cookies for someone to brighten their day. She was her happiest when her family was around. Emmitt (Leroy) Tipton, the husband of her niece, Glenda, gave the following eulogy at her funeral at the First Baptist Church in Erick OK. in August of 1996. Leroy knew Mama well as his eulogy shows. Eulogy: Almost 27 years ago, I married my wife, Glenda. After only a few short weeks of marriage, she told me she wanted to go to Oklahoma. When I asked her why, she said, "to see Aunt Bea". Thus began my association with Aunt Bea. Aunt Bea was a strong lady. Born in 1921, she was only seven years old when her father died. She, along with her brothers and sisters, were raised by their mother during the great depression. They undoubtedly endured many hardships during this time. In 1939, she married Sim and they moved south of Erick to farm. At the same time, she was mother to her two daughters, and aunt to several nieces and nephews. It was fun going to Aunt Bea's house. In 1958, the farm home burned and the family moved west of Erick. In 1966, her husband died, and she lived alone for the last thirty years of her life. She endured health problems in her latter years, but through all these hardships, she never complained. By the world's definition, Aunt Bea was not a wealthy woman. But she found her riches in those things most precious to her. Sherry and Irma were her life. She loved them beyond measure. She loved her sons in law, Alex and John. And Bodie loved her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Even while she was so sick she could tell you about "Big Time". If you look on the north wall of her living room, you will see all of the family pictures hanging there for all to see. She loved her brothers and sisters. The handkerchief she is holding, belonged to her sister, Ina. Aunt Bea enjoyed coming to Plainview to visit Ina. She cared about her friends, as evidenced by her concern that the nurses and workers at the nursing home were spending too much time caring for her. She loved Erick and her garden. When I would offer to come get her and take her to Plainview, she would say she couldn't be gone from home. If it was winter, she needed to be home to keep things from freezing up, and if it was summer, she needed to be home to tend to her garden. She loved her music, as evidenced by the music being sung in this service today. She kept her record player, and later her tape player, in her room where she could listen to it at night. She loved her Lord and was quick to talk about her personal relationship with Him. On her collar today is the guardian angel which was pinned to her curtain in her room at the home. We as a family have such sweet memories of her. Don't lose those memories. Keep them present in your mind. To all of us present, but especially to Irma and Sherry, I think she would say "Thanks for loving me. Thanks for opening your homes to me and taking care of me. Thanks for being the light of my life and making my life rich beyond measure." Copy of Delayed Birth Certificate in file State of Oklahoma, Department of Health- File #1921-194 Name At Birth: Alice Beatrice Coffey Date of Birth: December 10, 1921 Color or Race: White Sex: Female Full Name of Father: Joe Lee Coffey Father's Birthplace: Texas Full Name of Mother: Ora Avaline Thomas Mother's Birthplace: Grayson County, Texas Information Sources: Sister's Affidavit, Beckham Co. OK School census, Child's Birth Cert.-OK (Medical):She had breast cancer in about 1981 and totally recovered after surgery and treatments. Spouse: Simuel Sampson
BOYD. Simuel Sampson BOYD and Alice Beatrice COFFEY were married on 9 Jun
1939 in Delhi, Beckham Co, OK.3,667 Reference Number:49722
Living COFFILL. Spouse: Living MAY. Abraham COFFIN404 was born about 1858 in Cornwallis, NS.404 Parents: Thomas B. COFFIN and Mary G.. Spouse: Mary Jane NICHOLS. Abraham COFFIN and Mary Jane NICHOLS were married on 26 Nov 1879 in Nicholsville, Kings Co., NS.404,1097,1802 Anna COFFIN2,3 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 33499. Spouse: Zacariah HIATT. Zacariah HIATT and Anna COFFIN were married. Reference Number:631781 Children were: Hepsa HIATT. Joseph COFFIN3,95 was born Private. He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 63244. He has Ancestral File Number 59XQ-N5. Spouse: Margaret MORSE. Joseph COFFIN and Margaret MORSE were married. Reference Number:1067314 Children were: Susanna COFFIN. Living COFFIN.3 Spouse: Living COX. Children were: Living COFFIN. Living COFFIN.3 Parents: Living COFFIN and Living COX. Susanna COFFIN3,95 was born on 6 Feb 1735 in Newbury, Essex, MA.3 She died on 5 Apr 1788.3 She is reference number 63246. She has Ancestral File Number STWC-JL. Parents: Joseph COFFIN and Margaret MORSE. Spouse: James BOYD. James BOYD and Susanna COFFIN were married on 11 Aug.3 Reference Number:1067306 Thomas B. COFFIN.404 Spouse: Mary G.. Children were: Abraham COFFIN. Tristram COFFIN.5,94,126,127 Spouse: Deborah COLCORD. |