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Spouse: Elleia M. HANNA. Children were: Living COMSTOCK, Living COMSTOCK, Living COMSTOCK, Living COMSTOCK, Living COMSTOCK, Living COMSTOCK.

Living COMSTOCK.3 Parents: Living COMSTOCK and Elleia M. HANNA.

Living COMSTOCK.3 Parents: Living COMSTOCK and Elleia M. HANNA.

Living COMSTOCK.3 Parents: Living COMSTOCK and Elleia M. HANNA.

Living COMSTOCK.3 Parents: Living COMSTOCK and Elleia M. HANNA.

Living COMSTOCK.3 Parents: Living COMSTOCK and Elleia M. HANNA.

Living COMSTOCK.3 Parents: Living COMSTOCK and Elleia M. HANNA.

Living COMSTOCK.5,94

Spouse: Living HORN. Children were: Living HORN, Living HORN.


Spouse: James ST. JOHN.

Mary COMSTOCK5,128 was born on 19 Feb 1672 in Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CT..5,128 She died on 10 Oct 1749 in Norwalk Fairfield Co, CT.5,128 Parents: Christopher COMSTOCK and Hannah PLATT.

Mercy COMSTOCK5,128 was born on 12 Nov 1676 in Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CT..5,128 Parents: Christopher COMSTOCK and Hannah PLATT.

Mercy COMSTOCK5,128 was born about 1805.5,128

Spouse: Hatfield HALSTEAD. Hatfield HALSTEAD and Mercy COMSTOCK were married in 1829.5

Moses COMSTOCK5,128 was born on 4 May 1685 in Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CT..5,128 He died on 18 Jan 1766.5,128 Parents: Christopher COMSTOCK and Hannah PLATT.

Spouse: Abigale BRINSMADE. Moses COMSTOCK and Abigale BRINSMADE were married on 23 Feb 1710.5

Nancy Jane COMSTOCK394 was born on 15 Mar 1833.394 She died in Francesville, Indiana.394 She was buried in Francesville, Indiana.394

Spouse: Peyton DAVISON. Peyton DAVISON and Nancy Jane COMSTOCK were married on 18 Oct 1860 in Pulaski County, Indiana.394 Children were: Emeline DAVISON, Mary DAVISON, Hattie DAVISON, Rosa Irene DAVISON.

Samuel COMSTOCK5,128 was born on 6 Feb 1680 in Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CT..5,128 He died on 26 Oct 1752.5,128 Parents: Christopher COMSTOCK and Hannah PLATT.

Spouse: Sarah HANFORD. Samuel COMSTOCK and Sarah HANFORD were married on 27 Dec 1705.5

William COMSTOCK5,128 was born in 1635 in England.5,128 He died on 25 Dec 1702 in Fairfield, Fairfield Co., CT..5,128

Spouse: Elizabeth DANIEL. William COMSTOCK and Elizabeth DANIEL were married. Children were: Christopher COMSTOCK.

Christopher COMSTOCKE5,128 was born about 1634.5,128

Spouse: Sarah PLATT. Christopher COMSTOCKE and Sarah PLATT were married about 1653.5

Martha Ann Rebecca COMTE7,188 was born on 17 Feb 1876 in Jasper Co., TX. She died on 10 Jun 1925 in TX. She was also known as Mattie. She was buried in Mashaw Cemetery, Jasper Co., TX.

Spouse: James Alvin MASHAW. James Alvin MASHAW and Martha Ann Rebecca COMTE were married. Children were: Ada MASHAW.

Elizabeth COMYN3,206 was born about 1223 in Altyre, Morayshire, Scotland.3,206 She died in 1267.3,206 She is reference number 65322.

Spouse: Earl Of Mar WILLIAM. Earl Of Mar WILLIAM and Elizabeth COMYN were married about 1242 in Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.3,206 Reference Number:1096879 Children were: Donald Earl Of MAR.

Elizabeth COMYN7,13,14,169,172 was born in 1299 in Of Wyke, Cornwall, England.13,169,172 She died on 5 Oct 1356.13,169,172 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 84ZS-6V


[ Atwood-18.FTW]

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

Ple ase use this information at your own risk. Every effort has been taken to verif y the accuracy but you are responsible for your own research.

Spouse: Richard TALBOT. Richard TALBOT and Elizabeth COMYN were married. Children were: [Baron Talbot] Gilbert TALBOT.

John COMYN.62

Spouse: Margaret WAKE.

Frank CON3,9 was born on 30 Apr 1911.3,9 He died on 4 Apr 1979.3,9 He is reference number 91657.

Spouse: Zelma JONES. Frank CON and Zelma JONES were married on 13 Oct 1933.3,9 Reference Number:1395372

[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]25 He was born in 835 in Saxony, Germany.377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]20,299 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]73,74 He died in 912.20,25,299,377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]73,74,134,503 He was buried about 30 Nov 912.25 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as The Illustrious. He was in Duke Of Saxony.73,134 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke of Saxony
GEDCOM line 19015 not recognizable or too lo ng:
() 2 GIVN Otto (Otho I)

GEDCOM line 19016 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 SURN of Saxony

GEDCOM line 19017 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 NSFX Duke of Saxony

Weis' "Ancestral Roots" (141:17)2 SOUR S0085816
4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 16, 2002 Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Grand Duke Of Saxony LIUDOLPH and Grand Duchess Of Saxony ODA. Parents: Duke Of Saxony Ludolph OF EAST SAXONY I and Duchess East Saxony Oda THURINGIA. Parents: Duke Of Saxony Ludolph OF EAST SAXONY I and Duchess Of Saxony Duchess Hedwige VON FRIULI. Parents: .

Spouse: Empress Of Holy Roman Emp Hathui Or Hedwige SAXONY. Duke Of Saxony Otto Of CON ERLAUCHTEN and Empress Of Holy Roman Emp Hathui Or Hedwige SAXONY were married in 869 in .73,74,134,299,340,377,503,1021 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: Emperor/Germany Henry I Of The Germans SAXONY, Oda Of SAXONY, Oda SAXONY, King Of Germany Heinrich I HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, Kunigunde OF SUABIA, King Of Germany HENRY I, THANGMAR, Barbe OF SAXONY, Oda Of SAXONY, Brunchilde OF SAXONY, THANGMAR, Luitgarde OF GERMANY, * Dtr Of Otto The Great Of GERMANY, THANGMAR, Unknown SAXONY, LIUDOLF.

Spouse: Princess Of The Germans Hedwig Or Hartwige SACHSEN. Duke Of Saxony Otto Of CON ERLAUCHTEN and Princess Of The Germans Hedwig Or Hartwige SACHSEN were married in 870.20 Children were: Emperor/Germany Henry I Of The Germans SAXONY.

Helen Sophia CONABLE5,94,126,127 was born on 2 Nov 1844 in Gainsville, NY.5,94,126,127 She died on 2 Dec 1923 in Warsaw, NY.5,94,126,127 She is reference number 17222.

Spouse: Hiram David TRUESDELL. Hiram David TRUESDELL and Helen Sophia CONABLE were married on 23 Sep 1863 in Warsaw, NY.5,94,127 Reference Number:114415 Children were: Barber Conable TRUESDELL, Ada Salvira TRUESDELL, Fred Hull TRUESDELL, Hiram Walter TRUESDELL, Edith Nancy TRUESDELL, Ida Helen TRUESDELL.

Duke Of Britany CONAIN III6,7 was born about 1031 in Of Rohan, Brittanny, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> **
! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 25th G G S on.

Spouse: ** MAUDE. Duke Of Britany CONAIN III and ** MAUDE were married. Children were: ** CONSTANCE.

Essylt Ferch CONAN7,342,722,726 was born in 780 in Caer Seiont, Caenarvonshire, Wales. She died about 863. Nesta, Queen of the Powys -

TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brde rbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
TITL Worl d Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tr ee #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998AFN: FLH5-ZW

GIVN Esyllt Ver ch
SURN Cynan
DATE 22 JUL 1999
TIME 00:00:00

Patrick Sims-Williams [in th e article "Historical Need and Literary Narrative: a Caveat from Ninth-Century Wales", Welsh History Review, vol. 17 (1994), pp. 1-40] has recently argued (co nclusively, in my opinion) that neither Nest nor Angharad ever existed, and tha t they were inventions of later genealogists who wanted to give Rhodri's family a line of descent from the earlier kings of Powys and Ceredigion.

Nesta, Qu een of the Powys -
rn/d0003 /g0000089.htm#I920

TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Sof tware, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Re lease date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998AFN: FLH5-ZW

GIVN Esyllt Verch
SURN Cynan
DATE 22 JUL 1999
TIME 00:00:00

Patrick Sims-Williams [in the article "Historical Need and Literary Narrative: a Caveat from Ninth-Century Wales", W elsh History Review, vol. 17 (1994), pp. 1-40] has recently argued (conclusivel y, in my opinion) that neither Nest nor Angharad ever existed, and that they we re inventions of later genealogists who wanted to give Rhodri's family a line o f descent from the earlier kings of Powys and Ceredigion.

Nesta, Queen of th e Powys -
rn/d0003/g0000089 .htm#I920

TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, In c.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Fami ly Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
TITL Wo rld Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release dat e: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Cu stomer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TE XT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998AFN: FLH5-ZW

GIVN Esyllt Verch
SURN Cynan
DA TE 22 JUL 1999
TIME 00:00:00

Patrick Sims-Williams [in the article "Histori cal Need and Literary Narrative: a Caveat from Ninth-Century Wales", Welsh Hist ory Review, vol. 17 (1994), pp. 1-40] has recently argued (conclusively, in my opinion) that neither Nest nor Angharad ever existed, and that they were invent ions of later genealogists who wanted to give Rhodri's family a line of descent from the earlier kings of Powys and Ceredigion. Parents: Cynan Didaethwy AP RHODRI.

Spouse: Merfyn Frych AP GWRIAD. Merfyn Frych AP GWRIAD and Essylt Ferch CONAN were married about 787. REF: Stewart Baldwin: Name of wife unknown. His alleged wife Nest of Powys (gi ven as wife of Gwraid in some confused accounts) probably never existed.]

TI TL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Releas e date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
REFN 40774

REF: Ste wart Baldwin: Name of wife unknown. His alleged wife Nest of Powys (given as w ife of Gwraid in some confused accounts) probably never existed.]

TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tre e #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
REFN 40774

REF: Stewart Bal dwin: Name of wife unknown. His alleged wife Nest of Powys (given as wife of G wraid in some confused accounts) probably never existed.]

TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 25 Apr 1998
REFN 40774 Children were: Rhodri Ap Mawr MERFYN.

Joshua CONANT.5,94,126,127

Spouse: Sarah NEWCOMB.

Living CONANT.377 Parents: Living CONANT and LIVING.

Living CONANT.377

Spouse: Living FARNSWORTH.

Spouse: LIVING. Children were: Living CONANT.

Living CONANT.3

Spouse: Living BOWLIN. Children were: Living CONANT.

Living CONANT.3 Parents: Living CONANT and Living BOWLIN.

Spouse: Living RAKES. Children were: Living CONANT, Living CONANT.

Living CONANT.3 Parents: Living CONANT and Living RAKES.

Living CONANT.3 Parents: Living CONANT and Living RAKES.

Mary CONANT.394

Spouse: William DODGE.

James CONARD3,473 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 49002.

Spouse: NAOMI. James CONARD and NAOMI were married. Reference Number:801250 Children were: Mary Ann CONRAD.

Judith Darelle CONARD.19

Spouse: David Raye GRAY. Children were: David Raye GRAY, Dana Darelle GRAY.

Living CONARD.3

Spouse: Living GIGGY.

Alice Or Agnes CONARY4,5 was born in 1826.4,5 She died in 1840.4,5 She is reference number BR020204. [master ged.FTW]


!--An endowment was performed for Agnes Conary, and Alice Conary was sealed
to the parents, but no sealing for Agnes, so it is possible they are the
same person, with the temple recording one name incorrectly. Parents: Samuel CONARY and Alice BRADSHAW.

Eliza CONARY4,5 was born in 1821 in Hillsborough, Down, Ireland.4,5 She is reference number BR020202. Parents: Samuel CONARY and Alice BRADSHAW.

Spouse: John ANDREWS. John ANDREWS and Eliza CONARY were married.

James CONARY.4,5 Parents: Samuel CONARY and Alice BRADSHAW.

Spouse: Sarah BRADSHAW.

Mary CONARY4,5 was born in 1829.4,5 She is reference number BR020205. Parents: Samuel CONARY and Alice BRADSHAW.

Samuel CONARY4,5 was born about 1794 in Hillsborough, Down, Ireland.4,5 He is reference number BR0202. [master ged.FTW]


!--This sheet compiled from temple records of temple work done by Sarah
Ann Bryson Sessions and Samuel Bryson, from the relationships they gave
at the time of completing the work.

Spouse: Alice BRADSHAW. Samuel CONARY and Alice BRADSHAW were married. Children were: James CONARY, Sarah Ann CONRAY, Eliza CONARY, Alice Or Agnes CONARY, Mary CONARY.

Abram CONATSER.188 Parents: David CONATSER and Genetta BEATY.

Andrew CONATSER.188 Parents: Andreas KNORTZER and Mary A..

Spouse: Mary NELSON.

Andrew CONATSER.188 Parents: David CONATSER and Genetta BEATY.

Andrew CONATSER7,188 was born about 1810. Parents: Johann Balthasar (John PALSER) Iii Knortzer and Mary Bennighoff\ PENTICUFF.

Ann CONATSER.188 Parents: Andreas KNORTZER and Mary A..

Barbara CONATSER.188 Parents: .

Celia Ann CONATSER7,188 was born in 1868. Parents: William P. CONATSER and Sarah Jane MULLINAX.

Spouse: Henry PRITCHARD.

Charles CONATSER.188 Parents: Andreas KNORTZER and Mary A..

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