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Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL5,7,14,18,28,38,71,101,110,123,128,131,133,136,139,198,221,242,298,465,466,490,491,514,554,647,653,1016,1017,1170,2246 was christened in 630 in Liege - Son Of Ansegisal. He was born in 634 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium.5,28,128,136,139,653,1016,1017,1170,1984 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin]616,844 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin]844 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin]844 He was buried in Dec 714.25 He died on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile, Muse, France.5,28,128,136,139,465,466,653,1016,1017,1170,2247 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]201 He was also known as Mayor Of The Palace Of Austrasia. He was also known as The Younger. He was also known as The Mediocre. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duke
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Mayor
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GC9-7T
Mayor Of the Palace[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 171, 173; An Encyclopedia of World History (chart on p. 149);
Kraentzler 1547, 1635; Collins; Carolingian Ancestry.
Mayor of A ustrasia and Neustria.
RC: Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Pa lace ofAustrasia.
K: Pipin "The Mediocre," Majordomo of Austrasia, Nuestria an dBourgogne.
Carolingian: Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace of Austrasia,N eustria and Burgundy, died 714. No wife listed.

Also Known As:<_AKA> Mayor o f the Palace
[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: RC 171, 173; An Encyclopedia of Worl d History (chart on p. 149);
Kraentzler 1547, 1635; Collins; Carolingian Ances try.
Mayor of Austrasia and Neustria.
RC: Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia.
K: Pipin "The Mediocre," Majordomo of Austr asia, Nuestria and Bourgogne.

Carolingian: Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy, died 714. No wife listed.
1 NAME Pepin II the Fat /Duke of Austrasia & Brabant/
2 SOUR S085410
4 TEXT Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000
2 SOUR S085410
4 TEXT Dat e of Import: Aug 7, 2000


Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor Of The Palace Of

Pepin of Herstal (635?-714), Ca rolingian mayor of the palace,
who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Me rovingian
period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his
position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he
extended Carolingian rule t o the other Frankish kingdoms,
Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian
dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later h e
extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living
on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil
war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.

Source: 'Pepin of Herstal,' Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright
(c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1993 Funk &
Wagnall's Corporation 'Royalty for Commoners', Roderick W.
Stuart, 1993, p 129 .

"The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval Europe, Holmes,
George, Oxfor d University Press, 1988":
The first of the great Carolingian Mayor of the Pal ace of
Austrasia. Ruler of the Franks in 687, he managed, through
the Battl e of Tertry in 687, to unite Neustria and Austrasia
under his own "puppet" Mer ovingian king. But the power
struggles in northern Gaul seriously weakened th e power of the
merovingians and their mayors. The Aquitanians had their own
Duke; the "Patricius" of Provence was for all practical
purposes an independen t ruler.; the aristocrats of Burgundy
paid little attention to the Franks in t he north.34

"Britannica On-Line":
The son of Begga and Ansegisel, who were, respectively, the
daughter of
Pepin I and the son of Bishop Arnulf of Metz, Pepin established
himself as mayor of the palace in Austrasia after the death of
Dagobert II in 679 and defended its autonomy against Theodoric
III of Neus tria and Ebroon, Theodoric's mayor of the palace.
Defeated by Ebroon in 680 at Lucofao (near Laon), Pepin gained
his revenge on the Neustrians in 687 at Ter try (near Pironne)
and became sole effective ruler of the Franks. He neverthe less
retained Theodoric III on the throne and after his death
replaced him wi th three successive Merovingian kings. After
several years of warfare Pepin de feated the Frisians on his
northeastern border (689) and married his son Grimo ald to
Theodelind, daughter of the Frisian chief Radbod. He also
forced the A lemanni to recognize Frankish authority again and
encouraged Christian mission aries in Alemannia and Bavaria.
Charles Martel was his son.1 NAME /ZZ Pepin II of Heristal/
2 SOUR S0002179
3 PAGE Tree #3982
4 TEXT Date of Import: Oct 29, 1999
2 SOUR S0001564
4 TEXT D ate of Import: Oct 29, 1999
2 PLAC France
2 SOUR S0001921
4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 22, 1999
2 DATE WFT Est. 624-666
2 SOUR S0002199
3 PAGE Tree #1725
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 22, 1999
2 SOUR S0002072
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 22, 1999
2 SOUR S0002179
3 PAGE Tree #3982
4 TEXT Date of Import: Oct 29, 1999
2 SOUR S0001564
4 TEXT Date of Import: Oct 29, 1999
2 DATE WFT Est. 687-824
2 SOUR S0002199
3 PAGE Tree #1525
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 22, 1999
2 SOUR S0002066
4 TEXT Date of Impor t: Jul 22, 1999
2 DATE 714
2 SOUR S0002199
3 PAGE Tree #1725
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 22, 1999
2 SOUR S0002072
4 T EXT Date of Import: Jul 22, 1999
2 SOUR S0002179
3 PAGE Tree #3982
4 TEXT Date of Import: Oct 29, 1999
2 SOUR S0001564
4 TEXT Da te of Import: Oct 29, 1999
2 SOUR S0001921
4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 22, 1999

Data Sources:
Brøderbund World Family Tree #8, Pedigree #15 25
Brøderbund World Family Tree #8, Pedigree #1725

Gedcom G419
Submitted t o Brøderbund by:
Robert W. McGahuey
203 Willowbrook Court
Winchester, VA 226 02
(540) 723-8974
Data Source:
Brøderbund World Family Tree #4, Pedigree #39 82

Created by:
Pat Adams
2111 Albemarle Terrace
Brooklyn, NY 11226-3905
(718) 469-4032
Also Known As:<_AKA> Pepin of /Herstal/
Carolingian mayor of the palace, who r eunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680 . In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead mon archs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.

Pepin II d'Heristal (Andre Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL rese arch. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 191.)

(Paul Auge, Nouveau Larousse Universel (13 a 21 Rue Montparnasse et Bouleva rd Raspail 114: Librairie Larousse, 1948).)

(Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 212 02, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 129, Line 171-44.)

(Alain Decaux Andre Castelot, Marcel Jullian et J. Levron, Histoire de La Fr ance et des Francais au Jour le Jour (Librairie Academique Perrin, 1976), Tome 1, Page 369).

Born: circa 635 in Liege, Luik, Liege, Belgium, son of Ansegis =Ansegisus, Duke d'Austrasie and Sainte Begge=Begga de Landen . Note - between 679 and 714: The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles] , k nown as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King' s entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given fi nancial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most si ngular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. O riginally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate lev els of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exi le in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By t he end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry II I of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three league s from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie an d in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pe pin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as tha t of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert th em to Christianity] , the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 69 0] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688] , circa 70 0, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud. Married before 685: Plectrud d'Echternach, daughter of Hugobert=Humbert d'Echternach and Irmina. Married be fore 686: Aupais=Alpaide. Historians recognize Alpais as Pepin II's one concubi ne, which seems rather modest for a personage of his status at that time. Died: on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile-sur-Meuse, Belgium.Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GC9-7T
GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
EVEN Mayor of Austrasia and Neustria
TYPE Elected
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN of Clovis I the Riparian
TYPE Descendant
PLAC Frankish Kingdom
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:29:20

GIVN Pepin II d'
SURN Heristal
NSFX [Mayor/Palace ]
!Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2 Hewas
inc orrectly called Pepin of Heristal or Herstal. About 678 he led thenobles o
Au strasia against Ebroin, Mayor of the palace, and Neustria. Hisvictory at th
b attle of Tertry in 687 marked the downfall of the Merovingians,although they
s till held the title of kings. He ruled under four of them. Hefought the
Fris ians and after defeating their duke, Radbod, brought them withinthe
Christian church. He likewise defended his frontiers against theBavarians and
Alammani. He also had at least one concubine.
Tab, Gen Souv, France 22, Tab III Keiser Und Koenig Hist.
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Ch art 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFf afman
p. E- 30, # 29.

OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compus erve) says 631; says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM; says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgiu m
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714; says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon Engla nd,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compu serve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
establis hed Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Du ke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de H eris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista", Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of ADA LGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-714 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Pa lace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Heristal (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - edhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (680) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis III. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
Des cendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Digni ties, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Cha rt by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - l/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 tes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH

OCCU May or d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu.ed u/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM; sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & An glo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714; mily/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roder ick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Com puserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace ( 680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the Mer ovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruleAncestral File Number:<AFN> 9GC9-7T

GIVN Pepin, Mayor of
SURN Austrasia
AF N 9GC9-7T
EVEN Mayor of Austrasia and Neustria
TYPE Elected
DATE BET 687 AN D 714
EVEN Kingdom of France
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
PL AC Verberie sur Oise,France
EVEN Merovingia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 687 AND 714
EVEN of Clovis I the Riparian
TYPE Descendant
PLAC Frankish Kingdom
DATE 10 SEP 2000
TIME 06:29:20

GIVN Pepin II d'
SURN Heristal
NSFX [Mayor/Pala ce]
!Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2 Hewas
i ncorrectly called Pepin of Heristal or Herstal. About 678 he led thenobles o
Austrasia against Ebroin, Mayor of the palace, and Neustria. Hisvictory at th
battle of Tertry in 687 marked the downfall of the Merovingians,although they
still held the title of kings. He ruled under four of them. Hefought the
Fr isians and after defeating their duke, Radbod, brought them withinthe
Christia n church. He likewise defended his frontiers against theBavarians and
Alamman i. He also had at least one concubine.
Tab, Gen Souv, France 22, Tab III Keis er Und Koenig Hist.
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701.
Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by Robert Ffafman
p. E- 30, # 29.

OCCU Mayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Comp userve) says 631; says ABT 635, HERISTA L, LIEGE, BELGIUM; says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belg ium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 sa y 714; says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon Eng land,;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Com puserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 17;
Pepi n of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
establ ished Carolingian power over the Merovingian kings by making himself the
actua l ruler of the Franks - Encyclopedia, p. 652; Sometimes spelled Pippin -
NLP; Duke of Austrasia - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 9; Major Domus de
Austrasia de Heris, Count of Heristal - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1505; Pepin
"of Herista" , Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia - VERGY.TXT (Compuserve)
PEPIN II, son of A DALGISELUS and BEGGA DE BRABANT: Pepin L' Heuristal, Mayor of the Palace 687-7 14 - FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve)
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
Pepin le Gros, Duke of the Franks - CHARLEMA.ZIP (GS)
Pepin II of Austrasia D'Herist al (Mayor of the Palace, Duke of Austras) - /gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000045.htm#I1343
Mayor of the Palace of Neustrie (68 0) and Austrasie (c. 679); ruled the kingdom of France in the name of Clovis II I. Pepin of Herstal, Pepin d'Heristal or Pepin II: Source: Pedigrees of ...
D escendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; (Compuserve);
Haydn's Book of Dig nities, p 23; Charlemagne's Ancestors
Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel C hart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct 1992 - tml/notes/not0017.html#NI34018 notes/not0017.html#NI34018 says parents are ANSIGISEL and BEGUE - NPH

OCCU M ayor d' Austrasia ...
SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 631;
www.public.asu. edu/bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 635, HERISTAL, LIEGE, BELGIUM; m/sargen3 says ABT 635, Heristal, Liege, Belgium
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 & Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton, p. 167 say 714; family/d0000 says 16 Dec 714, Anglo-Saxon England,;
Royalty for Commoners, Rod erick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), #4;
COMYNJ.TAF (C ompuserve), p. 17;
Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace (680-714) of Austrasia and Neustria,
established Carolingian power over the M erovingian kings by making himself the
actual ruREFNA Parents: Ansigise DE AUSTRASIA. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Anchises METZ and Doda AUSTRASIA. Parents: Duchess Angise Begga METZ. Parents: Mayor Of Palace Ansegisal METZ and Duchess Angise Begga METZ. Parents: Mayor Of Palace Ansegisal METZ. Parents: .

Spouse: Concubine Of Aupais Heristal ALPAIDE. Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL and Concubine Of Aupais Heristal ALPAIDE were married before 673 in Not Married.5,128 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]654 _STATNOT_MARRIED Children were: Dreux DE CHAMPAGNE, Nivelon II De Vexin AUSTRASIA, Count Of Autun Childebrand AUSTRASIA I, Dreux De CHAMPAGNE, King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL, Of Austrasia CHILDEBRAND, Duke Of Theodo BAVARIA.

Spouse: Aupias METZ. Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL and Aupias METZ were married. Children were: King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL.


Children were: King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL, Dreux De CHAMPAGNE.

Spouse: Concubine To Pepin Alpaide FRANKS. Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL and Concubine To Pepin Alpaide FRANKS were married about 675 in Not Married. Children were: CHILDEBRAND, CHILDEBRAND, CHILDEBRAND, Duke Of Theodo BAVARIA, Count Of Autun Childebrand AUSTRASIA I, King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL.

Spouse: Princess Of Plectrude BAVARIA. Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL and Princess Of Plectrude BAVARIA were married on 13 May 706 in Belgium. Children were: Drogo HERISTAL, Mayor Grimoald AUSTRASIA II, Dreux De CHAMPAGNE.

Spouse: PLACTRUDA. Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL and PLACTRUDA were married on 13 May 706 in Belgium. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129; age/greenged.html says ABT 657; Children were: Mayor Of Austrasia GRIMOALD II, Duke Of Champagne Drogo D'HERISTAL.

Spouse: Plectrude Of AQUITAINE. Children were: Mayor Of Austrasia Of Burgundy DROGO, Mayor Of Neustria GRIMOALD.

Spouse: Concubine Alpais Of Metz. Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL and Concubine Alpais Of Metz were married WFT Est 648-692.73,75,76,77 Children were: King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL.

Spouse: PLECTRUDE. Duke Of Austrasia Braban Pepin II D'HERISTAL and PLECTRUDE were married about 673 in Belgium. Children were: DROGO, GRIMWALD.

Maire Of P. Of Neustrie ( Pepin D'HERSTAL II7,222 was born about 640 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium. He was also known as D'aquitaine. He died in Jupille, Belgium. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Maire of P. of Neustrie (680)
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Maire of P alace of Austrasie 679
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Maire of P. of Neustrie (680) Parents: Sgr. De Brabant Anegis DE SCHELDT and Begga Doda DE BRABANT.

Spouse: Plectrude D'ECTERNACH. Maire Of P. Of Neustrie ( Pepin D'HERSTAL II and Plectrude D'ECTERNACH were married. Children were: Drogo DE CHAMPAGNE, Maire Du Palais Grimoald II D'AUSTRASIE.

Spouse: Plectrude D'AUSTRASIE. Maire Of P. Of Neustrie ( Pepin D'HERSTAL II and Plectrude D'AUSTRASIE were married.

Spouse: Alpais DE BAVIERE. Maire Of P. Of Neustrie ( Pepin D'HERSTAL II and Alpais DE BAVIERE were married in 676. Children were: Maire Du Palais D'austras Charles Martel DE FRANCE, Childebrand DE BOURGOGNE.

Adalbert D'ITALIE7,207,517 was born after 936. He died on 30 Apr 971. #Générale# Vice-Roi d'Italie & Bourgogne de 950 à 961. Parents: .

Spouse: Gerberge DE MACON. Adalbert D'ITALIE and Gerberge DE MACON were married. CHAN2 Mar 2002 Children were: Otte-Guillaume DE BOURGOGNE-COMTÉ, Gisèle D'ITALIE.

Gisèle D'ITALIE7,207,517 was born in 964. Parents: Adalbert D'ITALIE and Gerberge DE MACON.

Dame De Montreuil Rozala (Suzanna) D'IVREA7,207,219,517,1968 was born in 950. She died on 7 Feb 1002/3 in Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium. She was buried in , Gand, Bel. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Dame de Montreuil Parents: . Parents: . Parents: .

Spouse: King Of France Robert FRANCE II. King Of France Robert FRANCE II and Dame De Montreuil Rozala (Suzanna) D'IVREA were married in 988. CHAN2 Mar 2002

CHAN2 Mar 2002

Sybille D'IVREA7,219,517 was born about 1065. She died after 1102. Parents: .

Spouse: Count Of Burgundy Eudes I BOREL I. Count Of Burgundy Eudes I BOREL I and Sybille D'IVREA were married about 1080. Children were: Alix DE BOURGOGNE, Duke Of Burgundy Hugues II Borel Le Pacifique DE BOURGOGNE.

Abbess Of Oeren 698-706 Irmina D'OEREN7,222 was born about 650. She died in 706. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Abbess of Oeren 698-706
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Abbess of Oeren 698-706 Parents: Bishop Of Liege Theodard D'OEREN and N... DE NEUSTRIE.

Spouse: Prince Bavarois Senechal Hugobert D'AUSTRASIE. Prince Bavarois Senechal Hugobert D'AUSTRASIE and Abbess Of Oeren 698-706 Irmina D'OEREN were married. Children were: Plectrude D'AUSTRASIE, Bertrade L'ancienne DE PRUEM, Chrodeline D'AUSTRASIE.

Bishop Of Liege Theodard D'OEREN7,222 was born about 620. He died after 660. Name Suffix:<NSFX> bishop of Liege
Name Suffix:<NSFX> bishop of Liege

Spouse: N... DE NEUSTRIE. Bishop Of Liege Theodard D'OEREN and N... DE NEUSTRIE were married. Children were: Abbess Of Oeren 698-706 Irmina D'OEREN.

Edith D'OILLY7,27,261 was born about 1110 in Hook Norton, Oxon Co., England. She died after 1165. Parents: Robert D'OILLY and Edith FORNE.

Spouse: Gilbert BASSETT. Gilbert BASSETT and Edith D'OILLY were married WFT Est 1127-1153. Children were: Thomas BASSETT.

Nigel D'OILLY7,27,261 died about 1112.

Spouse: AGNES. Children were: Robert D'OILLY.

Robert D'OILLY7,27,261 died about 1155. Parents: Nigel D'OILLY and AGNES.

Spouse: Edith FORNE. Children were: Edith D'OILLY.

Count Of Toulouse, Marqui Guillaume Aka D'ORANGE Au De Gellone7,222 was born about 751. He died on 28 May 812 in Gellone. He was also known as Saint. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count of Toulouse, Marquis of Septi
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Coun t of Toulouse, Marquis of Septi Parents: Roi De Neustrie & Bourgog D'autun Aka Makir ABIBAI and Albane Or Aube DE HERSTAL. Parents: Roi De Neustrie & Bourgog D'autun Aka Makir ABIBAI and Albane Or Aube DE HERSTAL.

Spouse: Guibourg DE HERBAUGES D'AUSTRASIE. Count Of Toulouse, Marqui Guillaume Aka D'ORANGE Au De Gellone and Guibourg DE HERBAUGES D'AUSTRASIE were married. Children were: Rotlinde DE GELLONE, Gerberge DE GELLONE, Heribert DE GELLONE, Thierry III D'AUTUN, Gaucelme DE GELLONE, Rolinde DE GELLONE, Duc De Septimanie, Cte De Bernard DE SEPTIMANIE.

Spouse: Cunegonde D'AUSTRASIE. Count Of Toulouse, Marqui Guillaume Aka D'ORANGE Au De Gellone and Cunegonde D'AUSTRASIE were married. Children were: Duc De Septimanie, Cte De Bernard DE SEPTIMANIE.

Emengarde D'ORLEANS.149,658 Parents: Count Of Tours\ Hugh ALSACE II and Lady Of Tours Aba TOURS.

[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She was born about 800 in Alsace, France.5,25,128,231 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]139,299,465,466,502 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died on 20 Mar 850/51.5,73,74,115,128,134,231,340 She was buried on 20 Mar 850/51 in Erstein Abbey, Strasbourg, Alsace, France.5,128 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]139,299,465,466,502 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] She was also known as Holy Roman Empress. She was also known as Countess Of Tours. She was also known as Irmengarde.121,242 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Empress
Ancestral File Number: <AFN> 9HMN-TC
Ref; 31st. Great Grandmother to Roy L. BirchName Suffix:<NSFX> EMPRESS OF HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9H MN-TC
_FA1 PLAC Buried: Erstein Abbey, Strasbourg. Parents: Count Of Tours\ Hugh ALSACE II and Lady Of Tours Aba TOURS. Parents: Count Of Tours Hugh II Of HUGH II LE MEFIANT, and Lady Of Tours Aba TOURS. Parents: . Parents: Count Of Tours\ Hugh ALSACE II. Parents: Count Hugh II TOURS.

Spouse: Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA. Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA and Queen Of Italy Ermengarde D'ORLEANS were married on 15 Oct 821 in Thionville, Moselle, France.5,73,74,115,128,134 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]28 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1304 says ABT 822;
ANJOU.TXT says 15 Oct 821 ; says 15 Oct 821, Thionville;
Royalty for Commoners, R oderick W. Stuart, p. 215

SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1304 says ABT 822;
ANJOU.TXT says 15 Oct 821; says 15 Oct 821, Thionville;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 215

SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuse rve), #1304 says ABT 822;
ANJOU.TXT says 15 Oct 821; sa ys 15 Oct 821, Thionville;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 215

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_M REL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural Children were: Duchess Of The Maasgau Ermengarde MOSELLE, Holy Roman Emp Louis II Le JEUNE, MEREGARDE, Abbess Of Avenay Helletrude ITALY, Rothilde LORRAINE, Valtrude Holy Roman Empire, King Provence Charles BURGUNDY PROVENCE, LOUIS, Ermnegarde Of The Moselle-Of Italy DE BOURGOGNE, King Of Louis II ITALY, LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck, King Of Provence CHARLES, Abbess Of Avenay BERTHA, LOUIS II, King Of Lorraine II LOTHARIUS, [Nun] Gisle ITALY, Rotrude DE GERMANIE, Bertha OF AVENAY, Princess Of Italy Ermengarde De BURGUNDY, King Of LOTHAIRE II, CHARLES, Queen Of France Susanna Rosele IVREA, Rothilde De ITALIA, King Lothaire II OF LORRAINE, Nun Gisela De ITALIA, , King Of Provence Charles The CHILD, Princess ROTRUD.

Spouse: Count Of Auxerre Conrad II OF BURGUNDY. Count Of Auxerre Conrad II OF BURGUNDY and Queen Of Italy Ermengarde D'ORLEANS were married. Children were: King Of Upper Burgundy Rudolph DE BURGUNDY, Queen Of Adelheide Judith OF PARIS.

Count Of The Gatinais Geoffrey D'ORLEANS I7,18,129,165,505 was born in 825. He was also known as Orleans. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count
GEDCOM line 68949 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 GIVN Geoffrey

GEDCOM line 68950 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 SURN Ga tinais

GEDCOM line 68951 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 NSFX Count

h ttp:// Parents: Bouchard FEZENSAC II.

Children were: Aubri DUX OF GATINAIS AND, Adelaide De Amboise DE GATINAIS, Count/Gatinais AUBRI.

Waildruth Waldrada' D'ORLEANS7,121,242 was born about 800. RELI Sources: Dee, Danielle Marie. AOL user Dani Dee. File uploaitwiesner--Ot her FieldsRef Number: +
DATE 2 APR 1999

TITL Final.ged
MEDI Ot her
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 Parents: Count Of Orleans Hadrian Of ORLEANS and Waldrat VON HORNBACH.

Children were: Count Of Womgau Rutpert WOMGAU IV.

Spouse: Rutpert VON WORMGAU III. Rutpert VON WORMGAU III and Waildruth Waldrada' D'ORLEANS were married. Children were: Count Of Womgau Rutpert WOMGAU IV.

Waldrada D'ORLEANS7,18,54 was born in 810. She was also known as Wiltrud. Parents: Count Of Orleans Hadrian and Waldrat VON HORNBACH. Parents: .

Spouse: \Count Of Wormgau Rutpert OF WORMSGAU UPPER RHINE III. \Count Of Wormgau Rutpert OF WORMSGAU UPPER RHINE III and Waldrada D'ORLEANS were married. Children were: Count Of Paris Robert Duke Of France Count Of ORLEAN IV.

Ava D'OSTREVANT7,248 was born about 980.

Spouse: Wedric I D'AVESNES. Wedric I D'AVESNES and Ava D'OSTREVANT were married. Children were: Wedric II D'AVESNES.

Edith D'OYLY7,385,985 was born about 1105 in Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England. She died in 1165.

Spouse: Gilbert BASSET. Gilbert BASSET and Edith D'OYLY were married. Children were: Joan BASSET, Lord Of Hedendon Thomas BASSET.

Liétaud Ier D'YÈVRE7,242 was born about 995. He died after 1050. #Générale# Seigneur d'Yèvre-le-Châtel (45) en 1050. Parents: Count Of Anjou Geoffroi Ier Grisegonelle D'ANJOU and C'tess/Gastinois Beatrice DE MACON.

Edna D.3,879 was born on 8 Aug 1893.3,879 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 37338.

Children were: Carl William DOOLEY.

Ella D.3,401 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 73488.

Spouse: John Angus MCINTOSH. John Angus MCINTOSH and Ella D. were married. Reference Number:1212948

Eva D.3,413 was born about 1870.3,413 She died WFT Est 1896-1964.3,413 She is reference number 94859.

Spouse: Frank G. EICHAR. Frank G. EICHAR and Eva D. were married about 1888.3,413 Reference Number:1512110 Children were: Hazel G. EICHAR, Frank E. EICHAR.

Living D..3

Spouse: JOHNNIE.

Martha D.3,333 was born in Aug 1854 in AR.3,333 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 103320. [boyd-trees.ged]


[DATA BASE 6-04-02.FTW]

In 1900 cs Martha states she has had 12 children with 10 living.

Spouse: Obediah KELLY. Obediah KELLY and Martha D. were married about 1872.3,333 Reference Number:43768 Children were: Olive KELLY, Lillie A. KELLY, Emerson R. KELLY, Bessie KELLY, H ( C Or O ) KELLY, Beulah P. KELLY, Ora M. KELLY.

Mary D.5,128 was born about 1856.5,128

Spouse: Charles Birch RUSH. Charles Birch RUSH and Mary D. were married.

Opal D.394 was born on 28 Feb 1907 in Jefferson Township, Sullivan County, Indiana.394 She died on 12 Feb 1981 in Jefferson Township, Sullivan County, Indiana.394 She was buried on 15 Feb 1981 in Pleasentville Cemetery, Jefferson Township, Sullivan County, Indiana.394

Spouse: Laurel A. ENOCHS. Laurel A. ENOCHS and Opal D. were married.

Richard D. Sr. Choate7,188 was born on 9 Feb 1763 in Catawba Co., NC. He died on 25 Jan 1864 in Fleming Co, KY. He was buried in 1864 in Evans-Seevers Graveyard, Hurst Cemetery, Fleming Co., KY. Parents: Aaron C. CHOATE and Annie HUBBLE.

Spouse: Nellie MCAFEE. Richard D. Sr. Choate and Nellie MCAFEE were married. Children were: Richard D. Jr. Choate, Sarah CHOATE, Mary CHOATE, Eliza CHOATE, Julia Ann CHOATE, Lucinda CHOATE, Abner CHOATE, Susan CHOATE.

Spouse: Elizabeth ENIX. Richard D. Sr. Choate and Elizabeth ENIX were married. Children were: Tilla CHOATE, Terisa CHOATE, Mary CHOATE, Zachariah CHOATE, Emily C. CHOATE, Namen CHOATE, Malvina A. CHOATE, Eliza E. CHOATE, Abraham CHOATE, James A. CHOATE, Richard H. CHOATE, Henry C. CHOATE, Margaret CHOATE.

Richard D. Jr. Choate7,188 was born in 1795 in Catawba Co., NC. He died in 1859. Parents: Richard D. Sr. Choate and Nellie MCAFEE.

Spouse: Ammy HAMILTON. Richard D. Jr. Choate and Ammy HAMILTON were married. Children were: Henry Or Henderson CHOATE, Albert CHOATE, Hilda CHOATE, James D. CHOATE, Iredell D. CHOATE, Zachariah CHOATE.

Rosa D..5,94,409

Spouse: Henry PECK.

Sarah D.3,399 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 13145.

Spouse: Henry T. BRAMMER. Henry T. BRAMMER and Sarah D. were married. Reference Number:320937 Children were: Prince E. BRAMMER, John Matthew BRAMMER.

Sarah D.3,397 was born in Nov 1829 in SC.3,397 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 62832.

Spouse: Robert BOYD. Robert BOYD and Sarah D. were married. Reference Number:1061825 Children were: Robert P. BOYD, William Harvey BOYD.

Elizabeth DABBS.188

Spouse: Derius CHOATE. Children were: Ann CHOATE.

Elizabth Dobbs DABBS3,405 was born about 1741 in Hanover, VA.3,405 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,405 She died in 1823 in Albemarle VA.3,405 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,405 She was also known as Elizabeth Dobbs Dabbs.3,405 She is reference number 98156.

Spouse: James HUCKSTEP. James HUCKSTEP and Elizabth Dobbs DABBS were married between 1760 and 1762 in Hanover, VA.3,405 Reference Number:1555255 Children were: Charles HUCKSTEP, Nancy HUCKSTEP, Joe HUCKSTEP, John HUCKSTEP, Josia HUCKSTEP, Eliza HUCKSTEP, David HUCKSTEP, John HUCKSTEP.

John DABBS3,468 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 50186.

Spouse: Susan Florence BOYD. John DABBS and Susan Florence BOYD were married on 10 Dec 1899.3,468 Reference Number:879640

Elizabeth DABERNON.377

Spouse: John GREY.

Frances DABNEY3,405 was born in 1732 in Hanover Co., VA.3,405 She died in 1806 in Albemarle, VA.3,405 She was also known as Fanny. She is reference number 96092. Parents: Cornelius D'AUBIGNE and Sarah JENNINGS.

Spouse: John MAUPIN. John MAUPIN and Frances DABNEY were married WFT Est 1748-1778.3,405 Reference Number:1535566 Children were: Dabney MAUPIN, Peggy MAUPIN, Sally MAUPIN, Daniel MAUPIN, John MAUPIN, Cornelius MAUPIN, Thomas MAUPIN, William MAUPIN, Gabriel MAUPIN, Robert MAUPIN, Frances MAUPIN, Carr MAUPIN, Jennings MAUPIN.

Martin DABNEY3,483 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 58707. [boyd-trees.ged]



Spouse: NANCY. Martin DABNEY and NANCY were married. Reference Number:1002438 Children were: Mary Margaret DABNEY.

Mary Elizabeth DABNEY3,405 was also known as "Betsy". She was born WFT Est 1724-1744.3,405 She died WFT Est 1749-1828.3,405 She is reference number 98826.

Spouse: Daniel MAUPIN. Daniel MAUPIN and Mary Elizabeth DABNEY were married WFT Est 1745-1778.3,405 Reference Number:1535759 Children were: Mary MAUPIN, Margaret MAUPIN, Sara MAUPIN, Elizabeth MAUPIN, John MAUPIN, Thomas MAUPIN, Frances MAUPIN, Cornelius MAUPIN, Daniel MAUPIN.

Mary Margaret DABNEY3,483 was born on 1 Aug 1832.3,483 She died on 1 Jan 1902 in Montague Co. TX..3,483 She is reference number 59134. [boyd-trees.ged]


[Myged#1.ftw] Parents: Martin DABNEY and NANCY.

Spouse: John A. PRESTWOOD. John A. PRESTWOOD and Mary Margaret DABNEY were married on 21 Dec 1848 in Sumter Co, AL.3,483 Reference Number:993323 Children were: James J. PRESTWOOD, Susan Elizabeth PRESTWOOD, Nancy Jane PRESTWOOD, Mary Etta PRESTWOOD, Austin G. PRESTWOOD, John Duncan PRESTWOOD, Alabama PRESTWOOD.

Christiana DABRIDGCOURT7,131,327,538 was born about 1558. She died on 5 Apr 1609. 1 _UID 2C723FA88A3F38498B181745A530335E3421

REFN: 9047 Parents: Thomas DABRIDGCOURT and Alice GRISWOLD.

Spouse: William BELCHER. William BELCHER and Christiana DABRIDGCOURT were married about 1579 in Solihull, Warwickshire, England. Children were: Margaret BELCHER, Dabridgcourt BELCHER, Dabridgecourt BELCHER, John BELCHER, Thomas BELCHER, Mabel BELCHER, Alice BELCHER, William BELCHER, Edward BELCHER.

Thomas DABRIDGCOURT7,131 died on 7 Mar 1601. He was born in Of Langdon Hall, In Com. Warr. 1 _UID 03BF60D490665947AD21158CA6C91FAD36E7 Parents: John DABRIDGECOURT and Elizabeth WIGSTON.

Spouse: Alice GRISWOLD. Thomas DABRIDGCOURT and Alice GRISWOLD were married. Children were: Christiana DABRIDGCOURT.


Spouse: Elizabeth WIGSTON. Children were: Thomas DABRIDGCOURT.

Wesley DABYO.5,128

Spouse: Stella Igetta HALSTEAD.

Anne DACRE.377

Spouse: Christopher Robert Conyers (Baron CONYERS.

Catherine De Neville Baroness DACRE377 was born about 1330 in Of Raby, Durham, England.377 She died before 1 Sep 1361.377 Parents: Ralph Neville Baron DE NEVILLE and Alice Audley Baroness NEVILLE.

Spouse: William Baron DE DACRE.

Elizabeth DACRE7,37 was born about 1286 in Haworth, Yorkshire, England. Parents: William DACRE and Joan GARNETT.

George DACRE7,95,850 was born about 1416 in Of Naworth, Brampton, Cumberland, England. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9FD3-S0 Parents: Thomas De DACRE and Phillippa De NEVILLE.

Hugh DACRE7,37 was born about 1288 in Haworth, Yorkshire, England. Parents: William DACRE and Joan GARNETT.

Humphrey Baron DACRE7,95,850 was born about 1420 in Of Naworth, Brampton, Cumberland, England. He died on 30 May 1485. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9FD3-T5 Parents: Thomas De DACRE and Phillippa De NEVILLE.

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