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Spouse: Miss De QUINCEY.

Mathilde Taillefer DE ANGOULÊME7,20,82,111,239 was born about 1158 in France.20 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died between 1233 and 1239.20 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9FTT-J0
Also Known As:<_AKA> Mathilde /Taillefer/ de Angoulême Parents: Count Of Angoule William IV TAILLEFER and Emma DE LIMOGES. Parents: Count Of Angoule William IV TAILLEFER and Cntss Of Turenne MARGUERITE. Parents: .

Children were: Count De La Marche Hugh X DE LUSIGNAN.

Spouse: Ct De La Marche\ Hugh IX DE LUSIGNAN. Ct De La Marche\ Hugh IX DE LUSIGNAN and Mathilde Taillefer DE ANGOULÊME were married about 1181 in . Children were: Count De La Marche Hugh X DE LUSIGNAN, Raoul De LUSIGNAN.

Beatrix DE ANGUS3,206 was born about 1184 in Forfar, Angusshire, Scotland.3,206 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 65339.

Spouse: Walter STEWART. Walter STEWART and Beatrix DE ANGUS were married. Reference Number:1096934 Children were: Margaret STEWART.

Adela DE ANJOU7,242 was born in 924 in Vexin, Normandy. DATE 27 APR 2000

Fulk I and Rocille were probably the parents of Adela - Royalty for Commoners,
Roderick W. Stuart, p. 82

OC CU ..
Fulk I and Rocille were probably the parents of Adela - Royalty for Commoners,
Roderick W. Stuart, p. 82 Parents: Count Of Anjou Foulques II Le Bon D'ANJOU and Countess Of Anjou Roscille DE LOCHES.

Adela DE ANJOU7,16,17,20,21 was born about 960.16,20 She died in 1029.16,20 Parents: Count Of Anjou Geoffroi Ier Grisegonelle D'ANJOU and Adelaide De Chalon DE VERMANDOIS.

Adelaide DE ANJOU.21 Parents: Count Of Anjou\ Fulk OF ANJOU I and Roscille DE LOCHES.

Countess Of Toulouse Adelaide DE ANJOU7,18,54,242,490,491,946,2332 was born in 942 in Anjou, France.946,2332,2333 She died in 1029.946,2332,2333 She was also known as Blanche. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess of Toulouse
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HPS-WG
T ITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
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TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
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GIVN Arsinde (Blanche) D'
SURN Anjou
NSFX [Countess of Tou
AFN 9HM8-P 1
DATE 27 AUG 2000
TIME 22:50:51

TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999

TITL Final.ged
MEDI Ot her
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI O ther
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

ALIA /Blanche/

DATE 26 APR 2000

OCCU Adelaide (Blanche)...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stu art, p. 236;
HAWKINS.GED says ABT 942; milburn says 948;
SOUR ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 213, 236
Widow of William, Count of Arles-Provence & Daughter of Fulk 'the Good",
Count of Anjou (dsp 1026) - SAVOY.TXT (Compuse rve);ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve) also
lists Adelaide de Anjou as the daughter of Fu lk II and Gerberge however the
dates of her parents deaths and her's make me s uspicious. Also, another sourc
shows Adele de Anjou daughter of Geoffrey I (A delaide's brother) marrying
William, Count of Arles-Provence on the same date as ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)
ADELAIDE DE ANJOU, daughter of FULK II & GERBERGE DE BOURGOGNE: 9.htm#I2652 shows here as mother of Constance de Anjou and daughter
of Eoulque s II (The Good) de Anjou and Gerberge
Dumaine - NPH

OCCU Adelaide (Blanch e)...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 236;
HAWKINS.GED say s ABT 942; says 948;
SOUR ANJOU .TXT (Compuserve)
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 213, 236
Widow of William, Count of Arles-Provence & Daughter of Fulk 'the Good ",
Count of Anjou (dsp 1026) - SAVOY.TXT (Compuserve);ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve) a lso
lists Adelaide de Anjou as the daughter of Fulk II and Gerberge however th e
dates of her parents deaths and her's make me suspicious. Also, another sou rc
shows Adele de Anjou daughter of Geoffrey I (Adelaide's brother) marrying
William, Count of Arles-Provence on the same date as ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)
AD ELAIDE DE ANJOU, daughter of FULK II & GERBERGE DE BOURGOGNE: http://misc.trav shows here as mot her of Constance de Anjou and daughter
of Eoulques II (The Good) de Anjou and Gerberge
Dumaine - NPH

OCCU Adelaide (Blanche)...
SOUR Royalty for Commo ners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 236;
HAWKINS.GED says ABT 942; m/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn says 948;
SOUR ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)
Royalty fo r Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 213, 236
Widow of William, Co unt of Arles-Provence & Daughter of Fulk 'the Good",
Count of Anjou (dsp 1026) - SAVOY.TXT (Compuserve);ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve) also
lists Adelaide de Anjou as the daughter of Fulk II and Gerberge however the
dates of her parents death s and her's make me suspicious. Also, another sourc
shows Adele de Anjou daug hter of Geoffrey I (Adelaide's brother) marrying
William, Count of Arles-Prove nce on the same date as ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)
ADELAIDE DE ANJOU, daughter of FULK II & GERBERGE DE BOURGOGNE: milburn/d0003/g0000049.htm#I2652 shows here as mother of Constance de Anjou and daughter
of Eoulques II (The Good) de Anjou and Gerberge
Dumaine - NPH

DATE 26 APR 2000

I wish I was sure of every name in this file &amp; that I didnt
need to know what you think :) hey, but al Parents: Count Of Anjou Foulques II Le Bon D'ANJOU and Gerberge DE GASTINOIS.

Adele DE ANJOU.242 Parents: Count Of Anjou Ingelger I DE ANJOU and Adelaide De Amboise DE GATINAIS.

King Of Jerusalem Aumary DE ANJOU I7,105,115,122 was born about 1135 in Jerusalem, Palestine. He died on 11 Jul 1174. Parents: Ct De Anjou\ Fulk V Le Grand ANJOU V and Princess Of Jerusalem Melisende DE Rethel.

Ermengard DE ANJOU7,15,20,21,81 was born between 1064 and 1068 in Of Anjou, France.20 She died on 1 Jun 1147.20,81 Parents: King IV Of Jerusalem Fulk RECHIN IV and Hildegard DE BAUGENCY.

Duchess Of Bretagne Ermengard-Gerberge DE ANJOU7,14,18,27,33,37,46,47,48,79,98,100,101,102,103,115,122,129,130,165,173,175,176,228,242,261,377,518,519,520 was born in 952 in Anjou, France.16,50,377,519,709 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]201 She died in 992 in Anjou, Normandy, France.32,519 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [kkgedcom[1]2.FTW]

GIVN Ermengarde
SURN d'Anjou
TITL William I.FTW
ABBR William I.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Dat e of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL de Meschines.FTW
ABBR de Meschin es.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL Waltheof and Judith de Lens.FTW
ABBR Waltheof and Ju dith de Lens.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Date of Impor t: Mar 13, 1999
TITL William I.FTW
ABBR William I.FTW
Source M edia Type: Other
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL de Meschines.FTW
ABBR de Meschines.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL Waltheof a nd Judith de Lens.FTW
ABBR Waltheof and Judith de Lens.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL Geoffrey Plantagent and Maud.GED
ABBR Geoffrey Plantagent and Maud.GED
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 16, 1999
[Willia m I.FTW]
GIVN Ermengarde
SURN d'Anjou
[de Meschines.FTW]
GIVN Ermengarde
S URN d'Anjou
[Waltheof and Judith de Lens.FTW]
GIVN Ermengarde
SURN d'Anjou
TITL William I.FTW
ABBR William I.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL de Mesc hines.FTW
ABBR de Meschines.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TE XT Date of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL Waltheof and Judith de Lens .FTW
ABBR Waltheof and Judith de Lens.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 13, 1999
TITL Geoffrey Plantage nt and Maud.GED
ABBR Geoffrey Plantagent and Maud.GED
Source Media Type: Othe r
TEXT Date of Import: Mar 16, 19991 NAME Ermangarde /D'Anjou/
2 DATE ABT. 1090

[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: RC 24, 167; Kraentzler 1156, 1174, 1180, 1194, 1211, 1218, 1432; A .
Roots 39, 40, 121; Pfafman.
K: Hermengarde d'Anjou/Ermengarde d'Anjou. Seco nd wife.
RC: Duchess of Brittany. She was the second wife of Conan I. Parents: . Parents: Count Of Anjou Geoffroi Ier Grisegonelle D'ANJOU and Countess Anjou Adelaide De VERMANDOIS. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Count Of Anjou Geoffroi Ier Grisegonelle D'ANJOU and Adelaide De Chalon DE VERMANDOIS. Parents: .

Spouse: Duke Of Brittany\ Conan LA TORT I. Duke Of Brittany\ Conan LA TORT I and Duchess Of Bretagne Ermengard-Gerberge DE ANJOU were married in 980 in France.15,16,20,32,50,225,249,258,268,519 1 REFN 42951 Children were: Duke Of Brittany\ Godfrey DE BRETAGNE I, Duchess Of Brittany\ Judith DE BRETAGNE, Duke Of Brittany Geoffrey I BRETAGNE I.

Spouse: Duke Of Bretagne Conan I The BRITTANY I. Duke Of Bretagne Conan I The BRITTANY I and Duchess Of Bretagne Ermengard-Gerberge DE ANJOU were married in 952 in France.201,263,377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]115 _STATMARRIED Children were: Duke Of Brittany Geoffrey I BRETAGNE I, Duchess Of Brittany\ Judith DE BRETAGNE, Vicomte De Porhoet JUDICAËL, Alan BRITTANY, Princess Of Brittany Bret JUDITH, Judhael CHATEAU-EN-PORHO, Duke Of Brittany\ Godfrey DE BRETAGNE I.

Spouse: Canan I Beranger Le Tort BRETAGNE. Canan I Beranger Le Tort BRETAGNE and Duchess Of Bretagne Ermengard-Gerberge DE ANJOU were married. Children were: Judicael De RENNES DE BRETAGNE.

Spouse: Ct De Angoulême\ Guillaume II Taillefer. Ct De Angoulême\ Guillaume II Taillefer and Duchess Of Bretagne Ermengard-Gerberge DE ANJOU were married after 992.16,20,50,227 1 REFN 60115 Children were: Ct De Angoulême\ Geoffrey I Taillefer.

King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU5,7,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,20,21,27,32,45,51,67,70,81,82,104,111,112,113,121,122,128,148,164,171,172,177,212,213,239,251,261,300,301,312,313,377,537,694,707 was born on 25 Mar 1133 in Le Mans, Anjou, France.5,12,13,15,20,81,104,113,118,128,157,171,172,377,527 He was christened in 1150 in Reign. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] He died on 8 Jul 1189 in Chinon Castle, France.5,12,13,15,20,30,81,104,113,118,128,157,171,172,527 He was buried on 8 Jul 1189 in Fontevraud Abbey, Maine-Et-Loire, France.12,13,171,172 He was also known as Curtmantle. He was also known as Plantagenet Curt. He is reference number 10548. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> II
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8WKP-WF
SOURCES: RD 500, PP 356-57;AR7, LINES 30-33, 86, 122 & TAG
26 (1950): 12-25 (for Obadiah Bruen); NEXUS 10 (1993):
70-74 & sources cited therin - MD 41(1991): 4-5 (Pierce),
G.F.& W.T.R Marvin, Descendants of Reynold and Matthew
Marvin, 1904, pp. 15 8-59, 229, E.C. Stewart, The
Descendants of Andrew Ford of Weymouth, Mass., P art I,
1968, pp. 51-53, & C.H. Cory, Jr., Lineal Ancestors of
Susan (Kitche ll) Mulford, Mother of Mrs. Susan (Mulford)
Cory, 1937, pp. 54-71 (kitchell), pp. 116-46 (Bruen).

Descendants listed Taken from "Ancestors of American
Presidents", 1995, Carl Boyer III.

Henry II (1133-1189) was the first ki ng of England to come
from the Plantagenet family. He reigned from 1154 unti l
his death. Henry carried on policies started by his
grandfather Henry I that increased the power of the English
throne. Known as the founder of the English system of
common law, Henry II revived the use of traveling circuit
judges to apply the law equally throughout the land. He
also introduced the use of juries into many legal
procedures. Henry was born in Le Mans, France. He was the
son of Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, and his wife,
Mat ilda, daughter of Henry I. His marriage in 1152 to
Eleanor of Aquitaine made him Duke of Aquitaine. He became
king of England in 1154 when King Stephen d ied. At the
height of his power, Henry ruled England and almost all of
wha t is now western France. He also claimed authority over
Ireland, Scotland, a nd Wales. In Henry's later years, his
sons rebelled against him. Two of the m, Richard the
Lion-Hearted and John, became the next two kings of
England. Several of Henry's policies, including his efforts
to curb the independence of the church, brought him into
conflict with Thomas Becket, archbishop of Ca nterbury. In
1170, four of Henry's knights, who believed they were
acting on the king's orders, murdered Becket in his
cathedral. Contributor: Emily Za ck Tabuteau, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor of History, Michigan State University .
end of article ----

World Book

!NAME:Ancestors of Henry II (Plantagenet) King of Engl and,
Ancestors of Henry II (Plantagenet) King of England,
Douglas McMartin, 15 Nov 1995

!NAME:World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, World Family Tree
Vol . 5, Ed. 1, Brøderbund Software, INC., Release date:
August 22, 1996

!NAM E:Mainfile.ged, Mainfile.ged

!NAME:Royal Genealogies DB, Royal Genealogies D B, Denis R.
Reid, 149 Kimrose Lane, Broadview Heights, OH 44147-1258

!NAM E:Ahnentafel for Margery Arundell, Ahnentafel for
Margery Arundell, Marlyn Le wis, 08 Oct 1997

!NAME:Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who
Came to America bef 1760, Ancestral Roots of Certain
American Colonists Who C ame to America bef 1760, Frederick
Lewis Weis, 7th ed Genealogical Publishing , Baltimore 1992,
line 1 pp 1-4

!NAME:Washington Ancestry & Records of Mc Clain, Johnson &
Forty Other Colonial American Families, Washington Ancestry
& Records of McClain, Johnson & Forty Other Colonial
American Families, Cha rt: The Ancestry of Mourning Adams
Garner, pp 54-55, Vol I

!NAME:large-G6 75.FTW, large-G675.FTW

!NAME:11615-2.ftw, 11615-2.ftw

!NAME:large-G675.FT W, large-G675.FTW

!NAME:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW

!NAME:large-G675.F TW, large-G675.FTW

!BIRTH:Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's
D escendants vol. II, Pedigrees
of Some of the Empe ror Charlemagne's Descendants
vol. II, Langston, Aileen Lewers; Bu ck, J.
Orton Jr.; and Beard, Timothy Field, 15 JUN 1996

!BIRTH:World Fami ly Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1, World Family Tree
Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Brøderbund Software, Inc., Release date:
November 29, 1995

!BIRTH:World Family Tree Volume 2 T ree # 1822, World Family
Tree Volume 2 Tree # 1
Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8WKP-WF
Henry II was b orn at Le Mans in 1133. He was the eldest son of the Empress Matilda, daughter of Henry I, by her second marriage to Geoffrey the Fair of Anjou. His parents' marriage was tempestous, and both parties were glad when politics brought a sep aration, with Matilda going to England to fight King Stephen, and Geoffrey of N ormandy to win a heritage for young Henry.

He first came to England at the a ge of nine when his mother made her dramatic escape from Oxford where she was b esieged by Stephen, across the ice and snow, dressed all in white, to welcome h im at Wallingford. His next visit, when he was fourteen, showed his character: he recruited a small army of mercenaries to cross over and fight Stephen in Eng land, but failed so miserably in the execution of his plans that he ended up bo rrowing money from Stephen to get back home. A third expedition, two years late r, was almost as great a failure. Henry was not a soldier, his were skills of a dministration and diplomacy; warfare bored and sometimes frightened him. For th e meanwhile he now concentrated on Normandy, of which his father had made him j oint ruler. In 1151, the year of his father's death, he went to Paris to do hom age to Louis VII for his duchy. There he met Queen Eleanor, and she fell in lov e with him.

Henry was by no means averse. To steal a king's wife does a grea t deal for the ego of a young duke; he was as lusty as she, and late in their l ives he was still ardently wenching with 'the fair Rosamund' Clifford, and less salubrious girls with names like 'Bellebelle'; finally, she would bring with h er the rich Duchy of Aquitaine, which she held in her own right. With this terr itory added to those he hoped to inherit and win, his boundaries would be Scotl and in the north, and the Pyrenees in the south.

Henry was, apart from his p rospects, a 'catch' for any woman. He was intelligent, had learned Latin and co uld read and possibly write; immensely strong and vigorous, a sportsman and har d rider who loved travel; emotional and passionate, prone to tears and incredib le rages; carelessly but richly dressed, worried enough in later life to concea l his baldness by careful arrangement of his hair, and very concerned not to gr ow fat.

But now he was in the prime of youth, and in 1153, when he landed wi th a large force in Bristol, the world was ready to be won. He quickly gained c ontrol of the West Country and moved up to Wallingford for a crucial battle wit h Stephen. This was avoided, however, because in thepreparations for the battle Henry fell from his horse three times, a bad omen. Henry himself was not super stitious -- he was the reverse, a cheerful blasphemer -- but he disliked battle s and when his anxious advisers urged him to heed the omen, he willingly agreed to parley privately with Stephen. The conference was a strange occasion: there were only two of them there, at the narowest point of the Thames, with Henry o n one bank and Stephen on the other. None the less, they seem to have come to a n agreement to take negotiations further.

That summer Stephen's son died mys teriously, and Eleanor bore Henry an heir (about the same time as an English wh ore Hikenai produced his faithful bastard Geoffrey). The omens clearly showed w hat was soon confirmed between the two -- that when Stephen died, Henry should rule in his place. A year later Stephen did die, and in December 1154, Henry an d Eleanor were crowned in London.

Henry was only 21, but he soon showed his worth, destroying unlicensed castles, and dispersing the foreign mercenaries. H e gave even-handed justice, showing himself firm, but not unduly harsh. A count ry racked by civil war sighed with relief. Only two major difficulties appeared : first Henry's failure in his two Welsh campaigns in 1157 and 1165, when gueri lla tactics utterly defeated and on the first occasion nearly killed him; secon d was the reversal of his friendship for Becket w Parents: \King Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou Plantagenet and Matilda (Adelaide) Of England QUEEN. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: \King Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou Plantagenet and Empress/Germany Matilda STUART.

Spouse: Queen Of France & England Eleanor AQUITAINE. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Queen Of France & England Eleanor AQUITAINE were married on 18 May 1152 in Bordeaux Cathedral, Bordeaux, France.5,13,15,20,30,32,81,157,158,171,172,263,422,527,707 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]104,115 Reference Number:1599 Children were: Earl Of Salisbury , Arque William LONGESPEE, Duchess Of Saxon Maud Matilda ANGEVIN, King Of England Henry ANGEVIN, Matilda PLANTAGENET, Marie FRANCE, King Of England Richard PLANTAGENET I, Duke Of Brittany Geoffrey ANGEVIN, Joan ANGEVIN, Queen Of Castile Eleanor PLANTAGENET, Johanna PLANTAGENET, King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I, Unknown HENRY, John LACKLAND, ELEANOR, Prince Of Englan Henry "The Young King" PLANTAGENET, Of England Richard I PLANTAGENET I, Prince Of England Philip PLANTAGENET, Prcs Of England JOANNA, Duke Of Brittany GEOFFREY.

Spouse: Aliz DEPORBOET. Children were: William DELONGSPEE.

Spouse: Alix De FRANCE. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Alix De FRANCE were married.

Spouse: IKENAI. Children were: Geoffrey PLANTAGENET.

Spouse: Concubine 3 Annabel DE BALIOL. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Concubine 3 Annabel DE BALIOL were married on 18 May 1153 in Unmarried. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Unmd Children were: Earl Of Salisbury , Arque William LONGESPEE.

Spouse: Queen Of England Rosamund Joan CLIFFORD. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Queen Of England Rosamund Joan CLIFFORD were married about 1173 in Did Not Marry Had Natural Sons.12,13 _UID13868CCBACFD4148BE91EE0BC7C0B3A84C1E Children were: Earl Of Salisbury , Arque William LONGESPEE, Archbishop Of York GEOFFREY, Abp Of York - Bastard Geoffrey PLANTAGENET, Peter ENGLAND, Miss FITZ HENRY, Earl Of Salisbury WILLIAM Longespee.

Spouse: ALYS. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and ALYS were married about 1176 in (Not Married..Had Natural Son). !MARRIAGE:World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, World Family
Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, B røderbund Software, INC., Release
date: August 22, 1996 Children were: William I De LONGESPEE.

Children were: Queen Of Castile Eleanor PLANTAGENET.

Spouse: Concubine #4 Ida PLANTAGENET. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Concubine #4 Ida PLANTAGENET were married about 1176 in Unmarried.20,2334 Children were: Earl Of Salisbury , Arque William LONGESPEE.

Spouse: Concubine #3 Ykenai ENGLAND. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Concubine #3 Ykenai ENGLAND were married in Unmarried.

Spouse: Concubine Mrs. Henry II UNKNOWN.

Spouse: Ykenai Hikenai Or Hikenai\ HIKENAI OR HIKENAI.

Spouse: Nesta BLOET. Children were: Morgan BEVERLEY, Morgan BEVERLEY, Morgan BEVERLEY, Morgan BEVERLEY, Morgan BEVERLEY.

Spouse: Alice PORHOET. Children were: Matilda BARKING, Hugh LINCOLN, ENGLAND, Prince Of Richard ENGLAND, Matilda BARKING, Matilda BARKING, Matilda BARKING, Matilda BARKING.

Spouse: ALISA. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and ALISA were married in . Children were: Fitz Empress.

Spouse: Isabel WARREN. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Isabel WARREN were married. Children were: Earl Of Salisbury William DE LONGESPEE.

Hermengarde DE ANJOU.21,32 Parents: King IV Of Jerusalem Fulk RECHIN IV and Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT.

Count Of Anjou Ingelger I DE ANJOU7,242 was born about 845 in Anjou, France. He died about 893 in St Martin, Tours, France. He was buried in St Martin, Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count of Anjou
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HPS-6T
TITL Fi nal.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL F inal.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

G IVN Ingelar
SURN Anjou
NPFX Count

AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
P ERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Balt imore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 167-38
DATE 19 MAY 2000

OCCU Coun t of Anjou ...
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 845 and place; says ABT 845, Anjou, France;
ANJOU.TXT (Co mpuserve) CIR 885?;Royalty for Commoners says c888;
GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 4064357408 says ABT 885;ANJOU.TXT(Compuserve) Cir885
Ingelgar - GWALTNEY.ANC ( Compuserve) #4064357408; Follower of Robert the
Strong; made Count of Anjou c ir. 870 - ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)

OCCU Count of Anjou ...
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 845 and place; sa ys ABT 845, Anjou, France;
ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve) CIR 885?;Royalty for Com moners says c888;
GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 4064357408 says ABT 885;ANJOU.TXT( Compuserve) Cir885
Ingelgar - GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) #4064357408; Follower of Robert the
Strong; made Count of Anjou cir. 870 - ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)

OCCU Count of Anjou ...
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) sa ys 845 and place; says ABT 845, Anjou, France;
AN JOU.TXT (Compuserve) CIR 885?;Royalty for Commoners says c888;
GWALTNEY.ANC (C ompuserve) 4064357408 says ABT 885;ANJOU.TXT(Compuserve) Cir885
Ingelgar - GWA LTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) #4064357408; Follower of Robert the
Strong; made Count of Anjou cir. 870 - ANJOU.TXT (Compuserve)

DATE 31 MAY 2000 Parents: Count Of Tertulle De ANJOU and Petronille DE AUXERRE.

Spouse: Adelaide De Amboise DE GATINAIS. Count Of Anjou Ingelger I DE ANJOU and Adelaide De Amboise DE GATINAIS were married in France. TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural

SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 878, Fran ce;
HAWKINS.GED says 878, France; says ABT 869 ;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 869; says ABT 869, France

SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) says 878, France;
HAWKINS.GED says 878, France; says ABT 869;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 8 69; says ABT 869, France

SOUR COLLINS.ROY (C ompuserve) says 878, France;
HAWKINS.GED says 878, France; gertz/family says ABT 869;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 869; says ABT 869, France

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_ MREL Natural
REFN 3380 Children were: Adele DE ANJOU, Count Of Anjou\ Fulk OF ANJOU I.

Princess Of Sicily Margaret DE ANJOU7,62,111,129,377 was born in 1273 in Of, Napoli, , Italy.377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died on 31 Dec 1299.377 She was buried in St Jacques, Paris, France.377 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJH-9G Parents: Charles II King Of NAPLES and Maria Princess Of HUNGARY. Parents: . Parents: King Naples CARLO II and Princess Of Hungary MARIA. Parents: King Of II Naples CHARLES and Princess Of Hungary MARIA.

Spouse: Prince Of France Charles I P. Prince Of France Charles I P and Princess Of Sicily Margaret DE ANJOU were married on 16 Aug 1290 in Of, Corbeil, Marne, France.377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: Isabelle DE VALOIS, Philippe VI King FRANCE, Philippe VI France King Of FRANCE, PHILIP V, Countess Hainault Jeanne DE VALOIS, Marguerite DE VALOIS, Charles DE VALOIS II, Isabelle De VALOIS, Catherine DE VALOIS.

Sybilla DE ANJOU7,15,20,21,32,420,421,422 was born in 1115.20 She died in 1165 in Abbey Of St Lazarus, Bethlethem.20 Parents: Ct De Anjou\ Fulk V Le Grand ANJOU V and Countess Of Anjo Ermengarde DU MAINE.

William DE ANNE3,206 was born about 1354 in Frickley, Yorkshire, England.3,206 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 65063. Parents: John ANNE and Isabella MALLORY.

Spouse: Alice HARINGELL. William DE ANNE and Alice HARINGELL were married. Reference Number:1093238 Children were: Alexander ANNE.

Lionel DE ANTWERP3,659 was born on 29 Nov 1338.3,659 He died on 17 Oct 1368 in Piedmont.3,659 He is reference number 68194. Parents: III EDWARD King Of England and Philippa DE HAINAULT.

Spouse: Elizabeth DE BURGH. Lionel DE ANTWERP and Elizabeth DE BURGH were married WFT Est 1351-1362.3,659 Reference Number:1130680 Children were: Philippa PLANTAGENET.

Joana DE AQUINA.340,497 Parents: Count Cerra Tomasso II DI AQUINO and Margharita OF GERMANY.

Alpais DE AQUITAINE7,28,102,133,1978 was born about 764.28,1978 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She died after 852.28 2 SOUR S085410
4 TEXT Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000


[AR 191:14] Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Parents: GERSVIND.

Ebles DE AQUITAINE7,21,32 was born in 889.32

Spouse: ELGIVA. Children were: Duke Of Aquitaine William GUILLAUME III.

Princess Gisela DE AQUITAINE7,28,133,136,490,491,2335 was born between 818 and 820 in France.28,2336 She died after 1 Jul 876.28,2336 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Parents: Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL and Empress Holy Roman Empire Judith VON BAYERN Andech Von Altdorf Judith.

Ranulf I Of Poitou DE AQUITAINE7,54 was born in 833. He died on 5 Jul 866. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count Parents: Princess Hildegarde HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

Spouse: Blichilde DE MAINE. Ranulf I Of Poitou DE AQUITAINE and Blichilde DE MAINE were married. Children were: Ranulf OF POITOU II.

Princess Of Aragon Isabella DE ARAGON7,129,377,555 was born in 1243 in ., Montpellier, Herault, France. She died on 28 Jan 1270/71 in ., Cosenza, Calabria, Italy. She was buried in ., Saint Denis, Seine-Saint-Deni, France. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJF-W9
BURI PLAC , Saint Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis , France Parents: . Parents: .

Spouse: Phillipe III "The Bold" King Of FRANCE. Phillipe III "The Bold" King Of FRANCE and Princess Of Aragon Isabella DE ARAGON were married on 28 May 1262 in ., Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-DE-Dome, France. Children were: King France Philip IV THE FAIR, Prince Of France Louis FRANCE, Prince Of France Charles I P, Prince Of France ROBERT.

Living DE ARAUGO.3

Spouse: Living WILLIAMS. Children were: Living DE ARAUGO.

Living DE ARAUGO.3 Parents: Living DE ARAUGO and Living WILLIAMS.

Isabel DE ARCHES7,886 was born about 1228 in Of Wrawby, Lincolnshire, England. Parents: Robert DE ARCHES.

Spouse: John DE SKIPWITH. John DE SKIPWITH and Isabel DE ARCHES were married. Children were: John DE SKIPWITH.

Jueta DE ARCHES7,130 was born in 1116 in Thorp Arch, York, England. She died in 1148. 1 BIRT
2 DATE 1116 Parents: William DE ARCHES.

Spouse: Adam Le Brus III Baron SKELTON. Adam Le Brus III Baron SKELTON and Jueta DE ARCHES were married. Children were: Baron Skelton & Danby Peter LE BRUS, Adam DE BRUS, Agnes DE BRUS.

Juette DE ARCHES7,20,82 was born about 1130 in Thorp Arch, Skelton, Yorkshire, England.20 She died in 1206.20 [large-G675.FTW]

WallopFH] "Wallop Family".
[AR7] "Ancestral roots of ce rtain American colonists who came to America before 1700", Weis, 1992, seventh edition. The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650" Parents: .

Spouse: \Baron Skelton Adam Le BRUS III. \Baron Skelton Adam Le BRUS III and Juette DE ARCHES were married. Children were: Isabel LE BRUS.

Robert DE ARCHES.886

Children were: Isabel DE ARCHES.

Robert DE ARCHES7,130 was born in 1122 in Wransby, Lincolnshire, England. 1 BIRT
2 DATE 1128 Parents: William DE ARCHES.

William DE ARCHES7,130 was born in 1090 in Wransby, Lincolnshire, England.

Children were: Jueta DE ARCHES, Robert DE ARCHES.

Adelheid DE ARDENNE.54 Parents: Godfrey D'ARDENNE and Matilda VON SAXONY.

Spouse: Charles Of Upper Lorraine OF LAON. Children were: Ermengarde Adelaide DE LORRAINE, Gerberge Of Lower Lorraine OF BRABANT.

King Adalric DE ARDENNES7,219,542 was born about 448. He died in 516. Name Suffix:<NSFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Parents: King Of Clodius WESTPHALIA V and Unknown NN..

Voiry DE ARDENNES7,121,243 died about 918. OCCU Count de Ardennes ...
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve)
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserv e), p. 14
Count of Palatine - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1361 Parents: . Parents: .

Spouse: Cunigunde Of FRANCE. Voiry DE ARDENNES and Cunigunde Of FRANCE were married. _FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MRE L Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural

Dutchess Bonne DE ARDERNE7,14,115,117,228,243,248,295 was born about 945 in Ardenne, France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died after 992 in Lorraine, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Dutchess
OCCU Adelaide ...
SOUR HAWKINS.GED says ABT 945; says ABT 953,
Ardenne, France; ge/greenged.html says ABT 953;
Countess d'Arderne - American s of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 408;
Americans of Royal Descent, C harles H. Browning, p. 424 says her father was
Ricuinus, Duke of the Moselle - NLP

GIVN Bonne

TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
TITL tree1.ged
ME DI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999

DATE 21 APR 2000 Parents: Godefroy Comte D'ARDENNES and Countess Of Flanders Mathilde Von SACHSEN. Parents: Ct De Ardenne GODEFROY and Mathilde Of SAXONY. Parents: Count Of Godfrey DE VERDUN and Countess Of Flanders Mathilde Von SACHSEN.

Spouse: Duke Of Lower Lorraine Charles I DUC DE LOTHARINGIA. Duke Of Lower Lorraine Charles I DUC DE LOTHARINGIA and Dutchess Bonne DE ARDERNE were married about 978.115 _FREL Natural
_MREL Natural

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural

TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Imp ort: Oct 20, 1999

SOUR; nahue ; Children were: Ermengarde De BRABANT, Princess Of France Ermengar\Adelaide DE LORRAINE.

Letice DE ARDERNE7,2337 was born in 1124 in Stainesby, Derbyshire, England. Parents: .

Spouse: Geoffrey LE SAVAGE. Geoffrey LE SAVAGE and Letice DE ARDERNE were married. Children were: John SAVAGE.

Phillippa DE ARDERNE7,555 was born WFT Est 1272-1295. She died WFT Est 1317-1383.

Spouse: John DE DRAYTON. John DE DRAYTON and Phillippa DE ARDERNE were married WFT Est 1289-1317. Children were: Catherine DE DRAYTON.

Count Of Turin\ Boso DE ARLES III7,18,64,221,242 was born in 775 in Arles, France. He died in 855 in France. He was also known as The Old. Boso III was called Boso the Old. Parents: Count Of Boso ITALY II. Parents: Boso II De ARLES. Parents: Boso II De ARLES. Parents: .

Children were: Richilde D'ARLES, Ha Herbert De ARLES, Herbert De Arles, Marquss Herbert D' ARLES.

Children were: Ha Herbert De ARLES, Richilde D'ARLES.

Count Of Arles Theobald DE ARLES7,64,98,100,101,490,491 was born about 878 in Arles, France. He died in 948. He was also known as Thibault. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count of Arles Parents: Herbert De Arles.

Spouse: Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE. Count Of Arles Theobald DE ARLES and Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE were married about 898 in . Children were: Count Of Arles BOSO, Hugh De ARLES, Gerberge DE GASTINOIS, Teutberga De ARLES, Bozon De ARLES.

Thistburge DE ARLES7,242 was born about 880. She died before 30 Sep 948. OCCU Tautoberge de Arles ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 133
Teutberga - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. St uart, p. 133

OCCU Tautoberge de Arles ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roder ick W. Stuart
PAGE 133
Teutberga - Royalty for Commoners , Roderick W. Stuart, p. 133

DATE 4 MAY 2000

TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

DATE 1 OCT 1999



SOUR HAWKINS.GED Parents: King Of Burgundy Theobald De ARLES and Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE.

Children were: Countess Of Anjou Roscille DE LOCHES, Count Of Hugh De VIENNE, BERTA.

Joan DE ARSIC7,743 was born in 1190. Parents: .

Spouse: Eustace DE GREINVILLE. Eustace DE GREINVILLE and Joan DE ARSIC were married. Children were: Gilbert De Greinville Of HATTON.

Eudo DE ARSIK7,467,1003 was born about 1088 in Norfolk, England.1003

Children were: Eudo DE ARSIK.

Eudo DE ARSIK7,467,1003 was born about 1114 in Southacre, Norfolk, England.1003 He died on 6 Jul 1179.1003 Parents: Eudo DE ARSIK.

Children were: Sir Knight Eudo DE ARSIK.

Children were: Sir Knight Eudo DE ARSIK.

Sir Knight Eudo DE ARSIK7,43,467,1003 was born about 1212 in Southacre, Norfolk, England.1003 He died on 17 Sep 1241.1003 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sir Knight
Line 22098 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:

Line 6536 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Eudo /De Arsik/ NPFX Sir Knight

Line 65 37 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Eudo /De Arsik/ GIVN Eu do

Line 6538 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Eudo /De A rsik/ SURN De Arsik Parents: Eudo DE ARSIK. Parents: Eudo DE ARSIK.

Spouse: Alice WATSHALL. Sir Knight Eudo DE ARSIK and Alice WATSHALL were married. Children were: Sir Alexander HARSIK.

Queen Of Navarre Blanche DE ARTOIS7,51,69,97,111,129,252,364,555,948 was born in 1248 in Arras, France.948 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died on 2 May 1302 in Paris, France.948 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She was buried in Minoresses Conve, Aldgate, Middlesex, England. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen of Navarre
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ9-D5
Line 138489 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Blanche D' /ARTOIS/ GIVN Blanche D'

Line 138490 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:

Line 138497 from GEDCOM File not recog nizable or too long:
DEAT DATE 2 May 1302

Line 138500 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI PLAC Minoresses Convent,Aldgate,Middlesex,Engl and

Line 138502 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:

Line 138506 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:

BURI PLAC Minoresses Convent, Aldgate, Middlesex, Eng land Parents: . Parents: Count Artois Robert I OF ARTOIS. Parents: . Parents: Count Artois Robert I OF ARTOIS and Princess Brabant Maud\Matilda OF BRABANT.

Spouse: Earl Of Leicester Edmund PLANTAGENET. Earl Of Leicester Edmund PLANTAGENET and Queen Of Navarre Blanche DE ARTOIS were married on 29 Oct 1276 in Paris, Seine, France.948,2338,2339 Children were: Earl Of Lancaster Henry PLANTAGENET, Earl Lancaster Thomas PLANTAGENET, Mary PLANTAGENET, John PLANTAGENET.

Spouse: King Of Navarre Enrique HENRY I. King Of Navarre Enrique HENRY I and Queen Of Navarre Blanche DE ARTOIS were married in 1269. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: Queen Of Navarre Joan I Of NAVARRE, Prince Of Navarra THIBAULT, Jeanne\Joan OF NAVARRE, Queen Of France Juana I Enriquez OF NAVARRE.

Spouse: Earl Of Edmund De LANCASTER. Earl Of Edmund De LANCASTER and Queen Of Navarre Blanche DE ARTOIS were married. Children were: Earl Of Thomas De LANCASTER, Earl Of Lancaster Henry PLANTAGENET, John Lord Of BEAUFORT.

Spouse: King Of Navarre Henri Of NAVARRE. King Of Navarre Henri Of NAVARRE and Queen Of Navarre Blanche DE ARTOIS were married in 1269.

Alice DE ARUNDEL7,20,62,82,244,252,948,2340,2341 was born in 1289.20,948 She died on 12 Dec 1325.20,948 She was also known as Aline. 2 SOUR S0993518
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002

This pa ge is just a start. Not all information has bee varified. Parents: Earl Of Arundel Richard FITZ ALAN and Alisona DE SALUZZA.

Spouse: Stephen DE SEGRAVE. Stephen DE SEGRAVE and Alice DE ARUNDEL were married. Children were: Lord John DE SEGRAVE.

Spouse: Stephen John DE SEAGRAVE. Stephen John DE SEAGRAVE and Alice DE ARUNDEL were married. Children were: Lord John DE SEGRAVE.

Bernard DE ARUNDEL7,50,130,752 was born about 1382 in Of Treleigh, Cornwall.50,752 He died on 5 Feb 1410/11.50,752 This site is made-up of my own family tree, plus contributions from many others who have shared their research, as well as downloads from from the internet. Not everything has been varified. It should be used with caution, but is a goo d place to start. Parents: Sir John DE ARUNDEL IV and Joan LUSCOTE.

Catherine DE ARUNDEL7,50,130,752 was born about 1380.50,752 This site is made-up of my own family tree, plus contributions from many others who have shared their research, as well as downloads from from the internet. Not everything has been varified. It should be used with caution, but is a goo d place to start. Parents: Sir John DE ARUNDEL IV and Joan LUSCOTE.

Cecily DE ARUNDEL7,106,537 was born about 1174 in Arundel Castle, Sussex, England. Parents: Earl Of Arundel William DE ALBINI and Maud\Matilda De St. Hilary DE HARCOURT.

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