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DE MONTFORT.377 Spouse: Havoise DE BEAUMONT. Almarie DE MONTFORT7,111 was born about 1166 in Amauri DE MONTFORT.111 Parents: Earl Of Leiceste Simon V DE MONTFORT and Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET. Seigneur Amauri DE MONTFORT I7,27,70,97,98,100,113,122,202,261,378,755 was born in 1000 in Evreux, Normandy, France.47 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died after 4 Feb 1030/31 in Montfort-L'amaury Castle, Ile-DE-France, France.47,113 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HMR-GV ?? Line 1199: (New PAF RIN=7673) 1 NAME A mauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /MONTFORT/ ?? Line 244: (New PAF RIN=9210) 1 NAME Amauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /MONTFORT/ ?? Line 4605: (New PAF RIN=9645) 1 N AME Amauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /MONTFORT/ Line 1595 from GEDCOM File not rec ognizable or too long: NAME Amauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /MONTFORT/ Line 1176 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Amauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /MONTFORT/ Line 571 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME A mauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /MONTFORT/ Line 4710 from GEDCOM File not recogniz able or too long: NAME Amauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /MONTFORT/ Line 895 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Amauri (Amaury), Seigneur De /M ONTFORT/ Line 895 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: Parents: Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM. Parents: William De MONTFORT and DE NOGENT. Parents: William De HAINAULT. Parents: Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM and Miss De NOGENT. Parents: Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM and Albreda De Esperon DE MONTFORT. Spouse: Bertrade DE GOMETZ.
Seigneur Amauri DE MONTFORT I and Bertrade DE GOMETZ were married about 1022
in Ile DE France, France. TITL tree1.ged
Spouse: Bertrade DE GOMETZ. Seigneur Amauri DE MONTFORT I and Bertrade DE GOMETZ were married about 1022 in Of, Ile DE France, France.47 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: Avemelle De MONTFORT, Eve De MONTFORT, Mainer De MONTFORT, Amaury De MONTFORT, Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT. Count Of Evreux Amauri DE MONTFORT7,27,97,111,212,300,301,694 was born about 1151 in Evreux, Normandy, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count Of Evreux Ancestral File Number:<AFN> V9S3-2Q Invali d baptism temple code: SGEORG. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died in 1140 in (Sp). [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as Almaricus Almaricus. He was also known as Amaury De Montfort.27,97,212 He was born in Of, Montfort-Sur-Ris, Eure, France. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> PXX6-LG Parents: Lord Of Montfort Amaury IV DE MONTFORT and Agnes DE GARLANDE. Amaury DE MONTFORT7,37 died on 13 Mar 1181/82. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Amaury DE MONTFORT7,37 was born about 920. He died in 983. Spouse: Unknown DE CAMBRAI. Children were: Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM. Amaury DE MONTFORT7,37 was born about 1000. He died in 1053. Parents: Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM and DE NOGENT. Spouse: Bertrade DE GOMETZ. Amaury DE MONTFORT and Bertrade DE GOMETZ were married in 1028. Children were: Eva DE MONTFORT, Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT. Amaury DE MONTFORT7,37,202,755 was born in 1056 in Ile DE France, France.47 He died in 1089.47 Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Isabel BROYES. Amaury I DE MONTFORT7,98,100,248 was born in 932 in France. Parents: . Parents: Count Of Hainault Regnier II OF HAINAULT and Alice Adelaide BURGUNDY. Spouse: Judith DE CAMBRAY. Amaury I DE MONTFORT and Judith DE CAMBRAY were married in 952 in Evreux, Normandie, France. Children were: Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM. Lord Of Montfort Amaury IV DE MONTFORT7,27,37,70,97,98,100,111,202,212,313,378,755 was born about 1070 in Montfort, Eure, France.47 He died in 1137.47 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XQ3-G9 Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Parents: Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Parents: . Parents: . Spouse: Richeude Of HAINAULT. Spouse: Richilde DE HAINAULT. Lord Of Montfort Amaury IV DE MONTFORT and Richilde DE HAINAULT were married about 1097 in Of, Hainaut, Belgium. Children were: Simon II De MONTFORT. Spouse: Agnes DE GARLANDE. Lord Of Montfort Amaury IV DE MONTFORT and Agnes DE GARLANDE were married about 1116 in , Garlende, France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: Count De Evereux SIMON, Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT, Countess Of Meulan Agnes Elizabeth De MONTFORT, Simon III De MONTFORT, Amaury DE MONTFORT. Spouse: Unnamed UNKNOWN. Amicie DE MONTFORT7,38,239 was born before 1118 in Norfolk, Norfolk, England. She died in 1168 in Convent Of Numeatone. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess of Leicester Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9G81-1D Line in Record @I13315@ (RIN 13315) from GEDCOM file not recognized: IDNO 2608 Line 2175 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [COUNTESS OF LEICESTER] Line 2175 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [COUNTESS OF LEICESTER] Parents: Ralph DE WAIET and Emma Fitzwilliam FITZ OSBORNE. Amicie DE MONTFORT7,111 was born about 1213 in Avemelle DE MONTFORT7,248 died in 1031. She was born in Normandy, France. Parents: Seigneur Amauri DE MONTFORT I and Bertrade DE GOMETZ. Spouse: Milo DE CHATILLON. Milo DE CHATILLON and Avemelle DE MONTFORT were married. Children were: Gui DE CHATILLON. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She was born about 1150 in Montfort L' Amauri, Isle DE France, France.5,15,20,47,128,421,1003 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]35 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She died in 1227 in Fontrevault, France.5,15,20,47,115,128,421,1003 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]35 She was also known as Bertrade D'evereux De Montfort.35,36 She was christened in France - Dtr Of Simon DE Monfort. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen Of France Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HPV-WQ Line 1 471 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [QUEEN OF FRANCE]/ Line 1471 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [QUEEN OF FRANCE ]/ GIVN Bertrade De SURN MONTFORT AFN 9HPV-WQ REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ances tral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyr ight (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _ MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Ch rist of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 Jan uary 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 13 SEP 2000 TIME 23:58:51 GIVN Bertrade De SURN MONTFORT AFN 9HPV-WQ REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestra l File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyrigh t (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MAS TER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Chris t of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 Januar y 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 13 SEP 2000 TIME 23:58:51 DATE 27 APR 2000 OCCU of Montfort l'Amauri, ... SOUR ADAMS.ANH (Compuserve) says ABT 1069; HAWKINS.GED says 1048; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stua rt, p. 68 says CIR 1060; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn says 10 59; SOUR ADAMS.ANH (Compuserve); Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p . 68; HAWKINS.GED; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 68 says moth er was Agnes de Evreux - NLP; HAWKINS.GED says mother was Agnes de Evreux - NP H; gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001says mother was Agnes de Evreux, all oth er sources shown with this name give mother as Isabelle de Broyes - NPH OCC U of Montfort l'Amauri, ... SOUR ADAMS.ANH (Compuserve) says ABT 1069; HAWKINS .GED says 1048; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 68 says CIR 1060 ; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn says 1059; SOUR ADAMS.ANH (Co mpuserve); Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 68; HAWKINS.GED; Ro yalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 68 says mother was Agnes de Evreux - NLP; HAWKINS.GED says mother was Agnes de Evreux - NPH; gendex.com/users/da ver/rigney/D0001says mother was Agnes de Evreux, all other sources shown with this name give mother as Isabelle de Broyes - NPH TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CA LN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 GIVN Bertrade SUR N DE MONTFORT NSFX Queen of France ABBR Gary Boyd Roberts Book TITL Via a ge dcom from Compuserve by Jack McDonald which gave the rather extensive Maybary line AUTH Gary Boyd Roberts GIVN Bertrade d'Evereux de SURN MONTFORT NSFX *Queen of France ?? Line 777: (New PAF RIN=7641) GEDCOM line 16924 not r ecognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Bertrade de GEDCOM line 16925 not recogn izable or too long: () 2 SURN Montfort married second Philip I, King of Fra nce per Weis' AR" (118:23), Fulks's 5th wife. Cokayne's "CP" (Appendix D to v.VII,p711). She was 4th wife of Fulk, deserting him to marry Philip. GE DCOM line 16924 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Bertrade de GEDCOM line 16925 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SURN Montfort married second Philip I, King of France per Weis' AR" (118:23), Fulks's 5th wife. Cokayn e's "CP" (Appendix D to v.VII,p711). She was 4th wife of Fulk, deserting him t o marry Philip. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XQ5-Z5 1 NAME Mrs-Hugh De Meschines De /KEVILOC/ ?? Line 305: (New PAF RIN=7606) 1 TITL [COUNTESS OF CHESTER]/ ?? Line 64: (New PAF RIN=9196) 1 TITL [COUNTESS OF CHESTER]/ ?? Line 1928: (New PAF RIN=9 431) 1 TITL [COUNTESS OF CHESTER]/ Line 522 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Bertrade De /MONTFORT (EVREUX)/ Line 523 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [COUNTESS OF CHESTER]/ Line 2327 from GEDC OM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Bertrade De /MONTFORT (EVREUX)/ Li ne 2328 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [COUNTESS OF CHEST ER]/ Line 281 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Bertrade De /MONTFORT (EVREUX)/ Line 282 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [COUNTESS OF CHESTER]/ Line 1656 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Bertrade De /MONTFORT (EVREUX)/ Line 1657 from GEDCOM File not re cognizable or too long: 23rd great grandmother. GEDCOM line 48302 not rec ognizable or too long: 1 NAME Bertrade de (d' Everux) /Montfort/ GEDCOM lin e 48303 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Bertrade de (d' Everux) GED COM line 48304 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SURN Montfort Weis' "AR" (125:28), states that she was the daughter of Simon and Maud. Cokayne's "CP" (Derby, p 196), (Chester, p.167), identifies Simon as Bertrade's father. The mother is not named. Parents: Simon De Montfort SN DE MONTFORT I and Agnes DE EVEREUX. Parents: . Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Parents: Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Parents: . Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Agnes D' EVEREUX. Children were: Maud DE KEVILIOC, Mabel DE MESCHINES. Spouse: King Of \Capet Of France\ PHILIPPE I. King Of \Capet Of France\ PHILIPPE I and Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT were married on 15 May 1092 in Ile DE France.60 eloped Children were: \Capet Of France\ FLEURY, Florent FRANCE, Capet CECILIA. Spouse:
King IV Of Jerusalem Fulk RECHIN IV.
King IV Of Jerusalem Fulk RECHIN IV and Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT
were married in 1089 in , , , France.15,20,32,115,263,420,421,707 _FREL Natural
Spouse: King Of France Philip I CAPET I. King Of France Philip I CAPET I and Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT were married in 1093.15,20,421 Spouse: Foulques IV. Children were: Ct De Anjou\ Fulk V Le Grand ANJOU V. Spouse: Earl Of Chester Hugh De Kevelioc DE MESCHINES. Earl Of Chester Hugh De Kevelioc DE MESCHINES and Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT were married in 1169 in (Unknown), Eng.35,47,1003 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] 2 _PREF Y Children were: Mabel DE MESCHINES, Amicia DE MESCHINES, Countess/Lincoln Hawise De MESCHINES, Alice DE MESCHINES, Beatrix De KEVELIOCK, Adeliz DE KEVELIOCK, Helga DE KEVELIOCK, [Countess Of Huntingdon] Matilda DE MESCHINES, [Earl Of Chester Ranulph DE MESCHINES, Hawise DE KEVELIOCK, Daughter De MESCHINES, Nichola DE MESCHINES, Of Chester MABEL, Beatrix DE KEVELIOCK, Agnes DE KEVELIOCK, [Countess Of Sussex] Mabel De MESCHINES, Earl Of Chester Ranulf DE MESCHINES, [Earl Of Chester] Ranulph De MESCHINES. Spouse: King Of France I PHILIP Capet. King Of France I PHILIP Capet and Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT were married on 15 May 1092 in , , Ile DE France, France. Eleanor DE MONTFORT7,111 was born in Oct 1252 in , Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England. She died on 19 Jun 1281. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ7-QL Parents: Earl Of Leiceste Simon V DE MONTFORT and Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET. Elizabeth DE MONTFORT7,97 was born about 1275 in Beaudesert, Warwickshire, England. She died in 1345. Parents: Peter DE MONTFORT II and Matilda DE LA WARR. Spouse: Baron William DE MONTAGU. Baron William DE MONTAGU and Elizabeth DE MONTFORT were married. Children were: Earl Salisbury William DE MONTAGUE, Alice MONTACUTE. Eva DE MONTFORT.37 Parents: Amaury DE MONTFORT and Bertrade DE GOMETZ. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She was born about 983. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]16 She was also known as Gisele De Montfort.943 REFN: 9826Feel Free to Download my Information, and if you find a link, please email me t o let me know. We are looking forward to finding all our relatives! :-)1 _UID CEB28DAFB4B9B548B6E32DAE4788787F6060 Eine Garantie für die Richt igkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben wird nicht übernommen. Berichtigungen, A nregungen und Hinweise sind jederzeit willkommen. Parents: Thurstan DE MONTFORT and Juliane DE MURDAC. Parents: Thurstan DE MONTFORT and Juliane DE MURDAC. Spouse: Lord Escalfoy Montrevil Giroie De Escalfoy. Lord Escalfoy Montrevil Giroie De Escalfoy and Gisele DE MONTFORT were married. 1 REFN 81970 Children were: Advise DE ESCALFOY. Spouse: Lord Escalfoy & Montrevi Giroie DE ESCALFOY. Lord Escalfoy & Montrevi Giroie DE ESCALFOY and Gisele DE MONTFORT were married. REFN37860 Children were: Advise DE ESCALFOY. Spouse: Giroie D'ESCHAUFFEN. Giroie D'ESCHAUFFEN and Gisele DE MONTFORT were married. 1 _UID EAC3338DB8F81A48901741359D45C263A3AE Children were: Havise D'ESCHAUFFEN. Guiburge DE MONTFORT7,537 was born after 1165. She died Deceased. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Guy DE MONTFORT7,537 was born about 1160. He died on 31 Jan 1228/29. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Seigneur Of Fert Guy DE MONTFORT7,111 was born about 1172 in Of, Montfort Amaury, Ile DE France, France. He died on 31 Jan 1227/28. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Seigneur of Fert Name Suffix:<NSFX> Seigneur of Fert Ances tral File Number:<AFN> V9S2-LC Parents: Seigneur De Montfort Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Leicester Amicia HARCOURT. Comte De Bigorre Guy DE MONTFORT7,111 was born about 1200 in Name Suffix:<NSFX> Comte de Bigorre Ances tral File Number:<AFN> WRRB-LC Parents: Earl Of Leiceste Simon De MONTFORT and Alice DE MONTMORENCY. Comte De Nole Guy DE MONTFORT7,111 was born about 1243 in Of, England. He died in , , Sicily, Italy. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Comte de Nole Name Suffix:<NSFX> Comte de Nole Ancestral F ile Number:<AFN> 8XJ7-M3 Parents: Earl Of Leiceste Simon V DE MONTFORT and Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET. Spouse: Margaret ALDOBRANDESCHI. Comte De Nole Guy DE MONTFORT and Margaret ALDOBRANDESCHI were married on 10 Aug 1270. Children were: Anastasie De MONTFORT, Thomasse De MONTFORT. Henry DE MONTFORT7,111 was born on 28 Nov 1238 in , Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England. He died on 4 Aug 1265 in , Evesham, Worchestershire, England. He was buried in Sp. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ7-KQ Parents: Earl Of Leiceste Simon V DE MONTFORT and Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET. Count De Montfort Hugh DE MONTFORT7,130,377,378,519,520 died in 1088.519 He was born WFT Est 986 in Montfort, Normandy, France.519 [kkgedcom[1]2.FTW] GIVN Hugh II SURN Montfort REPO @REPO1@ TITL World Fam ily Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc. PUBL Release date: Augu st 22, 1996 ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 Customer pedigree. Source M edia Type: Family Archive CD _MASTER Y PAGE Tree #1914 DATA TEXT Date of Im port: Apr 8, 1999 REPO @REPO1@ TITL eleanor maltravers.FTW ABBR eleanor malt ravers.FTW Source Media Type: Other _MASTER Y PAGE Tree #1914 DATA TEXT Da te of Import: Apr 8, 1999 REPO @REPO1@ TITL World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc. PUBL Release date: August 22, 1996 ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 Customer pedigree. Source Media Type: Family Archiv e CD _MASTER Y PAGE Tree #1914 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Apr 8, 1999 REPO @REPO1@ TITL eleanor maltravers.FTW ABBR eleanor maltravers.FTW Source Media Type: Other _MASTER Y PAGE Tree #1914 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Apr 8, 199 9 REPO @REPO1@ TITL World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 AUTH Brøderbund Software , Inc. PUBL Release date: August 22, 1996 ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1 Customer pedigree. Source Media Type: Family Archive CD _MASTER Y PAGE Tr ee #1914 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Apr 8, 1999 REPO @REPO1@ TITL eleanor ma ltravers.FTW ABBR eleanor maltravers.FTW Source Media Type: Other _MASTER Y DATA TEXT Date of Import: Apr 8, 1999 Parents: Hugh De MONTFORT. Parents: Hugh DE MONTFORT I. Spouse: Alice DE BEAUFOUR.
Count De Montfort Hugh DE MONTFORT and Alice DE BEAUFOUR were married.
Hugh DE MONTFORT I7,378 was born in 975 in Normandy, France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died in 1048. He was also known as Hugh I De Montfort.943 He was also known as Hughes De Montfort.130 From Rootsweb: Hugh was killed in a joust with Walkelin de Ferrierers near Ber nay in Normandy. Feel Free to Download my Information, and if you find a l ink, please email me to let me know. We are looking forward to finding all our relatives! :-)1 BIRT 2 DATE 979 Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Thurstan DE MONTFORT and Juliane DE MURDAC. Children were: Count De Montfort Hugh DE MONTFORT. Hugh DE MONTFORT7,130 was born in 1078 in Egmanton, Nottinghamshire England. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]50 He was also known as Hugh IV De Montfort.46,47,48 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1078Downloaded from Bradford_Taylor on rootsweb.com Parents: Lord Folkingham\ Gilbert DE GAND and Alice DE MONTFORT. Spouse: Adeline Of Meulan DE BEAUMONT. Hugh DE MONTFORT and Adeline Of Meulan DE BEAUMONT were married about 1120.50,223,227,2183 Hugh IV DE MONTFORT.377 Spouse: Adeline DE BEAUMONT. Hugues I. DE MONTFORT7,423 was born about 975. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Comte 1 _UID FF34A5D946BEBF4B94E35062D90DA901780F E ine Garantie für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben wird nicht übe rnommen. Berichtigungen, Anregungen und Hinweise sind jederzeit willkommen. Parents: Thurstan DE MONTFORT and Juliane DE MURDAC. Isabel DE MONTFORT.67,521 Parents: Simon DE MONTFORT. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Isabel BROYES. Spouse: Ralph DE TOENI III. Children were: Ralph DE TOENI IV. Lady Isabel Of Nogent DE MONTFORT7,15,20,21,30,32,304,2445 was born in 1056. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]47 She was also known as Elizabeth. She was also known as Isabel De Montford.70,97,98,100,202,212,755 She was also known as Isabel De Montfort.27,261 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1056 2 PLAC France 2 SOUR S007587 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 21 Feb 1999Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9PGC-PB Parents: Simon De Montfort SN DE MONTFORT I and Agnes DE EVEREUX. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Isabel BROYES. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Isabel De Bardoul BROYES. Spouse: Ralph III De TOENI. Ralph III De TOENI and Lady Isabel Of Nogent DE MONTFORT were married about 1076 in Of, Ile DE France, France. Children were: Roger II De Toeni Or Conches, Ralph IV De TOENI, Godechilde Godeheut De TOENI OR CONCHES, Robert De TOENI OR CONCHES, Godeheut De TOENI OR CONCHES. Pernel DE MONTFORT7,111 was born about 1174 in Of, Montfort Amaury, Ile DE France, France. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> V9S2-Z8 Parents: Seigneur De Montfort Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Leicester Amicia HARCOURT. Perronelle DE MONTFORT7,537 died on 3 Feb 1215/16. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Peter DE MONTFORT II7,97 was born about 1240 in Beaudesert Castle, Warwickshire, England. He died in 1287. Parents: . Spouse: Matilda DE LA WARR. Peter DE MONTFORT II and Matilda DE LA WARR were married. Children were: Elizabeth DE MONTFORT. Richard DE MONTFORT7,111 was born about 1249 in Robert DE MONTFORT7,130 was born in 1072. Parents: Count De Montfort Hugh DE MONTFORT and Alice DE BEAUFOUR. Simon DE MONTFORT.67,521 Children were: Isabel DE MONTFORT. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]47 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]47,115 He was born about 1117 in Monfort-Sur-Risle, Eure, France. He died on 13 Mar 1180/81 in St. Thomas, France. He was buried on 18 Jul 1181 in Cathedral, Evreux, Normandy, France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count Of Evereux Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XQ8-SP Ancestral File Number:<AFN> FNM9-Z1 Parents: Seigneur Amauri DE MONTFORT I and Bertrade DE GOMETZ. Parents: Amaury DE MONTFORT and Bertrade DE GOMETZ. Parents: Seigneur Amauri DE MONTFORT I and Bertrade DE GOMETZ. Parents: Lord Of Montfort Amaury IV DE MONTFORT and Agnes DE GARLANDE. Parents: . Spouse: Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT were married about 1150 in Of, Normandie.47,263 2 _PREF Y Children were: Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT, Amaury DE MONTFORT, Perronelle DE MONTFORT, Simon II DE MONTFORT, Count Of Evreux Amauri DE MONTFORT, Richard De MONTFORT, Simon D'evreux III DE MONTFORT, Seigneur De Montfort Simon DE MONTFORT, Guy DE MONTFORT, Lady Of Nogent De Montfort ISABEL, III AMAURY, Guiburge DE MONTFORT, Simon II D'evreux De MONTFORT, Lord Of Montfort Amaury IV DE MONTFORT, Amaury De MONTFORT, William De MONTFORT, Adeliza De MONTFORT, Guillaume De MONTFORT. Spouse: Countess Of Leicester Amicia HARCOURT. Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Leicester Amicia HARCOURT were married. Spouse: Isabel BROYES. Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Isabel BROYES were married in 1055 in Of, France.47 Children were: Lady Isabel Of Nogent DE MONTFORT, Amaury DE MONTFORT, Adeliza De MONTFORT, Isabel DE MONTFORT. Spouse: Unnamed UNKNOWN. Spouse: Isabel De Bardoul BROYES. Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Isabel De Bardoul BROYES were married about 1055 in Of, France. Children were: Lady Isabel Of Nogent DE MONTFORT. Spouse: Dame De Nogent Broyes ISABELLA. Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Dame De Nogent Broyes ISABELLA were married about 1055.262 Children were: Elizabeth Isabel De MONTFORT. Spouse: Agnes D' EVEREUX. Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Agnes D' EVEREUX were married about 1058 in Normandy, France. Children were: Queen Of France Bertrada DE MONTFORT, Count Of Evereux Amaury IV De MONTFORT. Seigneur De Montfort Simon DE MONTFORT7,27,97,111,212,300,301,694 was born about 1153 in Montfort Amaury, Ile DE France, France. He died before Jan 1187/88. He was buried in Haute-Bruyere. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Seigneur De Montfort Ancestral File Number:<AFN> V9S2-WW ? ? Line 291: (New PAF RIN=7605) 1 TITL [Seigneur de Montfort] ?? Line 50: (New PAF RIN=9195) 1 TITL [Seigneur de Montfort] ?? Line 1914: (New PAF RIN=9430) 1 TITL [Seigneur de Montfort] Line 509 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: TITL [Seigneur de Montfort] Line 2314 from GEDCOM File not recogniz able or too long: TITL [Seigneur de Montfort] Line 268 from GEDCOM File not r ecognizable or too long: TITL [Seigneur de Montfort] Line 1643 from GEDCOM Fi le not recognizable or too long: Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Spouse: Countess Of Leicester Amicia HARCOURT. Seigneur De Montfort Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Leicester Amicia HARCOURT were married about 1169 in Of, Leicestershire., England. Children were: Almarie DE MONTFORT, Earl Of Leiceste Simon De MONTFORT, Seigneur Of Fert Guy DE MONTFORT, Pernel DE MONTFORT. Simon D'evreux III DE MONTFORT7,537 was born about 1148 in Montfort-Sur-Rie, Eure, France. He died before 18 Jul 1188. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Simon De Montfort (Seigneur DE MONTFORT.377 Spouse: Amiia Harcourt (Countess Of LEICESTER. Simon II DE MONTFORT7,37 died before 18 Jul 1188. Parents: Count Of Evereux Simon DE MONTFORT and Countess Of Evreux Maud DE BEAUMONT. Earl Of Leiceste Simon V DE MONTFORT7,111 died on 4 Aug 1265 in Battleof Evesham, Evesham, Worchestershire, England. He was born in Of, Leicestershire, England. He was buried in , Evesham, Worchestershire, England. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl of Leiceste Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl of Leiceste Ances tral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ7-JK Parents: Earl Of Leiceste Simon De MONTFORT and Alice DE MONTMORENCY. Spouse: Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET. Earl Of Leiceste Simon V DE MONTFORT and Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET were married on 7 Jan 1237/38 in Ststephen Chaple, Westminster, Middlesex, England. Children were: Amauri DE MONTFORT, Henry DE MONTFORT, Simon VI DE MONTFORT, Comte De Nole Guy DE MONTFORT, Richard DE MONTFORT, Eleanor DE MONTFORT. Simon VI DE MONTFORT7,111 was born in 1240 in Near, Brindisi, Apulia, Italy. He died in Near, Siena, Tuscany, Italy. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ7-LW Parents: Earl Of Leiceste Simon V DE MONTFORT and Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET. Thurstan DE MONTFORT7,423,943 was born about 928 in Of, Normandy, France. Feel Free to Download my Information, and if you find a link, please email me t o let me know. We are looking forward to finding all our relatives! :-) 1 _UID 434112738E98454CA0E19658117778DB0A37 Eine Garantie für die Richtig keit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben wird nicht übernommen. Berichtigungen, Anr egungen und Hinweise sind jederzeit willkommen. Parents: Anslec DE BERTRAND. Spouse: Juliane DE MURDAC. Children were: Adline DE MONTFORT, Hugues I. DE MONTFORT, Gisele DE MONTFORT. Spouse: Juliane DE MURDAC. Children were: Adeline DE MONTFORT, Hugh DE MONTFORT I, Gisele DE MONTFORT. Hugh DE MONTFORT-SUR-RISLE7,46,47,48 died about 1048.50 Downloaded from Bradford_Taylor on rootsweb.com Parents: . Children were: Ct De Montfort\ Hugh De Montfort-Sur-Risle II. Hugh III DE MONTFORT-SUR-RISLE.46,47,48 Parents: Ct De Montfort\ Hugh De Montfort-Sur-Risle II and Daughter DE BEAUFOUR. Robert DE MONTFORT-SUR-RISLE.46,47,48 Parents: Ct De Montfort\ Hugh De Montfort-Sur-Risle II and Daughter DE BEAUFOUR. |