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DEEL3,399 was born.3,399,400
She died Unknown.3,399,400 She
is reference number 9358. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt.
Death]3,399,400 [NEED
TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 Spouse: John ANDERSON. John ANDERSON and Sarah DEEL were married.3,399,400 Reference Number:204651 Children were: Mary Elizabeth ANDERSON. Sarah Jane DEEL.3 Parents: Andrew DEEL and Martha BOYD. Spouse: Ezra DEEL. Silas Kilby DEEL3,399 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 15208. Spouse: Living MURDOCK. Children were: Living DEEL, Living DEEL. Mary A. DEELY3,387 was born about 1829.3,387,939 She appeared in the census in 1850 in 1st District, Bath Co, KY; Dwelling-363, Family-343; Roll-191, Pg-79.3,387,939 She died Unknown.3,387 She is reference number 61969. [boyd-trees.ged] [powell.FTW] [Houck_Powell.FTW] On 1850 listed with the family of Ashford Powel, married daughter ?, Living DEEN.3 Spouse: Living MIKEL. Children were: Living DEEN, Living DEEN, Living DEEN. Living DEEN.3 Parents: Living DEEN and Living MIKEL. Living DEEN.3 Parents: Living DEEN and Living MIKEL. Living DEEN.3 Parents: Living DEEN and Living MIKEL. Sarah DEENE.5,94,126,127 Spouse: Amasa SMEAD. DEERE3,387,811 was also known as Frank Deere.3,387 He died Unknown.3,387 He is reference number 61688. Spouse: Edith Elza POWELL. DEERE and Edith Elza POWELL were married on 28 Dec 1909.3,387,2114,2490 Reference Number:1045287 Audrey DEERING3,206 was born about 1530 in Harrow-On-The-Hill, Middlesex, England.3,206 She died on 22 Jun 1596 in Coventry, Middlesex, England.3,206 She is reference number 64911. Parents: DEARING. Spouse: William WIGHTMAN. William WIGHTMAN and Audrey DEERING were married in 1548 in Harrow-On-The-Hill, Middlesex, England.3,206 Reference Number:1090849 Hurl DEERING395,783 died in 1928.395,783 Spouse: Fannie Belle STEWART. Hurl DEERING and Fannie Belle STEWART were married in Fannie Was Widowed At Age 22 On 1930 Census.395,783 Children were: Jackie DEERING. Jackie DEERING395,783 died in 1928.395,783 Parents: Hurl DEERING and Fannie Belle STEWART. Mr. DEERING.395,783 Spouse: Arizona STEWART. Jesse DEES3,333 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 104953. Spouse: ADELINE. Jesse DEES and ADELINE were married. Reference Number:1649754 Children were: Saphronia DEES. Living DEES.3 Spouse: Living HAYWOOD. Children were: Living DEES, Living DEES, Living DEES. Living DEES.3 Parents: Living DEES and Living HAYWOOD. Spouse: Raoul Austin RANDOLPH. Children were: Living RANDOLPH, Living RANDOLPH, Living RANDOLPH. Spouse: Living TAYLOR. Children were: Living TAYLOR. Living DEES.3 Parents: Living DEES and Living HAYWOOD. Spouse: Living HOPPE. Children were: Living HOPPE, Living HOPPE. Living DEES.3 Parents: Living DEES and Living HAYWOOD. Spouse: Living SMITH. Children were: Living DEES. Living DEES.3 Parents: Living DEES and Living SMITH. Saphronia DEES3,333 died Unknown in Bu. Dees Cem, -Wayne Co, MO.3,333 She is reference number 104952. Parents: Jesse DEES and ADELINE. Spouse: William Raleigh LEACH. William Raleigh LEACH and Saphronia DEES were married. Reference Number:1621757 Children were: Charley LEACH, Karl LEACH, Louise LEACH, Tryphenia Ann LEACH, Amanda Ann LEACH, Mary Jane LEACH, William Henry LEACH, Lucinda Cordillia Caroline LEACH, Culvin Monroe LEACH. Living DEESE.3 Spouse: Living GRAY. Living DEETER. Spouse: Living MAY. Christy Ann DEEVER.3 Parents: John DEEVER and Kathy Sue TOMLINSON. Daniel Patrick DEEVER.3 Parents: John DEEVER and Kathy Sue TOMLINSON. John DEEVER.3 Spouse: Kathy Sue TOMLINSON. Children were: Christy Ann DEEVER, Daniel Patrick DEEVER. Anna DEEVERS3,405,426,577 was born WFT Est 1870-1894.3,405,426 She died WFT Est 1912-1983.3,405,426 She is reference number 79483. Spouse: Hiram Bennett WALKER. Hiram Bennett WALKER and Anna DEEVERS were married on 3 Sep 1907.3,405,426,577 Reference Number:1293291 Helen Louise DEEVERS3,577 was born on 15 Sep 1923 in Ark.3,577 She died on 7 Feb 1997 in Simi Valley, CA.3,577 She is reference number 106304. [boyd-trees.ged] [xx.FTW] [leedhal.FTW] Helen's dob of 1923 (could be 1922?) unsure. She and her husband had one chi ld. Parents: James Edmund DEEVERS and Nell Jively WALKER. Jack DEEVERS3,577 died in 1945 in Iowa Jima.3,577 He is reference number 106303. [boyd-trees.ged] [xx.FTW] [leedhal.FTW] Jack was in the U.S. Marines and died at Iowa Jima, Japan. Parents: James Edmund DEEVERS and Nell Jively WALKER. James Edmund DEEVERS3,405,426,577 was born WFT Est 1861-1887.3,405,426 He died WFT Est 1912-1974.3,405,426 He is reference number 79441. Spouse: Nell Jively WALKER. James Edmund DEEVERS and Nell Jively WALKER were married on 9 May 1907.3,405,426,577 Reference Number:642354 Children were: Jack DEEVERS, Virginia Beatrice DEEVERS, Helen Louise DEEVERS. Virginia Beatrice DEEVERS3,577 was born on 9 Nov 1910 in Ark.3,577 She died on 17 Oct 1980 in Thousand Oaks, CA.3,577 She is reference number 106302. [boyd-trees.ged] [xx.FTW] [leedhal.FTW] Virginia was an artist like her father. Parents: James Edmund DEEVERS and Nell Jively WALKER. Alianore DEFERRERS7,37,313 was born in 1236. She died in 1274. Parents: Earl Of Derby William DE FERRERS and Sybil MARSHALL. Spouse: Earl Of Winchester Roger DE QUINCY. Earl Of Winchester Roger DE QUINCY and Alianore DEFERRERS were married. Anne DEFERRERS7,313 was born in 1264. Parents: William De FERRERS and Anne LEDESPENCER. Spouse: John DEGREY. John DEGREY and Anne DEFERRERS were married. Children were: Joan DEGREY, Baron Degrey HENRY. Isabel DEFERRERS7,507,508 was born in 1172.507 1 NAME Isabel /Deferrers/ 2 SOUR S009044 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 7, 2002 Spouse: Roger DEMORTIMER. Children were: Joan Isabelle DEMORTIMER, Ralph DE MORTIMER. Maud DEFERRERS7,313 was born in 1096 in Derbyshire, England. 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1096 Parents: Earl Of Derby Robert DE FERRERS and Hawise DE VITRE. Sibyl DEFERRERS7,313 was born in 1230. Parents: Earl Of Derby William DE FERRERS and Sybil MARSHALL. William DEFERRERS7,313 was born in 1272 in Yoxall, Staffordshire, England. He died in 1325. Parents: William De FERRERS and Anne LEDESPENCER. Harriet DEFORD5,128 was born on 20 Mar 1874.5,128 She died on 16 May 1926 in New York, NY..5,128 She is reference number 9732. Spouse: Clarence HALSTEAD. Clarence HALSTEAD and Harriet DEFORD were married on 4 Jun 1890.5,128 Reference Number:36648 Children were: John Murat HALSTEAD, Franklin De Ford HALSTEAD, Hildegarde Marion HALSTEAD. Willoughby Edward DEFORD5,128 was born about 1860.5,128 He is reference number 9172. Spouse: Emma Olivia HALSTEAD. Willoughby Edward DEFORD and Emma Olivia HALSTEAD were married. Reference Number:34162 Marie DEFOSSE3,88 was born WFT Est 1655-1695.3,88 She died WFT Est 1687-1779.3,88 She is reference number 69710. Spouse: Etienne LE'SODY. Etienne LE'SODY and Marie DEFOSSE were married WFT Est 1674-1729.3,88 Reference Number:1141476 Children were: Jean Etienne LE'SODY. Julia Ann DEFRANCE.234 Spouse: James Duffy TACKABERRY. Martha DEFRANCE3,41 was born in 1829 in Spouse: John Franklin MILLER. John Franklin MILLER and Martha DEFRANCE were married. Reference Number:1367001 Children were: Osborn MILLER, Joseph Allison MILLER, Melvina MILLER, Osborn MILLER, II, Martha Jane MILLER, John Ewing MILLER, Allison Defrance MILLER, Alma MILLER, Austin MILLER, Pamelia Harris MILLER, Lafayette Defrance MILLER, Charles D. MILLER. Sarah DEFRANCE7,234 was born about 1809 in Lycoming Co, Pennsylvania. She died about 1857 in Constantine, Michigan. Spouse: Edward TACKABERRY. Edward TACKABERRY and Sarah DEFRANCE were married about 1829. Children were: Child1 TACKABERRY, Child2 TACKABERRY, Edward Livingston TACKABERRY, William Boone TACKABERRY, Mary Ann TACKABERRY, Julia Ann TACKABERRY, James Duffy TACKABERRY, Nancy Amanda TACKABERRY, Sarah Elizabeth TACKABERRY, Jane Ellen TACKABERRY, Daniel Ferrand TACKABERRY, Thomas TACKABERRY. Gorm DEGAMEL7,21,32,44,175,176 died in 931 in Denmark.32 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Parents: Harold PARCUS and Aelfgifu Of NORTHUMBRIA. Parents: Harold PARCUS and Aelfgifu Of NORTHUMBRIA. Parents: Harold PARCUS and Elgiva ENGLAND. Spouse: Thyra JUTLAND. Children were: Herfast DE CREPON, \King Of Denmark\ Harald VII GORMSSON, Herfast DE CREPON. Catherine DEGAN.5,93,94 Spouse: Anton SCHUSTER. Children were: Andrew William SCHUSTER. James DEGAN5,93,94,160 was born on 3 Jul 1873 in Sebastian County Arkansas.5,93,94 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]5,93,94,160 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Marriage fact]5,93,94 He died on 16 Dec 1960 in Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas.5,93,94,160 He is reference number 5715. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Fact 2]5,93,94 Parents: Harmond DEGEN and Sarah Ellen BYRUM. Spouse: Martha Katherine LOOMAN. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]5,94 They were married on 21 Nov 1903.5,93,94,160 Reference Number:15669 Children were: Living DEGAN, Living DEGAN, Living DEGAN, Living DEGAN. Living DEGAN.5,94 Parents: James DEGAN and Martha Katherine LOOMAN. Living DEGAN.5,94 Parents: James DEGAN and Martha Katherine LOOMAN. Spouse: Jerry MAYBERRY. Children were: Living MAYBERRY. Living DEGAN.5,94 Parents: James DEGAN and Martha Katherine LOOMAN. Living DEGAN.5,94 Parents: James DEGAN and Martha Katherine LOOMAN. |