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DESPENSER7,129 was born about 1169 in Of, Elington, Lincolnshire,
England. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GS4-PW Parents: . Spouse: Mrs Thomas DESPENSER. Thomas DESPENSER and Mrs Thomas DESPENSER were married. Children were: Lord Marcheley Galfridus Le DESPENCER, Muriel Le DESPENCER, Hugh De DESPENSER, Rohese Le DESPENSER, Thomas De DESPENSER. Mrs Thomas DESPENSER7,129 was born about 1172 in Of, Elington, Lincolnshire, England. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> HS1V-CQ Spouse: Thomas DESPENSER. Thomas DESPENSER and Mrs Thomas DESPENSER were married. Children were: Lord Marcheley Galfridus Le DESPENCER, Muriel Le DESPENCER, Hugh De DESPENSER, Rohese Le DESPENSER, Thomas De DESPENSER. Thomas De DESPENSER7,37,328 was born about 1195 in Leicestershire, England. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died in 1218 in Leicestershire, England. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as Thomas Le Despenser.129 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9LCK-L4 Parents: Thomas DESPENSER and Mrs Thomas DESPENSER. Parents: Thomas Le DESPENSER. Thomas Le DESPENSER7,37,328 was born about 1169 in Elington, L., England. He died in 1218. Parents: Thurston De SPENCER and LUCIA. Spouse: ROHAISE. Children were: Rohesia De SPENSER, Hugh De DESPENSER. Children were: Hugh De DESPENSER, Thomas De DESPENSER, Rohese Le DESPENSER, Lord Marcheley Galfridus Le DESPENCER, Muriel Le DESPENCER. Thurston Le DESPENSER7,122 was born in 1122 in London, Middlesex, England. Parents: Count Of Alencon & Ponthi William III Talvase Comet De MONTGOMERY and Alice Helene De BOURGOGNE. Alain DESPOSYNI7,431,432 died Deceased. Parents: Lionel DESPOSYNI. Children were: Froamidus DESPOSYNI. Bors DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 550. Parents: Lancelot DESPOSYNI. Spouse: Viviane D'aqcs DESPOSYNI. Bors DESPOSYNI and Viviane D'aqcs DESPOSYNI were married. Children were: Bors DESPOSYNI. Bors DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 600. Parents: Bors DESPOSYNI and Viviane D'aqcs DESPOSYNI. Children were: Lionel DESPOSYNI. Celedoin DESPOSYNI7,432,556 was born before 430. Parents: Nascien DESPOSYNI I. Children were: Nascien DESPOSYNI II. Chilperic DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 442. Parents: Nascien DESPOSYNI II. Erispoe Frodaldus DESPOSYNI7,431 was born in 760 in France. He died in France. King of Brittany/Count of Brittany Parents: Froamidus DESPOSYNI. Children were: Nominoe De BRETAGNE. Fredemundus DESPOSYNI7,542,556,858,2504 was born about 380. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was also known as Fredemundus Desposyni.429,556 He died Deceased. I wish I was sure of every name in this file & that I didnt need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining this, So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell me or someone I didnt go on out with, I do this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont consider them Kin! Thanks and Happy Huntin g! Parents: King Of Pharamond WESTPHALIA and Princess Of The Salic/Que ARGOTTA. Parents: King Of The Pharamond FRANKS and Princess Of The Salic/Que ARGOTTA. Children were: Nascien DESPOSYNI I. Froamidus DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 720. He died in 762. He was also known as Froamidus Desposyni.431 Count of Brittany Parents: Alain DESPOSYNI. Children were: Erispoe Frodaldus DESPOSYNI. Galains DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 446. Parents: Nascien DESPOSYNI II. Children were: Jonaans DESPOSYNI. Godefil DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 448. Parents: Nascien DESPOSYNI II. Gondebaut DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 444. Parents: Nascien DESPOSYNI II. Jonaans DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 470. Parents: Galains DESPOSYNI. Children were: Lancelot DESPOSYNI. Lambord DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 470. Parents: Zambor DESPOSYNI. Children were: Owen Taliesin DESPOSYNI. Lancelot DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 510. Parents: Jonaans DESPOSYNI. Children were: Bors DESPOSYNI. Lionel DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 650. Parents: Bors DESPOSYNI. Children were: Alain DESPOSYNI. Nascien DESPOSYNI I7,432,556 was born before 418. Parents: Fredemundus DESPOSYNI. Children were: Celedoin DESPOSYNI. Nascien DESPOSYNI II7,432 was born before 448. Parents: Celedoin DESPOSYNI. Children were: Chilperic DESPOSYNI, Gondebaut DESPOSYNI, Galains DESPOSYNI, Godefil DESPOSYNI, Zambor DESPOSYNI. Owen Taliesin DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 510. He died in 540. Parents: Lambord DESPOSYNI. Spouse: Amlawdd D'ACQS. Owen Taliesin DESPOSYNI and Amlawdd D'ACQS were married. Children were: Viviane D'aqcs DESPOSYNI. Viviane D'aqcs DESPOSYNI7,432 was born before 540. Parents: Owen Taliesin DESPOSYNI and Amlawdd D'ACQS. Spouse: Bors DESPOSYNI. Bors DESPOSYNI and Viviane D'aqcs DESPOSYNI were married. Children were: Bors DESPOSYNI. Zambor DESPOSYNI7,432 was born about 450. Parents: Nascien DESPOSYNI II. Children were: Lambord DESPOSYNI. Anne DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1661. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Antoine DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1590 in France. He died in France. He was buried in France. Spouse: Sophie TROU. Antoine DESROSIERS and Sophie TROU were married. 2 _PREF Y Children were: Antoine DESROSIERS. Antoine DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born on 24 Aug 1619 in Renaison Au Forez (Loire), Lyonnais, France. He died on 8 Aug 1691 in Champlain, Québec, Canada. He was buried on 9 Aug 1691 in Champlain, Québec, Canada. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] About. 1641 From France Antoine DesROSIERS was born April 1617 in Renaison, department of the Loire in the old province of Auvergne, France. He died in Aug ust 1691 in Champlain at the age of 74. He arrived in Canada around 1641 as a carpenter. In time, he became a master carpenter. In 1645, he was employed by t he Jesuits at Trois-Rivières. The marriage contract in 1647 between Antoine De sRosiers and Anne duHérisson was witnessed by her father, Michel LeNeuf, squire of Hérisson, Jaques LeNeuf de la Poterie, her uncle, Jacques Hertel, Gaspard B oucher, Pierre Boucher and Pierre LeFebvre among others. Twelve signatures, in all, plus two marks by citizens unable to sign. The dowry bestowed upon the cou ple by her father included: 500 livres in cash, two suits of clothes, a mattres s with bolster, two blankets and twelve sheets, six tableclothes, three dozen n apkins, twelve plates, twelve dishes and a pot (all of pewter), a pregnant heif er and a pregnant sow. In 1649, he was granted a piece of land of 10 sq. arpen ts (approx. acres) for cultivation on the right bank of the St.Maurice River on the outskirts of Trois-Rivières. Also in 1649, he and two others were commiss ioned by Pierre Boucher to supply and deliver 500 stakes eleven-feet long to th e fort he wanted to build to protect the citizens of this small settlement. The fort was commanded by Jacques LeNEUF, the uncle of his bride, Anne LeNEUF duHé risson. In 1650, he received a concession of land at Trois-Rivières accorded b y Governor d'Allebout located on the inside of the fortification built to prote ct colonists from the Indians. On this plot, 128 feet square, he built a house and small stable. It was here that he raised his family. Seventeen years later, he sold this piece of land to Michel GODEFROY who in turn give it to his daugh ter, Marguerite-Thérèse in 1691 as dowry when she contracted to marry Jacques H ertel de Cournoyer, son of François Hertel. In 1657, he obtained a concession of 10 arpents at Rivière-aux-Sables, Pt.-du-Lac where he became a neighbor of P ierre LeFebvre. He was captured around May 26, 1659 by a band of Onondagas (Ir oquois) at Lac St.Pierre along with two companions. One companion was tortured and put to death by fire. Desrosiers was rescued near Lake Ontario eleven weeks later. In 1664, he was granted some land by Quentin MORAL <TRMORAL> at l'Arbr e-à-la-Croix, former fief of Jacques HERTEL at Cap-de-la-Madeleine. In 1667, he was living here with 15 arpents under cultivation. He and fellow settler, G. Larue, undertook to contruct a windmill for the Jesuits at the Pointe de St. Él oy in 1668. He was fiscal manager, trustee and judge of the new fief of Champl ain from 1669 to his death in 1691. He married Anne duHérisson dit LeNeuf, bor n around 1632 in the bourg of Thierry, Caen, Normandy, in 1649. She was 17 and he was 32 years of age. Her father, Michel LeNeuf duHérisson was a 'provincial nobleman' and member of small nobility in Normandy. She arrived with her father and various other family members in June 1636. Anne duHérisson died in Champla in in October 1711 at the age of 79. Antoine Desrosiers and Anne duHérisson ha d eight children. Sons Jean born 1657 and Antoine born 1664, were members of an association created in 1683 between nine men from Champlain for the purpose of fur trading. The composition of these associates is noteworthy in that it conc entrated the power of three influential families in the region: Dandonneau (Hug uenot fur-trading merchants), Chorel and Aubuchon. Jean's wife was Françoise Da ndonneau. The association dissolved after the summer of 1688 when Jacques Babie , merchant and principal investor, died. All the sons were involved in the bus iness of procuring and selling furs. Son, Michel dit Desilets born 1652 married Thomasse Artault the daughter of an Algonquin and a fur trader, son Jean dit L eFrenière married Françoise Dandonneau as mentioned above, Antoine dit DuTrembl e was part of the syndicate mentioned above and r Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Sophie TROU. Spouse: Anne DU HERISSON. Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON were
married on 24 Nov 1647 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada.
2 _STAT Father:Natural, Mother:Natural
Antoine DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born on 30 Aug 1664 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada. He was christened on 30 Aug 1664 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] !Bapt. Tanguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Doc. P-40 Tanguay Vol. 1 pg. 192 Doc. P-41 Jet te pg. 348 !Birth Jette pg. 348 !Marriage Tanguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Doc. P- 40 French Canadian Families of the North Central States by Lareau and Courte au pg. 819 Notre-Dame de la Visitation pg. 92 Doc. P-50 !Dit Lafresniere / Jette pg. 348 !Engage Ouest 29 aug 1689 Officer in Military in 1731 / Jette pg. 348 Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Antoine DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1702. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Bonaventure DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1703. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Catherine Josette DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1700. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Jacques DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1692. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Jean Baptiste DESROSIERS7,2265 was born on 25 Oct 1682. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born on 29 Sep 1657 in Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada. He was christened on 30 Sep 1657 in Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada. He died on 23 Feb 1704 in Champlain, Quebec. He was buried on 24 Feb 1704 in Champlain, Quebec. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Spouse:
Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE.
Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE
were married on 20 Jan 1682 in Champlain, Québec, Canada. 2
_STAT Father:Natural, Mother:Natural
Jeanne DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born on 12 Nov 1661 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada. She was christened on 12 Nov 1661 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada. !Bapt. Tanguay Vol.3 pg. 379 Doc. P-40 Tanguay Vol. 1 pg. 192 Doc. P-41 Jette pg. 348 !Birth Jette pg. 348 !Marriage Tanguay Vol. 1 pg.192 Notre-Dame de la Visitation pg. 92 Doc. P-50 Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Joseph DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born in 1655. He was christened on 29 Jul 1655 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] !Bapt. Tanguay Vol. 1 pg. 192 Doc. P-41 !Marriage Tanguay Vol. 1 pg. 192 D oc. P-41 Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Joseph Marie DESROSIERS7,2265 was born on 25 Jun 1703 in Champlain, Quebec, Canada. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Spouse: Marguerite DURIVAGE. Joseph Marie DESROSIERS and Marguerite DURIVAGE were married on 20 Jan 1732. _STATMARRIED Children were: Marguerite Derosier DUTREMBLE. Louis DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1695. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Marie DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was christened on 16 Jun 1650 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada. She was born in 1650. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] !Parents Your Ancient Canadian Family Ties by Olivier pg. 278 !Bapt. Your An cient Canadian Family Ties by Olivier pg. 278 Tanguay Vol. 1 pg. 192 Doc. P-4 1 !Marriage Repertoire Marriages Trois Rivieres Vol. 2 pg. 203 Doc. P-53 Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Marie Francoise DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1690. She died in 1691. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Marie Jeanne DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born about 1671. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] !Parents Tanguay Vol. 1 pg. 192 Doc. P-41 !Marriage Notre-Dame de la Visita tion pg. 92 Doc. P-50 !Birth Jette pg. 348 Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Marie Madeleine DESROSIERS7,2265 was born in 1697. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Michel DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born in 1652. He was christened on 3 Sep 1652 in Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada. He was buried on 11 Feb 1734 in Champlain, Québec, Canada. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] !Bapt. Tanguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Doc. P-40 !Marriage Tanguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Do c. P-40 French Canadian Families of the North Central States by Lareau and Co urteau pg. 819 !Bur. Tanguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Doc. P-40 !Dit Desilets Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Dit Dutremble Michel DESROSIERS7,2265 was born on 24 Mar 1685 in Champlain, Quebec. He died in Quebec, Canada. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Dit Dutremble Parents: Jean-Baptiste DESROSIERS and Marie Francoise Petronille DANDONNEAU-LAJEUNESSE. Dit Dargie Pierre DESROSIERS7,47,2265 was born in 1667. He died about 1757. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Dit Dargie !Birth Tanguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Doc. P-40 !Deat h Tanguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Doc. P-40 Jette pg. 348 says about 1723 !Marriage T anguay Vol. 3 pg. 396 Doc. P-40 French Canadian Families of the North Central States by Lareau and Courteau pg. 819 Notre-Dame de la Visitation pg. 92 Doc . P-50 !Dit Dutremble / Jette pg. 348 Parents: Antoine DESROSIERS and Anne DU HERISSON. Living DESSERETT. Spouse: Living TOOKE. Children were: Living DESSERETT, Living DESSERETT. Living DESSERETT. Parents: Living DESSERETT and Living TOOKE. Living DESSERETT. Parents: Living DESSERETT and Living TOOKE. Living DESTEPHENS.3 Spouse: Living MCCLAIN. Children were: Living DESTEPHENS. |