Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Eleanor C. EWING19 was born on 9 Nov 1803 in Logan County, Kentucky.19,308 She died on 31 Dec 1840 in Johnson County, Missouri.19,308

Spouse: Robert Donnell KING. Robert Donnell KING and Eleanor C. EWING were married on 17 Apr 1825 in Logana, Jessamine County, Kentucky.19,308,2683 [jshinn2.ged]

Two different locations found for marriage.

Eliza Ann EWING3,39 was born on 4 Apr 1830 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.3,39 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,39 She died on 6 Dec 1907.3,39 She is reference number 4273. Parents: Alexander EWING and Sarah Ann LEHMAN.

Spouse: Henry William HALES. Henry William HALES and Eliza Ann EWING were married. Reference Number:89976 Children were: Harriet HALES.

Elizabeth Renick EWING3,405,426,577 was born on 6 Feb 1866 in Lexington, Lafayette County, Missouri.3,426 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,405,577 She was also known as Betty Or Bettie. She died WFT Est 1901-1961.3,405,426 She is reference number 79616. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: _MFA1]3,426 [boyd-trees.ged]



Facts about this person:

Fact 1
called Betty or Bettie[xx.FTW]


Alias:<ALIA> Betty or /Bettie/
six children. Parents: Milton EWING and Lucy Boyd GORDON.

Spouse: William Merriwether MERRILL. William Merriwether MERRILL and Elizabeth Renick EWING were married on 22 Dec 1886.3,405,426,577 Reference Number:1296520 Children were: Lucy Ewing MERRILL, Frankie Woodward MERRILL, Augusta Meriwether MERRILL, Martha Willis MERRILL, Edna Gordon MERRILL, Mary Elizabeth MERRILL.

Ephraim Brevard EWING3,405 was born in 1819 in TN.3,405 He died in 1873.3,405 He is reference number 96332. Parents: Rev. Finis EWING and Margaret DAVIDSON.

Findley EWING3,405 was born about 1650 in Stirling, Scotland.3,405 He died WFT Est 1718-1744.3,405 He is reference number 96317. Parents: James EWING and Esther BAILEY.

Spouse: Jane PORTER. Findley EWING and Jane PORTER were married in 1690 in Londerry, Ireland.3,405 Reference Number:1515339 Children were: Robert EWING, Charles EWING.

Rev. Finis EWING3,405 was born on 10 Jul 1773 in Bedford Co., VA.3,405 He died on 4 Jul 1841 in Lexington, Lafayette Co., MO.3,405 He is reference number 96174. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Marriage fact]3,405 Parents: Robert EWING and Mary May BAKER.

Spouse: Margaret DAVIDSON. Rev. Finis EWING and Margaret DAVIDSON were married on 15 Jan 1793 in Davidson Co., TN.3,405 Reference Number:1537239 Children were: Pamela Jane EWING, Winnifred Warren EWING, Warren EWING, William Lee Davidson EWING, Thomas Mcgready EWING, Polly EWING, Dovey Bryon EWING, Baxter Mcgee EWING, Mary Anderson EWING, Margaret Davidson EWING, Finis EWING, Washington Perry EWING, Robert Chatham Donell EWING, Ephraim Brevard EWING.

Finis EWING3,405 was born in 1811 in TN.3,405 He died in 1891.3,405 He is reference number 96329. Parents: Rev. Finis EWING and Margaret DAVIDSON.

George EWING3,405 was born WFT Est 1735-1763.3,405 He died WFT Est 1741-1842.3,405 He is reference number 96967. Parents: Charles EWING and Martha BAKER.

George EWING3,405 was born WFT Est 1705-1746.3,405 He died WFT Est 1747-1827.3,405 He is reference number 98391.

Children were: John EWING, Mary EWING.

George Gordon EWING3,405,426,577 was born on 18 Aug 1860 in Lexington, Lafayette County, Missouri.3,426 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,405,577 He died WFT Est 1900-1951.3,405,426 He is reference number 79604. Parents: Milton EWING and Lucy Boyd GORDON.

Spouse: Olive CROCKETT. George Gordon EWING and Olive CROCKETT were married on 3 Dec 1890.3,405,426,577 Reference Number:1296223 Children were: Helen Gordon EWING, Madelyn EWING.

Helen Gordon EWING3,405,426,577 was born on 25 Oct 1892.3,405,426,577 She died on 3 Dec 1895.3,405,426,577 She is reference number 79606. Parents: George Gordon EWING and Olive CROCKETT.

James EWING2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 44479.

Spouse: Martha BOYD. James EWING and Martha BOYD were married. Reference Number:788753 Children were: Charles EWING.

James EWING2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 45190. [boyd-trees.ged]


! (1) "Abstracts of Bucks County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1685-1795," p.331, 333. FHL book 974.8 21 P2b. Cites: (a) Book 8, p.357. (b) Book 9, p.511.

(1a) 1808, 12 Jan: James TATE of Middletown Twp. Bucks Co., PA, wrote his will. Brother-in- law James EWING & his son Charles EWING of Trenton, NJ.
(1b) 1813, 10 Sep: Sarah MOORE, widow of Alexander MOORE, late of Newtown, Bucks Co., PA, d ecd. but formerly of Hopewell Twp., Cumberland Co., NJ, wrote her will. Codicil dated 16 Ap r 1816. Proved 25 Feb 1819. Whereas Alexander MOORE & Sarah his wife, 5 Feb 1790 conveyed t o Rev. James BOYD of Middletown & James EWING of Trenton, Hunterdon Co., NJ, 2 Lots in Middle town Twp., Bucks Co., PA, conveyed to them by Henry WYKOOP & Sarah his wife, but which were p art of the estate of Anthony TEATE decd., alloted to his daughter the said Sarah MOORE, but b y said deed to be held in trust for the use of said Sarah MOORE for life, and devised by he r at her death; she now devises same to her son Alexander Tate MOORE; Sister Margaretta TATE ; Margaretta & Sarah BOYD daughters of sister Jane BOYD & sister Elizabeth EWING; Brother Jam es TATE, decd. Brother-in-law James EWING & son Alexander T. MOORE, Exrs. Wit: to will Josh ua NEWBOLD & John SUNDERLAND. To Cod. Thomas URIMER Jr. & Charles EWING.

Spouse: Elizabeth TATE. James EWING and Elizabeth TATE were married. Reference Number:797400

James EWING3,405 was born about 1630 in Glasgow, Scotland.3,405 He died WFT Est 1654-1721.3,405 He is reference number 96318. Parents: William EWING and Eliza MILFORD.

Spouse: Esther BAILEY. James EWING and Esther BAILEY were married WFT Est 1643-1678.3,405 Reference Number:1539979 Children were: Findley EWING.

James Milton EWING3,405,426 was born on 24 Jun 1903 in Walker, Vernon Co., Missouri.3,405 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,426 He died WFT Est 1904-1993.3,405,426 He is reference number 96788. Parents: Charles Milton EWING and Martha BARKER.

Jane EWING3,405 was born in 1758 in Bedford, VA.3,405 She died on 24 Mar 1838 in Wilcox Co., Alabama.3,405 She is reference number 96168. Parents: Robert EWING and Mary May BAKER.

Spouse: Peter KELLY. Peter KELLY and Jane EWING were married on 21 Jul 1780 in Jonesborough, TN.3,405 Reference Number:1537074 Children were: Sarah KELLY, John KELLY, Ewing KELLY, Margaret KELLY, Enoch L. KELLY.

John EWING3,405 was born WFT Est 1741-1768.3,405 He died WFT Est 1791-1855.3,405 He is reference number 96955. Parents: George EWING.

Spouse: Mary Polly EWING. John EWING and Mary Polly EWING were married in 1786.3,405 Reference Number:1537193

John EWING3,405 was born about 1648 in Carnashanaugh, Parish Of Fabian, Co. Donegal, Ireland.3,405 He died on 23 Sep 1745 in Frederick Co., VA.3,405 He is reference number 98184. Parents: William EWING and Eliza MILFORD.

Spouse: Jennet MCELVANEY. John EWING and Jennet MCELVANEY were married WFT Est 1665-1698.3,405 Reference Number:1571038

Spouse: Jennet WILSON. John EWING and Jennet WILSON were married WFT Est 1665-1698.3,405 Reference Number:1571102

Spouse: Eloizabeth BURGESS. John EWING and Eloizabeth BURGESS were married WFT Est 1665-1698.3,405 Reference Number:1571107

John EWING3,405 was born about 1755 in Bedford Co., VA.3,405 He died in 1803 in Logan Co., KY.3,405 He is reference number 96167. Parents: Robert EWING and Mary May BAKER.

Spouse: MARTHA. John EWING and MARTHA were married WFT Est 1768-1795.3,405 Reference Number:1537057 Children were: Pamela EWING, Sydney EWING.

John Boyd EWING3,405,426,577 was born on 23 Sep 1898 in Nevada, MO.3,405,577 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,426 He died WFT Est 1899-1988.3,405,426 He is reference number 96787. Parents: Lee Boyd EWING and Edith MOORE.

Joshua EWING3,405 was born in 1697 in County Donegal, Ulster, Ireland.3,405 He died on 9 Aug 1753 in MD.3,405 He is reference number 98953. Parents: William EWING.

Spouse: Jane GILLESPIE. Joshua EWING and Jane GILLESPIE were married WFT Est 1716-1746 in Cecil Co., MD.3,405 Reference Number:1582297 Children were: Margaret EWING, Kitty EWING, Patrick EWING, Robert EWING, Samuel EWING, Nathaniel EWING.

Judy Martha EWING3,405 was born about 1754 in Bedford Co., VA.3,405 She died before 1810.3,405 She is reference number 96166. Parents: Robert EWING and Mary May BAKER.

Spouse: Captain John MILLS. Captain John MILLS and Judy Martha EWING were married in 1772.3,405 Reference Number:1537040

Kitty EWING3,405 was born about 1725 in Cecil Co., MD.3,405 She died WFT Est 1726-1819.3,405 She is reference number 98981. Parents: Joshua EWING and Jane GILLESPIE.

Laura EWING.138

Spouse: Chauncey Leroy CARNES KERNS.

Lee Boyd EWING3,405,426,577 was born on 17 Aug 1870 in Walker, Vernon County, Missouri.3,426 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,405,577 He died WFT Est 1910-1961.3,405,426 He is reference number 79620. Parents: Milton EWING and Lucy Boyd GORDON.

Spouse: Edith MOORE. Lee Boyd EWING and Edith MOORE were married on 3 Nov 1897 in Kansas City, Missouri.3,426 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,405 Reference Number:1296666 Children were: Living EWING, Living EWING, John Boyd EWING.

Living EWING.3

Spouse: Living HICKLIN. Children were: Living EWING.

Living EWING.3 Parents: Living EWING and Living HICKLIN.

Spouse: Living BELL.

Living EWING.3 Parents: Lee Boyd EWING and Edith MOORE.

Living EWING.3 Parents: Lee Boyd EWING and Edith MOORE.

Living EWING.3 Parents: Charles Milton EWING and Martha BARKER.

Living EWING.3

Spouse: Living HUGHES.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living ANDERSON.

Spouse: Living TILLOTSON. Children were: Living EWING, Living EWING, Living EWING, Living EWING, Living EWING, Living EWING, Living EWING.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living TILLOTSON.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living TILLOTSON.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living TILLOTSON.

Spouse: Living SPENCER.

Spouse: Living GOODRICH. Children were: Living GOODRICH.

Spouse: Living GOODRICH. Children were: Living GOODRICH.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living TILLOTSON.

Spouse: Living ASHLOCK. Children were: Living EWING.

Spouse: Living NEWCOMER. Children were: Living EWING.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living TILLOTSON.

Spouse: Living MAKER. Children were: Living EWING.

Spouse: Living ERICKSON. Children were: Living EWING, Living EWING.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living TILLOTSON.

Spouse: Living DELEON. Children were: Living DELEON.

Spouse: Living SCOTT. Children were: Living SCOTT.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living TILLOTSON.

Spouse: Living SAUNDERS. Children were: Living EWING, Living EWING.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living ASHLOCK.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living MAKER.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living SAUNDERS.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living SAUNDERS.

Living EWING.5,128

Spouse: Living ANDERSON. Children were: Living EWING.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living NEWCOMER.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living ERICKSON.

Living EWING.5,128 Parents: Living EWING and Living ERICKSON.

Loula Boyd EWING3,405,426 was born on 16 Nov 1900.3,405,426 She died WFT Est 1901-1994.3,405,426 She is reference number 79610. Parents: Young EWING and Elizabeth TAUL.

Madelyn EWING3,405,426,577 was born on 2 Mar 1897.3,405,426,577 She died WFT Est 1898-1991.3,405,426 She is reference number 79607. Parents: George Gordon EWING and Olive CROCKETT.

Margaret EWING3,405 was born WFT Est 1718-1744.3,405 She died WFT Est 1723-1827.3,405 She is reference number 98986. Parents: Joshua EWING and Jane GILLESPIE.

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