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Of The East FRANKS5,7,128,556 was born about 329 in Germany.5,128 Spouse: Duke Of The East Clodius FRANKS IV. Duke Of The East Clodius FRANKS IV and Dutchess Of The East FRANKS were married in 346.5 Children were: Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS. Queen Of The Eadgifu Edgiva Ogive FRANKS7,342 was born about 904 in Wessex, England. She died after 951. She was also known as Eadgifu Edgiva Ogive Queen Of The Franks.243 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen Of The Parents: West Saxon King Of Edward ENGLAND I and Queen Of Edgiva ENGLAND. Spouse: Count Of Troyes Herbert De VERMANDOIS. Count Of Troyes Herbert De VERMANDOIS and Queen Of The Eadgifu Edgiva Ogive FRANKS were married. _STATMARRIED Children were: Agnes De VERMANADOIS. Elizabeth FRANKS3,413 was born in 1868.3,413 She died WFT Est 1869-1962.3,413 She is reference number 92806. Parents: Micheal C. FRANKS and Julia Ann HALL. Emeric FRANKS7,18,64,101,131,242,298,554 was born about 762. Parents: King Of Franks Pepin MARTEL III and Queen Of Franks Bertrada DE LAON. Emma Lue FRANKS3,1132,1338 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 6817. Parents: Benjamin R FRANKS and Julia BOYD. Princess Of Franks Ermentrud Or Hersent Of FRANKS7,38,64,101,121,131,198,221,242,243 was born about 854 in Lorraine, France. She died after 915 in Hainaut - Wife Of Regnier I. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of The/Abbess Hasnon Ancestral File Number:<AFN> B 67L-JP TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 OCCU Princess of France ... SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 This nam e and marriage is in CHARLE.TXT (Compuserve) with a ? - NLP; COMYNI. TAF gives mother as Hermentrude de Orleans while COMYN4.TAF gives mother as Richildis - NLP; Carolingian - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #960;Marriage listed in Royalty f or Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 49 w/o ?-NLP;Royalty for Com- moners, Rod erick W. Stuart, p. 154 gives mother as Ermentrude along with NOTE: Chaume.O, I:599 gives Hersent as mother of Giselbert II-NLP OCCU Princess of France .. . SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 This name and marriage is in CHARLE.TXT (Compu serve) with a ? - NLP; COMYNI. TAF gives mother as Hermentrude de Orleans whil e COMYN4.TAF gives mother as Richildis - NLP; Carolingian - COMYNI.GED (Compus erve), #960;Marriage listed in Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 4 9 w/o ?-NLP;Royalty for Com- moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 154 gives mother a s Ermentrude along with NOTE: Chaume.O, I:599 gives Hersent as mother of Gisel bert II-NLP OCCU Princess of France ... SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 This name and marriage is in CHARLE.TXT (Compuserve) with a ? - NLP; COMYNI. TAF gi ves mother as Hermentrude de Orleans while COMYN4.TAF gives mother as Richildi s - NLP; Carolingian - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #960;Marriage listed in Royalt y for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 49 w/o ?-NLP;Royalty for Com- moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 154 gives mother as Ermentrude along with NOTE: Chaume. O, I:599 gives Hersent as mother of Giselbert II-NLP DATE 5 MAY 2000 DATE 28 DEC 1995 GIVN Hersent, Duchess of SURN Lorraine AFN 8Q4M-CP DATE 11 S EP 2000 TIME 21:26:52 TITL cantalupe.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEX T Date of Import: Oct 9, 1999 TITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL lorraine.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL harcourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI O ther DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL hastings.ged REPO CALN M EDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL strong1.FTW REPO CAL N MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Nov 4, 1999 TITL cantalupe.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 9, 1999 TITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL lorraine. ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL harc ourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TIT L hastings.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL strong1.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Nov 4, 1 999 TITL cantalupe.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 9, 1999 TITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL lorraine.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Im port: Oct 10, 1999 TITL harcourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL hastings.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL strong1.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Nov 4, 1999 TITL cantalupe.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other D ATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 9, 1999 TITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Othe r DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL lorraine.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL harcourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL hastings.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL strong1.FTW R EPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Nov 4, 1999 GIVN Hersent o f SURN FRANCE NSFX * GIVN Alberade of SURN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess of Franks Ancestral File Number:<AFN> B67L-JP TIT L Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TI TL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 OCCU Princess of France ... SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 This name and marri age is in CHARLE.TXT (Compuserve) with a ? - NLP; COMYNI. TAF gives mother as Hermentrude de Orleans while COMYN4.TAF gives mother as Richildis - NLP; Carol ingian - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #960;Marriage listed in Royalty for Commoner s, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 49 w/o ?-NLP;Royalty for Com- moners, Roderick W. St uart, p. 154 gives mother as Ermentrude along with NOTE: Chaume.O, I:599 gives Hersent as mother of Giselbert II-NLP OCCU Princess of France ... SOUR mem bers.aol.com/sargen3 This name and marriage is in CHARLE.TXT (Compuserve) with a ? - NLP; COMYNI. TAF gives mother as Hermentrude de Orleans while COMYN4.TA F gives mother as Richildis - NLP; Carolingian - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #960 ;Marriage listed in Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 49 w/o ?-NLP ;Royalty for Com- moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 154 gives mother as Ermentrud e along with NOTE: Chaume.O, I:599 gives Hersent as mother of Giselbert II-NLP OCCU Princess of France ... SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 This name and ma rriage is in CHARLE.TXT (Compuserve) with a ? - NLP; COMYNI. TAF gives mother as Hermentrude de Orleans while COMYN4.TAF gives mother as Richildis - NLP; Ca rolingian - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #960;Marriage listed in Royalty for Commo ners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 49 w/o ?-NLP;Royalty for Com- moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 154 gives mother as Ermentrude along with NOTE: Chaume.O, I:599 gi ves Hersent as mother of Giselbert II-NLP DATE 5 MAY 2000 DATE 28 DEC 199 5 GIVN Hersent, Duchess of SURN Lorraine AFN 8Q4M-CP DATE 11 SEP 2000 TI ME 21:26:52 TITL cantalupe.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of I mport: Oct 9, 1999 TITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL lorraine.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL harcourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL hastings.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL strong1.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Oth er DATA TEXT Date of Import: Nov 4, 1999 TITL cantalupe.ged REPO CALN MED I Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 9, 1999 TITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL lorraine.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL harcourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL hastings. ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL stro ng1.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Nov 4, 1999 TITL c antalupe.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 9, 1999 T ITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 19 99 TITL lorraine.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 1 0, 1999 TITL harcourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL hastings.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Im port: Oct 10, 1999 TITL strong1.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date o f Import: Nov 4, 1999 TITL cantalupe.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT D ate of Import: Oct 9, 1999 TITL harcourt.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TE XT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL lorraine.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DAT A TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL harcourt2.ged REPO CALN MEDI Othe r DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL hastings.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999 TITL strong1.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Nov 4, 1999 GIVN Hersent of SURN FRA NCE NSFX * GIVN Alberade of SURN MONS NSFX Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Queen Of France Ermentrude OF ORLEANS. Spouse: Duke
Of Lorraine Rainer I Or Regnier DE HAINAULT. Duke Of Lorraine Rainer I Or
Regnier DE HAINAULT and Princess Of Franks Ermentrud Or Hersent Of FRANKS were
married about 889 in Of Lorraine, France. _FREL Natural
Children were: Duke Of Lorraine Giselbert BURGUNDY I. Ermentrude FRANKS7,38,64,101,121,198,221,710 was born in 879 in France - Dtr Of Louis II. She died in France (Desc. Of Charlemagne). Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCX-VQ From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 Jan uary 1996. TYPE Book AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis PERI Ancestral Ro ots EDTN 7th PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999) TE XT 143-17 TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Royalty for Commoners EDT N 3d PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1 561-X TEXT 353-38 DATE 23 MAY 2000 GIVN Ermentrude of SURN FRANCE NSFX * DATE 4 MAY 2000 OCCU Princess of West Franks SOUR Royalty for Commoners , Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says CIR 870; sites.rootsweb.com/gumby says ABT 87 6;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 876; OCCU Princess of West Fra nks SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says CIR 870; www. rootsweb.com/gumby says ABT 876;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 87 6; GIVN Ermentrude Princess of SURN Franks AFN 9GCX-VQ GIVN Ermentrude of SURN France NSFX * Parents: King Of France Louis FRANKS II and Queen Of Adelheide Judith OF PARIS. Parents: King Of France Louis FRANKS II and Queen Of France Adelaide DE AUXERRE. Parents: King Of France Louis FRANKS II and Adelaide Judith PARIS. Children were: Cunigunde Of FRANCE. Spouse: Unknown UNKNOWN. Children were: Cunigunde Of FRANCE. Children were: Kunigunde CUNEGONDE. Ermentrude Princess Of FRANKS7,207,243 was born about 870 in France - Dtr Of Louis II. She died in France (Desc. Of Charlemagne). TYPE Book AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis PERI Ancestral Roots EDTN 7th P UBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999) TEXT 143-17 TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Royalty for Commoners EDTN 3d PUBL Genea logical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1561-X TEXT 353- 38 DATE 23 MAY 2000 GIVN Ermentrude of SURN FRANCE NSFX * DATE 4 MAY 2 000 OCCU Princess of West Franks SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. St uart, p. 246 says CIR 870; sites.rootsweb.com/gumby says ABT 876;www.teleport.c om/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 876; OCCU Princess of West Franks SOUR Royalt y for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says CIR 870; sites.rootsweb.com/gum by says ABT 876;www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 876; GIVN Ermen trude Princess of SURN Franks AFN 9GCX-VQ GIVN Ermentrude of SURN France NSFX * Parents: King Of France Louis FRANKS II and Queen Of Adelheide Judith OF PARIS. Spouse: Unknown UNKNOWN. Children were: Cunigunde Of FRANCE. Farabert King Of The FRANKS5,7,69,128 was born about 122 in Austrasia, France.5,128 He died in 186.5,128 Parents: Chlodomir FRANKS IV and Princess Of The Rugij HAFILDA. Spouse: Queen Of The FRANKS. Farabert King Of The FRANKS and Queen Of The FRANKS were married about 136. Children were: Sunno (Huano) King Of The FRANKS. Empress Of The Roman Empi Fastrada FRANKS7,18,25,26,221,299,465,466 was born about 765 in Westphalia - Dtr Of Wittekind (Widukind).25 She died in 794 in Saxony? Had Been Wife Of Charlemagne.25,465,466,616 She was buried in 794 in St Albans Of Mainz.25 She was also known as Holy Roman Empress. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen Created by: Pat Adams 2111 Albemarle Terrace Brook lyn, NY 11226-3905 (718) 469-4032 Parents: . Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Empress Of The Roman Empi Fastrada FRANKS were married in 783 in Saxony.25,299,465,466 Children were: Theotrada, THEODRADA, THEODRADA, Theodrada ARGENTEUI, \Princess Of The Franks\ HILTRUDE, HILTRUDE, THEODORA, Dtr Of CHARLEMAGNE. Fredegonde FRANKS7,514 was born in 545 in Spouse: Chilperic FRANKS I. Chilperic FRANKS I and Fredegonde FRANKS were married about 564 in , , , France. Children were: King Of The Clothaire II Roi De Neustria Et FRANKS. Frotmund Frimutel FRANKS7,429,556 was born about 351 in , , , Germany. Parents: Boaz ANFORTAS. Spouse: Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS. Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS and Frotmund Frimutel FRANKS were married in 369. Children were: King Of The Pharamond FRANKS, Marcomir FRANKS. Galsonde FRANKS.514 Spouse: Chilperic FRANKS I. Duke Of The Genebald FRANKS5,7,128,535,556,858,2504 was born about 262 in Germany.5,128 He died in 358.5,128,201 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke Of The 1 NAME Genebald I of the East /Franks/ 2 SOU R S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 [De La Pole.FTW] Sources: Kraentzler 1772, 1809, 1810; Pfafman. K-1809: Genebald, King of t he East Franks. K-1810: Duke of the East Franks. Died 350. Pfafman: Genebald I, Duke of the East Franks, 317-358. Died 358. 1 NAME Genebald I of the Eas t /Franks/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 [De La Pole.FTW] Sources: Kraentzler 1772, 1809, 1810; Pfafman. K-1809: G enebald, King of the East Franks. K-1810: Duke of the East Franks. Died 350. Pfafman: Genebald I, Duke of the East Franks, 317-358. Died 358. Parents: Duke Of The Dagobert FRANKS. Parents: Duke Of The Dagobert FRANKS and FRANKS. Children were: Duke Of The East Dagobert FRANKS II. Children were: Duke Of The East Dagobert FRANKS II. Duke Of The Genebald FRANKS7,556 was born in 325 in , France. He died in 358. He was christened in Duke Of East, Franks, Austrasia, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke Of The GIVN Genebald Duke of East SURN Franks NSFX * * ! ! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 47th G G Son. NSFX Duke o f the East Franks AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints TITL A ncestral File (TM) PUBL July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 REPO Family History Library, 35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA DATE 24 MAY 1999 GIVN Genebald Duke_of E._Franks ABBR Ancestry and Progentry of Cap tain James Blount TITL Ancestry and Progentry of Captain James Blount - Immigr ant, by RobertF. Pfafman AUTH Robert F. Pfafman PAGE p. E- 25 and 26 NS FX Duke of the East Franks AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint s TITL Ancestral File (TM) PUBL July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 REP O Family History Library, 35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA DATE 24 MAY 1999 GIVN Genebald Duke_of E._Franks ABBR Royal Ancestors of S ome LDS Families TITL Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call AUTH Michael L. Call PAGE chart 804 ABBR Ancestry and Progentry of Captain James Blount TITL Ancestry and Progentry of Captain James Blount - Immigrant, by RobertF. Pfafman AUTH Robert F. Pfafman PAGE p. E- 25 AUTH The Churc h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints TITL Ancestral File (TM) PUBL July 199 6 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 REPO Family History Library, 35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA 358 DATE 26 MAY 1999 AUTH The Churc h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints TITL Ancestral File (TM) PUBL July 199 6 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 REPO Family History Library, 35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA 358 DATE 26 MAY 1999 DATE 4 MAY 2000 Parents: Duke Of The East Dagobert FRANKS II. Children were: Princess Of The Salic/Que ARGOTTA. Duke Of The East Genebald FRANKS7,241,429,535,556,2504 was born about 354 in France. He died about 419.201 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke Of The East 1 NAME Genebald II of the East /Franks/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 [De La Pol e.FTW] Source: Pfafman; Kraentzler1772. Pfafman: Duke of the East Franks 41 4-419. Died 419. K: Genbald, Last King of the West Goths. Parents: King Of The Salic Dagobert FRANKS II. Children were: Basina Of THURINGIA, Princess Of The Salic/Que ARGOTTA. Children were: Princess Of The Salic/Que ARGOTTA. Genebald Duke Of The East FRANKS5,128 was born about 158.5,128 Children were: Princess Of The Salic/Que ARGOTTA. Gersvind FRANKS.221,299,465,466 Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Children were: ADALTRUDE. Prince Of The Gilles FRANKS7,18,33,38,64,101,131,221,242,264,298,490,491,554,642 was born about 755 in Of, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of The Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCC-GB GIVN Gil les, Prince of SURN Franks AFN 9GCC-GB GIVN Gilles, Prince of SURN Franks AFN 9GCC-GB REFNA !NAME:Gilles, Prince Of The FRANKS GIVN Gil les, Prince of SURN Franks AFN 9GCC-GBGIVN Gilles, Prince of SURN Franks AFN 9GCC-GB Parents: King Of Franks Pepin MARTEL III and Queen Of Franks Bertrada DE LAON. [Duchess Of Normandy] Gisela Of The FRANKS7,33,54 was born about 895 in Of Normandy, France. She died in 919 in France. She was also known as Gisele. Daughter of King Charles II "The Simple" of France and his mistress Parents: . Spouse: Duke Of Normandy Rolloi Hrolf ROGNVALDSSON. Duke Of Normandy Rolloi Hrolf ROGNVALDSSON and [Duchess Of Normandy] Gisela Of The FRANKS were married in 912 in France. _STATMARRIED Gisele FRANKS7,38,64,101,131,198,221,242 was born about 858 in , , , France. She died on 1 Jul 874 in France. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9G62-3N From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 Jan uary 1996. Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Queen Of France Ermentrude OF ORLEANS. Gonthier FRANKS7,10,14,280,429,514 was born about 519 in , , , France. He died in 561. He was also known as Gunther. Parents: King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I and Radegonde Thuringian De INGONDE. Guntramm FRANKS7,10,14,220,280,429,514 was born in 536 in Paris, Seine, France. Parents: King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I and BURGUNDY. Parents: King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I. Parents: King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I and Waltrude De LOMBARDIE. Guntran FRANKS7,10,220,280,429,538,556 was born about 475 in Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France. Parents: King Of The Childeric FRANKS I and Basina Andovera De THURINGIA. * Hameltrude FRANKS7,221,710 was born about 760 in Verberie Sur Oise, France. She died in 783 in Germany? - Wife Of Charlemagne.616,2242 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> * May have been "the poor French woman who bore him several children -known as Hamiltrude. Hameltrude or Himiltrude, wife of Charlemag ne, died in 783. Mother ofPepin the Hunchback who died in 810. Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and * Hameltrude FRANKS were married about 780 in (Not Married - Had Natural Dtr). Location of divorce was Saxony Children were: * Alpais Of PARIS. Haregonde FRANKS7,10,14,280,429,514 was born in 499 in Rheims, Marne, Loire-Alantique, France. She was also known as Aregonde. Spouse: King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I. King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I and Haregonde FRANKS were married about 523. Princess West Franks Hildegarde FRANKS7,38,64,101,131,198,221,242 was born about 856 in Of, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess West Franks Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9G62-2H Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Queen Of France Ermentrude OF ORLEANS. Himiltude FRANKS.221,299,465,466 Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Children were: Monk Prum Pepin MARTEL. Hugo FRANKS7,642 was born in 794 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia, Germany. He died on 7 Jun 844. REFNP !NAME:Hugo, "L'Abbe", Bastard Of The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and REGINA. Children were: Petronilla FRANKS, Richilde FRANKS. Ingomera FRANKS.10,220,280,429 Parents: Prince Of Lantechilde FRANKS I and Chrotechilde Clothild FRANKS. Parents: Prince Of Lantechilde FRANKS I and Princess Of Burgundy CHLOTILDE. John Boyd FRANKS3,1132,1338 was born in May 1876.3,1132 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 6816. Parents: Benjamin R FRANKS and Julia BOYD. Judith Caroling FRANKS7,14,27,64,97,101,102,103,131,242 was born in 844 in , , , France. She died after 870 in , , France. Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Queen Of France Ermentrude OF ORLEANS. Spouse: Baudouin FLANDERS I. Baudouin FLANDERS I and Judith Caroling FRANKS were married about 840 in , Flanders, Nord, France. Children were: Rudolf Or Raoul CAMBRAY, Count Of Flanders Baudouin II II, Charles Of FLANDERS, Gunhilda Of FLANDERS, Widnille FLANDERS. Spouse: King Of Kent & Aethelwulf WESSEX. King Of Kent & Aethelwulf WESSEX and Judith Caroling FRANKS were married on 1 Oct 856 in Verberie Sur Ois, Champagne, France. Spouse: Ethelbald WESSEX. Ethelbald WESSEX and Judith Caroling FRANKS were married after 858. Landree De Le FRANKS.33,264,842 Parents: King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL and Duchess Rotrude TREVES. Spouse: Count Of Hesbaye Sigrande SIGRAMUS. Prince Of Lantechilde FRANKS I5,7,10,113,128,201,202,219,220,241,280,429,538,542,556,1915 was born in 465 in Of Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France.5,113,128,201,1915 He was christened on 25 Sep 496 in Rheims, Marne, Loire-Atlantique, France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening]201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening]201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening]201 He died on 27 Nov 511 in Paris, France.5,113,128,201,1915,1916 He was also known as Chlodovech The Great. He was buried in Church Of Saint, France.201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of DATE 5 MAY 2000 DATE 5 MAY 2000 DATE 5 MAY 2000Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Parents: King Of The Childeric FRANKS I and Basina Andovera De THURINGIA. Spouse: Chrotechilde Clothild FRANKS. Prince Of Lantechilde FRANKS I and Chrotechilde Clothild FRANKS were married in , , , France. Children were: Ingomera FRANKS, Clothilda FRANKS, Clodomer ORLEANS, Childebert PARIS, King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I, Tichilda FRANKS, FRANKS, Theuderic FRANKS I. Spouse: Clotida OF St. Burgundy. Prince Of Lantechilde FRANKS I and Clotida OF St. Burgundy were married about 492 in France. Children were: Clothilda FRANKS, King Of The Chlotar FRANKS I. Spouse: St. Chrotechilde Of BURGUNDY. Prince Of Lantechilde FRANKS I and St. Chrotechilde Of BURGUNDY were married in 492 in France.5,201 Children were: Clothilda FRANKS, King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I. Spouse: Princess Of Burgundy CHLOTILDE. Prince Of Lantechilde FRANKS I and Princess Of Burgundy CHLOTILDE were married in 492 in , , , France.1915,1916 Children were: Ingomera FRANKS, King Of The Austrasia THEODORIC I, Clothilda FRANKS, King Of Paris I CHILDEBERT, King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I, Prince Of The Sigimorius FRANKS, Tichilda FRANKS, Clodomer ORLEANS. Princess Of Laudrade FRANKS7,33,264 was born about 706 in Of Austrasia, France. She was also known as Laudrade Princess Of Franks.842 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of GIVN Laudrade Princess of SURN Franks NSFX ** ! ! SEALED TO SPOUSE: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760832. ! RELATIONSHIP: Pa tron, H. Reed Black, is 34th G G Son. OCCU Princess of Franks ... SOUR al7f l.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, France; www.teleport.com/ddo nahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stua rt, p. 246 says parents were Charles Martel and Rotrude - NLP; Landree de Hesb aye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 OCCU Princess of Fr anks ... SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, France; w ww.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; Royalty for Commoner s, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says parents were Charles Martel and Rotrude - N LP; Landree de Hesbaye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 OCCU Princess of Franks ... SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, France; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; R oyalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says parents were Charles Mar tel and Rotrude - NLP; Landree de Hesbaye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 GIVN Laudrade Princess of SURN Franks NSFX ** ! ! SEALED TO SPOUSE: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760832. ! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 34th G G Son. OCCU Princess of Franks ... SOUR al7fl.abts.net/gr een-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, France; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 sa ys parents were Charles Martel and Rotrude - NLP; Landree de Hesbaye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 OCCU Princess of Franks ... SOU R al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, France; www.teleport.c om/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W . Stuart, p. 246 says parents were Charles Martel and Rotrude - NLP; Landree d e Hesbaye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 OCCU Princess of Franks ... SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, Fran ce; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; Royalty for Co mmoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says parents were Charles Martel and Rotru de - NLP; Landree de Hesbaye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 2 46Name Prefix:<NPFX> ** Name Suffix:<NSFX> ** GIVN Laudrade Princess of SURN Franks NSFX ** ! ! SEALED TO SPOUSE: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1760832. ! R ELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 34th G G Son. OCCU Princess of Frank s ... SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, France; www. teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says parents were Charles Martel and Rotrude - NLP; Landree de Hesbaye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 OCC U Princess of Franks ... SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says ABT 695, France; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 728, Austrasia; Roya lty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says parents were Charles Martel and Rotrude - NLP; Landree de Hesbaye - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. St uart, p. 246 OCCU Princess of Franks ... SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/gre enged.html says ABT 695, France; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 72 8, Austrasia; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 says parents w ere Charles Martel and Rotrude - NLP; Landree de Hesbaye - Royalty for Commone rs, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246 Parents: King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL and Sonichilde Of CAROLINGIANS. Spouse: Sigramine DE HASBAYE. Sigramine DE HASBAYE and Princess Of Laudrade FRANKS were married about 726 in Austrasia, France. Children were: Duke Of Hesbaye GUNDERLAND. Concubine Leuthergis FRANKS7,18,33,64,101,131,242,264,298,554,642 was born in 719 in Austrasia, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Concubine GIVN Leuthergis, Concubine of SURN Franks GIV N Leuthergis, Concubine of SURN Franks REFNN !NAME:Leuthergis, Co ncubine Of The FRANKS GIVN Leuthergis, Concubine of SURN Franks Spouse: King Of Franks Pepin MARTEL III. King Of Franks Pepin MARTEL III and Concubine Leuthergis FRANKS were married about 732 in , , , France. Concubine Leuthergis FRANKS7,38,221,842 was born about 755 in Austrasia, France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Concubine Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCC-4L From Ancestr al File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. Spouse: King Of Franks Pepin MARTEL III. King Of Franks Pepin MARTEL III and Concubine Leuthergis FRANKS were married. Londrade FRANKS7,201,246 was born about 710 in , Austrasia.201 [De La Pole.FTW] Source: Collins; AF. Collins: Londrade. AF: Landrade. Parents: King Of The Franks Charles DE MARTEL and Duchess Of Swanhilde BAVARIA. Prince Of The West Franks Lothaire FRANKS7,38,64,101,131,198,221,242 was born about 847 in France. He died in 865 in France. He was also known as The Lame. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of The West Franks Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9G62- 1B From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Queen Of France Ermentrude OF ORLEANS. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was born on 1 Nov 846 in France.73,74,113,139,299,465,466,1170 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin]2440 He died on 10 Apr 879 in Compiègne, Oise, Picardie, France.28,73,74,113,139,299,465,466,1170,2454,2777 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as The Stammerrer. He was christened in France - Aka Louis Le Begue. He was buried in Saint-Corneille, Compiègne, Oise, Picardie, France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of France Louis II, King de France (the Stammerer) (Andre Roux: Scrolls, 191.) (Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 130, Line 171 -38.) (Paul, Nouveau Larousse Universel.) (Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under C arolingians, Page 258.) (Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Page 3 87). AKA: Louis II, King d'Aquitaine. Also Known As: Louis "Le Begue". Bo rn: in Nov 846 in Compiegne, Oise, Ile-de-France, France, son of Charles II, Ki ng de France and Ermentrude d'Orleans . Married in 862: Ansgarde de Bourgogne , daughter of Hardouin, Count de Bourgogne; She was given in marriage to Louis b y her brother, Odon, often confused with Odon, Count of Troyes, an older man an d one of Louis' detractors (Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians, Page 185). Note - between 867 and 879: Louis II was the King of Aquitaine from 867 to 879 and became King of France in 877, crowned at Compiegne by Hincmar, Archb ishop of Rheims on 8 October. If the children and grandchildren of Charlemagne had an easy time ascending to the throne by virtue of their parentage, the same is not true for Louis. Louis had to be elected by the Greats - the nobles whos e power had been growing steadily - and they conceded only after having receive d countships and additional powers. Moreover, Louis had to accept the tutelage of his maternal uncle, Hughes, Marquis of Neustria who also received the counts hip of Tours. He died 16 months later while making preparations to reprimand Be rnard, Duke of Septimanie. Upon his death, nobles, looking to enhance their own power saw the kingdom partitioned between Louis III and Carloman, who were bot h crowned and anointed at Ferrieres in September 879 by Ansegis, Archbishop of Sens. Louis III's portion comprised Francia and Neustria, and Carloman ruled B urgundy, Aquitaine and Gothia. Married between 868 and 869: Adelaide=Adelhei d de Paris, daughter of Adalhard, Count de Paris. Died: on 11 Apr 879 in Fra nce at age 32 Louis II died sooner than expected after having divided his kingd om between his two sons, Louis III and Carloman. To the older son went Francia and Neustria; and to the younger went Bourgogne, Aquitaine and the Marche of Sp ain. This creation of two kingdoms is highly disputed because the two sons are not viewed by some as legitimate because Charles le Chauve had not officially r ecognized Louis marriage to Ansgarde. Louis was not favored, and on 15 October 879, Provence and Bourgogne recognize Richilde's (Charles le Chauve's widow) b rother, Bozon. Moreover, Louis, son of Louis le Germanique, also lays claim to the throne of France. Thus, to make matters rather complicated there exists thr ee kings of France at this time. aka Louis II, le Begue. Louis II, son of Charles the Bald, ruled the Kingdom of France,succeeding his father in 877. L ouis II ruled until 879, succeeded byhis son Louis III.Louis II, King de France (the Stammerer) (Andre Roux: Scrolls, 191.) (Stuar t, Royalty for Commoners, Page 130, Line 171-38.) (Paul, Nouveau Larousse Univ ersel.) (Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians, Page 258.) (Andre Cas telot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Page 387). AKA: Louis II, King d'Aquit aine. Also Known As: Louis "Le Begue". Born: in Nov 846 in Compiegne, Oise, Ile-de-France, France, son of Charles II, King de France and Ermentrude d'Orlea ns . Married in 862: Ansgarde de Bourgogne , daughter of Hardouin, Count de Bou rgogne; She was given in marriage to Louis by her brother, Odon, often confused with Odon, Count of Troyes, an older man and one of Louis' detractors (Rosamon d, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians, Page 185). Note - between 867 and 879: Louis II was the King of Aquitaine from 867 to 879 and became King of France in 877, crowned at Compiegne by Hincmar, Archbishop of Rheims on 8 October. If th e children and grandchildren of Charlemagne had an easy time ascending to the t hrone by virtue of their parentage, the same is not true for Louis. Louis had t o be elected by the Greats - the nobles whose power had been growing steadily - and they conceded only after having received countships and additional powers. Moreover, Louis had to accept the tutelage of his maternal uncle, Hughes, Marq uis of Neustria who also received the countship of Tours. He died 16 months lat er while making preparations to reprimand Bernard, Duke of Septimanie. Upon his death, nobles, looking to enhance their own power saw the kingdom partitioned between Louis III and Carloman, who were both crowned and anointed at Ferrieres in September 879 by Ansegis, Archbishop of Sens. Louis III's portion comprise d Francia and Neustria, and Carloman ruled Burgundy, Aquitaine and Gothia. M arried between 868 and 869: Adelaide=Adelheid de Paris, daughter of Adalhard, C ount de Paris. Died: on 11 Apr 879 in France at age 32 Louis II died sooner than expected after having divided his kingdom between his two sons, Louis III and Carloman. To the older son went Francia and Neustria; and to the younger we nt Bourgogne, Aquitaine and the Marche of Spain. This creation of two kingdoms is highly disputed because the two sons are not viewed by some as legitimate be cause Charles le Chauve had not officially recognized Louis marriage to Ansgard e. Louis was not favored, and on 15 October 879, Provence and Bourgogne recogn ize Richilde's (Charles le Chauve's widow) brother, Bozon. Moreover, Louis, son of Louis le Germanique, also lays claim to the throne of France. Thus, to make matters rather complicated there exists three kings of France at this time.Nickname:<NICK> The Stammerer Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of West France ?? Line 1854: (New PAF RIN=1607) 1 TITL KING OF WEST FRANKS PED FROM ELIZABETH ANN KE LSO - BORN 27 JUN 1926 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date o f Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 EVEN TYPE Acceded DATE 877856 King of Neustria, 867 King of Aquitaine, 877 King of West Franks GIVN Louis II Le Begue of SURN France NSFX The Stammerer* AF N 9G61-XT EVEN Kingdom of France TYPE Ruled DATE BET 877 AND 879 PLAC Verb erie sur Oise,France DATE 11 SEP 2000 TIME 21:33:49 TITL brampton.FTW REP O CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 4, 1999 NPFX King GIVN Louis II le Begue of SURN France NSFX The Stammerer* aka Louis II, le Begue. EVEN Kingdom of France TYPE Ruled DATE BET 877 AND 879 PLAC France Louis II, son of Charles the Bald, ruled the Kingdom of France,succeeding his father in 877. Louis II ruled until 879, succeeded byhis son Louis III. ABBR SOURCE #337 TITL Kingdom's of Europe, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruling Monarchs Fro mAncient Times to the Present AUTH Gene Gurney PUBL Crown Publishers, New Yor k. 1982 PAGE Gurney page 125. Known as "Louis the Stammerer". OCCU Empe ror of the West ... SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; members.aol.com/sargen3 says 1 Nov 846, France; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p.130 says Nov 846 ; COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) & CHARL.TXT say 844; SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; me mbers.aol.com/sargen3 says 10 Apr 879, Compiegne,Oise, France; 1CHARL.TXT (Com puserve), COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html ; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; HAWKINS.GED;www.public.asu. edu/bgertz/family ; Louis the Stammerer,son of Charles II, emperor of the West , was the king of France (r. 877-879). His succession was shared by his sons C arloman and Louis III - Encyclopedia, p. 491; King of Aquitaine, Caroling, Kin g of France - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1144;King of West Franks, King of Fran ce, 877-879, Emperor of the West, 878-879; Adelaide was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoner s, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130 OCCU Emperor of the West ... S OUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; members.aol.com/sargen3 says 1 Nov 846, France; Roya lty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p.130 says Nov 846; COLLINS.ROY (Compus erve) & CHARL.TXT say 844; SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; members.aol.com/sargen3 says 10 Apr 879, Compiegne,Oise, France; 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve), COMYNI.GED ( Compuserve); Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; SOUR Encyclop edia, p. 491; al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html ; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; HAWKINS.GED;www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family ; L ouis the Stammerer,son of Charles II, emperor of the West, was the king of Fra nce (r. 877-879). His succession was shared by his sons Carloman and Louis III - Encyclopedia, p. 491; King of Aquitaine, Caroling, King of France - COMYNI. GED (Compuserve), #1144;King of West Franks, King of France, 877-879, Emperor of the West, 878-879; Adelaide was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoner s, Rode rick W. Stuart, p. 130 DATE 31 MAY 2000 EVEN TYPE Title (Facts Pg) PLAC Roi de France - le BegueName Suffix:<NSFX> King GermanyTITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date o f Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 EVEN TYPE Acceded DATE 877856 King of Neustria, 867 King of Aquitaine, 877 King of West Franks GIVN Louis II Le Begue of SURN France NSFX The Stammerer* AF N 9G61-XT EVEN Kingdom of France TYPE Ruled DATE BET 877 AND 879 PLAC Verb erie sur Oise,France DATE 11 SEP 2000 TIME 21:33:49 TITL brampton.FTW REP O CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 4, 1999 NPFX King GIVN Louis II le Begue of SURN France NSFX The Stammerer* aka Louis II, le Begue. EVEN Kingdom of France TYPE Ruled DATE BET 877 AND 879 PLAC France Louis II, son of Charles the Bald, ruled the Kingdom of France,succeeding his father in 877. Louis II ruled until 879, succeeded byhis son Louis III. ABBR SOURCE #337 TITL Kingdom's of Europe, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruling Monarchs Fro mAncient Times to the Present AUTH Gene Gurney PUBL Crown Publishers, New Yor k. 1982 PAGE Gurney page 125. Known as "Louis the Stammerer". OCCU Empe ror of the West ... SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; members.aol.com/sargen3 says 1 Nov 846, France; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p.130 says Nov 846 ; COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve) & CHARL.TXT say 844; SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; me mbers.aol.com/sargen3 says 10 Apr 879, Compiegne,Oise, France; 1CHARL.TXT (Com puserve), COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html ; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; HAWKINS.GED;www.public.asu. edu/bgertz/family ; Louis the Stammerer,son of Charles II, emperor of the West , was the king of France (r. 877-879). His succession was shared by his sons C arloman and Louis III - Encyclopedia, p. 491; King of Aquitaine, Caroling, Kin g of France - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1144;King of West Franks, King of Fran ce, 877-879, Emperor of the West, 878-879; Adelaide was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoner s, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130 OCCU Emperor of the West ... S OUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; members.aol.com/sargen3 says 1 Nov 846, France; Roya lty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p.130 says Nov 846; COLLINS.ROY (Compus erve) & CHARL.TXT say 844; SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 491; members.aol.com/sargen3 says 10 Apr 879, Compiegne,Oise, France; 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve), COMYNI.GED ( Compuserve); Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; SOUR Encyclop edia, p. 491; al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html ; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 130; HAWKINS.GED;www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family ; L ouis the Stammerer,son of Charles II, emperor of the West, was the king of Fra nce (r. 877-879). His succession was shared by his sons Carloman and Louis III - Encyclopedia, p. 491; King of Aquitaine, Caroling, King of France - COMYNI. GED (Compuserve), #1144;King of West Franks, King of France, 877-879, Emperor of the West, 878-879; Adelaide was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoner s, Rode rick W. Stuart, p. 130 DATE 31 MAY 2000 EVEN TYPE Title (Facts Pg) PLAC Roi de France - le BegueAncestral File Number:<AFN> ES:II-1, AR: 1 NAME Louis II The Stammerer /King Of France/ 2 SOUR S346124 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Oct 30, 2000 2 SOUR S346124 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Oct 31, 2000 1 DEAT 2 DAT E 10 APR 879 2 PLAC Compiegne 2 SOUR S346124 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Imp ort: Oct 30, 2000 2 SOUR S346124 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Oct 31, 2 000 2 SOUR S085410 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000 [SUSAN NA KEENE.FTW] [MARSHALL.FTW] SOURCE NOTES: Moriarty, George Andrews, Pla ntagenet Ancestry of King Edward III And Queen Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pi oneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555. Pre vite-Orton, C. W., The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History, Cambridge: Universi ty Press, 1952. Chatham 940.1PRE. Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigree s of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descdenants. Order of the Crown of Cha rlemagne, 1941. Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Euroopaische Stammtafeln: Stammtaf eln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg: J.A. Stargar dt, 1978-. Tapsell, R. F., Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the W orld. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1983. Watney, Vernon James, Th e Wallop Family and their Ancestry, Oxford:John Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#16964 91 items 6-9. Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6th Edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988. RESEARCH NOTES: 877-8 79 King of the Franks [Ref: Weis AR #148] King of France [Ref: Tapsell p170] 878-879 Emperor [Ref: Weis AR #148] SOURCE NOTES: date: [Ref: ES II #1] 844 [Ref: Weis AR #148] 846 [Ref: Watney #207] Sep 1 846 [Ref: Moriarty p16, Mori arty p21], parents: [Ref: CMH p337, Moriarty p16, Redlich p132, Watney #207, W eis AR #148], father: [Ref: Tapsell p170] SOURCE NOTES: date: [Ref: ES II #1, Moriarty p16, Moriarty p21, Redlich p132, Weis AR #148] 879 [Ref: CMH p337, T apsell p170, Watney #207], place: [Ref: ES II #1, Moriarty p21, Weis AR #148][ MARSHALL.FTW] SOURCE NOTES: Moriarty, George Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III And Queen Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555. Previte-Orton, C. W., The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History, Cambridge: University Press, 1952. C hatham 940.1PRE. Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigrees of Some of the E mperor Charlemagne's Descdenants. Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, 1941. Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Euroopaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg: J.A. Stargardt, 1978-. Taps ell, R. F., Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1983. Watney, Vernon James, The Wallop Family an d their Ancestry, Oxford:John Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9. W eis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6th Edition, Baltimo re: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988. RESEARCH NOTES: 877-879 King of the Fra nks [Ref: Weis AR #148] King of France [Ref: Tapsell p170] 878-879 Emperor [Ref: Weis AR #148] SOURCE NOTES: date: [Ref: ES II #1] 844 [Ref: Weis AR #14 8] 846 [Ref: Watney #207] Sep 1 846 [Ref: Moriarty p16, Moriarty p21], parents : [Ref: CMH p337, Moriarty p16, Redlich p132, Watney #207, Weis AR #148], fath er: [Ref: Tapsell p170] SOURCE NOTES: date: [Ref: ES II #1, Moriarty p16, Mor iarty p21, Redlich p132, Weis AR #148] 879 [Ref: CMH p337, Tapsell p170, Watne y #207], place: [Ref: ES II #1, Moriarty p21, Weis AR #148] Parents: Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL and Princess Of Hesbain Ermengarde Or Irmengarde HESBAIN OR HESBAYE. Parents: . Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Queen Of France Ermentrude OF ORLEANS. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE. Spouse: Ansgard De BOURGOGNE. Children were: Roi De France CARLOMAN, King Of France LOUIS III. Spouse: Queen
Of Adelheide Judith OF PARIS. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]465,466 They were married about 868
in France.73,74,77,115,134,232,299,502,2454 _FREL
Spouse: Queen Of France Adelaide DE AUXERRE. King Of France Louis FRANKS II and Queen Of France Adelaide DE AUXERRE were married in 875 in France. Children were: Ermentrude FRANKS, King Of West France Charles III "The OF FRANCE Roi De France. Spouse: Luitgarde Von SACHSEN. Children were: King Of West France Charles III "The OF FRANCE Roi De France. Spouse: Queen Mrs Louis I FRANKFURT. King Of France Louis FRANKS II and Queen Mrs Louis I FRANKFURT were married about 854 in Frankfurt, Germany. Children were: Iremgard FRANCIA. Spouse: Adelaide Judith PARIS. King Of France Louis FRANKS II and Adelaide Judith PARIS were married about 868.1170 Children were: CARLOMAN, III LOUIS, ERMENTRUDE, Ermentrude FRANKS, King Of West France Charles III "The OF FRANCE Roi De France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] She died on 4 Jun 801 in Germany - Had Been The Wife Of Charlemagne.465,466,616 She was buried in Saint Martin Of Tours, France. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Luitgard FRANKS were married in 794 in Germany.299,465,466 King Of The Maaerovaee FRANKS7,220,538,556 was born in 415 in , , , France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] He died in 458. He was also known as Maerovaee Franks.110 He was christened in King Of Salic, Franks 448-58, Austrasia, France. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of The Note: Some ill-advised and naiive people claim that MEROVEE was descended from JESUS CHRIST and MARY MAGDALENE. He himself c laimed descent from ODIN. The Merovingians were a dynasty of kings that r uled the Franks, a Germanic tribe from 481 to 751. The kings were descendants of the chief of the Salian Franks, Merovech, who ruled from 448 to 458 and fr om whom the dynasty's name was derived.The first Merovingian ruler was Clovis l, grandson of Merovech. Clovis became king of both the Salian and Ripaurian Franks. In addition, through an aggressive policy of conquest supported by th e church, Clovis enlarged his kingdom until itincluded most of present day Fra nce and part of Germany. After his death in 511 the kingdom was devided among his four sons into Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy, and Aquitaine. The division s were reunited by Clotair I, divided after his death,then reunited under Clo taire II. The last strong Merovingian monarch was the son of Clotaire II, Dag obert I who ruled from 629 to 639. Under his numerous successors the Frankish kingdom became decentralized. Royal power gradually gave way to the noble fam ilies who exercisedfeudal control over most of the land. The most important of these families was the Carlongian. The Carolingians held the office of mayor of the palace and after 639 were kings in all but name. In 751 the Carolingia n mayor of the palacedeposed the reigning king, Childeric III (reigned about 743-52), and assumed royal power himself as Pepin the Short, putting an end to the Merovingian dynasty. I wish I was sure of every name in this file &am p; that I didnt need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining this, So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell me or someone I d idnt go on out with, I do this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont consider them Kin! Thanks and Happy Hunting! GIVN Merovee (Merovacus) King of SURN Fran ks NSFX ** ! ! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Black, is 43rd G G Son. T YPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Royalty for Commoners EDTN 3d PUBL G enealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1561-X TEXT 303-53 ACED DATE 0448...defeated Attila "the Hun" (451); was a son or son-in -law of Clodion TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Royalty for Commoner s EDTN 3d PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0- 8063-1561-X DATE 19 MAY 2000 TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Ro yalty for Commoners EDTN 3d PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1561-X TEXT 303-53 ACED DATE 0448...defeated Attila "the Hun" (451); was a son or son-in-law of Clodion TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Ro derick W. PERI Royalty for Commoners EDTN 3d PUBL Genealogical Publishing co ., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1561-X DATE 19 MAY 2000 GIVN Merov acus King_of SURN Salic_Franks Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by RobertFfafman p. E- 25. DATE 31 MAY 2000 DATE 31 MAY 2000 Note: Some ill-advised and naiive people claim that MEROVEE was descended from JESUS CHRIST and MARY MAGDALENE. He himself claimed descent from ODIN. The Merovingians were a dynasty of kings that ruled the Franks, a Germanic tribe from 481 to 751. The kings were descendants of the chief of the Salian Franks, Merovech, who ruled from 448 to 458 and from whom the dynasty's name was derived.The first Merovingian ruler was Clovis l, grandson of Merovech. Cl ovis became king of both the Salian and Ripaurian Franks. In addition, throug h an aggressive policy of conquest supported by the church, Clovis enlarged hi s kingdom until itincluded most of present day France and part of Germany. Af ter his death in 511 the kingdom was devided among his four sons into Austrasi a, Neustria, Burgundy, and Aquitaine. The divisiName Prefix:<NPFX> King The Merovingians were a dynasty of kings that ruled th e Franks, a Germanic tribe from 481 to 751. The kings were descendants of the c hief of theSalian Franks, Merovech, who ruled from 448 to 458 and from whom the dynasty's name was derived. The first Merovingian ruler was Clovis I,grandson o f Merovech. Clovis became king of both the Salian and RipaurianFranks. In addit ion, through an aggressive policy of conquest supportedby the church, Clovis en larged his kingdom until it included most of present day Franceand part of Germ any. After his death in 511, Clovis' kingdom was dividedamong his four sons int o Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy and Aquitaine. Parents: King Of Clodius WESTPHALIA V and Princess Of Thuringia BASINA. Parents: Clodion FRANKS and Princess Of Thuringia) Basina. Spouse: Verica Princess Of SWEDEN. King Of The Maaerovaee FRANKS and Verica Princess Of SWEDEN were married. Children were: King Of The Childeric FRANKS I. Spouse: Vaerica Princess Of SWEDEN. King Of The Maaerovaee FRANKS and Vaerica Princess Of SWEDEN were married. Children were: King Of The Childeric FRANKS I. Children were: I CHILDERIC. Marcomir FRANKS IV5,7,69,128 was born before 105 in Spouse: Althildis BRITAINS. Marcomir FRANKS IV and Althildis BRITAINS were married. Children were: COEL, Chlodomir FRANKS IV. Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS5,7,128,241,429,535,556,858 was born in 347 in Of, Germany.5,128 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] He died in 404.5,128,201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke Of The East DATE 5 MAY 2000 AUTH The Church of Je sus Christ of Latter-day Saints TITL Ancestral File (TM) PUBL July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 REPO Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA DATE 26 MAY 1999 AUTH The Church of Jesus C hrist of Latter-day Saints TITL Ancestral File (TM) PUBL July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 REPO Family History Library, 35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA DATE 26 MAY 1999 GIVN Marcomir Duke of SURN Frank s NSFX ** ! RELATIONSHIP: H. Reed Black is 44th & 46th G G Son. GIVN Marco mir Duke_of E._Franks !Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families by Michel L. Call, chart 804. Ancestry and Progentry of Captain James Blount - Immigrant, by Rob ertF. p. E- 25. 1 NAME Marcomir I of the East /Franks/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE BEF. 389 2 S OUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 [De La Pole.FTW ] Sources: Kraentzler 1772; Pfafman; AF. K: Marcomir I, Duke of the East Fr anks. Pfafman: Marcomir, Duke of the East Franks 389-404. Died 404. Kraentzle r in line 1809 leaves out this generation. Parents: Duke Of The East Clodius FRANKS IV. Parents: Duke Of The East Clodius FRANKS IV and Dutchess Of The East FRANKS. Parents: (Duke Of The East Franks) CLODIUS. Children were: King Of The Pharamond FRANKS, King Of Pharamond WESTPHALIA. Spouse: Frotmund Frimutel FRANKS. Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS and Frotmund Frimutel FRANKS were married in 369. Children were: King Of The Pharamond FRANKS, Marcomir FRANKS. Children were: PHARAMOND, Marcomir FRANKS. Spouse: Marcomir's WIFE. Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS and Marcomir's WIFE were married in 394. Children were: King Of Pharamond WESTPHALIA. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was born about 372 in Westphalia, Germany. He died in 423. He was also known as Marcomir (Duke Of The East Franks).110 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Parents: Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS and Frotmund Frimutel FRANKS. Parents: Duke Of The East Marcomir FRANKS. Chief Of Koeln Marcomir FRANKS7,467 was born about 379. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Chief Of Koeln I wish I was sure of every name in this fil e & that I didnt need to know what you think :) hey, but always refining t his, So if you spot a place where Im just flat wrong please tell me or someon e I didnt go on out with, I do this file out of fun and wanting to know, but do not respond to the 'know it alls' , that dont have manners.I dont consider them Kin! Thanks and Happy Hunting! Spouse: Ildegonde Of LOMBARDY. Chief Of Koeln Marcomir FRANKS and Ildegonde Of LOMBARDY were married. Children were: Ildegonde Of COLOGNE. Marcomir Of The FRANKS5,128 was born about 614.5,128 Parents: CLODIUS. Children were: Pharamond Of The FRANKS. Martha E. FRANKS3,413 was born in 1863.3,413 She died WFT Est 1864-1957.3,413 She is reference number 92804. Parents: Micheal C. FRANKS and Julia Ann HALL. King Of Merovech FRANKS5,7,10,113,128,201,219,220,241,429,535,538,542,556,1915 was born about 415 in France.5,128,201,1915 He died about 458.5,128,201,1915,1916,2782 Also Known As:<_AKA> /Meroveus/ Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of Governed the Salic Franks Defeated "Attila the Hun" in 451 Was son or son-in-law of Clodion Before 430, the Salic Francs traverse the Escaut, and settle north of Gand [Gan t] and also into Courtrai. Their chief, Clodion, takes Cambrai in 430. When Clo dion died in 448, Merovee would succeed him as chief. Merovee was a Frankish Pr ince who ruled over the Saliennes [thus, this Merovee is King of the Salic Fran cs] from 452-458. He was the commander of the Francs in the great Battle of the Catalonic Fields, where he defeated Attila the Hun in 451. It is from his name that the kings of the First Race derived their name. The Huns had steadily inc reased their domination from humble beginnings off the Caspian sea from Caucase to the Elbe, from Muldavia to Hungary in the later part of the Fourth Century. SOURCES: Merovee=Merovech, Prince des Francs (Rosamond McKitterick, The Fr ankish kingdom under the Carolingians: 751-987 (Singapore: Longman Singapore Pu blishers Pte Ltd, (c) 1983).) (Paul, Nouveau Larousse Universel.) (Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert St reet, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), P age 216, Line 303-53.) (Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Pages, 176, 2 00). Born: before 390, son of Arcadios Claudius Claudianus and Eudoxie, Merovee is presumed to have been at least 15 years of age by the time his son Childeri c I was born. Married before 405: She was a concubine. Note - between 451 and 4 58: Before 430, the Salic Francs traverse the Escaut, and settle north of Ga nd [Gant] and also into Courtrai. Their chief, Clodion, takes Cambrai in 430. W hen Clodion died in 448, Merovee would succeed him as chief. Merovee was a Fran kish Prince who ruled over the Saliennes [thus, this Merovee is King of the Sal ic Francs] from 452-458. He was the commander of the Francs in the great Battle of the Catalonic Fields, where he defeated Attila the Hun in 451. It is from h is name that the kings of the First Race derived their name. The Huns had stead ily increased their domination from humble beginnings off the Caspian sea from Caucase to the Elbe, from Muldavia to Hungary in the later part of the Fourth C entury. During his reign the Empress of the Roman Empire, Galla Placidia, in 423 governed in the name of her 4-year old son, Valentinius III. She put the G allo-Roman Aetius [who really came from Bulgaria [originally Silistria] in char ge of maintaining the Roman authority over Gaule. Although he was unsuccessf ul against the Wisigoths, he pushed the Riparian Francs beyond the Rhine. In 44 0, the Riparians would return and take over Cologne and Treves. In the meantime , the Burgundians settle in what would become Bourgogne and in Savoie. In 443, they are camped around Worms and Mayence under the command of their King, Gonth ier. Died: in 458. [14495.ftw] See Europäisch Stammtafeln Bund I tafel 1 . Subject: Anscestory of Merovech? From: [email protected] (s aint_bubba) Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 06:44:08 GMT Message-ID: <55rt7v$m81@news. nstn.ca> as part of research looking into the merovingian dynasty, i haven't been able to locate any information that would point to the parents and othe r descendents of Merovech, King of the Franks from c.e. 447-458. he is also o ften called Merovee. i know the rumours that he was descended from the tribe of Benjamin when they became the Sicambrian Franks, but I can't find anything to substantiate this. Any help would be appreciated. [14495.ftw] See Eur opäisch Stammtafeln Bund I tafel 1. Subject: Anscestory of Merovech? From: [email protected] (saint_bubba) Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 06:44:08 GMT Message-ID: <[email protected]> as part of research looking into the merovingian dynasty, i haven't been able to locate any information that wo uld point to the parents and other descendents o Parents: King Of Clodius WESTPHALIA V and I Basina Of THURINGIA. Parents: King Of The Clodius FRANKS and Basina Of THURINGIA. Parents: King Of The Clodius FRANKS and Basina THURINGIANS. Spouse: Verica Princess Of SWEDEN. King Of Merovech FRANKS and Verica Princess Of SWEDEN were married. Children were: King Of The Childeric FRANKS I. Spouse: Of The Salic Chlodeswinthe FRANKS. King Of Merovech FRANKS and Of The Salic Chlodeswinthe FRANKS were married. Children were: King Of The Childeric FRANKS I. Spouse: Pss Of Sweden Verica Of SWEDEN. King Of Merovech FRANKS and Pss Of Sweden Verica Of SWEDEN were married. Children were: King Of The Childeric FRANKS I. Micheal C. FRANKS3,413 was born about 1837.3,413 He died WFT Est 1871-1928.3,413 He is reference number 92741. [boyd-trees.ged] [v01t1586.FTW] The 1870 census of Franklin Twp, Wayne County, OH lists Michael as age 33; Julia ann 33; David 9; Martha E. 7; Sarah E. 5; Elizabeth 2. Micheal has personnal property worth $1,200. 1993 Wooster Library listing of first purchasers in Wayne County include John Franks in 1829. In 1817 there is Jacob Franks listed, he is listed also in Vol. III of the deed index in 1816. __________________________________________________________ In the 1873 Caldwell Atlas of Wayne Count, Ohio listing of Franklin Township, Includes Israel; Aaron; Daniel N; Finley; William; F.: Jacob B.. They list S.G. Franks in Salt Creek Township, just south of Fredericksburg. _________________________________________________________ Parents: Aaron D. FRANKS and Rebeca WILLOUGHBY. Spouse: Julia Ann HALL. Micheal C. FRANKS and Julia Ann HALL were married on 7 Apr 1859 in Wayne County, Ohio.3,413 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Marriage fact]3,413 Reference Number:1474840 Children were: David Hall FRANKS, Martha E. FRANKS, Sarah E. FRANKS, Elizabeth FRANKS. |