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Friedrich I Barbarossa HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,45 was born in 1122 in Of, Swaben, Bavaria. He was christened in 1155 in Germany -Crowned. He died on 10 Jun 1190 in Cilicia Or Selecia (Drowned). He was buried in Unknown Place Near Tyrus. GIVN Friedrich I "Barbarossa" Emperor Of The
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ o f Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1 998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)

GIVN Friedrich I "Barbarossa" Empero r Of The
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)

GIVN Frederick I the Barbarossa of
SURN Germany
NSFX HR Emperor
Led 3 rd Crusade 1186 Left from Regensburg 1189
ABBR Frederick Barbarossa, Emperor: "The Holy Roman Emp
TITL Frederick Barbarossa, Emperor: "The Holy Roman Empire " Heer.
EVEN Germany
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 1152 AND 1190
Frederick I called t he Barbarossa, succeeded his uncle, Conrad III, asKing and Emperor of Germany i n 1152. He ruled until 1190, and wassucceeded by his son, Henry VI.
TITL Kingdom's of Europe, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruling Monarchs FromAncient Times to the Present
AUTH Gene Gurney
PUBL Crown Publishers, New York. 1982
PAGE Gurney page 263.
TYPE Crusader
DATE BET 1186 AND 1190
PLAC To the Holy Land
Frederick I the Barbarosa, Holy Roman Emperor had hims elf crownedagain in 1186 at Milan. Then he prepared to take the cross and prep arfor a third Crusade. The actual crusade began in May of 1189,
and heleft Re gensburg at the head of a splendid army, headed over the Alps.On June 10 1890, trying to ford the river Calycadnus (Geuksu) nearSelicia ISelfke or Celicia, he drowned. Some records say
he diedwhile bathing in the river. He was 67.
AB BR Trager's Chronology
TITL Trager's The People's Chronology . A Year by Year Record of HumanEvents from Prehistory to Present.
AUTH James Trager, Editor
PUBL Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. New York. 1979.
PAGE Page 97.
EVEN King of Burgundy
TYPE Coronation
DATE 30 JUL 1178
PLAC Arles Tusca ny
Frederick I Barbarosa, Holy Roman Emperor was crowned King of Burgundyin 11 78 on July 30. He has the ceremony repeated in 1186.
EVEN King of Germany
TY PE Coronation
DATE 1152
PLAC Frankfort, Germany
Frederick, Duke of Swabia, w as elected King of the Germans March 5,1152 at Frankfurt. He succeeded his unc le, King Conrad III. He waspart Welf and Wablingen, and it is hoped his electi on will end
therivalry between the divided German states. He is crowned at Ai x lachapelle March 9 to begin his 38 year reign.
TITL Trager 's The People's Chronology. A Year by Year Record of HumanEvents from Prehisto ry to Present.
AUTH James Trager, Editor
PUBL Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. N ew York. 1979.
PAGE Tragers Page 92.
EVEN Italy Campaigns
TYPE Battle of
DA TE BET 1157 AND 1177
Frederick I the Barbarosa, Holy Roman Emperor began a ser ies ofcampaigns into Italy in 1157, the first of which at Rome was adisaster to his army which died of typhus or some other plague.
Hereturned in 1158 in Ju ne, and took Milan, and began a long strugglewith the Pope Alexander III. In 1166 he was joined in a conspiracyby William II of Sicily and the Lombards to get rid of the
Pope. In1167 Frederick stormed Rome, but again his army was d estroyed by apestilence, and he returned to Germany. In 1177 he signed a treat ywith Pope Alexander III at Venice in August, which
began a six yearpeace betw een the Lombard League and the Holy Roman Emperor FrederickI.
ABBR Trager's Ch ronology
TITL Trager's The People's Chronology. A Year by Y ear Record of HumanEvents from Prehistory to Present.
AUTH James Trager, Edito r
PUBL Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. New York. 1979.
PAGE Pages 92 to 95.

TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 19 99
TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
DATA Parents: Duke Friedrich II Of SWABIA and Judith II Of BAVARIA.

Spouse: Beatrix DE MACON. Friedrich I Barbarossa HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and Beatrix DE MACON were married on 16 Jun 1156 in Wurzburg, Germany. TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999

Frederick I the Barbarosa, Holy Roman Emperor married Beatric,daughter of t he late count of Upper Burgundy, Renaud III, and themarriage added Upper Burgun dy, aka the French Comte, to his domain.
ABBR Trager's Chronology
PAGE Trager 's 92. Children were: Hr Emperor HENRY VI, Beatrix HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, King Of Germany Philip Von Swabia HOHENSTAUFFEN II.

Concubine Galiena HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.18,38,64,101,131,198,221,242,298,554

Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Children were: ADALTRUDE, Adaltrude HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

Princess Of Holy Roman Em Gisela HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,18,34,38,54,64,101,131,198,221,242,298,554 was born in 781 in , Milano, Lombardy, Italy. She died in 814. She was also known as Princess Of Franken. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9 GCD-9L Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU.

Gisle HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,64,101,125,131,242,298 was born about 818 in , , France. Parents: Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL and Princess Of Hesbain Ermengarde Or Irmengarde HESBAIN OR HESBAYE.

King Of Germany Heinrich V Of The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,10,45,70,111,212,213,300,301,694 was born on 11 Aug 1081 in , , , Germany.463 He died on 22 May 1125 in , Utrect, Utrect, Netherlands.463 He was also known as Emperor. Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of Germany
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Holy Roman Emperor
Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of Germany
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9FTJ-CV Parents: Hr Emperor HENRY IV and Countess Of Maurienne BERTHA. Parents: .

Spouse: Empress/Germany Matilda STUART. King Of Germany Heinrich V Of The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and Empress/Germany Matilda STUART were married on 7 Jan 1113/14 in Mainz, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany.

Henry III Of HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,20,21,81,112 was born on 28 Oct 1017 in Schwaben, Bavaria.20,81,749 He died on 5 Oct 1056 in Bodfeld, Hartz, Germany.20,81,749 He was also known as The Black. Also Known As:<_AKA> Henry III of Germany /King of Germany/
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Acceded: 4 April 1039 as King. Holy Roman Emperor 25 Dec 1046-1056.
2 SOUR S 286879
3 PAGE line 45 pp 46-47
4 TEXT Emperor 1046-1056
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S261374
4 TEXT b 9 90
1 _FA2
2 PLAC of the Salian House. Duke of Bavaria.
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEX T Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S261374
4 TEXT b 990
1 _FA 3
2 PLAC King of Germany 1039-1056. Duke of Swabia.
2 SOUR S286879
3 PAG E line 45 pp 46-47
4 TEXT K of Germany 1039-1056
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S286834
4 TE XT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S261374
4 TEXT b 990 Parents: Konrad II The Salian HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and Gisele DSS OF SWABIA.

Princess Of Franken Hildegard HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,18,34,38,54,64,101,102,131,198,221,242,298,299,554 was born in 777 in Of, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia. She died on 9 Jun 783 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9 GCD-BR Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU.

[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]465,466 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin]299 She was born about 812 in Of, France. She died in 841 in , Laon, Belgium. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]299,465,466 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] GIVN Princess N. N.
SURN France
DATE 810
PLAC Ver berie sur Oise,France

OCCU Princess ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246;w
Princess of the Holy Roman Empire - by

OCCU Princess ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246; by
Princess of the Holy Roman Empire - File Number:<AFN> 9GCT-26
GIVN Princess N. N.
SURN France
DATE 810
PLAC Verberie sur Oise,France

OCCU Princess ...
SOUR Royalty for Co mmoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 246;
Princess of the Hol y Roman Empire -

OCCU Princess ...
SOUR www.rootsweb .com/gumby
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W . Stuart, p. 246;
Princess of the Holy Roman Empire - ww Parents: Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL and Princess Of Hesbain Ermengarde Or Irmengarde HESBAIN OR HESBAYE.

Children were: Ranulf I Of Poitou DE AQUITAINE.

Empress Himiltrud HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,18,38,64,71,72,101,131,198,221,242,298,554 was born about 748 in . Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCD-MB

Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Empress Himiltrud HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE were married about 768. Children were: Aupais, Aupis FRANKS, Pepin HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, The Hunchback Pepin AUSTRASIA.

Konrad II The Salian HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,20,21,81 was born in 990 in Of Burgundy, France.20,50,749 He died on 4 Jun 1039 in Utrecht, Netherlands.20,81,749 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]50,249,2580 He was also known as Konrad II The Salian Holy Roman Emp.46,47,48 Also Known As:<_AKA> Konrad II the Salian /King of Germany/
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Acceded: 8 Sep 1024. King of Burgundy.
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S468232
4 TEXT b 990
1 _FA2
2 PLAC Founder o f the Salian Dynasty.
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Ma r 1999
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S468232
4 TEXT b 990
1 _FA3
2 PLAC King of Germany 1024-1039, Emperor of the West 1027-1039.
2 SOUR S286879
3 PAGE line 45 pp 46-47
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S286834
4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999
2 SOUR S468232
4 TEX T b 990Downloaded from Bradford_Taylor on Parents: . Parents: .

Spouse: Gisele DSS OF SWABIA. Konrad II The Salian HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and Gisele DSS OF SWABIA were married on 21 Nov 1017.20,50,81,249,749 Children were: Emelia OF GERMANY, Henry III Of HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, Henry III HOLY ROMAN EMP.

Louis HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE III7,18 was born in 835. He died in 881. He was also known as The Younger. Parents: King Of Louis II ITALY and Emma VON BAVARIA.

Children were: Princess Of France\ Adelaide OF ALSACE.

Luitgard HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.18,38,64,101,131,198,221,242,298,554

Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL.

Mathalgard Or Hathalgard HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.18,38,64,101,131,198,221,242,298,554

Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Children were: Ruothild HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

Concubine Mrs-Louis HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE I7,38,64,101,125,131,198,221,242,298 was born about 777 in , , France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Concubine
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCT-6V
From Ancestr al File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

Spouse: Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL. Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL and Concubine Mrs-Louis HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE I were married in Not Married. Children were: Arnulf Of SENS, ALPAID.

Pepin HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,18,64,101,131,242,298,554 was born about 769 in . Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Empress Himiltrud HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

Pippin HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.64,101,131,242 Parents: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Queen Of France Ermentrude OF ORLEANS.

Regina Or Reginopycrha HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,18,38,64,101,131,198,221,242,298,554 was born about 770 in Of, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCD-VJ

Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Regina Or Reginopycrha HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE were married. Children were: Bishop Drogo METZ, Adelinda HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, Emperor Of The Holy Roman HUGO.

Richbod HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,18,64,101,131,242,298,554 was born in 800 in . He died in 844. Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL.

[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She was born in Aug 774 in Pavia, Lombardy, Italy. She died on 6 Jun 810. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She was also known as Hrotrud. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCD-5WName Prefix:<NPFX> Princess Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU.

Spouse: (Count Of Paris) Beggen Or Bego PARIS. (Count Of Paris) Beggen Or Bego PARIS and Princess Of The Franks\ Rotrud HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE were married in <, Paris, Seine, France>. Children were: Eberhardus LOGENHAE, Lisiard Of FEZENSAC, Lady Engletrude PARIS, Liedrat FULDE, SUZANNA.

Ruothild HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.18,64,101,131,242,298,554 Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Mathalgard Or Hathalgard HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

Theodrade HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE7,18,38,64,101,131,221,242,298,554 was born about 784 in Of, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia. She died about 784 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCD-D4 Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU.

Theodric HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.18,64,101,131,242,298,554 Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Concubine Adelaide HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

Nelly HOLYFIELD3,415 was born in 1793.3,415 She died in 1866.3,415 She is reference number 83270.

Children were: Sally HOLYFIELD.

Sally HOLYFIELD3,415 was born about 1812 in , , NC.3,415 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 83271. Parents: Nelly HOLYFIELD.

Spouse: William BULLIN. William BULLIN and Sally HOLYFIELD were married on 7 Feb 1831 in , Surry, NC.3,415 Reference Number:1348984 Children were: Nelly BULLIN.


Spouse: Living FREE. Children were: Living HOLZAPFEL, Living HOLZAPFEL, Living HOLZAPFEL.

Living HOLZAPFEL.3 Parents: Living HOLZAPFEL and Living FREE.

Living HOLZAPFEL.3 Parents: Living HOLZAPFEL and Living FREE.

Living HOLZAPFEL.3 Parents: Living HOLZAPFEL and Living FREE.

Henry HOLZWORTH5,128 was born about 1875.5,128

Spouse: Cora May WRIGHT. Henry HOLZWORTH and Cora May WRIGHT were married.

Living HOMAN.3


Phebe HOMAN5,128 was born about 1796.5,128 She died on 21 Mar 1875 in Poughkeepsi, Dutchess Co., NY.5,128 She was buried in Poughkeepsi, Dutchess Co., NY.5,128

Spouse: Adolph Meyer BRUSH. Adolph Meyer BRUSH and Phebe HOMAN were married on 7 Jan 1815 in Wappinger, Church, Wappinger Falls, NY.5 Children were: Mary BRUSH, Sarah Ann BRUSH, George BRUSH, Margaret BRUSH.

Ida Von HOMBERG.213

Spouse: Werner HABSBURG III. Children were: Albrecht HABSBURG III, Richenza Von HABSBURG, Gertrude Von HABSBURG.

Alexander HOME3,415 was born about 1442.3,415 He was also known as 2nd Ld.Home. He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 82907.

Spouse: Nichola KER. Alexander HOME and Nichola KER were married. Reference Number:1343530 Children were: George HOME.

George HOME3,415 was born about 1472 in Home, Berwick, Scot.3,415 He died in Apr 1548.3,415 He was also known as 4th Ld.Home. He is reference number 82908. Parents: Alexander HOME and Nichola KER.

Spouse: Mariota HALIBURTON. George HOME and Mariota HALIBURTON were married in 1531.3,415 Reference Number:1343498 Children were: Margaret HOME.

Janet HOME3,38,405 was born about 1483 in Of, Polwarth, Berwickshire, Scotland.3,405 She died WFT Est 1519-1578.3,405 She is reference number 98406. Parents: Patrick HOME.

Spouse: Andrew KER. Andrew KER and Janet HOME were married WFT Est 1499-1530.3,405 Reference Number:515763 Children were: John KERR, Isabela KER, Mark KER, Robert KER.

Margaret HOME3,415 was born about 1521 in Home, Berwick, Scot.3,415 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 82909. Parents: George HOME and Mariota HALIBURTON.

Spouse: Alexander Erskine GOGAR. Alexander Erskine GOGAR and Margaret HOME were married before 1563.3,415 Reference Number:1343405 Children were: Mary ERSKINE.

Patrick HOME3,405 was born about 1455 in Of, Polwarth, Berwickshire, Scotland.3,405 He died WFT Est 1487-1546.3,405 He is reference number 95707.

Children were: Janet HOME.


Spouse: Living PETTET.

Joseph HOMER3,206,578 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 82510. Parents: Unk HOMER and Mary SHERRILL.

Unk HOMER3,206,578 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 82509.

Spouse: Mary SHERRILL. Unk HOMER and Mary SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1337932 Children were: Joseph HOMER.

Ann HOMES4,5 was born about 1662.4,5 She is reference number BU4104a03s.

Spouse: Thomas SATCHELL. Thomas SATCHELL and Ann HOMES were married on 28 Aug 1687 in Gretton, Northants, England.4,5

Effie Dona HOMES395 was born in 1885.395 She died in 1951.395

Spouse: Marcus Delafayette STEWART. Marcus Delafayette STEWART and Effie Dona HOMES were married. Children were: Mildred STEWART, Elmer Furman STEWART, Oman STEWART, Gladys STEWART, Alonzo STEWART, Pearl Maple STEWART, Mary STEWART, Eileen STEWART, Loraine STEWART.

Samuel HOMES.395

Spouse: Dora STEWART.

Living HOMOLKA.3

Spouse: Living WOODROW.

Cynthia HON3,401 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 73955.

Spouse: Richard MORTON. Richard MORTON and Cynthia HON were married. Reference Number:1220224 Children were: Moses MORTON.

Levi HON3,387,2663 died Unknown.3,387 He is reference number 61918.

Spouse: Malinda POWELL. Levi HON and Malinda POWELL were married on 8 Sep 1835 in Nicholas Co., KY.3,387,938,2663 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,387,391 Reference Number:1049096

Ida Mae HONAKER3,183 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 72616.

Spouse: Clyde Conway CROWDER. Clyde Conway CROWDER and Ida Mae HONAKER were married. Reference Number:1197120 Children were: Living CROWDER.

James HONAKER.138

Spouse: Living SMITH. Children were: Living HONAKER.

Living HONAKER.3

Spouse: Living PERKINS.

Living HONAKER.3

Spouse: Living HESS. Children were: Dorsie HESS.

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