Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Living HOVIS.3

Spouse: Living HEAD. Children were: Living HOVIS, Living HOVIS.

Living HOVIS.3 Parents: Living HOVIS and Living HEAD.

Living HOVIS.3 Parents: Living HOVIS and Living HEAD.

Spouse: Living SINGLETON.

Living HOVIS.3

Spouse: Howard RUHLMAN.

HOWARD3,183 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 71762.

Spouse: Living BOYD.

Mr. HOWARD.234

Spouse: Eunice RISLEY.


Spouse: Lenora Mae NEAL.

HOWARD3,387,427 died before 1870.3,387 He is reference number 61742.

Spouse: Marish E. MILLER. HOWARD and Marish E. MILLER were married. Reference Number:1043530 Children were: Eliza J. HOWARD, Thomas HOWARD.

Abigail Tisdell HOWARD7,234 was born on 20 Mar 1810 in Winchester, Mass.. She died on 25 Jun 1897 in Alstead, N.H.. Parents: Philip HOWARD and Ruth Tisdale HODGKINS.

Spouse: Nash DAVID. Nash DAVID and Abigail Tisdell HOWARD were married on 5 Feb 1802 in See Philip R. Howard & Lavina Nash.

Spouse: Charles NASH. Charles NASH and Abigail Tisdell HOWARD were married on 25 Jul 1868. Children were: Sarah Ann NASH, Andrew NASH, Roswell Levi NASH.

Agnes Alma HOWARD.234 Parents: William Brown HOWARD and Emma Dora GUILLOW.

Albert W. HOWARD3,41 was born on 14 Sep 1885 in Clay Mills, Iowa.3,41 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 84093. Parents: G.F. HOWARD and Phebe Arabell TIPPETT.

Anne HOWARD.5,93,94

Spouse: Alexander HINDMAN. Children were: William Franklin HINDMAN.

Anne HOWARD7,1833,1834 was born in 1619. Documented

nformation also obtained from DRIGGS GEDCOM File 02 May 2000

Spouse: Edward DARCY. Edward DARCY and Anne HOWARD were married about 1638 in Maryland. Documentation: P-141 ( World Tree Gedcom File #160439) Children were: Sarah DORSEY, John DORSEY, Joshua DORSEY, Edward DORSEY, Anne DORSEY.

Anne HOWARD7,165,190 was born in 1634. Parents: Matthew HOWARD and Anne HALL.

Bertha Mae HOWARD.19

Spouse: Sr. Wells George RIGGS. Children were: Charlotte Ann RIGGS, Wells George RIGGS.

Birda HOWARD3,294 was born in 1905 in OK.3,294 She died before 1965.3,294 She is reference number 38266. Parents: Edward HOWARD and Lettie JERNIGAN.

C. Edward HOWARD.5

Spouse: Ettie LORING.

Cassie Leonora HOWARD7,234 was born on 13 Mar 1890 in Walpole. She died on 2 Jan 1891 in Walpole. Parents: Franklin Burnside HOWARD and Ida Leonora NASH.

Charles E. HOWARD394 was born on 10 Oct 1868 in Sullivan County, Indiana.394 He died on 14 Oct 1959 in Sullivan County, Indiana.394 He was buried on 17 Oct 1959 in Indian Prairie Cemetery, Jefferson Township, Sullivan County.394 Parents: Isaac J. HOWARD and Amanda ENOCHS.

Spouse: Hattie JOESPH. Charles E. HOWARD and Hattie JOESPH were married on 13 Feb 1889 in Sullivan County, Indiana.394

Charles M. HOWARD.19,189

Spouse: Charlotte Virginia MCCAMANT.

Clifford HOWARD3,713 was born WFT Est 1886-1906.3,713 He died WFT Est 1920-1992.3,713 He is reference number 67056.

Spouse: Annie Hill CRUMPLER. Clifford HOWARD and Annie Hill CRUMPLER were married. Reference Number:1116906

Cora HOWARD3,513 was born between 1859 and 1879.3,513 She died between 1880 and 1963.3,513 She is reference number 232.

Spouse: Alfred BOYD. Alfred BOYD and Cora HOWARD were married between 1880 and 1913.3 Reference Number:13900

Cornelius HOWARD7,165,190,191 was born in 1637 in Norfolk, VA. He died on 15 Apr 1680 in Anne Arundel, MD. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Capt.
Anne Hall Birth: 25 Oct 1610 in Felmersham, Bedford, England
Death: 1659
Sex: F
---------------- ---------------
Captain Cornelius Howard, of "Howard's Heirship" and "Chance" was one of
five sons of Matthew Howard who came to the Southside Severn settl ements
of Maryland in 1662. (Warfield, p. 30). He was named for Colonel
Cor nelius Lloyd (Warfield, 71)

Cornelius and his brothers Samuel and John paten ted adjoining property on
Round Bay to the northweste of "Hockley", the plant ation of Caleb Dorsey,
on the Hockley Branch. (Warfie.d, 62)

Cornelius was a Delegate representing Anne Arundel County in the
Legislative Assembly from 1671 to 1675. Dying in 1680, he left his
homestead to his wife and son Josep h. Captain Cornelius Howard, Jr, the
boatwright, heired adjoining lands. Daug hters named in the will were
Sarah, Mary (the spinster), and Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Norwood, whose
daughter married John Beale. ( J. D. Warfield, Found ers of Anne Arundel
and Howard Counties, 1973, p. 71.)

Lois is possible d aughter of Cornelius. Adam Shipley bought property
from Captain Cornelius and considered it his wife's homestead.
(Warfield, 485)

-------------------- -----------
Spouses & Children
Matthew Howard (Husband)

Marriage: 1633 1 2 Apr 2001 12:19
Henry Howard
Philip Howard
Samuel Howard
John Howard
Cornelius Howard
Anne Howard
Matthew Howard
-------------- -----------------
GEN: !Source: GenServ descendancy repro rt submitted by Cliff Manis, HHC, 18th GEN: Medcom, P.O. Box 579, APO AP 96205 dated 6 Oct 1995.

---- --------------------------
Koller and Allied Families
Cornelius HOWARD 1 2 B irth: 1629 in , Lower Norfolk, Virginia 2
Death: 15 Apr 1680 in , Anne Arunde l, Maryland 2
Sex: M
Father: Mathew HOWARD
Mother: Anne HALL

Referenc e: 6838
Spouses & Children
Elizabeth Todd S ISSON (Wife)
Marriage: BEF. 1665
---------- --------------------


Maryland Calendar o f Wills - Volume I
Page 95 HOWARD, Cornelius, A. A. Co.
15th Apr., 1680
To w ife Eliza, Execx, home plantation during life.
To son Joseph at 18 years of ag e, "Howard's Hope" on s. side Severn R.,
and "Howard's Hardship."
To son Cor nelius at 18 years of age, "Howard's Hills" and tract on Hockly
To dau. Sarah, 250 A. at Tuckahoe on Choptanke R.
To dau. Mary, 200 A., part of "Howar d and Porter's Range."
To dau. Eliza, personalty.
Overseers: Jno. Hammond and brother Samuel Howard.
Test: Abraham childe, Shas. Stevens, Lancelott Todd, J no. Howard. 2.107

Title: Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1

Title: 49955.ftw
Media: Other
Text: Date of Im port: Feb 19, 2001
**** **********************
I have a possible son named Joseph b bef 1680 d jul 173 6 mrd 2nd to Margery

Keith 28 sep 1708. and this Joseph had a daughter Hanna h b sep 1707 d 1751mrd
to a Richard Jacob 1 Jan 1719. all of this from the cd #113 family and localhistories.Corneli
us Howard was made an ensign in comma nd of t severn.From 1671-1675 He
represented Anne Arundel county in the legisl ative assembly. Capt Cornelius
Howard came from lower Norfolk co. Va. at the time of the Quaker exodus
1658-1660 patented land.
He was made an ensign un der Captain Besson. Later held rank of Captain in Anne Arundel co. Md
. moved to Severn River, Md. on 1650-58 as part of the Puritan exodus. Received 450 ac res cal
led Howard's Heirship.. Md. assembly 1661-1675. Was on expedition on 1 678 against the Nantico
ke Indians. Justice of Peace in 1679. Married 1st to E lizabeth Garsuch dau of Rev. John and A
nn Lovelace Garsuch. Married abt 1659. Married second to Elizabeth Todd.

LAST WILL & Parents: Matthew HOWARD and Anne HALL.

Spouse: Anne DORSEY.

Spouse: Elizabeth Sisson Todd. Cornelius HOWARD and Elizabeth Sisson Todd were married in 1633. _STATMARRIED
_STATMARRIED Children were: Sarah HOWARD, Mary HOWARD, Elizabeth HOWARD, Lois HOWARD.

Spouse: Elizabeth GORSUCH. Cornelius HOWARD and Elizabeth GORSUCH were married in 1662 in Anne Arundel, Maryland. _STATMARRIED

Cynthia HOWARD3,473 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 48183.

Spouse: John RICE. John RICE and Cynthia HOWARD were married. Reference Number:853621 Children were: Marshall Newton RICE.

Cynthia Irene HOWARD3,426 was born in Jan 1861 in Kentucky.3,426 She died WFT Est 1900-1956.3,426 She is reference number 80919.

Spouse: Charles William BOONE. Charles William BOONE and Cynthia Irene HOWARD were married about 1880.3,426 Reference Number:1317145 Children were: Effie F. BOONE, Willis E. BOONE, Viola F. BOONE.

Dorothy HOWARD3,39 died on 16 Nov 1580.3,39 She is reference number 4328. Parents: Second Duke Of NORFOLK.

Spouse: Edward STANLEY. Edward STANLEY and Dorothy HOWARD were married before 21 Feb 1528/29.3,39 Reference Number:90862 Children were: Sir Thomas STANLEY, Sir Edward Stanley STANLEY, Dorothy Stanley STANLEY, Mary STANLEY, Jane STANLEY, Anne STANLEY, Elizabeth Stanley STANLEY, Henry STANLEY.

Eda A. HOWARD3,41 was born on 9 Apr 1883 in Clay Mills, Iowa.3,41 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 84092. Parents: G.F. HOWARD and Phebe Arabell TIPPETT.

Edith HOWARD3,610 was born Private. She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 64260. Parents: J. Sherman HOWARD and Minnie C. LAWSON.

Spouse: Lee WALTON. Lee WALTON and Edith HOWARD were married. Reference Number:1080356 Children were: Living WALTON, Living WALTON, Living WALTON, Living WALTON, Living WALTON, Living WALTON, Living WALTON, Anna Mildred WALTON.

Knight Edmund HOWARD7,64,190 was born in 1479 in Norfolk, Norfolk, England. He died on 25 Apr 1513. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> KnightSOURCE NOTES:
Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6th E dition,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988. Data not yet checked aga inst 7th

father: [Ref: Weis AR #248]

date: [Ref: Weis AR #248] Parents: Duke Of Norfolk Thomas HOWARD and Elizabeth TILNEY. Parents: Sir Thomas HOWARD and Elizabeth TILNEY.

Spouse: Joyce CULPEPER. Knight Edmund HOWARD and Joyce CULPEPER were married. _STATMARRIED Children were: Margaret HOWARD.

Edward HOWARD7,956,1195,1953 was born about 1417 in England.956,1953 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9FSK-8D

Spouse: Elizabeth STAPLETON. Edward HOWARD and Elizabeth STAPLETON were married.

Edward HOWARD3,294 was born about 1879 in Alabama.3,294 He died before 1960.3,294 He is reference number 38252.

Spouse: Lettie JERNIGAN. Edward HOWARD and Lettie JERNIGAN were married in 1904.3,294 Reference Number:701271 Children were: Living HOWARD, Birda HOWARD, Susie HOWARD, Virgie HOWARD.

Ekizabeth HOWARD.377

Spouse: Henry WENTWORTH.

Elijah HOWARD.234 Parents: Joseph HOWARD and Betsey SMITH.

Eliza HOWARD7,234 was born before 1838.

Spouse: Reuben NASH. Reuben NASH and Eliza HOWARD were married. Children were: Eliza Emily NASH.

Eliza J. HOWARD3,387,1757 died Unknown.3 Eliza J. HOWARD is reference number 61588. Parents: HOWARD and Marish E. MILLER.

Elizabeth HOWARD.5,94,179

Spouse: Joseph RICH.

Elizabeth HOWARD.190 Parents: Cornelius HOWARD and Elizabeth Sisson Todd.

Lord Howard\ Elizabeth HOWARD7,64 died on 3 Apr 1537. She was buried on 7 Apr 1537. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> AR:22-36
Weis, Frederick Lewis, Anc estral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6th Edition,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishi ng Co, 1988. Data not yet checked against 7th

Weis, Frederick Lew is, with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard,
Jr, Assisted by Dav id Faris, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists who
came to America be fore 1700, 7th Edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing
Co, 1992.

parents: [Ref: Weis AR #22], father: [Ref: Weis AR7 #120]

date: [Ref: Weis AR7 #22]

date: [Ref: Weis AR7 #22] Parents: Sir Thomas HOWARD and Elizabeth TILNEY.

Elizabeth HOWARD7,956,1194,1195,2503 was born about 1408 in Norfolk, Norfolk, England.1194 She died Deceased.1194 2 SOUR S2511686
4 TEXT Date of Import: Sep 29, 2002 Parents: Henry HOWARD and Mary HUSSEY.

Spouse: Henry WENTWORTH. Henry WENTWORTH and Elizabeth HOWARD were married. Children were: Sir Knight, Sheriff Of Es Roger WENTWORTH, Margery WENTWORTH.

Elizabeth HOWARD7,191 was born in 1428 in Wethersfield, Essex, England. She died in Wethersfield, Essex, England. Parents: Henry Esq. HOWARD and Mary HUSSY.

Spouse: Henry WENTWORTH. Henry WENTWORTH and Elizabeth HOWARD were married in 1450 in Wethersfield, Essex, England. Children were: Sir Knight, Sheriff Of Es Roger WENTWORTH.

Elizabeth HOWARD7,165 was born in 1638 in Lower Norfolk County, VA. She died before 1673 in Prince Georges County, MD. 1 NOTE NI0824 Parents: Matthew HOWARD and Anne HALL.

Elizabeth HOWARD5,94,379 was born in 1751.5,94,379 She died on 28 Feb 1838.5,94,379,3044 She is reference number 8HD6-HX. [master ged.FTW]



From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

Spouse: Joseph RICH. Joseph RICH and Elizabeth HOWARD were married. Reference Number:206465

Elizabeth Coward HOWARD3,626 was born in 1827 in England.3,626 She died on 26 Jan 1890 in Lisbon, NY.3,626 She is reference number 92003.

Spouse: John BOYD. John BOYD and Elizabeth Coward HOWARD were married on 20 Sep 1843 in St Johns Church, Parish Of Richmond, Carleton Co, Ontario.3,626 Reference Number:1459100 Children were: Ann BOYD, George BOYD, William BOYD, John BOYD, James BOYD, Thomas BOYD, Jane BOYD, Mary E. BOYD, Robert A. BOYD, David S. BOYD, Elizabeth BOYD, Frederick Charles BOYD.

Fannie Melissa HOWARD7,234 was born on 30 Oct 1841 in Sullivan, N.H.. She died on 25 Nov 1886 in Stoddard As Wife Of Albert H. Waldron. Parents: Henry H. Howard and Lucinda Warren DAVIS.

Spouse: Orsamus NASH. Orsamus NASH and Fannie Melissa HOWARD were married on 8 Oct 1858. Children were: Daniel ORSAMUS Sr. Nash.

Florence HOWARD3,960 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 34281. Parents: Lafayette HOWARD and Flora BOYD.

Franklin Burnside HOWARD7,234 was born on 23 Nov 1861 in Gilsum, N.H.. He died after 1901. Parents: John Jackson HOWARD and Arvilla Adeline DAVIS.

Spouse: Ida Leonora NASH. Franklin Burnside HOWARD and Ida Leonora NASH were married on 2 Sep 1886. Children were: Living HOWARD, Cassie Leonora HOWARD, Ruby Mildred HOWARD, Ruth HOWARD, Mary Belle HOWARD.

G.F. HOWARD3,41 was born in .3,41 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 84091.

Spouse: Phebe Arabell TIPPETT. G.F. HOWARD and Phebe Arabell TIPPETT were married on 4 Jul 1882.3,41 Reference Number:1360474 Children were: Eda A. HOWARD, Albert W. HOWARD.

George Albee HOWARD7,234 was born in Mar 1830 in Gilsum, N.H.. He died after 1859. Parents: Philip Richard HOWARD and Lavina NASH.

Spouse: Sylvia Lodisa DAVIS. George Albee HOWARD and Sylvia Lodisa DAVIS were married on 11 Nov 1848. Children were: George Marcellus HOWARD.

George Marcellus HOWARD7,234 was born on 21 Mar 1850 in Gilsum, N.H.. He died after 1871. Parents: George Albee HOWARD and Sylvia Lodisa DAVIS.

Spouse: Harriet Abigal LEASON. George Marcellus HOWARD and Harriet Abigal LEASON were married in 1871.

George Smith HOWARD7,234 was born before 1841.

Spouse: Lorena RICE. George Smith HOWARD and Lorena RICE were married. Children were: Verona Houghton HOWARD.

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