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Of ITALY7,370,462,501 was born about 855. She died on 22 Jun
896.501 Parents: . Spouse: BOSON Roi De Provence. BOSON Roi De Provence and Irmgard Of ITALY were married in Mar 871/72.462,501 Children were: Ermengarde De PROVENCE, Reine De Bourgogne WILLA, Louis III HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, Engelberge De PROVENCE. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was born about 825 in , , Alsace-Lorraine, France.299,340,465,466 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] He was buried in 875 in St Ambroise, Milano, Milano, Italy. He died on 12 Aug 875 in Brescia, Italy.299,340,465,466 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as Louis II Emperor Of The Holy Roman Empire.34,198 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of Parents: Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA and Queen Of Italy Ermengarde D'ORLEANS. Parents: Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL and Princess Of Hesbain Ermengarde Or Irmengarde HESBAIN OR HESBAYE. Spouse: Emma VON BAVARIA. King Of Louis II ITALY and Emma VON BAVARIA were married. Children were: Princess Of Bavaria\ Hildegarde, \Duke Of Bavaria\ CARLOMAN, Charles HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE III, Louis HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE III. Spouse: Engelberga GERMANY. King Of Louis II ITALY and Engelberga GERMANY were married on 15 Oct 821. Children were: Iremgard FRANCIA. Miss ITALY.221 Parents: King Of LOTHAIRE II and Empress Of Germany ENGELBERGA. Spouse: King Of Upper Burgundy Rudolph DE BURGUNDY. * Mistress Of ITALY.710 Spouse: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Children were: * Pepin IV Of ITALY. King Of Italy Pepin I Of ITALY7,72,230,231 was born in Apr 773.231 He died on 8 Jul 810.231 Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of Italy Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU. * Pepin IV Of ITALY7,710,3087 was born between 777 and 781 in Rome - Son Of Charlemagne. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was christened on 12 Apr 781 in Rome By Pope Adrian. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] He died on 8 Jul 810 in Italy (Reigned 781-810). [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as Pepin IV Of Italy.221,3087 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Name Suffix:<NSFX> * Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and * Mistress Of ITALY. Suzanne Rosala ITALY7,173 was born about 966 in , , Ivrea. She died about 1003 in , , , Belgium. Parents: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II. Tetrada Or Theodrate ITALY7,64,554 was born about 807 in Urraca Of ITALY.370,461 Parents: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II and Princess Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA. Spouse: Duc De Lorraine Gonselon I Le Grand D' ARDENNE. Children were: Duc De Lorraine GODEFROI IV, Duc De Basse-Lorraine II GONZELON, Frédéric De LORRAINE, Rogelinda OF LORRAINE. Waldrade Of ITALY.370 Parents: Marchese Di Toscana UMBERTO and Guilla Di SPOLETO?. Itermon Or ITORMANN.251 Parents: Hathra. Children were: HEREMOD. ITTA.64 Parents: Count Of Auxerre Conrad II OF BURGUNDY and Ermentrude OF ALSACE. Baron Greystoke De Greystoke William IV7,252,948 was born on 6 Jan 1318/19 in Grimthorpe, Lincolnshire, England.948 He died on 10 Jul 1359 in Castle Bracepeth, Northumberland, England.948 2 SOUR S0993518 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002 [2013555. ftw] William de Greystoke, 4th Baron Greystoke, was aged 2 at his father's d eath, bo rn 1321. He was summoned to Parliament 20 Nov., 1348, to 15 Dec., 1357 . This no bleman served in France with Edward, the Black Prince. He obtained pe rmission t o make a castle of his manor house at Greystoke, and was constituted Governor o f Berwick; but during his governorship, being commanded to attend p ersonally Ki ng Edward into France, Berwick fell into the possession of the Sco ts; whereupon the King was much offended; it being clearly proved, however, tha t Lord Greyst oke was absent on no other occasion, he obtained his pardon at th e request of Q ueen Philippa, because he had left town only in order to accompa ny the King to France, and had served through the expedition. He married 1st Lu cyde, or Lucy, and had no male issue, and 2nd Joane, or Johanna, about 1351, da ughter of Henry , Lord FitzHugh, of Ravensworth, and his wife, sister and co-he ir of her brothe r William, son of Sir Richard Forneux. William de Greystoke di ed 10 July, 1359, at Branspeth, aged 38 years. She died 1 Sept., 1403, having m arried twice more . He had Ralph, William, Robert and a daughter Alice. Th is page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified. Parents: Baron Greystoke De Greystoke Ralph III and Alice DE AUDLEY. Spouse: Joane FITZHUGH. Baron Greystoke De Greystoke William IV and Joane FITZHUGH were married. Children were: Baron Greystoke Ralph V GREYSTOKE. Devere Hugh IV7,507,508 was born in 1184.507 He died in 1263 in England.507 Parents: Robert DEVERE and Isabel BOLEBEC. Spouse: Hawise DE QUINCY. Devere Hugh IV and Hawise DE QUINCY were married. Children were: Isabel DEVERE, Robert DEVERE. King Louis IV7,496 was born in 920. He died in 954. He was also known as King Of France. Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Parents: King Charles III and Queen Of England EDGIVA. Spouse: GERBERGE. Children were: Duke Of Lorraine CHARLES. Living IVA.3 Spouse: Living ALBERTSON. Children were: Living COFFELL, Living ALBERTSON, Living ALBERTSON, Living ALBERTSON. King Of Dublin And York IVAR I7,79,107,108,342 was born in 805. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died in 873.28 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as The Boneless. He was also known as Ivarr.64 He was also known as Ivar "The Boneless" Ragnarsson King Of Dublin.28,132,133 DATE 31 MAY 2000They headquartered in Ireland and raided York on All Saints Day, 1 Nov 866.1 NAME Ivar "the Boneless" /King of Dublin/ 2 SOUR S085410 3 DATA 4 TEX T Date of Import: Aug 7, 2000 2 SOUR S085410 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Impor t: Aug 7, 2000 [SUSANNA KEENE.FTW] Parents: King Of Denmark Ragnar SIGURDSSON Ragnarsson and Aslaug SIGURDSDATTER. Parents: King Of Denmark Ragnar SIGURDSSON Ragnarsson and LADGERDA. Parents: King Of Denmark Ragnar SIGURDSSON Ragnarsson and Aslaug SIGURDSDOTTIR. Children were: King Of Dublin SITRIC I. IVARR7,149,827 died in 872. Parents: 1st Earl Of Orkney RAGNALD and RAGNHILD. Aud IVARSDATTER7,103 was born about 633 in Of Am, Danmark. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]598,599,600,601 She was also known as Aud Ivarsdottir.56,57,58,64,592,597,598,599,600,601 TYPE Book AUTH Moncreiffe, Iain PERI Royal Highness, Ancestry of a Royal Chil d (William of Wales) PUBL Hamish Hamilton, London; 1982 LOCA Terry Whetstone Harmon, M.D. library TEXT table 33, p. 103; chart 37, p. 113 TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Royalty for Commoners EDTN 3d PUBL Genealogical Pub lishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1561-X TEXT (143-39); 240-4 3 DATE 26 MAY 2000 TYPE Book AUTH Moncreiffe, Iain PERI Royal Highness, Ancestry of a Royal Child (William of Wales) PUBL Hamish Hamilton, London; 198 2 LOCA Terry Whetstone Harmon, M.D. library TEXT table 33, p. 103; chart 37,p . 113 TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Royalty for Commoners EDTN 3d PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1561- X TEXT (143-39); 240-43 DATE 26 MAY 2000 TYPE Book AUTH Moncreiffe, Iai n PERI Royal Highness, Ancestry of a Royal Child (William of Wales) PUBL Hami sh Hamilton, London; 1982 LOCA Terry Whetstone Harmon, M.D. library TEXT tabl e 33, p. 103; chart 37, p. 113 TYPE Book AUTH Stuart, Roderick W. PERI Royal ty for Commoners EDTN 3d PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998) ISB 0-8063-1561-X TEXT (143-39); 240-43 DATE 26 MAY 2000Also Known As:<_AKA> Audo of /Roeskilda/ Ancestral File Number:<AFN> HK9V-3P 1 NAME Auda of Roeskilde // 2 SOUR http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?d b=gedind&ti=0&f2=1300536&f3=5162 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 2001 1 NAME AUDA. // 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 20 01 1 BIRT 2 DATE 633 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 200 1 1 NAME Auda of Roeskilde // 2 SOUR http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/ss e.dll?db=gedind&ti=0&f2=1300536&f3=5162 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 2001 1 NAME AUDA. // 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 633 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 2001 1 NAME Auda of Roeskilde // 2 SOUR http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi -bin/sse.dll?db=gedind&ti=0&f2=1300536&f3=5162 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCir cles -- April 18, 2001 1 NAME AUDA. // 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles - - April 18, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 633 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 2001 1 NAME Auda of Roeskilde // 2 SOUR http://awt.ancestry. com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=gedind&ti=0&f2=1300536&f3=5162 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCircles -- April 18, 2001 1 NAME AUDA. // 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCi rcles -- April 18, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 633 2 SOUR S561261 3 NOTE GenCir cles -- April 18, 2001 Parents: King Of Sweden & Denmark Ivar Wide Fathom From Scane HALFDANSSON and Gauthild Gyrithe ALFSDATTER. Children were: Randver RADBARISSOM. Children were: Randver RADBARISSOM. Children were: Randver RADBARISSOM. Spouse: Hraerek HALFDANSSON. Hraerek HALFDANSSON and Aud IVARSDATTER were married about 654 in Of, Denmark.601 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: King Of Denmark Harald HRAEREKSSON, HRAEREKSDATTER, King Of Haithabu Norway HARALD. Spouse: Hroerekr
Slaunvanbauga Ivarsson Woden BORN. Hroerekr Slaunvanbauga Ivarsson Woden
BORN and Aud IVARSDATTER were married about 654 in Either Siblings Or Half Siblings.
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Spouse: King Of Gardarige RADBART. King Of Gardarige RADBART and Aud IVARSDATTER were married about 669 in Of, Denmark.600 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Children were: King Of The Danes\ Randver RADBARDSSON, Miss RADBARTSDATTER. Spouse: \King Of Russia\ RADBARD. \King Of Russia\ RADBARD and Aud IVARSDATTER were married about 669 in Of Denmark. Children were: King Of The Danes\ Randver RADBARDSSON. Aud IVARSDATTER5,128 was born about 633 in Denmark.5,128 He died about 713.5,128 He is reference number 2064. Parents: Ivar HALFDANSSON and Aseda ROGNALDSSON. Spouse: RADBART. Aud IVARSDATTER and RADBART were married. Reference Number:2228 Children were: Randver RADBARTSSON. Elin IVARSDOTTER.138 Parents: Ivar KNUTSON BLA and Elin LARSDOTTER. Spouse: Simon Kristoferson STRALE. Children were: Barbro KNUS. Auda IVARSDOTTIR7,107,108 was born in 653. Parents: . Spouse: \King Of Russia\ RADBARD. \King Of Russia\ RADBARD and Auda IVARSDOTTIR were married. Children were: King Of The Danes\ Randver RADBARDSSON. Spouse: King Of Lethra\ Rurick. King Of Lethra\ Rurick and Auda IVARSDOTTIR were married. Children were: King Of Lethra\ Harald Hilditon. Bertha IVERA7,242,243 was born about 980. Parents: King Of Italy ADALBERT II and Countess Of Burgundy Gerberge DE MACON. Bruno Of IVERFORT.764 Children were: Bruno Of ARNEBURG. IVERN.395 Spouse: William Clinton YEATER. Children were: Laura YEATER. Peter IVERSEN4,5 was born about 1839.4,5 He died on 1 Nov 1915 in Bear River City, Box Elder, Utah.4,5 He is reference number LA080605s. Spouse: Karen RASMUSSEN. Peter IVERSEN and Karen RASMUSSEN were married. Anna IVERSON3,405 was born WFT Est 1843-1882.3,405 She died WFT Est 1876-1966.3,405 She is reference number 98375. Spouse: James LARSON. James LARSON and Anna IVERSON were married WFT Est 1862-1916.3,405 Reference Number:1569117 Children were: Clarence Antone LARSON. Lucy IVERSON5,128 was born in 1612 in Edinburgh, Scotland.5,128 She died in 1675 in England.5,128 Spouse: John ROGERS. John ROGERS and Lucy IVERSON were married in 1641 in Wocester, England.5,128 Children were: Giles ROGERS. IVES7,99,120 was born in 955. Children were: EREMBURGIS. Abigail IVES5,94,126,127 died after 1906.5,94,126,127 She is reference number 13274. Spouse: Levi TRUESDALE. Levi TRUESDALE and Abigail IVES were married. Reference Number:91568 Children were: Grace TRUESDALE. Ann Or Frances IVES4,5 was born about 1831.4,5 She is reference number HA0808047s. Spouse: Samuel C. HATCH. Samuel C. HATCH and Ann Or Frances IVES were married on 6 Sep 1851.4,5 Ansell Lewellyn IVES5,94,126,127 was born on 12 Sep 1850 in Liberty, PA.5,94,126,127 He is reference number 17343. Parents: John C IVES and Asenath L TRUESDELL. John C IVES5,94,126,127 was born about 1820 in Pennsylvania.5,94,126,127 He died after 1860.5,94,126,127 He is reference number 17342. Spouse: Asenath L TRUESDELL. John C IVES and Asenath L TRUESDELL were married on 23 Aug 1846.5,94,127 Reference Number:115298 Children were: Ansell Lewellyn IVES, Sarah Loett IVES, Wilfred IVES. Joseph IVES.377 Spouse: Esther BENEDICT. Linda Clarissa IVES7,234 was born in 1860. She died in 1945. Spouse: Wesley Alexander TOOKE. Wesley Alexander TOOKE and Linda Clarissa IVES were married. Children were: Amie TOOKE, Roscoe TOOKE, Frank TOOKE, William TOOKE, Pansy Ives TOOKE, Embury Hall TOOKE, Nellie Doris TOOKE. Living IVES.3 Spouse: Living BOYD. Children were: Living BOYD, Living BOYD. Sarah Loett IVES5,94,126,127 was born on 8 Nov 1856 in Liberty, PA.5,94,126,127 She is reference number 17344. Parents: John C IVES and Asenath L TRUESDELL. Walter C. IVES5,128 was born about 1840.5,128 He is reference number 9086. Spouse: Erdelia E. HALSTEAD. Walter C. IVES and Erdelia E. HALSTEAD were married on 29 Dec 1859 in Norfolk Co., VA..5 Reference Number:33829 Wilfred IVES5,94,126,127 was born on 18 Mar 1860 in Liberty, PA.5,94,126,127 He is reference number 17345. Parents: John C IVES and Asenath L TRUESDELL. Anne IVEY5,128 was born in 1685 in Norfolk Co., VA..5,128 She died before 1739 in Norfolk Co., VA.5,128 Spouse: Edward II OUTLAW. Edward II OUTLAW and Anne IVEY were married about 1709.5 Children were: Mary OUTLAW, Sarah OUTLAW, Joseph OUTLAW, Thomas OUTLAW, George OUTLAW, Ralph OUTLAW, Edward III OUTLAW, William OUTLAW. Irene Daisey IVEY3,95 was born on 8 Jul 1902 in Fayetteville, Washington Co, AR.3 She died on 23 Dec 1990 in Fayetteville, Washington Co, AR.3 She was buried on 26 Dec 1990 in Fairview Cem, Washington Co, AR.3 She is reference number 53882. She has Ancestral File Number 15XB-0JX. Parents: Leonard Manley IVEY and Delia Alice BALLEW. Spouse: Vernon Samuel BOYD. Vernon Samuel BOYD and Irene Daisey IVEY were married on 22 Aug 1918 in Fayetteville, Washington Co, AR.3 Reference Number:935949 Children were: Hellen Alice BOYD. Leonard Manley IVEY3,95 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 53880. He has Ancestral File Number 15XB-0GJ. Spouse: Delia Alice BALLEW. Leonard Manley IVEY and Delia Alice BALLEW were married. Reference Number:936064 Children were: Irene Daisey IVEY. Living IVEY.3 Spouse: Living IVEY. Living IVEY.3 Parents: Richard B. BOYD and Annie Howard BOYD. Spouse: Living IVEY. Mark IVEY7,188 was born on 3 Nov 1901 in VA. He died in May 1966 in Martinsville, Henry, VA. Spouse: Maggie STONE. Mark IVEY and Maggie STONE were married. Ross IVEY3,39 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 4647. Spouse: Mollie Mae HENDERSON. Ross IVEY and Mollie Mae HENDERSON were married. Reference Number:94966 IVIE4,5 was born about 1789.4,5 He is reference number SA260108s. Spouse: Mary ALLRED. IVIE and Mary ALLRED were married about 1815 in Of, Pendleton, Anderson, South Carolina.4,5 Eliza Maria IVIE4,5 was born about 1836.4,5 She is reference number SA151411s2. Spouse: Warren FOOTE. Warren FOOTE and Eliza Maria IVIE were married in 1856.4,5 James Russell IVIE4,5 was born about 1803.4,5 He is reference number SA151008s. Spouse: Eliza Mc Kee FAUSETT. James Russell IVIE and Eliza Mc Kee FAUSETT were married on 14 Feb 1852 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.4,5 John Anderson IVIE4,5 was born about 1777.4,5 He is reference number SA260101s. Spouse: Sarah ALLRED. John Anderson IVIE and Sarah ALLRED were married about 1796 in Of, , Randolph, North Carolina.4,5 |