Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Edward LAMB3,206 was born in 1610 in Watertown, Mass..3,206 He died in 1650 in Watertown, Mass..3,206 He is reference number 64997. Parents: Eward LAMB.

Spouse: Margaret FRENCH. Edward LAMB and Margaret FRENCH were married about 1632 in Watertown, Mass..3,206 Reference Number:1092266 Children were: Hannah LAMB.

Elizabeth LAMB.

Spouse: John CANNON.

Eward LAMB3,206 was born in 1578 in England.3,206 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 64999. Parents: John LAMB and Elizabeth AYLETT.

Children were: Edward LAMB.

Frankie LAMB7,234 was born about 1852. Parents: Lydia LAMB.

Gilbert Baldwin LAMB3,183 was born on 10 Apr 1904 in New York NY.3,183 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 72431.

Spouse: Living KUNKEL. Children were: Living LAMB.

Hannah LAMB3,206 was born on 17 Dec 1633 in Watertown, Middlesex, Mass..3,206 She died on 13 Jan 1695 in Woburn, Middlesex, Mass..3,206 She is reference number 64993. Parents: Edward LAMB and Margaret FRENCH.

Spouse: Joseph KNIGHT. Joseph KNIGHT and Hannah LAMB were married on 10 Dec 1649 in Watertown, Suffolk, Mass..3,206 Reference Number:1087187 Children were: Elizabeth KNIGHT.

Isaac LAMB.

Spouse: Mary CANNON.

Isaac LAMB3,39 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 4218.

Spouse: Dolly STANLEY. Isaac LAMB and Dolly STANLEY were married. Reference Number:89189

James LAMB3,426 was born WFT Est 1752-1772.3,426 He died WFT Est 1786-1858.3,426 He is reference number 80004.

Spouse: Hannah BOONE. James LAMB and Hannah BOONE were married WFT Est 1783-1816.3,426 Reference Number:1302327

John LAMB3,206 was born about 1550 in England.3,206 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 65000.

Spouse: Elizabeth AYLETT. John LAMB and Elizabeth AYLETT were married about 1571 in Rivenhall, Essex, England.3,206 Reference Number:1092361 Children were: Eward LAMB.

John William LAMB3,39 was born on 8 Apr 1739.3,39 He died in 1819 in Harpersfield, New York.3,39 He is reference number 4129. [boyd-trees.ged]


Served in the Revolutionary War as a private in Captain Berent Ten Eyck's Company, Second New York Regiment commanded by Colonel Philip Cortlandt. He enlisted May 5, 1776 and was discharged February 5, 1779.[xx.FTW]


Served in the Revolutionary War as a private in Captain Berent Ten Eyck's Company, Second New York Regiment commanded by Colonel Philip Cortlandt. He enlisted May 5, 1776 and was discharged February 5, 1779. Parents: William LAMB.

Spouse: ELIZABETH. John William LAMB and ELIZABETH were married. Reference Number:63542 Children were: Mary Polly LAMB.

Laura Virginia LAMB5,128 was born on 9 Feb 1857 in Camden Co., NC.5,128 She died on 14 Dec 1938 in Elizabeth City, Pasquotank Co., NC.5,128 She was buried in South Mills, Camden Co., NC.5,128 She is reference number 9175.

Spouse: Lemuel Hastings HALSTEAD. Lemuel Hastings HALSTEAD and Laura Virginia LAMB were married on 29 Dec 1874.5 Reference Number:34196 Children were: Charles A HALSTEAD, John Henry HALSTEAD, Nathanial L. HALSTEAD, William Ira HALSTEAD, Elizabeth Gertrude HALSTEAD, Laura Virginia HALSTEAD, Claude Leslie HALSTEAD.

Lauretta LAMB3,413 was born about 1890.3,413 She died WFT Est 1922-1984.3,413 She is reference number 94572.

Spouse: Robert Russell GUTHRIE. Robert Russell GUTHRIE and Lauretta LAMB were married WFT Est 1921-1956.3,413 Reference Number:1507468

Living LAMB.3 Parents: Gilbert Baldwin LAMB and Living KUNKEL.

Living LAMB.3

Spouse: Living FRY. Children were: Living LAMB.

Living LAMB.3 Parents: Living LAMB and Living FRY.

Living LAMB.3

Spouse: Orval Edward PIERCE.

Lydia LAMB7,234 was born before 1852.

Children were: Frankie LAMB.

Mary LAMB3,41 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 85156.

Spouse: Joseph BENNETT. Joseph BENNETT and Mary LAMB were married. Reference Number:1373212

Mary Polly LAMB3,39 was born on 13 Oct 1785 in Harpersfield, NY.3,39 She died on 26 Nov 1855 in Harpersfield, NY.3,39 She is reference number 2992. Parents: John William LAMB and ELIZABETH.

Spouse: John Joseph STANLEY. John Joseph STANLEY and Mary Polly LAMB were married. Reference Number:56094 Children were: Catherine Maria STANLEY, John Orsemus STANLEY, William R. STANLEY.

Samuel LAMB.234

Spouse: Ann RISLEY.

Thomas LAMB3,1662 was born on 11 Feb 1770 in Guilford, NC.3,1662 He died on 15 Jul 1851 in Williamsburg, Wayne Co., IN.3,1662 He is reference number 76469.

Spouse: Hannah LEWIS. Thomas LAMB and Hannah LEWIS were married. Reference Number:470156

William LAMB3,39 was born in 1739.3,39 He died in 1819.3,39 He is reference number 4504. [boyd-trees.ged]


Buried in Steven's Cemetery, Harpersfield, New York. The inscription on his monument has, " Captured by the Indians and Tories, April 8, 1780. Taken to Canada. 1739-1819.[xx.FTW]


Buried in Steven's Cemetery, Harpersfield, New York. The inscription on his monument has, " Captured by the Indians and Tories, April 8, 1780. Taken to Canada. 1739-1819.

Children were: John William LAMB.

Agnorie De LAMBALLE7,98,212 was born about 1092 in Brittany, France. Parents: Stephen Etienne Of BRITTANY and Hawise De GUINGAMPS.

Frances LAMBE.252,299 Parents: Richard LAMBE and Lucy BAILLIE.

Spouse: Thomas BOWATER.

Spouse: Richard BARNARD. Children were: Rebecca BARNARD.

Richard LAMBE7,252,299 died in Knightston, St. Michaels, Wiltshire, England.299 Hello and thanks for your interest in my tree. My current areas of research are Crunk, Pierce, Sutherland, Slater, Blakemore, and Hewin. If you have informati on on these or other related lines please contact me. If you need information n ot pertaining to t


Spouse: Lucy BAILLIE. Children were: Frances LAMBE.

William Lewis LAMBERDIN5,128 was born about 1865.5,128 He is reference number 8841.

Spouse: Verna Wilson HALSTEAD. William Lewis LAMBERDIN and Verna Wilson HALSTEAD were married. Reference Number:32978


Spouse: MCINTYRE. Children were: Living MCINTYRE, Living MCINTYRE.

Count De Chalon LAMBERT.25,26

Children were: Duchess Of Burgundy Elisabeth DE CHALON.

Count Of Burgundy LAMBERT I7,531 was born about 640 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France. Parents: Count Of Franks Burgundy Warinus DE POITIERS and Kunza (Gunza) METZ.

Children were: Robert I CHRODOBERTUS, ALARD.

Count Of Neustria LAMBERT II7,25,26 was born about 659.25 He died after 741.25 2 SOUR S0001921
4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 22, 1999

Data Sour ce:
Gedcom G419
Submitted to Broderbund by:
Robert W. McGahuey
203 Willowbr ook Court
Winchester, VA 22602
(540) 723-8974

Created by:
Pat Adams
211 1 Albemarle Terrace
Brooklyn, NY 11226-3905
(718) 469-4032 Parents: .

Children were: Count In Haspengau ROBERT I.

Count Of Hesbaye LAMBERT7,33 was born in 665 in Bourgogne, France. He died after 725. DATE 5 MAY 2000

OCCU ...
SOUR says ABT 650, Bourgogne, France ;
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots) says ABT 715
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19 says ABT 715
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. says occ in Hesbaye 706-725
(Occ. 706-715) - al7fl;

OCCU ...
SOUR /greenged.html says ABT 650, Bourgogne, France ;
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve R oots) says ABT 715
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 19 says ABT 715
Royalty for Co mmoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. says occ in Hesbaye 706-725
(O cc. 706-715) -; Parents: Count Of Franks Burgundy Warinus DE POITIERS and Kunza (Gunza) METZ.

Spouse: ALLEAUME. Count Of Hesbaye LAMBERT and ALLEAUME were married. Children were: Count Of Hesbaye Sigrande SIGRAMUS, WILLISWINDE, Robert Of HESBAYE.

Count Of Warnius LAMBERT II7,26,73,74 was born about 700.73,74 He died WFT Est 724-791.73,74 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count of Warnius
Data Source:
Brøderbund World Family Tree #8, Pedigree #1725

Created by:
Pat Adams
2111 Albemarle Terrace
Brooklyn , NY 11226-3905
(718) 469-4032 Parents: .

Children were: Count Of Wormsgau Rutpert I Of FRANCE.

Count Of Louvain LAMBERT7,14,370,461 was born about 898 in Louvain, Brabant, France. Parents: Graf Von Ringelheim DIETRICH and Ragnhild Ludmilla Van FRIESLAND. Parents: Graf Von Ringelheim DIETRICH.

Children were: Adele De LOUVAIN.

Spouse: Von Der BETUWE. Count Of Louvain LAMBERT and Von Der BETUWE were married. Children were: Adele De LOUVAIN.

Count Of Ringleheim LAMBERT7,242,243 was born about 905. He died in 961. OCCU Count of Louvain

OCCU Count of Louvain

OCCU Count of Louvain

DATE 24 APR 2000 Parents: Count Of Ringleheim Theodoric DIETRICH and Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND.

Count Of Barbant & Louvai LAMBERT I7,130 was born in 952. He died in 1042. Parents: Count Of Hainault Rainer III De HAINAULT and Countess Of Equisheim Adele ALIX.

Spouse: Gerberge Of BRABANT. Count Of Barbant & Louvai LAMBERT I and Gerberge Of BRABANT were married. Children were: Gerberga JOSSELINE, Gilbert JOCELYN, Henry DE LOUVAIN I, Matilda DE LOUVAIN.

Spouse: Ode DE LORRAINE. Count Of Barbant & Louvai LAMBERT I and Ode DE LORRAINE were married. Children were: Duke Of Brabant HENRY II, Count Of Brabant & Lorrai LAMBERT II.

Comte De Louvain LAMBERT II7,368,370,461 was born about 990.368 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]115 He died after 21 Sep 1062.115,368 He was also known as Baudry. He was also known as II Lambert.14,115 Parents: Count Of Louvain Lambert DE LOUVAIN I and Comtesse De Louvain GERBERGE. Parents: Count Of Louvain Lambert DE LOUVAIN I and Ermengarde De BRABANT.

Spouse: Ode De BASSE-LORRAINE. Comte De Louvain LAMBERT II and Ode De BASSE-LORRAINE were married. Children were: II HENRI Comte De Louvain, Adele De LOUVAIN.

Count Of Brabant & Lorrai LAMBERT II7,130 was born in 1020. Parents: Count Of Barbant & Louvai LAMBERT I and Ode DE LORRAINE.

Children were: Count Of Lorraine HENRY II.

LAMBERT5,128 was born about 1775.5,128

Spouse: Rachel CLARK. LAMBERT and Rachel CLARK were married.

Clarence Garfield LAMBERT3,1287 was born on 15 Mar 1895 in Freeport, Stephensonm, IL.3,1287 He died on 19 Dec 1958 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD.3,1287 He is reference number 1120.

Spouse: Jane Stewart BOYD. Clarence Garfield LAMBERT and Jane Stewart BOYD were married on 26 Jun 1936 in Elkton, Cecil, MD.3,1287 Reference Number:28517 Children were: Living CAMPBELL.

Comte De Lens LAMBERT7,370 was born about 1022. He died in 1054 in Lille, Nord, Flanders, France. Parents: Count De Boulogne Eustace DE BOULOGNE I and Of Louvain Mahaut Of LOUVAIN.

Count Of Louvain LAMBERT7,34,207 was born about 890. PED OF AUGUSTINE H. AYERS Parents: Count Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM and Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND. Parents: Count Of The Saxon Hamala THEODORIC and Of Middle Friesland REGINHILDE.

Eliza LAMBERT3,405,426,577 was born WFT Est 1826-1845.3,426 She died WFT Est 1847-1930.3,405,426 She is reference number 79411. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,577 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,405 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: _MFA1]3,426 [boyd-trees.ged]



Facts about this person:

Fact 1
lived only a short time after marriage

Fact 2
died without children[xx.FTW]


ELIZA LAMBERT lived only a short time after marriage to ABRAM BOYD. They
had no children.

Spouse: Esq. Abraham BOYD. Esq. Abraham BOYD and Eliza LAMBERT were married WFT Est 1847-1879.3,405,426 Reference Number:783552

Elizabeth LAMBERT3,405 was born WFT Est 1751-1774.3,405 She died WFT Est 1796-1862.3,405 She is reference number 98611.

Spouse: John HATCHARD. John HATCHARD and Elizabeth LAMBERT were married WFT Est 1773-1825.3,405 Reference Number:1568985 Children were: John HATCHARD.

Emily Susan LAMBERT3,9 was born on 9 Oct 1856 in Wolf Creek, Tazewell, Virginia.3,9 She died in 1917 in Roundbottom, Giles, Virginia.3,9 She is reference number 90822.

Spouse: Joseph Jackson SHARDER. Joseph Jackson SHARDER and Emily Susan LAMBERT were married. Reference Number:1446078 Children were: Robert SHARDER, Charles SHARDER, Etta SHARDER, Lockard SHARDER, Gratt SHARDER, Watt SHARDER, Pyatt SHARDER, Edward Wootson SHARDER.

Emma LAMBERT5,93,94 was born about 1872.5,93,94 She is reference number 2893. Parents: Robert J. LAMBERT and Eliza N. TURNER. Parents: .

Spouse: John BOWMAN.

Francis LAMBERT5,128 was born about 1622.5,128 He is reference number 8537.

Spouse: Edna HALSTEAD. Francis LAMBERT and Edna HALSTEAD were married. Reference Number:32084

George LAMBERT3,41 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 85960.

Spouse: Melvina JUDY. George LAMBERT and Melvina JUDY were married. Reference Number:1384785

H. Crear LAMBERT5,93,94 was born about 1869.5,93,94 He is reference number 2895. Parents: Robert J. LAMBERT and Eliza N. TURNER. Parents: .

Spouse: Mollie MORRIS.

Harry LAMBERT3,960 was born on 27 Jul 1900.3,960 He died on 5 May 1975 in McLeansboro, Hamilton Co, Illinois.3,960 He is reference number 34162.

Spouse: Gladys BOYD. Harry LAMBERT and Gladys BOYD were married on 2 Oct 1926.3,960 Reference Number:641424

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