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LIGHT3,399 was born.3,399,400
He died Unknown.3,399,400 He is
reference number 12411. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt.
Death]3,399,400 [NEED
TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400
[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 Spouse: Female RAKES. James LIGHT and Female RAKES were married.3,399,400 Reference Number:305472 John LIGHT2,3 was born in 1756 in , VA.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 29764. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070 (1991). !Birth: (1) 1756, VA, s/o Peter Light. Marriage to Nancy Ann Strode: (1)[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070 (1991). !Birth: (1) 1756, VA, s/o Peter Light. Marriage to Nancy Ann Strode: (1) Parents: Peter LIGHT and Ann WEAVER. Spouse: Nancy Ann STRODE. John LIGHT and Nancy Ann STRODE were married. Reference Number:558247 Children were: John S. LIGHT. John S. LIGHT2,3 was born on 28 Mar 1794 in , VA.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 29762. [boyd-trees.ged] !(1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070 (1991). !Birth: (1) 28 Mar 1794, VA, s/o John Light/Nancy Ann Strode. Marriage to Nancy Burns: (1)[alice-boyd.FTW] !(1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070 (1991). !Birth: (1) 28 Mar 1794, VA, s/o John Light/Nancy Ann Strode. Marriage to Nancy Burns: (1) Parents: John LIGHT and Nancy Ann STRODE. Spouse: Nancy BURNS. John S. LIGHT and Nancy BURNS were married. Reference Number:558195 Children were: Francis Asbury LIGHT. Living LIGHT.3 Spouse: Living MILLER. Children were: Living LIGHT, Living LIGHT. Living LIGHT.3 Parents: Living LIGHT and Living MILLER. Living LIGHT.3 Parents: Living LIGHT and Living MILLER. Living LIGHT.3 Parents: Berkley Camden LIGHT and Living SMART. Living LIGHT.3 Parents: Berkley Camden LIGHT and Living SMART. Living LIGHT.3 Parents: Berkley Camden LIGHT and Living SMART. Living LIGHT.3 Parents: Harley Raymond LIGHT and Living BELTON. Living LIGHT.3 Spouse: Living BOYD. Children were: Living LIGHT. Living LIGHT.3 Parents: Living LIGHT and Living BOYD. Mae Tighe LIGHT.395,783 Spouse: William Lloyd HALBROOK. Mary LIGHT7,138 was born in 1870. She died in 1934. Spouse: William WOLFORD. William WOLFORD and Mary LIGHT were married. Mary Alice LIGHT3,401 was born in Aug 1865.3,401 She died on 28 Feb 1922.3,401 She is reference number 73524. Spouse: William Thomas KEENEY. William Thomas KEENEY and Mary Alice LIGHT were married on 4 Sep 1889.3,401 Reference Number:1213283 Melvina LIGHT3 was born on 31 May 1825.3,399 She was also known as Milvina Graham.3,399 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 13106. Parents: Samuel Jackson LIGHT. Spouse: Jeptha GRAHAM. Jeptha GRAHAM and Melvina LIGHT were married. Reference Number:320544 Spouse: Sparrell BOYD. Sparrell BOYD and Melvina LIGHT were married on 19 Oct 1853 in Patrick Co. VA.3,399 Reference Number:320352 Peter LIGHT2,3 was born on 3 Sep 1733 in , Pennsylvania.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]2,3 He died Unknown in , Berkeley Co., West Virginia.2,3 He is reference number 29766. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]2,3 [boyd-trees.ged] ! (1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070 (1991). ! Birth: (1) 3 Sep 1733, PA, s/o Jacob LIGHT. Marriage to __ __: (1) Ann probably a 2nd wife. Marriage to Ann WEAVER: (1) (1) Sold his Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania property to Henry WEAVER, his wife's uncle. (1) Moved to Berkeley Co., VA. (1) Granddaughter Elizabeth KANE m. Alexander VANCE, 11 Nov 1800, Berkeley Co., VA.[alice-boyd.FTW] ! (1) Mary Kemmerle, 2089 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070 (1991). ! Birth: (1) 3 Sep 1733, PA, s/o Jacob LIGHT. Marriage to __ __: (1) Ann probably a 2nd wife. Marriage to Ann WEAVER: (1) (1) Sold his Lancaster Co., PA property to Henry WEAVER, his wife's uncle. (1) Moved to Berkeley Co., VA. (1) Granddaughter Elizabeth KANE m. Alexander VANCE, 11 Nov 1800, Berkeley Co., VA. Parents: Jacob LIGHT. Spouse: Ann WEAVER. Peter LIGHT and Ann WEAVER were married in , Pennsylvania.2,3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]2,3 Reference Number:558287 Children were: John LIGHT. Samuel Jackson LIGHT3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 24777. Children were: Melvina LIGHT. William H. LIGHT3,401 was born in Jul 1866.3,401 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 73523. Spouse: Fannie KEENEY. William H. LIGHT and Fannie KEENEY were married. Reference Number:1213296 Living LIGHTCAP.3 Spouse: Living NICHOLS. Children were: Living LIGHTCAP. Living LIGHTCAP.3 Parents: Living LIGHTCAP and Living NICHOLS. Audelia LIGHTFIELD.377 Spouse: Gruffith ALBINI. Children were: Audelia DE ALBINI. Elizabeth LIGHTFOOT3,405 was born in 1706 in Virginia.3,405 She died WFT Est 1724-1800.3,405 She is reference number 96525. Spouse: Beverley RANDOLPH. Beverley RANDOLPH and Elizabeth LIGHTFOOT were married WFT Est 1723-1757.3,405 Reference Number:1543654 Lela LIGHTFOOT3,178,218 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 107565. Spouse: Lynn BOYD. Lynn BOYD and Lela LIGHTFOOT were married. Reference Number:1683821 Children were: Robert BOYD, Katherine BOYD. Living LIGHTFOOT.404 Spouse: Living FOSTER. Children were: Living FOSTER. Phillip LIGHTFOOT3,405 was born WFT Est 1740-1785.3,405 He died WFT Est 1781-1864.3,405 He is reference number 98059. Spouse: Sally Sevigne BERNARD. Phillip LIGHTFOOT and Sally Sevigne BERNARD were married WFT Est 1765-1819.3,405 Reference Number:1568879 Children were: William Bernard LIGHTFOOT. Sarah Catherine LIGHTFOOT3,39 was born on 9 Jul 1842 in Iowa.3,39 She died on 16 Dec 1925 in Kiowa, Barber KS.3,39 She was buried on 18 Dec 1925 in Kiowa, Barber Co., KS.3,39 She is reference number 4598. Spouse: Samuel Worden HENDERSON. Samuel Worden HENDERSON and Sarah Catherine LIGHTFOOT were married in 1869.3,39 Reference Number:67621 Children were: Adaline HENDERSON, Etta Josephine HENDERSON, Franklin Maurice HENDERSON, Mollie Mae HENDERSON. William Bernard LIGHTFOOT3,405 was born WFT Est 1781-1812.3,405 He died WFT Est 1807-1893.3,405 He is reference number 98438. Parents: Phillip LIGHTFOOT and Sally Sevigne BERNARD. Spouse: Roberta BEVERLEY. William Bernard LIGHTFOOT and Roberta BEVERLEY were married WFT Est 1807-1849.3,405 Reference Number:108347 William Henry LIGHTFOOT3,9 was born in 1868.3,9 He died in 1931.3,9 He is reference number 90057. Spouse: Martha A. RENFRO. William Henry LIGHTFOOT and Martha A. RENFRO were married on 27 Feb 1890.3,9 Reference Number:1421785 Elizabeth C. LIGHTLE.188 Spouse: Jonathon WHEELAND. Louisa Go LIGHTLY.395 Children were: Phillip MOSHER. Tracy LIGHTNER.3 Susan LIGHTSEY3,483 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59333. Spouse: William POWE. William POWE and Susan LIGHTSEY were married. Reference Number:940140 Children were: Clara Jane POWE. Living LIGHTVOET.3 Spouse: Living MCROBERTS. Children were: Living MCROBERTS, Living MCROBERTS, Living MCROBERTS, Living MCROBERTS. Living LIGHTY.3 Spouse: Living SHARP. Eliza LIGON3,86 was born in 1796.3,86 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 56647. Parents: Joseph Fork LIGON and Mary CHURCH. Elizabeth LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 56625. Parents: Thomas LIGON and ANN. Elizabeth LIGON3,86 was born in 1785.3,86 She died in 1840.3,86 She is reference number 56642. Parents: Joseph Fork LIGON and Mary CHURCH. Gene LIGON3,399 died before 1981.3,399 He is reference number 13023. Spouse: Living BOYD. Helena LIGON3,86 was born about 1789.3,86 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 56643. Parents: Joseph Fork LIGON and Mary CHURCH. Hugh LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 56637. Parents: Col. Thomas LIGON and Mary HARRIS. James LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 56640. Parents: Joseph Fork LIGON and Mary CHURCH. Johan LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 56639. Parents: Col. Thomas LIGON and Mary HARRIS. Joseph Fork LIGON3,86 was born about 1755 in Lunenburg Co., VA.3,86 He died in 1822 in Clarke Co., GA.3,86 He is reference number 56617. Parents: Thomas LIGON and ANN. Spouse: Mary CHURCH. Joseph Fork LIGON and Mary CHURCH were married in 1778 in Virginia.3,86 Reference Number:972461 Children were: Thomas LIGON, James LIGON, Judith LIGON, Elizabeth LIGON, Molly Polly LIGON, Helena LIGON, Nancy LIGON, Robert LIGON, Jospeh LIGON Jr., Eliza LIGON. Jospeh LIGON Jr.3,86 was born in 1794.3,86 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 56646. Parents: Joseph Fork LIGON and Mary CHURCH. Judith LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 56641. Parents: Joseph Fork LIGON and Mary CHURCH. Mary LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 56624. Parents: Thomas LIGON and ANN. Mary LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 56638. Parents: Col. Thomas LIGON and Mary HARRIS. Matthew LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 56627. Parents: Richard LIGON and Mary WORSHAM. Spouse: Elizabeth ANDERSON. Matthew LIGON and Elizabeth ANDERSON were married. Reference Number:972940 Children were: Thomas LIGON. Matthew LIGON3,86 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 56636. Parents: Col. Thomas LIGON and Mary HARRIS. |