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OF HAITHABU, DORESTAD RUSTINGEN7,54 was born in 820 in Germany.
He died in 873. Name Prefix:<NPFX> King/King Parents: . Spouse: Gisela OF LORRAINE. Children were: Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND. Dietrich OF HAMALAND.54 Children were: Amalrada OF HAMALANT. Amalrada OF HAMALANT.54 Parents: Dietrich OF HAMALAND. Spouse: Dierich OF DREANTHE. Children were: Hunroch OF TRISTERBAUT. Prince Of William OF HATFIELD7,62,129 was born in 1337 in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England. He died before 8 Jul 1337. He was buried on 5 Sep 1348. He was christened in ., Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XHQ-KP Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XHQ-SW Parents: King Of Edward III ENGLAND and Countess Of Holland Philippa De HAINAULT. Alphonso OF HEDINGHAM7,16,46,47,48,199 was born in 1000 in Of Hedingham, Essex, England.16,50 Downloaded from Bradford_Taylor on rootsweb.com Children were: The Monk Alberic Aubrey De VERE. Mistress OF HENRY I7,35,36 was born in 1085.35 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Spouse: King Of England Henry I "Beauclere" ENGLAND I. King Of England Henry I "Beauclere" ENGLAND I and Mistress OF HENRY I were married in 1100.35 Children were: Princess Of Elizabeth Joan PLANTAGENET, Daughter 2 OF HENRY I, Daughter 3 OF HENRY I, Alix FITZ HENRY. Daughter 2 OF HENRY I7,35,36 was born in 1102.35 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: King Of England Henry I "Beauclere" ENGLAND I and Mistress OF HENRY I. Daughter 3 OF HENRY I7,35,36 was born in 1104.35 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: King Of England Henry I "Beauclere" ENGLAND I and Mistress OF HENRY I. Lucy Lady Of Blaen Llyfni OF HEREFORD7,15,20,44,46,47,48,268,287,2470 was born in 1136 in Gloucester, England.20,50 She died after 1220.15,20,50,227,249,268,2453,2470 1 _FA1 2 PLAC Buried in Chapter House of Llanthony (near Gloucester). 2 S OUR S011883 3 PAGE line 262 2 SOUR S042140 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 T EXT b bef 1000 1 _FA2 2 PLAC Lady of Blaen Llyfni & Bwlch y Dinas, Breckno ckshire, Wales. 2 SOUR S011883 3 PAGE line 262 2 SOUR S042140 2 SOUR S2 61374 3 DATA 4 TEXT b bef 1000 1 _FA3 2 PLAC Co-heiress of her father . 2 SOUR S011883 3 PAGE line 262 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT b bef 1000 1 _FA4 2 PLAC Had a 1/3 interest in the barony of Gloucester. 2 SOU R S042140 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT b bef 1000 Parents: Earl Of Hereford Miles Or Milo De FITZ WALTER and Countss Hereford Sybil DE NEUFMARCHE. Spouse: Herbert II FITZ HERBERT. Herbert II FITZ HERBERT and Lucy Lady Of Blaen Llyfni OF HEREFORD were married. Lady Lucy Of Blaen OF HEREFORD7,79 was born about 1136 in , , Gloucestershire, England. She died after 1220. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lady GEDCOM line 9913 not recognizable or too long: 1 NAME Lucy of Blaen Llyfni /of Hereford/ GEDCOM line 9914 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Lucy of Blaen Llyfni GEDCOM line 9915 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SURN of Hereford GEDCOM line 9916 not recognizable or too lo ng: () 2 NSFX Lady http://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/i932.html#I1 3812 : Lady of Blaen Llyfni Parents: Earl Of Hereford Miles De De PITRES and Countss Hereford Sybil DE NEUFMARCHE. Lambert OF HESBAYE.520 Parents: Guerin OF POITIERS and GUNZIE. Konrad Franconia OF HESSE7,54 died in 906 in Fritzglas. Parents: Udo I Of Werner Wingarteiba VON WETTERAU and Kunigarde DE VERMANDOIS. Lord Of Hindley Leofwin OF HINDLEY.251 Children were: Swain De SALMESBURY. Adele OF HOLLAND.340,341 Parents: Count Arnulph I OF HOLLAND and Luitgarde DE CLEVES. Children were: Count Eustace I DE BOULOGNE. Count Arnulph I OF HOLLAND7,340,341 died in 993.340 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count 2 SOUR S0085816 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: A pr 16, 2002 Parents: . Spouse: Luitgarde DE CLEVES. Children were: Count Adalbert DE GANT, Count Dietrich III OF HOLLAND, Adele OF HOLLAND, Gertrude OF HOLLAND. *Queen Of France Bertha OF HOLLAND7,149,212,213 was born in 1054 in Of, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.96 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died in 1093 in Montreuil-Sur-Lo, Maine-Et-Loire, France.96,340 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] Name Suffix:<NSFX> *Queen of France DATE 31 MAY 2000 GIVN Bertha Countess O f SURN HOLLAND AFN 7Z10-K8 REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH Th e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 19 98, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO10 97@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sai nts PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancest ral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Chu rch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, d ata as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 21 OCT 2000 TIME 08:34:08 GIVN Bertha Countess Of SURN HOLLAND AFN 7Z10-K8 REPO @REP O1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Anc estral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998 , data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097 @ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint s PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestra l File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 21 OCT 2000 TIME 08:34:08 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REP O CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged R EPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 GIVN Bertha o f SURN HOLLAND NSFX *Queen of France Parents: Count Of Holland FLORIS and Of Saxony Gertrude BILLUNG. Parents: . Parents: Count Florens I OF HOLLAND and Of Saxony Gertrude BILLUNG. Spouse: King Of France Philip I CAPET I. King Of France Philip I CAPET I and *Queen Of France Bertha OF HOLLAND were married in 1072 in Scandalous--Bertrada Was Married To Another.15,16,20,50,115,340 1 REFN 47434 Children were: Constance OF FRANCE, King Of France Louis VI OF ARTOIS. Spouse: King
Of \Capet Of France\ PHILIPPE I. King Of \Capet Of France\ PHILIPPE I and
*Queen Of France Bertha OF HOLLAND were married in 1072 in , , , France.96 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt.
Marriage] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] _FREL
Count Dietrich III OF HOLLAND7,340,341 died in 1039.340 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count 2 SOUR S0085816 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: A pr 16, 2002 Parents: Count Arnulph I OF HOLLAND and Luitgarde DE CLEVES. Spouse: Ulfhilde OF GERMANY. Count Dietrich III OF HOLLAND and Ulfhilde OF GERMANY were married. Children were: Count Florens I OF HOLLAND. Dietrich V OF HOLLAND7,340,341 died in 1091.340 2 SOUR S0085816 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 16, 2002 Parents: Count Florens I OF HOLLAND and Of Saxony Gertrude BILLUNG. Count Florens I OF HOLLAND7,340,341 died in 1061.340 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count 2 SOUR S0085816 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: A pr 16, 2002 Parents: Count Dietrich III OF HOLLAND and Ulfhilde OF GERMANY. Spouse: Of Saxony Gertrude BILLUNG. Count Florens I OF HOLLAND and Of Saxony Gertrude BILLUNG were married. Children were: Dietrich V OF HOLLAND, *Queen Of France Bertha OF HOLLAND. Gertrude OF HOLLAND.340,341 Parents: Count Arnulph I OF HOLLAND and Luitgarde DE CLEVES. Spouse: Count Ludolph OF BRUNSWICK. Graefin Margareta OF HOLLAND7,111,129,377 was born in 1311 in Of, Le Quesnoy, Nord, France.377 She died on 23 Jun 1356 in , Le Quesnoy, Nord, France.377 She was also known as Countess Of Holland. She was buried in , Valenciennes, Nord, France.377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Empress]377 Name Suffix:<NSFX> [empress Of The Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 7W1X-MB TITL [ EMPRESS OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE] Parents: Count Hainaut Willem III De Avesnes Count Of HOLLAND and Countess Hainault Jeanne DE VALOIS. Spouse: Emperor IV LUDWIG. Guibour OF HORNBACH.520 Parents: Lambert OF HORNBACH. Lambert OF HORNBACH.520 Parents: WIDO. Children were: Guido DE LA BRETON MARCH, Waldrat OF HORNBACH, Guibour OF HORNBACH. Waldrat OF HORNBACH.520 Parents: Lambert OF HORNBACH. King Of Italy Adalbert D' Ivrea OF ITALY7,129 died in 972. He was born in , , , Italy. Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of Italy GEDCOM line 19970 not recognizable or too lon g: () 2 GIVN Adalbert d' Ivrea GEDCOM line 19971 not recognizable or too lo ng: () 2 SURN of Italy GEDCOM line 19972 not recognizable or too long: () 2 NSFX King of Italy acceded 950. deposed 963. Count of Aosta. Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" calls him King of Lombardy, joint-king of Italy, 950/ 961. According to the genealogical chart in Chris Wicdkham's book: "Early Me dieval Italy", he reigned alongside his father as king of Italy from 950 to 96 2. http://www.worldroots.com/ged/pomer/dat25.html#2 Parents: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II and Princess Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA. Spouse: Gerberga OF CHALON. King Of Italy Adalbert D' Ivrea OF ITALY and Gerberga OF CHALON were married. Children were: Count Of Burgundy Otto GUILLAUME. Adalbert II OF ITALY7,54 was born in 952. He died in 972 in Lombardy, Italy. Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Parents: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II and Willa III Of Italy OF TUSCANY. Count Of Italy Adelbert OF ITALY I7,54,130 was born in 883 in Ivres, Italy. He died in 924. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count Parents: Anscar OF IVERA II and GISELLE. Spouse: Judith OF FUILI. Count Of Italy Adelbert OF ITALY I and Judith OF FUILI were married. Children were: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II. Adelheid OF ITALY.340,657 Parents: Prince Of The Franks\ Louis I Of MARTEL and Princess Of Hesbain Ermengarde Or Irmengarde HESBAIN OR HESBAYE. Spouse: Count De Blois/Duke Of Fr Robert Le Fort OF FRANCE. Children were: Richilde DE BLOIS, \Countess Of Vermandois\ Adelaide DE VERMANDOIS, Count Of Paris Robert OF FRANCE I. Bertha OF ITALY.54 Parents: Boso Of Tuscany OF ARLES and Willa OF BURGUNDY II. Ermengarde OF ITALY.54 Parents: Holy Roman Emp Louis II Le JEUNE and Engleberge OF ALSACE. Princess Ermengarde OF ITALY7,165 died on 22 Jun 896 in , , Chiemsee, Bavaria. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess GEDCOM line 51979 not recognizable or too long: ( ) 2 GIVN Ermengarde GEDCOM line 51980 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SU RN of Italy GEDCOM line 51981 not recognizable or too long: () 2 NSFX Princ ess Weis' "Ancestral Roots" (141B:17) http://worldroots.com/ged/pomer/dat 123.html#3 Stuart's "Royalty for Commoners" says she is sometimes called Tru ngard. She was at one time betrothed to, or the mistress of, "a Byzantine Em peror". It was through her influence that her husband,Boso, was crowned king o f Provence. Spouse: King Of Provence Boso I OF PROVENCE. King Of Provence Boso I OF PROVENCE and Princess Ermengarde OF ITALY were married. Children were: Ermengarde OF VIENNE, Willa OF VIENNE, Kunigund OF PROVENCE, Engelberga Von Herzogin OF AQUITAINE, King Of Italy Louis OF ITALY. King Of Italy Louis OF ITALY7,165 was born in 878. He died on 5 Jun 928 in Arles. He was also known as The Blind. Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of Italy GEDCOM line 56691 not recognizable or too lon g: 1 NAME Louis "The Blind" l'Aveugle /of Italy/ GEDCOM line 56692 not reco gnizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Louis "The Blind" l'Aveugle GEDCOM line 566 93 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SURN of Italy GEDCOM line 56694 not r ecognizable or too long: () 2 NSFX King of Italy KIng of Italy and Provence . Weis' "AR" (141A:17)(141B:18) http://worldroots.com/ged/pomer/dat23.htm l#8 He succeeded his father as king of Provence. IN 900, in the midst of a period of political instability, the nobles of northwest Italy, led by Adalber t, Marquis of Ivrea, elected Louis as their king. He went to Rome, where he w as also crowned as Emperor. He lost his support and gave up the Italian thron e to Berenger I of Friuli in 902. He tried again to take the throne in 905,k but Berenger captured him and had him blinded. In his book, "THe LOst Kingd om of Burgundy", Christopher Cope says that since he died with no sons, his su ccessor was his regent, Hugh, Count of Arles. Most sources, however, hod that Charles Constantine was Louis' son. Parents: King Of Provence Boso I OF PROVENCE and Princess Ermengarde OF ITALY. Spouse: Anna Porphyrogenitus Adelais BYZANCE. King Of Italy Louis OF ITALY and Anna Porphyrogenitus Adelais BYZANCE were married about 900. Children were: Count Of Vienne & B Charles Constantine De VIENNE. Rosele Susanna OF ITALY.54 Parents: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II and Willa III Of Italy OF TUSCANY. Spouse: Count Of Flanders Arnoul FLANDERS II. Children were: Eudes Of Flanders DE CAMBRAIOF FLANDERS, Baldwin OF FLANDERS IV. Urraca OF ITALY.54 Parents: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II and Princess Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA. Parents: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II and Willa III Of Italy OF TUSCANY. Spouse: Duke And Marquis Of Antwe Gonzelon I OF LOWER LORRAINE. Children were: Ode DE LORRAINE, Godfrey OF VERDUN III. Spouse: Duke Of Lorraine Gonzelon OF LORRAINE I. Anscar OF IVERA II.54 Parents: Amadeus OF BURGANDY. Spouse: GISELLE. Children were: Count Of Italy Adelbert OF ITALY I. M. Of Ivrea Adalbert OF IVREA7,129 died on 17 Aug 915. Name Suffix:<NSFX> M. of Ivrea GEDCOM line 24354 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Adalbert GEDCOM line 24355 not recognizable or too long: () 2 S URN of Ivrea GEDCOM line 24356 not recognizable or too long: () 2 NSFX M. o f Ivrea Count of Parma. Count and Margrave of Ivrea Weis' "Ancestral Root s", His parents are not given Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners", gives his pa rents as Anscar & Giselle. He was Marquis of Ivrea from 900 to 920. King Be renger I had his army annaihilated by the Hungarians. In 900, perceiving Bere nger's weakness, the nobles of northwest Italy, led by Adalbert, revolted and elected Louis of Provence as king. Italian politics during Adalbert's lifetime centered around the power struggle between the German faction, which had supp orted Berenger, and the French faction. Adalbert was of the French faction. Adalbert married Berenger's daughter, Gisele. They became the parents of King Berenger II. http://www.worldroots.com/ged/pomer/dat25.html#2 Parents: . Spouse: Ermengarde OF TUSCANY. M. Of Ivrea Adalbert OF IVREA and Ermengarde OF TUSCANY were married. Children were: Mgv Of Spoleto ANSKAR III. Spouse: Princess Of Italy Gisela Di FRIULI. M. Of Ivrea Adalbert OF IVREA and Princess Of Italy Gisela Di FRIULI were married before 900. Children were: King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II. Mariamne I Maccabaea OF JUDEA7,430 died in Executed. Parents: Ptolemy Bar MENNEUS and Nn CONCUBINE. Spouse: Herod JUDEA. Children were: ARISTOBULUS, Herod Philip JUDEA, Tiberius Julius Alexander JUDEA. Eldred OF KENDAL7,1866 was born in 1056 in Workington, Coupland, England. Name Prefix:<NPFX> 1st Baron of Kendal Name: Eldred OF KENDAL Given Name: El dred Surname: OF KENDAL NSFX: 1st Baron of Kendal, DE TALBOIS Title: 1st Baron of Kendal, DE TALBOIS Sex: M Birth: 1056 in of Workington, Coupland, England Death: Y Change Date: 15 Jul 2001 at 16:27 Parents: . Spouse: Adgitha Of CUMBERLAND. Eldred OF KENDAL and Adgitha Of CUMBERLAND were married. _STATMARRIED Queen Of England Eadgifu OF KENT7,20,21,81,165,228,370,461 was born about 873 in , , Kent, England. She died on 25 Aug 968 in England.20,81 She was also known as Edgiva. She was buried in Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]20 GEDCOM line 18558 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Eadgifu (Edgiva) GEDCOM line 18559 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SURN of Kent http://ww w.gendex.com/users/Genie/d0057/g0000008.html#I873 Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Spouse: West Saxon King Of Edward ENGLAND I. West Saxon King Of Edward ENGLAND I and Queen Of England Eadgifu OF KENT were married in 919 in Wessex, England. Children were: St. Eadburh Of ENGLAND, King Of England Edmund OF ENGLAND I, King Of England EDMUND I, King Of Aethelstan ENGLAND, Edgifu OF WESSEX, St. EADMUND I, King Of England EADRED, \King Of England Eadred Wessex, Eadflaed Of ENGLAND. Adlaga OF KIEV.46,47,48 Spouse: Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV. Dobremneva OF KIEV7,340,341 was born in 1012.340 She died in 1087.340 2 SOUR S0085816 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 16, 2002 Parents: Grand Duke Of Kiev Yaroslav I JAROSLAUS I and Princess Of Sweden Ingegarde OLAFSDOTTIR. Olava OF KIEV7,46,47,48 was born in 959 in Of Kiev, Ukraine.50 Downloaded from Bradford_Taylor on rootsweb.com Spouse: Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Olava OF KIEV were married in 977.50 Children were: Duke Of Novgorod\ Vysheslav Vladimirovich. Predislava OF KIEV7,46,47,48 was born in 962 in Of Kiev, Ukraine.50 Downloaded from Bradford_Taylor on rootsweb.com Spouse: Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Predislava OF KIEV were married in 980.50 Children were: Prince Of Kiev\ SVIATOPOLK. Premislava OF KIEV.340,341 Parents: Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Rognieda POLOTSK. Unknown OF KIEV.149 Parents: Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Unknown OF BULGARIA. Valdimar OF KIEV.46,47,48 Parents: Grand Duke Of Kiev Yaroslav I JAROSLAUS I and Princess Of Sweden Ingegarde OLAFSDOTTIR. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV6,7,14,15,16,17,27,37,46,47,48,62,115,122,229,248,261,278,340,341,367,1100 was born in 955 in Kiev, Ukraine.16,49,50,278 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died on 15 Jul 1015 in Kiev, Ukraine.16,49,50,115,229,278,340,367,2580 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as The Great. He was buried in Acceded: 978. Grand Prince Of Kiev..16,278 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] 1 _FA2 2 PLAC 1st Prince of Kiev who became a Christian (988), married Anna as a result. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John Fitz Alan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA3 2 PLAC Responsible for establ ishing of Christianity in Russia. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her d aughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her gran dfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA5 2 PLAC Re turned, defeated & killed his brother, who was ruling in Kiev. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at se a in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grand mother) 1 _FA6 2 PLAC Became Grand Duke in Kiev. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA7 2 PLAC Born a pagan of Viking origin. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _F A8 2 PLAC Founded cities, built churches, schools, and libraries. 2 SOUR S 005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA9 2 PLAC Promoted trade, established relations with the pope. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matrave rs (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA10 2 PLAC Ably defended Russia against its eastern neighbors. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA11 2 PLAC Established relations with European rulers. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her da ughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grand father) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA12 2 PLAC Bu ried in Church Of The Tithes, Kiev, Ukraine. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEX T Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my d b, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) 1 _FA13 2 PLAC Declared a saint after his death. 2 SOUR S005967 3 DATA 4 TEXT Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db , her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother) Sources: RC 143, 321, 361; Clarkson; A. Roots 241. 243; AF; Kraentzler 1162, 1 170, 1171, 1172, 1233, 1603; Timetables of History; Through the Ages. Roots: St. Vladimir, Grand Prince of Kiev. Died 15 July 1015. Married after 1011, a d aughter (died 14 Aug 1014) of Kuno, Count of Ohinigen, by Richilde, dau. of Ott o I, the Great. Married also Rogneide, dau. of Rognald of Polotzk. RC: "The Great" of Kiev, Ukraine, Russia. Grand prince of Novgorod and Kiev. Baptized a Christian, 988. K: Wladimir I le Grand et le Saint. Grand Duke of Novogorod, Kiew. "Le Grand et le Saint." Grand Prince of Kiev or Grand Duke of Kiev and Novgorod. Ruled 980-1015. "980. St.Vladimir becomes Prince of Kiev." Clarkso n: Vladimir succeeded his father through the process of fratricidal wars in wh ich his brothers were slain. "He installed himself at Kiev (977), whence, by sa vage campaigns, he collected wives and tribute from most of the Dnieper Basin. Vladimir's chief fame rests on his forced conversion of the Russian Slavs to Ch ristianity...During his reign, Kiev was repeatedly harassed by the Pechenegs; t o hold them off, Vladimir built a sort of fortified line of new towns along the steppe frontier. At his death (1015) he left seven sons--of four or five diffe rent mothers--each ruling as prince in a portion of the Russian land; one of th em, Yaroslav of Novgorod, was in open rebvellion, having refused to pay tribute to his father. Sviatopolk, who seized Kiev, promptly murdered three of his bro thers, but was defeated in a four-year struggle by Yaroslav, who succeeded to t he title of grand prince. Yaroslav, however, was forced to share the territory with another brother, Mstislav, who took the opportunity to move his residence from outlying Tmutorakan, beyond the Sea of Azov, to Chernigov, near Kiev. Not until Mstislav's death (1036) did Yaroslav "the Wise" venture to remove his sea t from Novgorod to Kiev." "Vladimir...who had won the throne of Kiev by the murder of his older brother, was the last major European ruler to abandon pagan ism." He invited envoys from the Khazars (Jews), the Volga Bulgars (Muslims), R ome and Greece to "sell" their religious beliefs. But "Vladimir and his simple warriors (were) unable to make up their minds in this war of words." Therefore, they visited the temples of the Bulgars, the Romans and the Greeks, not bother ing with a visit to the Khazars. They found the mosques unclean and western Cat holic worship tolerable, but they were entralled with the spendor and beauty of the Greek places of worship. Hence, they embraced the Greek Orthodox religion. Vladimir was promised the hand of Anne, sister of the Byzantine emperor, in return for military aid and, despite some foot dragging by the emperor after t he aid was provided, married the lady in 988. "In 990 Vladimir returned to Kiev e with his imperial bride and a retinue of priests. Throughout his dominions th e population was compulsorily baptized wholesale..." RC says he had many pag an wives and concubines of whom these are known: (1) Adlaga; (2) Olava; (3) Mal frida, a Bohemian, d. 1002; (5) a Greek, widow of his brother, Teropolk; (6) N. N.(27-36), a Bulgarian; md (7) 989, Anna, daughter of the Eastern Emperor, the Basilius Romanos, d. 10011; (8) N.N. (321-33), daughter of Kuno, Count of Ohnin gen. K. calls the latter Rogneda de Oehningen. One AF record says born about 9 62. According to my records, St. Vladimir had three daughters with Vladimiro vna as name or part of name--all via different wives. Maybe he just liked the n ame. Maybe there are errors in the records. Parents: Grand Duke Of Novgorod Svatisalv IGORJEWITSCH and Maloucha (Malfreda) Of The DREVIANES. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Grand Duke Of Kiev SVATISLAV I and Maloucha Of LUBECH. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Spouse: Unknown OF BULGARIA. Children were: Unknown OF KIEV. Spouse: Rognieda POLOTSK. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Rognieda POLOTSK were married in 960 in Polotsk, Byelorussia.15,16,49,50,227,278,340,1100,3098 1 REFN 46281 Children were: PREMYSLAVA, Grand Duke Of Kiev Yaroslav I JAROSLAUS I, Duke Of Polotsk Iszyaslav VALDIMIROVICH, Premislava OF KIEV, Vissavald Of KIEV, Premyslava Of KIEV, Predislava VLADIMIROVNA, Daughter Of KIEV, Arlogia VLADIMIROVNA, Duke Of Chernigov Vladimi MSTISLAV. Children were: Dobronega VLADIMIROVNA. Spouse: Princess Of Byzantium Anna PORPHYROGENITA. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Princess Of Byzantium Anna PORPHYROGENITA were married about 988 in Kherson, Kiev, Ukraine.49,50 _STATMARRIED Children were: Princess Of Dobronega Maria KIEV, Daughter Of Kiev VLADIMIROVNA, Dobronega VLADIMIROVNA. Spouse: Ragneda Of OHNINGEN. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Ragneda Of OHNINGEN were married after 1011.115 Children were: Princess Of Kiev Premislava VLADIMIROVNA, DOBRONEVA, Princess Of Dobronega Maria KIEV, Arlogia VLADIMIROVNA. Spouse: Adlaga OF KIEV. Spouse: Olava OF KIEV. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Olava OF KIEV were married in 977.50 Children were: Duke Of Novgorod\ Vysheslav Vladimirovich. Spouse: Predislava OF KIEV. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Predislava OF KIEV were married in 980.50 Children were: Prince Of Kiev\ SVIATOPOLK. Spouse: Milolika PSS OF BULGARIA. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Milolika PSS OF BULGARIA were married in 982 in Kiev, Ukraine.50 Children were: Duke Of Rostov\ Boris David Vladimirovich, \Duke Of Murom\ Gleb Roman VLADIMIROVICH, Duke Of Smolensk\ Stanslav Vladimirovich, Duke Of Vladimir Volynsk\ Pozvizd Vladimirovich, Duke Of Pskov\ Sudislav Vladimirovich. Spouse: Malfriede OF BOHEMIA. Prince Of Kiev\ Vladimir I OF KIEV and Malfriede OF BOHEMIA were married about 983 in Kiev, Ukraine.49,50 Children were: Duke Of Drevlians\ Svyatoslav Vladimirovich. Spouse: Anna Porphyrogenita Of BYZANTIUM. Children were: Isiaslav I Of KIEV. Children were: Grand Duke Of Kiev Yaroslav I JAROSLAUS I, Premyslava Of KIEV. Gebhard OF LAHNGAU I.54 Parents: Eudes (Odo) OF ORLEANS and Engeltrude OF PARIS. Children were: Udo OF NIEDER-LAHNGAU. 1St Duke Henry OF LANCASTER7,51 was born about 1300 in Grismond, Monmouth, Wales. He died on 24 Mar 1360/61 in Leicester, Leicester, Eng. He was buried after 24 Mar 1360/61 in Newark, Leicester, Eng. Name Suffix:<NSFX> 1st Duke Name Suffix:<NSFX> 1st Duke Parents: Earl Of Lancaster Henry PLANTAGENET and Maud DE CHAWORTH. Duke John OF LANCASTER7,111 was born on 24 Jun 1340 in , Ghent, Flan., Belgium. He died on 3 Feb 1398/99 in Leicester Castle, London, Mdsx, Eng.. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke ! Duke of Lancaster King of Castile & Leon Parents: King Edward OF ENGLAND III and Countess Of Holland Philippa De HAINAULT. Spouse: Blanche PLANTAGENET. Duke John OF LANCASTER and Blanche PLANTAGENET were married. Spouse: Catherine ROET. Duke John OF LANCASTER and Catherine ROET were married. Children were: Joan BEAUFORT, Sir Hrh Prince John BEAUFORT. |