Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Lene OLSEN4,5 was born about 1739 in Of, Lyderslev, Praesto, Denmark.4,5 She is reference number LA071603. Parents: Ole and Mrs. Ole.

Living OLSEN.3

Spouse: Living LOWTHER. Children were: Living OLSEN, Living OLSEN.

Living OLSEN.3 Parents: Living OLSEN and Living LOWTHER.

Living OLSEN.3 Parents: Living OLSEN and Living LOWTHER.

Living OLSEN.3

Spouse: Living SPENCE. Children were: Living OLSEN.

Living OLSEN.3 Parents: Living OLSEN and Living SPENCE.

Living OLSEN.3

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living LUTHER.

Living OLSEN.5,94

Spouse: Living BURNINGHAM.

Maren Olava OLSEN3,413 was born on 17 Oct 1858 in Norway.3,413 She died WFT Est 1859-1952.3,413 She is reference number 94507. Parents: Ole Hansen HOFSET and Ronnaug Margrete Pedersdatter ROLSTAD.

Martin OLSEN3,413 was born on 4 Oct 1842 in Norway.3,413 He died WFT Est 1843-1932.3,413 He is reference number 94064. Parents: Ole Hansen HOFSET and Ronnaug Margrete Pedersdatter ROLSTAD.

Ole OLSEN4,5 was born about 1732 in Of, Lyderslev, Praesto, Denmark.4,5 He was buried on 29 May 1808 in Lyderslev, Praesto, Denmark.4,5 He is reference number LA071602. Parents: Ole and Mrs. Ole.

Peder OLSEN4,5 was born in 1727 in Of Lund, Lyderslev, Praesto, Denmark.4,5 He was buried on 14 Nov 1788 in Lyderslev, Praesto, Denmark.4,5 He is reference number LA0708. [master ged.FTW]


!SOURCES: Parish Registers

!Occupation: Blacksmith (Sjelland) Parents: Ole and Mrs. Ole.

Spouse: Maren ANDERSEN. Peder OLSEN and Maren ANDERSEN were married on 29 Oct 1765 in Lyderslev, Praesto, Denmark.4,5 Children were: Lars PEDERSEN, Ole PEDERSEN, Niels PEDERSEN, Anders PEDERSEN, Rasmus PEDERSEN, Jens PEDERSEN, Karen PEDERSEN, Peder PEDERSEN, Sidse PEDERSEN.

Petra OLSEN3,413 was born on 15 Jun 1856 in Norway.3,413 She died WFT Est 1857-1950.3,413 She is reference number 94069. Parents: Ole Hansen HOFSET and Ronnaug Margrete Pedersdatter ROLSTAD.

Mrs. Peder OLSEN PORSE4,5 was born about 1693.4,5 She is reference number LA0721.

Spouse: Peder OLSEN PORSE. Peder OLSEN PORSE and Mrs. Peder OLSEN PORSE were married. Children were: Hans PEDERSEN PORSE, Margrette PEDERSEN PORSE.

Peder OLSEN PORSE4,5 was born about 1688.4,5 He was buried on 22 Jul 1764 in Kissendruf.4,5 He is reference number LA0720.

Spouse: Mrs. Peder OLSEN PORSE. Peder OLSEN PORSE and Mrs. Peder OLSEN PORSE were married. Children were: Hans PEDERSEN PORSE, Margrette PEDERSEN PORSE.

Andrew OLSON4,5 was born about 1857.4,5 He is reference number PE150109s.

Spouse: Emilie Charlotte PETERSON. Andrew OLSON and Emilie Charlotte PETERSON were married on 23 Nov 1882 in , , Utah.4,5

Charlotta OLSON4,5 was born about 1842.4,5 She is reference number PE150101s.

Spouse: Pehr ANDERSON. Pehr ANDERSON and Charlotta OLSON were married about 1862 in Of Augrum, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5

Evelyn C. OLSON395 died in Apr 1981 in Yakima, Yakima Co., WA.395

Spouse: James Franklin STEWART. Children were: Living STEWART, James Ross STEWART.

Hans Syverin OLSON5,93,94 was born on 8 Mar 1898 in Flekkefjord, Norway.5,93,94 He died on 6 Nov 1958 in Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota.5,93,94 He is reference number 1029.

Spouse: Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH. Hans Syverin OLSON and Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH were married on 10 Oct 1922 in Brule County, South Dakota.5,93,94 Reference Number:2521 Children were: Living OLSON, Living OLSON, Living OLSON, Living OLSON, Living OLSON, Living OLSON.

Laurence OLSON3,879 was born on 23 Mar 1932 in Marshfield, Oregon.3,879 He died on 12 Dec 1941.3,879 He is reference number 37405. Parents: Living OLSON and Living HURLBURT.

Living OLSON.377 Parents: Living OLSON and Living ENGEBRETSON.

Spouse: Living VAN SELUS. Children were: Living VAN SELUS, Living VAN SELUS, Living VAN SELUS.

Living OLSON.377

Spouse: Living ENGEBRETSON. Children were: Living OLSON.

Living OLSON.3

Spouse: Living HURLBURT. Children were: Living OLSON, Living OLSON, Living OLSON, Laurence OLSON.

Living OLSON.3 Parents: Living OLSON and Living HURLBURT.

Living OLSON.3 Parents: Living OLSON and Living HURLBURT.

Living OLSON.3 Parents: Living OLSON and Living HURLBURT.

Living OLSON.3

Spouse: Living HAYWOOD. Children were: Living OLSON.

Living OLSON.3 Parents: Living OLSON and Living HAYWOOD.

Living OLSON.5,128 Parents: Living OLSON and Living WELTON.

Spouse: Living DECHAUSSE. Children were: Living DECHAUSSE, Living DECHAUSSE, Living DECHAUSSE, Living DECHAUSSE.

Living OLSON.5,128

Spouse: Living WELTON. Children were: Living OLSON.

Living OLSON.5,128 Parents: Richard OLSON and Leona Elvira HALSTEAD.

Spouse: Living BENTEAD.

Living OLSON.5,94 Parents: Hans Syverin OLSON and Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH.

Spouse: Living GREENWAY. Children were: Living GREENWAY, Living GREENWAY.

Living OLSON.5,94 Parents: Hans Syverin OLSON and Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH.

Spouse: Max Anton WITTENHAGEN. Children were: Living WITTENHAGEN, Living WITTENHAGEN, Living WITTENHAGEN.

Living OLSON.5,94 Parents: Hans Syverin OLSON and Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH.

Spouse: Sr. Living VOGEL. Children were: Jr. Living VOGEL, Living VOGEL.

Living OLSON.5,94 Parents: Hans Syverin OLSON and Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH.

Spouse: Living JOHNSON. Children were: Living JOHNSON, Living JOHNSON, Living JOHNSON, Living JOHNSON.

Living OLSON.5,94 Parents: Hans Syverin OLSON and Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH.

Spouse: Donald F. WINTERS. Children were: Living WINTERS, Living WINTERS, Living WINTERS.

Living OLSON.5,94 Parents: Hans Syverin OLSON and Lela Ethel ELLSWORTH.

Spouse: Living TWOMBLEY. Children were: Living TWOMBLEY, Living TWOMBLEY.

Spouse: Living STURGES. Children were: Living STURGES.

Living OLSON.5,94

Spouse: Living TRUESDELL. Children were: Living TRUESDELL.

Richard OLSON5,128 was born about 1906.5,128 He died in Siox City, Iowa.5,128 He is reference number 4477.

Spouse: Leona Elvira HALSTEAD. Richard OLSON and Leona Elvira HALSTEAD were married about 1927.5 Reference Number:3190 Children were: Living OLSON.

Living OLSSON.5,128

Spouse: Living HALSTEAD.

Samsson OLSSON4,5 was born about 1672 in Of, Fridlefstad, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 He died in 1740.4,5 He is reference number PE2202. [master ged.FTW]


!Source: Archive Record, Research done by Ella Heckscher, Uppsala Sweden
for Miss Pearl Williams

Spouse: Anna OLUFSSON. Samsson OLSSON and Anna OLUFSSON were married about 1701 in Of Fridelsted, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 Children were: Olof SAMSSON, Bengta SAMSSON, Botill SAMSSON, Carl SAMSSON.

Pafvel OLSSON OR OLOFSSON4,5 was born about 1640 in Of, Torsas, Kalmar, Sweden.4,5 He was buried on 15 Nov 1719 in Torsas, Kalmar, Sweden.4,5 He is reference number PE2002. [master ged.FTW]


!SOURCES: Research in Uppsala, Sweden (Tab.40A) by Ella Heckscher.

!--As Pafvel is 26 years older than his wife, could it be there is a
generation missing in compiling this family??

Spouse: Sissa HAKANSSON. Pafvel OLSSON OR OLOFSSON and Sissa HAKANSSON were married in Jul 1665 in Torsas, Kalmar, Sweden.4,5

Spouse: Karin NILSSON. Pafvel OLSSON OR OLOFSSON and Karin NILSSON were married on 29 Dec 1667 in Torsas, Kalmar, Sweden.4,5

Spouse: Elin NILSSON. Pafvel OLSSON OR OLOFSSON and Elin NILSSON were married on 29 Dec 1695 in Of Torsas, Kalmar, Sweden.4,5 Children were: Nils PAFVELSSON, Olof PAFVELSSON, Karin PAFVELSSON, Marje PAFVELSSON.

Kirsten OLUFFSEN3,311 was born in 1705 in Denmark.3,311 She died on 17 Mar 1773 in Denmark.3,311 She is reference number 6634.

Spouse: Jeppe IPSEN. Jeppe IPSEN and Kirsten OLUFFSEN were married. Reference Number:127084 Children were: Jeppe IPSEN.

Anna OLUFSSON4,5 was born about 1680 in Prob., Tving, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 She was buried on 24 Mar 1749 in Fridlefstad, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 She is reference number PE2203. Parents: Oluf CARLSSON and Kjerstin.

Spouse: Samsson OLSSON. Samsson OLSSON and Anna OLUFSSON were married about 1701 in Of Fridelsted, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 Children were: Olof SAMSSON, Bengta SAMSSON, Botill SAMSSON, Carl SAMSSON.

Carl OLUFSSON4,5 was born about 1673 in Prob., Tving, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 Parents: Oluf CARLSSON and Kjerstin.

Elsa OLUFSSON4,5 was born about 1677 in Prob., Tving, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 Parents: Oluf CARLSSON and Kjerstin.

Jane OLVER7,234 was buried on 9 Nov 1638 in Pillaton, Cornwall, England.

Spouse: John TAGGABER. John TAGGABER and Jane OLVER were married on 11 Aug 1603 in Pillaton, Cornwall, England. Children were: John TAGGABER, Arle TAGGABER, Margaret TAGGABER, William TAGGABER, Ede TAGGABER.

Lucretia OMARY2,3,42 was born in 1720 in , , Lunenberg, VA.3,38 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,42 She was also known as Boyd. She was also known as Lucretia Boyd.3,38,95,237 She was also known as Lucretia Ormay.3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 23880. She has Ancestral File Number 195W-X3B.

Spouse: Robert BOYD. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,38,237 They were married in 1745 in Of, Lunenberg, Virginia.3,38,237 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,38 Reference Number:119771 Children were: Robert BOYD, Margaret BOYD, Mary BOYD, Constant BOYD, Andrew BOYD, John BOYD, Rachel BOYD, Gentleman Thomas BOYD, Sarah BOYD, Isabella BOYD.

Amarilla OMFIELDS.121

Spouse: Alexander RERESBY. Children were: Isadore RERESBY.

Living OMIDEL.3

Spouse: Living LIPSCOMB.

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