RAKES.3 Parents: Living RAKES and Living
LUSTED. Spouse: Living BARNES.
Children were: Living BARNES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: John Franklin RAKES and
Virgie Loretta GOEBEL.Spouse: Living YOUNGER. Children were: Living RAKES, Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living YOUNGER.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living YOUNGER.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: David Cruise RAKES and Teeny Mintory RAKES.Spouse: Living WILSON. Children were: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living WILSON.Spouse: Living
RINACKE. Children were: Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living RINACKE.Spouse: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: David Cruise RAKES and Teeny Mintory RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: George Washington RAKES II
and Margaret Christina SCHAUM.Spouse:
Ralph E. FEATHERSTON. Spouse: Living KROPFF.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: George Washington RAKES II
and Margaret Christina SCHAUM.Spouse:
Living CAWOOD. Children were: Living CAWOOD.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: George Washington RAKES II
and Margaret Christina SCHAUM.Spouse:
Living CAWOOD. Children were: Living CAWOOD.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: John Edgar RAKES and Ruby Cora STRINGER.Spouse: Living GREGORY. Children were: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: John Edgar RAKES and Ruby Cora STRINGER.Spouse: Living ASBURY. Children were: Living
RAKES, Living RAKES, Living RAKES, Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living ASBURY.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living ASBURY.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living ASBURY.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living ASBURY.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: John Edgar RAKES and Ruby Cora STRINGER.Spouse: Living MOREMAN. Spouse: Living
TURNEY. Children were: Living KENNY,
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Aaron Eli RAKES and Cora May PRESLEY.Spouse: Living
NEIL. Children were: Living RAKES,
Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living NEIL.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living NEIL.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: John RAKES and JOSEPHINE.Spouse: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: John RAKES and JOSEPHINE.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Burl Scott RAKES and Icy J. RAMEY.Spouse: Living TAULBEE. Children were: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Burl Scott RAKES and Icy J. RAMEY.Spouse: John Steele BENTLEY.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Burl Scott RAKES and Icy J. RAMEY.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Burl Scott RAKES and Icy J. RAMEY.Spouse: Living SAUNDERS. Children were: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Watson RAKES and Lucy SMITH.Spouse: Living
Spouse: Living EUBANK.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Eli Davis RAKES and Dollie FLEMING.Spouse: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: James Richard RAKES and
Living BRAITHWAITE.Spouse: Living WEBB.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: James Richard RAKES and
Living BRAITHWAITE.Spouse: Living BREWER.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: James Richard RAKES and
Living BRAITHWAITE.Spouse: Living STILES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: James Richard RAKES and
Living BRAITHWAITE.Spouse: Living WILSON.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Charles Parker RAKES and
Living WALKER.Spouse: Living FEATHERSTON.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Charles Parker RAKES and
Living WALKER.Spouse: Living HAGGARD. Children were: Living
RAKES, Living RAKES, Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living HAGGARD.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living HAGGARD.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living HAGGARD.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Charles Parker RAKES and
Living WALKER.Spouse: Living HAGGARD.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Claude Swanson RAKES and
Fern HOLLAND.Spouse: Living VAUGHN. Spouse: Living
BOYD. Children were: Living BOYD,
Living BOYD. Spouse: Living BATY. Children were: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Asa Kilby RAKES and Grace GERMAN.Spouse: Living
MATRONI. Children were: Living MATRONI-RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Asa Kilby RAKES and Grace GERMAN.Spouse: Living
ATKINSON. Children were: Living ATKINSON,
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Asa Kilby RAKES and Grace GERMAN.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: John Henry RAKES and Rebecca Alma WILLIS.Spouse: Living JONES. Children were: Living
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living JONES.Spouse: Living
WELLS. Children were: Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living WELLS.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living JONES.Spouse: Living
LOWE. Children were: Living LOWE,
Living LOWE.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Solomon D. RAKES and Virgie SYKES.Spouse: Living ROBINSON. Children were: Living
RAKES, Living RAKES, Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living ROBINSON.Spouse: Living
WINGARD. Children were: Living RAKES,
Living RAKES, Living RAKES.
Living RAKES.3
Parents: Living RAKES and Living WINGARD.