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Nancy SHAEFFER3,413 was born on 11 Aug 1800.3,413 She died
in May 1847.3,413 She is reference number 94689. Parents:
Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. Spouse: Benjamin WEAVER. Benjamin WEAVER and Anna Nancy SHAEFFER were married in Jun 1819.3,413 Reference Number:1509452 Elizabeth SHAEFFER3,413 was born on 5 Aug 1808.3,413 She died WFT Est 1809-1902.3,413 She is reference number 94692. Parents: Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. Frederick SHAEFFER3,413 was born about 1780.3,413 He died WFT Est 1824-1872 in Cincinnati, OH.3,413 He is reference number 94410. Spouse: Barbary EICHAR. Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR were married about 1799.3,413 Reference Number:1466877 Children were: Anna Nancy SHAEFFER, Margaretta SHAEFFER, John Frederick SHAEFFER III, Elizabeth SHAEFFER, Peter SHAEFFER, John Jacob SHAEFFER, Jacob SHAEFFER, Adam SHAEFFER, Mary SHAEFFER. Jacob SHAEFFER3,413 was born on 20 Jan 1814.3,413 He died WFT Est 1815-1904.3,413 He is reference number 94695. Parents: Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. John Frederick SHAEFFER III3,413 was born on 11 Mar 1804.3,413 He died WFT Est 1805-1894.3,413 He is reference number 94691. Parents: Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. John Jacob SHAEFFER3,413 was born on 11 Mar 1813.3,413 He died WFT Est 1814-1903.3,413 He is reference number 94694. Parents: Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. Margaretta SHAEFFER3,413 was born on 17 Mar 1802.3,413 She died WFT Est 1803-1896.3,413 She is reference number 94690. Parents: Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. Mary SHAEFFER3,413 was born on 1 Jan 1821.3,413 She died WFT Est 1822-1915.3,413 She is reference number 94697. Parents: Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. Peter SHAEFFER3,413 was born on 20 Aug 1810.3,413 He died WFT Est 1811-1900.3,413 He is reference number 94693. Parents: Frederick SHAEFFER and Barbary EICHAR. Unknown SHAEFFER3,413 was born about 1870.3,413 He died WFT Est 1903-1961.3,413 He is reference number 93912. Spouse: Albina MURRAY. Unknown SHAEFFER and Albina MURRAY were married WFT Est 1901-1936.3,413 Reference Number:1473587 Francis Loe SHAFER3,1089 was born on 15 Jun 1920.3,1089 He died on 21 Jan 1990.3,1089 He is reference number 29054. He was in Raised Aberdeen Angus Cattle..3,1089 [boyd-trees.ged] [Fmterry.ftw] Photo taken in 1980 at age 60. Parents: Walter Albert SHAFER and Abigail Beacham DEARBORN. Spouse: Living BENNETT (PRIVATE). Children were: Francis Loe SHAFER. Francis Loe SHAFER3,1089 was born on 9 Oct 1938.3,1089 He died on 30 Mar 1968.3,1089 He is reference number 29063. [boyd-trees.ged] [Fmterry.ftw] Died from injuries in the Vietnam War. Parents: Francis Loe SHAFER and Living BENNETT (PRIVATE). Spouse: Living TAYLOR (PRIVATE). Children were: Living SHAFER (PRIVATE). Ida May SHAFER3,95 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 54280. She has Ancestral File Number 46H5-PD. Spouse: Frederick Alexander HAGBERG. Frederick Alexander HAGBERG and Ida May SHAFER were married. Reference Number:941037 Children were: Dora Edith HAGBERG. Living SHAFER.3 Parents: Living SHAFER and Living KINGSLEY. Living SHAFER.3 Spouse: Living KINGSLEY. Children were: Living SHAFER. Mary (Polly) SHAFER3,413 was born on 13 Dec 1829 in German Twp, New Bedford, OH.3,413,2137 She died on 18 Apr 1880 in Mechanic Twp Holmes County, OH.3,413,2137 She is reference number 93610. Spouse: Jacob CONRAD. Jacob CONRAD and Mary (Polly) SHAFER were married on 10 May 1846 in Holmes County, OH-H. Collarado.3,413 Reference Number:1491110 Children were: Solomon William Henry CONRAD, John H. CONRAD, Mary Elizabeth CONRAD. Noel Albert SHAFER3,1089 was born on 25 Mar 1905.3,1089 He died on 17 Jul 1916.3,1089 He was buried Unknown in Newkirk, OK.3,1089 He is reference number 29053. Parents: Walter Albert SHAFER and Abigail Beacham DEARBORN. Susan SHAFER3,41 was born in Spouse: James H. ROSS. James H. ROSS and Susan SHAFER were married on 28 Sep 1870.3,41 Reference Number:1381682 Children were: Joseph ROSS, Harris ROSS. Sylvia SHAFER5,128 was born about 1821.5,128 Spouse: Simon P. BARNS. Simon P. BARNS and Sylvia SHAFER were married. Children were: James A. BARNES, Lemuel BARNES, Geprge Washington BARNES, Fidelia BARNES, Twin One BARNES, Twin Two BARNES, Helen Matiala Porter BARNES, Simon Pjr. BARNES, Stella BARNES. Walter Albert SHAFER3,1089 was born on 26 Sep 1879 in Silver Lake, KS.3,1089 He died on 17 Sep 1954.3,1089 He was buried Unknown in Newkirk, OK.3,1089 He is reference number 29041. Spouse: Abigail Beacham DEARBORN. Walter Albert SHAFER and Abigail Beacham DEARBORN were married on 31 Dec 1902 in Silver Lake, KS.3,1089 Reference Number:544744 Children were: Living SHAFER (PRIVATE), Noel Albert SHAFER, Francis Loe SHAFER. Living SHAFER (PRIVATE).3 Parents: Francis Loe SHAFER and Living TAYLOR (PRIVATE). Living SHAFER (PRIVATE).3 Parents: Walter Albert SHAFER and Abigail Beacham DEARBORN. Spouse: Living MCCONNELL. Spouse: Living CHARTERS. David SHAFFER3,206 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 66015. Spouse: Elizabeth Esther DRUMMOND. David SHAFFER and Elizabeth Esther DRUMMOND were married in 1866.3,206 Reference Number:1105298 Florence SHAFFER3,413 was born about 1855.3,413 She died WFT Est 1884-1949.3,413 She is reference number 93724. Parents: Nathan SHAFFER and Lucinda CHANEY. Spouse: Ammiel Hezakiah PATTERSON. Ammiel Hezakiah PATTERSON and Florence SHAFFER were married WFT Est 1883-1917.3,413 Reference Number:1492831 Children were: Nellie Alda PATTERSON, Delbert Allen PATTERSON, Lucinda Ann PATTERSON, Myrtle D. PATTERSON, Selby PATTERSON, Elma Ester PATTERSON, Pearl L. PATTERSON. Gillis Elsworth SHAFFER3,413 was born about 1880.3,413 He died WFT Est 1881-1970.3,413 He is reference number 93814. Parents: Levi SHAFFER and Mary M. CRAIG. John SHAFFER3,398 was born in 1865 in ?.3,398 He died in 1939 in ?.3,398 He was buried Unknown in ?.3,398 He is reference number 70669. Levi SHAFFER3,413 was born about 1850.3,413 He died WFT Est 1883-1941.3,413 He is reference number 93813. Spouse: Mary M. CRAIG. Levi SHAFFER and Mary M. CRAIG were married WFT Est 1881-1915.3,413 Reference Number:1494228 Children were: Gillis Elsworth SHAFFER, Orthello J. SHAFFER. Living SHAFFER.395 Spouse: Living CHRISCO. Living SHAFFER.3 Spouse: Living LEONARD. Children were: Living SHAFFER. Living SHAFFER.3 Parents: Living SHAFFER and Living LEONARD. Living SHAFFER.3 Spouse: Living ALLSUP. Children were: Living ALLSUP, Living ALLSUP, Living ALLSUP, Living ALLSUP. Living SHAFFER.523 Spouse: Living ESHELMAN. Children were: Living SHAFFER, Living SHAFFER, Living SHAFFER, Living SHAFFER, Living SHAFFER. Living SHAFFER. Parents: Living SHAFFER and Living ESHELMAN. Spouse: Living CLARK. Children were: Living CLARK. Living SHAFFER. Parents: Living SHAFFER and Living ESHELMAN. Living SHAFFER. Parents: Living SHAFFER and Living ESHELMAN. Spouse: Living OLIVIERI. Children were: Living OLIVIERI. Living SHAFFER. Parents: Living SHAFFER and Living ESHELMAN. Living SHAFFER. Parents: Living SHAFFER and Living ESHELMAN. Spouse: Living KARNS. Lyman SHAFFER3,413 was born about 1800.3,413 He died WFT Est 1829-1891.3,413 He is reference number 93425. He was in Tanner & Farmer.3,413 Spouse: Anne ELLIOTT. Lyman SHAFFER and Anne ELLIOTT were married on 8 May 1823.3,413 Reference Number:1487376 Mary SHAFFER3,425 was born WFT Est 1855-1875.3,425 She died WFT Est 1876-1959.3,425 She is reference number 67895. Spouse: Jonathan MERSHIMER. Jonathan MERSHIMER and Mary SHAFFER were married WFT Est 1876-1909.3,425 Reference Number:1126113 Nathan SHAFFER3,413 was born about 1830.3,413 He died WFT Est 1861-1921.3,413 He is reference number 94780. Spouse: Lucinda CHANEY. Nathan SHAFFER and Lucinda CHANEY were married WFT Est 1861-1896.3,413 Reference Number:1493076 Children were: Florence SHAFFER. Orthello J. SHAFFER3,413 was born about 1880.3,413 He died WFT Est 1881-1970.3,413 He is reference number 93815. Parents: Levi SHAFFER and Mary M. CRAIG. Susan SHAFFER5,128 was born about 1880.5,128 She is reference number 10928. Spouse: William Franklin MELIUS. William Franklin MELIUS and Susan SHAFFER were married on 28 Jun 1905 in Callaway, Custer Co., NE..5 Reference Number:40550 Zelpha SHAFFER3,413 was born in 1887.3,413,2132 She died in 1958.3,413,2132 She is reference number 93874. Spouse: Roy Ephraim CONRAD. Roy Ephraim CONRAD and Zelpha SHAFFER were married WFT Est 1915-1946.3,413 Reference Number:1495250 Children were: Florence Elizabeth CONRAD, John Howard CONRAD, Harold Dean CONRAD. Mary SHAFNER.404 Spouse: John Lindley FITZRANDOLPH. Mary SHAFTESBURY.10,70,212,213 Parents: \King Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou Plantagenet and Geoffrey V PLANTAGENET. Parents: \King Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou Plantagenet and Concubine Two Mrs. Geoffrey V PLANTAGENET. Parents: \King Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou Plantagenet. Fletcher SHAIN.3 Spouse: Ann Mariah PORTER. William Martin SHAIN.3 Spouse: Elizabeth YOUNG. Christopher SHAKE.394 Spouse: Elender JOHNSON. Children were: Martha SHAKE. Lemuel SHAKE.394 Spouse: Alta HOULDSON. Children were: Loy SHAKE. Living SHAKE.394 Spouse: Living HOULDSON. Children were: Living SHAKE, Living SHAKE, Living SHAKE. |