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William SHELBY3,405,426,577 died in 1844.3,405,426,577 He was born WFT Est 1834-1843.3,405,426 He is reference number 79545. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: _MFA1]3,426 [boyd-trees.ged]



Facts about this person:

Fact 1
no children[xx.FTW]


WILLIAM SHELBY had no children. Parents: Thomas SHELBY and Nancy Haynes GORDON.

Ann SHELDON7,129 was born about 1612 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Arthur SHELDON.

Anne SHELDON.3 Parents: Ralph SHELDON and Beatrice ALLEN.

Anne SHELDON7,129 was born in 1577 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK.

Arthur SHELDON7,129 was born about 1575 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died in 1651 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK.

Children were: Jane SHELDON, Mary SHELDON, Ralph SHELDON, Arthur SHELDON, John SHELDON, Ann SHELDON, Elizabeth S HELDON.

Arthur SHELDON7,129 was born about 1607 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Arthur SHELDON.

Ebenezer Sr. SHELDON7,129 was born on 1 May 1677 in Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 18 Mar 1755 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Eleazer SHELDON7,129 was born on 4 Aug 1672 in Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 13 Feb 1673 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Elisha E. SHELDON5,128 was born about 1807.5,128

Spouse: Sarah PETERS. Elisha E. SHELDON and Sarah PETERS were married in 1833 in Hampersfield, NY.5

Elizabeth SHELDON5,128 was born about 1786 in Rockland, NY.5,128 She is reference number 9604.

Spouse: Samuel WEYANT. Samuel WEYANT and Elizabeth SHELDON were married. Reference Number:36258 Children were: Goldieshe WEYANT, George WEYANT, Lucy Ann WEYANT, Anne WEYANT, Charles Madara WEYANT, Sally WEYANT, Phebe WEYANT.

George SHELDON7,129 was born about 1540 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: John Jr. SHELDON.

George SHELDON7,129 was born in 1579 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died on 26 Mar 1622. Parents: Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK.

Gilbert SHELDON.129 Parents: Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK.

Hannah SHELDON.5,94,126,127

Spouse: Joseph CATLIN.

Hannah SHELDON7,129,165 was born on 29 Jun 1670 in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She died in 1729 in Spingfield, Massacusetts. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts.

1 _UID 9A4F1F09329ED511B0EAA15CF328434501FC Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Spouse: Samuel CHAPIN. Samuel CHAPIN and Hannah SHELDON were married on 24 Dec 1690 in Northampton, Hamphire, Massachusetts. Children were: Hannah CHAPIN, Abilenah CHAPIN, Mary CHAPIN, Caleb CHAPIN, Experience CHAPIN, Mary CHAPIN, Capt. Elisha CHAPIN, Lydia CHAPIN, Henry CHAPIN, Samuel CHAPIN II.

Spouse: Samuel CHAPIN I. Samuel CHAPIN I and Hannah SHELDON were married on 24 Dec 1690 in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts. Children were: Abilenah CHAPIN, Samuel CHAPIN II, Caleb CHAPIN, Capt. Elisha CHAPIN, Experience CHAPIN, Hannah CHAPIN, Henry CHAPIN, Lydia CHAPIN, Mary CHAPIN, Mary CHAPIN.

Henry SHELDON7,129 was born about 1530 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died in 1600. Parents: John Jr. SHELDON.

Hugh SHELDON.129 Parents: Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK.

Hugh SHELDON7,129 was born about 1410 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: .

Children were: Richard SHELDON.

Isaac Jr. SHELDON7,129 was born on 4 Sep 1656 in Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 29 Mar 1712 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Isaac Sr. SHELDON7,129 was born in 1629 in Bakewell, Derby, England. He was christened in 1630 in Bakewell, Derby, England. He died on 27 Jul 1708 in Northampton, Massachusetts. 1 NOTE Ancestor of the Beechers, including Harriet Beecher Stowe.
"English Or igins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimore MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: Ralph SHELDON and Barbara STONE.

Spouse: Mary WOODFORD. Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD were married on 17 Apr 1652 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut. Children were: Mary SHELDON, Isaac Jr. SHELDON, John Sr. SHELDON, Thomas SHELDON, Ruth SHELDON, Thankful SHELDON, Mindwell SHELDON, Joseph SHELDON, Hannah SHELDON, Eleazer SHELDON, Samuel SHELDON, Ebenezer Sr. SHELDON, Mercy SHELDON.

Spouse: Mehitable GUNN. Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mehitable GUNN were married in 1686. Children were: Jonathan SHELDON.

Jane SHELDON7,129 was born about 1600 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Arthur SHELDON.

John SHELDON7,129 was born about 1610 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Arthur SHELDON.

John SHELDON7,129 was born on 8 May 1628 in Bakewell, Derby, England. He died on 24 May 1690 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Parents: Ralph SHELDON and Barbara STONE.

John Jr. SHELDON7,129 was born about 1495 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died after 1572. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: John Sr. SHELDON.

Children were: Roger SHELDON, Richard SHELDON, Henry SHELDON, Thomas` SHELDON, George SHELDON.

John Sr. SHELDON7,129 was born about 1470 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died about 1523 in Bakewell, Derby, England. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: Richard SHELDON and ELIZABETH.

Children were: John Jr. SHELDON.

John Sr. SHELDON7,129 was born on 8 Dec 1658 in Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 7 Jun 1725 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Ensign Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Jonathan SHELDON7,129 was born on 29 May 1687 in Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 10 Apr 1769 in West Suffolk, Connecticut. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mehitable GUNN.

Joseph SHELDON7,129 was born on 1 Feb 1668 in Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 2 Jul 1708 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Living SHELDON.3

Spouse: Eugene Stanley BOYD.

Mary SHELDON7,129 was born about 1602 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Arthur SHELDON.

Mary SHELDON7,129 was born on 4 Sep 1654 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 20 Apr 1728 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Mercy SHELDON7,129 died in Feb 1681 in Northampton, Massachusetts. She was born on 24 Feb 1681 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Mindwell SHELDON7,129 was born on 24 Feb 1665 in Northampton, Massachusetts. She died on 3 Apr 1735 in Durham, Connecticut. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Ralph SHELDON3,486 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 55489.

Spouse: Beatrice ALLEN. Ralph SHELDON and Beatrice ALLEN were married. Reference Number:955872 Children were: Anne SHELDON.

Ralph SHELDON.129 Parents: Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK.

Ralph SHELDON7,129 was born about 1605 in Ashford, Derby, England. He died in 1651 in Probably At Sea. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: Arthur SHELDON.

Spouse: Barbara STONE. Ralph SHELDON and Barbara STONE were married on 27 Apr 1629 in Bakewell, Derby, England. Children were: John SHELDON, Isaac Sr. SHELDON, Samuel SHELDON, Solomon SHELDON.

Jr Remembrance SHELDON.5,94,126,127

Spouse: Sarah EGGLESTON.

Richard SHELDON7,129 was born about 1440 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: Hugh SHELDON.

Spouse: ELIZABETH. Richard SHELDON and ELIZABETH were married. Children were: John Sr. SHELDON.

Richard SHELDON7,129 was born about 1524 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died in Mar 1590 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: John Jr. SHELDON.

Children were: Roger SHELDON, Richard SHELDON.

Richard SHELDON7,129 was born in 1555. He died on 7 Mar 1621. Parents: Richard SHELDON.

Roger SHELDON7,129 was born about 1520 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died in Mar 1590. Parents: John Jr. SHELDON.

Roger SHELDON7,129 was born about 1550 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He was christened on 11 Aug 1561 in Stanton, Staffordshire, England. He died on 30 Sep 1623 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. 1 NOTE "English Origins of New England Families", 2nd series, Vol III,Baltimor e MD; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, p. 182-203,compiled and edited by Gary Boyd Roberts. Parents: Richard SHELDON.

Spouse: Helen WOODCOCK. Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK were married in Derbyshire, England. Children were: Hugh SHELDON, Ralph SHELDON, Gilbert SHELDON, Arthur SHELDON, Anne SHELDON, George SHELDON, Thomas SHELDON.

Ruth SHELDON7,129 was born on 27 Aug 1663 in Northampton, Massachusetts. She died on 28 Oct 1698. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Samuel SHELDON7,129 was born about 1632 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. He died on 31 Jan 1684 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Ralph SHELDON and Barbara STONE.

Samuel SHELDON7,129 was born on 9 Nov 1675 in Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 31 Mar 1745. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Sarah SHELDON.5,94,126,127

Spouse: Dr. Dudley WOODBRIDGE.

Solomon SHELDON7,129 was born about 1634 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Ralph SHELDON and Barbara STONE.

Susannah Or Lydia SHELDON4,5 was born on 19 Aug 1758 in Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island.4,5 She died on 23 Feb 1823 in Bastard, Leeds, Ontario.4,5 She is reference number MC1029.

Spouse: David NICHOLS. David NICHOLS and Susannah Or Lydia SHELDON were married. Children were: Susannah NICHOLS, Clark NICHOLS, Lydia NICHOLS, Ruth NICHOLS, Sheldon NICHOLS, Phebe NICHOLS, Sara NICHOLS, David NICHOLS, Hiram NICHOLS, Stephen NICHOLS.

Thankful SHELDON7,129 was born on 27 Aug 1663 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 20 Oct 1741 in Northampton, Massachusetts. Parents: Isaac Sr. SHELDON and Mary WOODFORD.

Thomas SHELDON7,129 was born about 1581 in Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England. Parents: Roger SHELDON and Helen WOODCOCK.

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