Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Living SHERRARD.3 Parents: Living SHERRARD and Living.

Living SHERRARD.3 Parents: Living SHERRARD and Living.

Living SHERRARD.3 Parents: John H. SHERRARD and Lillie Mae CATLETT.

Spouse: Living AMBROSE. Children were: Living SHERRARD.

Living SHERRARD.3 Parents: Living SHERRARD and Living AMBROSE.

Living SHERRARD.3 Parents: John H. SHERRARD and Lillie Mae CATLETT.

Spouse: Living COBB. Children were: Living COBB, Living COBB.

Living SHERRARD.3 Parents: John H. SHERRARD and Lillie Mae CATLETT.

Spouse: Living STATLER. Children were: Living STATLER, Living STATLER, Living STATLER.

Mary Fulton SHERRARD3,281 was born on 18 Jul 1872 in Near Steubenville, Noble, Ohio.3,281 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 53030. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: DAR]3

Spouse: Frank M. BOYD. Frank M. BOYD and Mary Fulton SHERRARD were married on 20 Oct 1897.3,281 Reference Number:920993

Warner SHERRARD3,649 was born on 7 Oct 1925.3,649 He died on 22 May 1997 in Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA.3,159,649 He is reference number 76027. Parents: John H. SHERRARD and Lillie Mae CATLETT.

Spouse: Living BOHRER. Children were: Living SHERRARD.

Living SHERRELL.395

Spouse: Living BEARD. Children were: Living SHERRELL, Living SHERRELL.

Living SHERRELL.395 Parents: Living SHERRELL and Living BEARD.

Spouse: Living GOODYEAR. Children were: Living SHERRELL.

Living SHERRELL.395 Parents: Living SHERRELL and Living GOODYEAR.

Living SHERRELL.395 Parents: Living SHERRELL and Living BEARD.

Spouse: Living ESCAMILLA.

Living SHERRI.3

Spouse: Living VAUGHN. Children were: Living VAUGHN, Living VAUGHAN.

Dona SHERRILL3,206,578 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 82508. Parents: Samuel Webb SHERRILL and Deel MORRISSON.

Emma SHERRILL3,206,578 was born on 31 Jul 1869.3,206,578 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 82453. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.

Spouse: James BANE. James BANE and Emma SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1338021 Children were: Esther BANE.

Harriet SHERRILL3 was born about 1810.3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 1088.

Spouse: Robert BOYD. Robert BOYD and Harriet SHERRILL were married on 30 Apr 1835.3 Reference Number:27718

Jessie SHERRILL3,206,578 was born in Mar 1866.3,206,578 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 82452. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.

Spouse: Frank SCOTT. Frank SCOTT and Jessie SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1338008 Children were: Earl SCOTT.

John SHERRILL7,188 died about 1862 in Fentress Co., TN.

Spouse: Burcelia M. MULLINAX. John SHERRILL and Burcelia M. MULLINAX were married.

John SHERRILL3,206,578 was born on 11 Jun 1860.3,206,578 He died in 1860.3,206,578 He is reference number 82449. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.


Spouse: Living PREWETT.

Mary SHERRILL3,206,578 was born on 4 Oct 1858.3,206,578 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 82448. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.

Spouse: Unk HOMER. Unk HOMER and Mary SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1337932 Children were: Joseph HOMER.

Spouse: Josh RUSH. Josh RUSH and Mary SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1337933

Spouse: KING. KING and Mary SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1337934

Nancy SHERRILL3,206,578 was born on 10 Jun 1862.3,206,578 She died Unknown in California.3,206,578 She is reference number 82450. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.

Spouse: Henry MASSEY Sr.. Henry MASSEY Sr. and Nancy SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1337968 Children were: Henry MASSEY Jr., Lido MASSEY, Mary MASSEY.

Olive SHERRILL3,206,578 was born on 1 Jul 1871.3,206,578 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 82454. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.

Spouse: C. W. WELSHER. C. W. WELSHER and Olive SHERRILL were married. Reference Number:1338034 Children were: Eber WELSHER, Donna WELSHER, Lynn WELSHER.

Samuel Webb SHERRILL3,206,578 was born on 17 Dec 1856.3,206,578 He died Unknown in North Dakota.3,206,578 He is reference number 82447. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.

Spouse: Deel MORRISSON. Samuel Webb SHERRILL and Deel MORRISSON were married. Reference Number:1337910 Children were: Dona SHERRILL.

Thomas SHERRILL3,206,578 was born in 1828 in Putnam Co, Indiana.3,206,578 He died Unknown in Ellinsville, North Dakota.3,206,578 He is reference number 82446.

Spouse: Eliza Jane SIPLE. Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE were married. Reference Number:1328851 Children were: Samuel Webb SHERRILL, Mary SHERRILL, John SHERRILL, Nancy SHERRILL, William SHERRILL, Jessie SHERRILL, Emma SHERRILL, Olive SHERRILL.

William SHERRILL3,206,578 was born on 28 Jun 1864.3,206,578 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 82451. Parents: Thomas SHERRILL and Eliza Jane SIPLE.


Spouse: Sallie WARE.

Living SHERRY.3

Spouse: Living LEWIS. Children were: Living LEWIS, Living LEWIS.

Living SHERWIN.3

Spouse: Living SCARBROUGH. Children were: Living SHERWIN, Living SHERWIN, Living SHERWIN, Living SHERWIN.

Living SHERWIN.3 Parents: Living SHERWIN and Living SCARBROUGH.

Spouse: Living MCCRACKEN. Children were: Living SHERWIN, Living SHERWIN.

Living SHERWIN.3 Parents: Living SHERWIN and Living SCARBROUGH.

Spouse: Living CHASKO. Children were: Living CHASKO, Living CHASKO, Living CHASKO.

Living SHERWIN.3 Parents: Living SHERWIN and Living SCARBROUGH.

Spouse: Living PAINTER.

Living SHERWIN.3 Parents: Living SHERWIN and Living SCARBROUGH.

Spouse: Living MURRAY.

Living SHERWIN.3 Parents: Living SHERWIN and Living MCCRACKEN.

Living SHERWIN.3 Parents: Living SHERWIN and Living MCCRACKEN.

(1St Husband) SHERWOOD5,128 was born about 1779.5,128 He is reference number 2423.

Spouse: Jane HALSTEAD. (1St Husband) SHERWOOD and Jane HALSTEAD were married. Reference Number:2372

Benjamin Franklin SHERWOOD was born on 25 Dec 1848. Parents: John Wilkeman SHERWOOD and Polly DOUTHITT.

Carrie SHERWOOD3,41 was born in 1884 in .3,41 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 83937. Parents: Presley SHERWOOD and Sarah May JEWELL.

Cecil SHERWOOD3,218,643 was born on 11 Jan 1911 in Clay County, Arkansas.3,218,643 He died on 27 Aug 1970 in Unknown.3,218,643 He was buried Unknown.3,218,643 He is reference number 109177.

Spouse: Allie Fredda NEELEY. Cecil SHERWOOD and Allie Fredda NEELEY were married on 25 Oct 1931 in Clay County, Arkansas.3,218,643 Reference Number:1714856 Children were: Living SHERWOOD.


Spouse: Martha HULL.

Elizabeth Wilkinson SHERWOOD was born on 11 Dec 1851. Parents: John Wilkeman SHERWOOD and Polly DOUTHITT.

Jane - 2Nd Wife - SHERWOOD5,128 was born on 5 Oct 1778.5,128 She died on 4 Apr 1850 in New York City, NY.5,128 She is reference number 5260. Parents: Solomon SHERWOOD and Elizabeth FOSHAY.

Spouse: Pearson Jr. HALSTEAD. Pearson Jr. HALSTEAD and Jane - 2Nd Wife - SHERWOOD were married on 17 Aug 1799.5,128 Reference Number:3454 Children were: Phebe Eliza HALSTEAD.

Jeremiah SHERWOOD.19

Spouse: Sarah ELROD.

John Wilkeman SHERWOOD was born in Aug 1818 in Rutherford Co., TN. He died on 2 Mar 1853 in Bowie Co., Texas..

Spouse: Polly DOUTHITT. John Wilkeman SHERWOOD and Polly DOUTHITT were married on 30 Jun 1846 in Red River Township, Lafayette Co., Arkansas.. Children were: Benjamin Franklin SHERWOOD, William Presley SHERWOOD, Elizabeth Wilkinson SHERWOOD.

Jonathan SHERWOOD.19

Spouse: Kesiah ELROD.

Living SHERWOOD.3 Parents: Cecil SHERWOOD and Allie Fredda NEELEY.

Presley SHERWOOD3,41 was born in .3,41 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 83936.

Spouse: Sarah May JEWELL. Presley SHERWOOD and Sarah May JEWELL were married. Reference Number:1358383 Children were: Carrie SHERWOOD.


Spouse: Joshua HOLCOMB. Children were: Joshua HOLCOMB.

Solomon SHERWOOD5,128 was born about 1849.5,128 He is reference number 5261.

Spouse: Elizabeth FOSHAY. Solomon SHERWOOD and Elizabeth FOSHAY were married. Reference Number:3456 Children were: Jane - 2Nd Wife - SHERWOOD.

William Presley SHERWOOD was born in Mar 1850. Parents: John Wilkeman SHERWOOD and Polly DOUTHITT.

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