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John TORRENS3,38 was born on 24 Apr 1856 in Oakdale, Washington, Ill.3,38
He died Unknown.3 He is
reference number 16231. Parents: Robert
TORRENS and Caroline Aseneth CURTIS. Jesse TORRES.3 Living TORRES.3 Spouse: Living SHOCK. Living TORRES.3 Spouse: Living PARRA. Children were: Living PARRA. Living TORRES.3 Spouse: Living MARTINHO. Children were: A. Cody MARTINHO. Aliverto TORRESANA7,125 was born about 840. Children were: Guglielmus Of TORRESANA. Guglielmus Of TORRESANA7,125 was born about 860 in , , Italy. He died after 940. Parents: Aliverto TORRESANA. Children were: Aleramo Di MONTFERRAT. George Burritt TORREY5,94,126,127 died on 2 Dec 1850 in Killingly, Conn.5,94,126,127 He is reference number 16032. Parents: Walter Davis TORREY and Mary Augusta TRUESDELL. Keziah TORREY4,5 was born on 1 May 1702 in Of Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA.4,5 She died on 22 Nov 1762 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA.4,5 [master ged.FTW] [1840319.FTW] !MARRIAGE-DEATH: Plymouth Vital Statistics FHL Book 974.48 S1 V2n pages 169 and 396. Died 22 Nov 1762 or 20 Oct 1762. Spouse: Nehemiah HATCH. Nehemiah HATCH and Keziah TORREY were married on 17 Jun 1755 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA.4,5 Living TORREY.3 Spouse: Living HARRIS. Walter Davis TORREY5,94,126,127 was born on 27 Oct 1825 in Thompson Or Killingly, Conn.5,94,126,127 He died on 20 Oct 1851 in Manchester, Conn.5,94,126,127 He is reference number 16030. Spouse: Mary Augusta TRUESDELL. Walter Davis TORREY and Mary Augusta TRUESDELL were married on 3 Oct 1848.5,94,127 Reference Number:122999 Children were: George Burritt TORREY. Haaken Jakobsen Sogarn TORSHOV3,413 was born in 1743.3,413 He died in 1805.3,413 He is reference number 93968. Parents: Jakob Haakensen Sogarn TORSHOV and Anne ANDERSDATTER. Spouse: Berte TORESDATTER. Haaken Jakobsen Sogarn TORSHOV and Berte TORESDATTER were married WFT Est 1774-1800.3,413 Reference Number:1497139 Children were: Thorer HAAGENSEN. Jakob Haakensen Sogarn TORSHOV3,413 was born about 1710 in From Vestby.3,413 He died in 1791.3,413 He is reference number 94017. Parents: Haakon TORERSEN. Spouse: Anne ANDERSDATTER. Jakob Haakensen Sogarn TORSHOV and Anne ANDERSDATTER were married WFT Est 1751-1764.3,413 Reference Number:1497356 Children were: Haaken Jakobsen Sogarn TORSHOV. Elsa TORSSON4,5 was born on 9 Mar 1714 in Jacobstorp, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 She died on 3 Oct 1795.4,5 She is reference number PE2301. Parents: Tore NILSSON and Ingier. Spouse: Olof SAMSSON. Olof SAMSSON and Elsa TORSSON were married about 1729 in Of Fridelsted, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 Children were: Marie OLAFSSON. Nils TORSSON4,5 was christened on 2 Mar 1712 in Jacobstorp, Blekinge, Sweden.4,5 Parents: Tore NILSSON and Ingier. Miss De TORTA7,14,122 was born about 960 in France.709 Parents: Ralph De TORTA. Parents: . Spouse: Earl Of Warenne William De WARENNE. Earl Of Warenne William De WARENNE and Miss De TORTA were married. Children were: Rudolph DE WARENNE II. Ralph De TORTA7,14 was born about 935 in France.709 Children were: Miss De TORTA. Kathrine TORY3,41 was born in Spouse: Samuel S. ROSS. Samuel S. ROSS and Kathrine TORY were married in 1855.3,41 Reference Number:1374244 Children were: Charles ROSS, Clara ROSS, Phebe ROSS. Berta Di TOSCANA7,370 was born in 947.462 Parents: Marchese Di Toscana UMBERTO and Guilla Di SPOLETO?. Irmgard Di TOSCANA7,370,461 was born about 901.368 She died After 29 Feb 931-932.368 Parents: . Parents: Marchese II ADALBERTO Di Toscana and Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE. Spouse: Ct De Parma Ivrea\ Di Ivrea ADALBERT. Ct De Parma Ivrea\ Di Ivrea ADALBERT and Irmgard Di TOSCANA were married. Children were: ANSCHIER Marchese Di Spoleto. Princess Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA7,27,129,173,242,243,248,295,370,377,461 was born about 924 in Tuscany.16,20 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died after 966 in Bamburg.16,20,201,462 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess of Tuscany TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN ME DI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennin gton.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: A ug 19, 1997 OCCU ... SOUR misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d00 03 says 930; gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says 904;sites.rootsweb.com/gum by says ABT 924; www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 904 SOUR BA IL3.GED (Compuserve) (place only), Italy Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. St uart, p. 193, AFT 966, Bamburg HAWKINS.GED says ABT 966 PAGE 140 QUAY 1 ROY AL.THD (Compuserve) indicates that Willa de Toscana=Willa de Bourgogne & that she not Willa de Arles was wife of Berengrius II - NLP; Royalty for Com- moner s, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 132 says Willa's mother, Willa de Bourgogne, was wif e to Hugh de Vienne - NLP; There is definitely a problem here since the way I have it would indicate she was having children with both husbands at the same time. Needs further research - NPH OCCU ... SOUR misc.traveller.com/geneal ogy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0003 says 930; gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says 904;sites.rootsweb.com/gumby says ABT 924; www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz/family/d00 00 says ABT 904 SOUR BAIL3.GED (Compuserve) (place only), Italy Royalty for C ommoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193, AFT 966, Bamburg HAWKINS.GED says ABT 96 6 PAGE 140 QUAY 1 ROYAL.THD (Compuserve) indicates that Willa de Toscana=Wil la de Bourgogne & that she not Willa de Arles was wife of Berengrius II - NLP; Royalty for Com- moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 132 says Willa's mother, Will a de Bourgogne, was wife to Hugh de Vienne - NLP; There is definitely a proble m here since the way I have it would indicate she was having children with bot h husbands at the same time. Needs further research - NPH OCCU ... SOUR m isc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0003 says 930; gendex.com/users/ daver/rigney/D0001 says 904;sites.rootsweb.com/gumby says ABT 924; www.public.as u.edu/~bgertz/family/d0000 says ABT 904 SOUR BAIL3.GED (Compuserve) (place onl y), Italy Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193, AFT 966, Bamburg HAWKINS.GED says ABT 966 PAGE 140 QUAY 1 ROYAL.THD (Compuserve) indicates t hat Willa de Toscana=Willa de Bourgogne & that she not Willa de Arles was wife of Berengrius II - NLP; Royalty for Com- moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 132 s ays Willa's mother, Willa de Bourgogne, was wife to Hugh de Vienne - NLP; Ther e is definitely a problem here since the way I have it would indicate she was having children with both husbands at the same time. Needs further research - NPH DATE 26 APR 2000 GIVN Willa of (Arles) SURN TUSCANY NSFX * DATE 5 MAY 2000 Parents: Bozon Marquis Of TUSCANY and Princess Of Burgundy Willa DE BURGUNDY. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: BOSON and Willa D' ARLES. Parents: . Parents: M Of Tuscany Boso OF TUSCANY and Willa OF BURGUNDY. Spouse: Count Of Flanders Arnoul FLANDERS II. Count Of Flanders Arnoul FLANDERS II and Princess Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA were married. Spouse: King
Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II. King Of Italy Berenger DE IVREA II and Princess
Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA were married in 936 in Spouse: Count Of Hugh De VIENNE. Count Of Hugh De VIENNE and Princess
Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA were married in 927. Children were: Humbert Hubert Umberto DE VIENNE. Spouse:
Count Of Vienne HUGH. Count Of Vienne
HUGH and Princess Of Tuscany Willa Di TOSCANA were married in 927.
Children were: Humbert Hubert Umberto
DE VIENNE. Spouse:
Villentrois Garnier DE LOCHES. Children
were: Roscilla DE LA HAYE. Spouse:
Werner DE LA HAYE. Werner DE LA HAYE
and TOSCANDA were married. Children were: Roscilla DE LA HAYE. Spouse: Siegneur
De Loches Garnier De VILLENTROIS. Siegneur De Loches Garnier De VILLENTROIS
and TOSCANDA were married. Children were: Roscilla DE LA HAYE. Spouse: Sarah M. LAWS. Farmer Levi Franklin TOSH and Sarah M. LAWS were
married on 18 Jul 1877 in , Macoupin Co, IL.3,87 Reference Number:826574 Spouse:
Living BINKLEY. Spouse: David
W. HAYWOOD. David W. HAYWOOD and Matilda A TOSH were married on 17 Jan 1872
in Independence Co Ark.3,487 Reference Number:234936 Spouse: Rosanna Elizabeth LAWS. William R. TOSH
and Rosanna Elizabeth LAWS were married on 31 Aug 1879 in Carlinville, Macoupin
Co, IL.3,87 Reference Number:826532 Spouse: Living HALSTEAD. Children were: Living
Living HALSTEAD. Children were: Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD. Spouse: James
Madison BOYD. James Madison BOYD and Martha TOSSO were married on 4 Jan 1859
in Home Of David Blashford In Newport KY.3,963 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt.
Marriage]3,474 Reference Number:545436 Children were: David Blashford BOYD, Maria
Elizabeth BOYD, Henry BOYD, Alice May BOYD, William Edward BOYD, James
Madison BOYD, Martha BOYD, Violet BOYD. Children were: Sigrid
The HAUGHTY. Children were: Sigrid STORRADA. Spouse:
Living TRUDO. Children were: Living TRUDO. Spouse:
Living JONES. Children were: Living TOTH. Spouse: \Lord Barnstable\ Johel DE TOTENEIS. \Lord Barnstable\ Johel
DE TOTENEIS and TOTNAIS were married in Children were: \Lord Barnstable\ Johel DE TOTENEIS. Children were: \Lord Barnstable\ Johel DE TOTENEIS. Spouse: Oliver De TRACY. Children were: Oliver
De TRACY. Spouse: Richard BARNES. Richard BARNES and Phebe TOTTEN were married.
Reference Number:3924 Children were: Elizabeth
BARNES, James BARNES, Richard BARNES. Spouse: Thomas
DUTTON. Thomas DUTTON and Ann TOUCHET were married. Children
were: Elizabeth DUTTON. Spouse: Eleanor
DE HOLLAND. James TOUCHET and Eleanor DE HOLLAND were married.
Children were: Ann TOUCHET. Spouse: Living HENDRICKSON. Spouse: Alice Fitz ROBERT. Robert TOUCHET and Alice Fitz ROBERT were
married about 1190. _FREL Natural
Spouse: Robert WHITNEY. Robert WHITNEY and Constance TOUCHETT were married.
Reference Number:31014 Children were: James
WHITNEY. Spouse:
Addie Lee WALKER. Joseph TOUGLET
Sr. Williams and Addie Lee WALKER were married on 6 Sep 1883.3,577 Reference
Number:1292847 Spouse: Armengol De TOULOUSE.
Armengol De TOULOUSE and Adelaide Of TOULOUSE were married in |