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VARDEMAN.3 Parents: Living VARDEMAN and Velma Leota HELM. Living VARDEMAN.3 Spouse: Velma Leota HELM. Children were: Living VARDEMAN. \\ VARDEMAN3,426 was born WFT Est 1766-1803.3,426 He died WFT Est 1792-1881.3,426 He is reference number 80351. Spouse: Mary WILCOXSON. \\ VARDEMAN and Mary WILCOXSON were married WFT Est 1792-1838.3,426 Reference Number:1307301 Living VARDY.404 Spouse: Living NICHOLS. Children were: Living VARDY, Living VARDY, Living VARDY. Living VARDY.404 Parents: Living VARDY and Living NICHOLS. Living VARDY.404 Parents: Living VARDY and Living NICHOLS. Spouse: Living BOND. Living VARDY.404 Parents: Living VARDY and Living NICHOLS. Living VARGAS.3 Spouse: Living SMITH. Children were: Living VARGAS. Living VARGAS.3 Parents: Living VARGAS and Living SMITH. Maria Josephine VARGAS.19 Spouse: Johnny Ray CAMP. Children were: Christina Michelle CAMP. Harold VARIAN5,128 was born on 3 Jul 1882 in Woodlawn, NY.5,128 He died on 13 Jul 1960 in NY.5,128 Spouse: Etta Brower HALSTEAD. Harold VARIAN and Etta Brower HALSTEAD were married. Spouse: Edna A. GIBBONS. Hannah VARNELL3,88,89,90,1788 was born on 9 Nov 1802 in Tennessee, USA.3,90 She died on 7 Feb 1881 in Red Clay, Georgia, USA.3,90 She is reference number 94906. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,88 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,88 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Marriage fact]3,90 Parents: . Spouse: William MCGAUGHEY. William MCGAUGHEY and Hannah VARNELL were married WFT Est 1829-1863.3,90,1788 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,88 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Marriage fact]3,90 Reference Number:1512962 James VARNELL3,90 was born WFT Est 1828-1854.3,90 He died WFT Est 1834-1935.3,90 He is reference number 94910. Parents: Mitchell P. VARNELL and Lavinia MCGAUGHEY. Jesse VARNELL3,90 was born WFT Est 1828-1854.3,90 He died WFT Est 1834-1935.3,90 He is reference number 94911. Parents: Mitchell P. VARNELL and Lavinia MCGAUGHEY. John VARNELL3,90 was born WFT Est 1828-1854.3,90 He died WFT Est 1834-1935.3,90 He is reference number 94913. Parents: Mitchell P. VARNELL and Lavinia MCGAUGHEY. Mitchell P. VARNELL3,90 was born on 17 Mar 1807 in Tennessee, USA.3,90 He died on 6 Nov 1886 in Georgia, USA.3,90 He was also known as Mitchell Varnell.3,88,89,90,1788 He is reference number 94907. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,88,89,90,1788 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,88,89,90,1788 Parents: . Spouse: Lavinia MCGAUGHEY. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]3,88,90,1788 They were married on 26 Jan 1830 in Blount Co, Tennessee, USA.3,90 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Marriage fact]3,90 Reference Number:1512987 Children were: James VARNELL, Jesse VARNELL, Samuel VARNELL, John VARNELL. Samuel VARNELL3,90 was born WFT Est 1828-1854.3,90 He died WFT Est 1849-1935.3,90 He is reference number 94912. Parents: Mitchell P. VARNELL and Lavinia MCGAUGHEY. Spouse: Maggie SEYMOUR. Samuel VARNELL and Maggie SEYMOUR were married WFT Est 1849-1893.3,90 Reference Number:1513118 Edward VARNER3,41 was born in Spouse: Louisa LEEDING. Edward VARNER and Louisa LEEDING were married on 16 Dec 1882.3,41 Reference Number:1356784 Children were: Laura VARNER, Homer VARNER, Olive VARNER. Homer VARNER3,41 was born in Laura VARNER3,41 was born in Living VARNER.3 Spouse: Living SHINDLER. Olive VARNER3,41 was born in Ann (Vodin) VARNEY3,483 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 58948. [boyd-trees.ged] [1.ftw] [Myged#1.ftw] Spouse: William A. ANDREWS. William A. ANDREWS and Ann (Vodin) VARNEY were married. Reference Number:1004880 Children were: William ANDREWS, Varney ANDREWS, Ephriam ANDREWS, Lazarus ANDREWS, Rowland ANDREWS, Ann ANDREWS. VARNON.3 Benjamin VARNON3,294 was born about 1781 in Delaware.3,294 He died on 18 Sep 1847 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 He is reference number 37972. Parents: John VARNON and MARY. Spouse: Sally THOMPSON. Benjamin VARNON and Sally THOMPSON were married on 29 Dec 1808 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 Reference Number:697826 Elizabeth VARNON3,294 was born about 1846 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 37714. Parents: Jarrett VARNON and EMERINE. Elizabeth Duval VARNON3,294 died before 1856 in Callaway Co MO.3,294 She is reference number 38465. [boyd-trees.ged] [aaa.FTW] [miller2.FTW] sister to John Varnon Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse:
Alvin West MILLER. Alvin West MILLER
and Elizabeth Duval VARNON were married on 15 Apr 1834 in Calloway Co MO.3,294,880 Reference Number:702796
Hubbard VARNON3,294 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 37958. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: Elizabeth GRIFFITH. Hubbard VARNON and Elizabeth GRIFFITH were married on 21 Nov 1836 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 Reference Number:697635 Hubbard VARNON3,294 was born about 1849 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 37717. Parents: Jarrett VARNON and EMERINE. Jane VARNON3,294 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 37957. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: Elijah
E CHRIS(T)MAN. Elijah E CHRIS(T)MAN and Jane VARNON were married on 1 Mar
1830 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 Reference Number:697623
Jarrett VARNON3,294 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 37712. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: EMERINE. Jarrett VARNON and EMERINE were married. Reference Number:694505 Children were: Elizabeth VARNON, John S VARNON, Hubbard VARNON. John VARNON3,294 signed a will in Apr 1823 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 He died before Apr 1825 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Willrec]3,294 He was born in Delaware.3,294 He is reference number 37965. [boyd-trees.ged] [aaa.FTW] [miller2.FTW] In the name of God Amen! I John Varnon of the County of Bourbon and State of Kentucky being meak of body but of a sound and disposing mind and calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die do make publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament in the manner and form following . First I give and bequeath unto my son John Varnon five dollars being his portion of my Estate real and personal. Second - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Smith wife to James Smith three hundred dollars together with one feather bed and furniture belonging thereto this being her portion of my Estate real and personal. Third - I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin Varnon all my notes that I hold for money due me on different persons this being his portion of my Estate real and personal. Fourth - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Varnon my Land that I live on. The two blacks Daniel and Rose, farming utensils my house hold and kitchen furniture except what has been divided and here after thus divided here mare saddle and bridle. Two cows and six sheep and my stock of hogs one years provisions after my desease and at her desease her Estate is to go to her brother Benjamin's heirs provided she has no heirs to enjoy her Estate being her portion of my Estate and personal. Fifth - I give and bequeath to my grand Daughter Polly Varnon daughter of Benjamin Varnon one feather bed and furniture. Sixth - I give and bequeath to my grand Daughter Mariah Varnon daughter of John Varnon thirty pounds of new feathers. It is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid with my funeral expenses. It is my will and I intend to be so that my Daughter Mary Smith's three hundred dollars is to be raised out of my stock and if she so chooses the stock at the valuation she is to get them if not her money is to be raised by the sale of them and paid over to her or her heirs. I constitute my son John Varnon and I appoint him Executor to this my last will and Testament And publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament and none other. As witnessed my hand and seal this fifth day of April one thousand eight hundred and twenty three 1823. Published and declared In the presence of Leeland Whaley George Talbott John Gregory Bourbon county Court April term 1825 This last will and Testatment of John Varnon dec. being produced into Court and proven by the oath of Leeland Whaley and George Talbott subscribing -names placed thereto and sworn to by John Varnon the Executor the will names is pursuant to the order of said Court duly recorded in my office. Spouse: MARY. John VARNON and MARY were married. Reference Number:697752 Children were: John VARNON, Benjamin VARNON. John VARNON3,294,1153,1248,3828 was born about 1778 in Delaware.3,294 He signed a will in Apr 1856 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 He died in 1864 in Georgetown, Kentucky.3,294 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Willrec]3,294 He is reference number 38515. [boyd-trees.ged] [aaa.FTW] [miller2.FTW] APRIL 29TH 1856 IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I JOHN VARNON OF BOURBON CTY AND STATE OF KENTUCKY, BEING OF SOUND MIND AND DISPOSING MEMORY AND KNOWING THAT IT IS ORDAINED FOR ALL ME TO DIE, DO MAKE THIS MY LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT IN THE WORDS AND FIGURES FOLLOWING ________. Imprimus 1st. It is my will that after all my just debts and funeral expenses are paid, that my property both personal and real shall be disposed of as follows. 2nd. It is my will at my demise that my Executor shall sell all of my Estate real personal and __________ to the highest bidder, the land to be sold, one third of the price sold for to be paid in hand when sold, the balance in one and two years annual payments. The Slaves and personal property to be sold on twelve months credit except so many of my slaves as my wife Elizabeth Varnon may wish to retain for her use in case she should live longer than myself and also she the said Elizabeth is to have four thousand dollars out of the proceeds of my land and personal property in lieu of dower in said lands. 3rd I have heretofore given my Daughter Mildred Francis who intermarried with D. Nehemiah C. Dilly fifteen hundred dollars in land and other property. It is my will that she shall have laid off to her off the land that I purchased of Wallons (?) heirs and John Endicott, what may be coming to his our of my Estate at the rate of fifty dollars per acre. 4th I have given my Daughter Polina Varnon, who intermarried with Tarlton W. Rolland now decd property worth seven hundred Dollars. I have given to my Daughter Mary G. Varnon, who intermarried with Henry Shawhan, she is now decd seven hundred dollars. I have given to my Daughter Laura S. Varnon, now Decd who intermarried with James Batterton, thirteen hundred and fifty dollars. I have given my Daughter Nancy J. Varnon who intermarried with Orace J. Miller now living in Missouri Sixteen hundred and forty dollars. I have given to my Daughter Jane L. Varnon who intermarried with Elijah Christman now living in Missouri Nine hundred and fifty dollars. I have given unto my Daughter Elizabeth D. Varnon now decd who intermarried with Alvin Miller now living in Missouri three thousand dollars. I have given my son Hubbard Varnon Seventeen hundred dollars. I have given my Son Jarrott W. Varnon four thousand dollars, the above amounts gave to my Children is to be charged to them by my Executor on the settlement of my Estate. 5th my daughters Paulina, Elizabeth, Mary, and Laura have died and left heirs it is my will that their heirs have their Mother's share per capita as though they were alive, it is my will that all shall be made equal on final settlement of my Estate. 6th It is my will that one fourth of an acre of land be reserved by my Executor where the family burying ground lies and it is always to be kept by the family for a family burial. 7th Reposing all confidence in my son Hubbard W. Varnon. I do appoint him my Sole Executor of this my last for to carry out the purposes therein contained. Enterlined before signed. John Varnon Witnesses John Williams BF Collins State of Kentucky Scott County Court January Term 1865 A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of john Varnon deceased was this day produced in open Court and proven by the oath of BF Collins one of the subscribing witnesses there to who also testifies to the signature of John Williams the other witness thereto the said BF Collins being present when the said Williams signed said will as witness to the same and was acknowledged by said John Varnon in the presence of both witnesses. Recorded February 2, 1865 When inventoried his assets came to $12,739.43. John Williams was his brother-in-law. BF Collins bought his farm when he moved to Georgetown in 1854. Parents: John VARNON and MARY. Spouse: Elizabeth WILLIAMS. John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS were married on 1 Jan 1804 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 Reference Number:694506 Children were: Jarrett VARNON, Mildred Francis VARNON, Polina\Paulina VARNON, Mary VARNON, Laura VARNON, Jane VARNON, Hubbard VARNON, Elizabeth Duval VARNON, Nancy Jane VARNON. John S VARNON3,294 was born about 1847 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 37716. Parents: Jarrett VARNON and EMERINE. Laura VARNON3,294 died before 1856.3,294 She is reference number 37956. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: James BATTERTON. James BATTERTON and Laura VARNON were married on 8 Dec 1826 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 Reference Number:697613 Mary VARNON3,294 died before 1856 in Nicholas Co KY.3,294 She is reference number 37955. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: Henry Ewalt SHAWHAN. Henry Ewalt SHAWHAN and Mary VARNON were married on 20 Oct 1835 in Bourbon Co KY.3,294 Reference Number:697587 Children were: Mary SHAWHAN, Hubbard Warfield SHAWHAN, Joseph W SHAWHAN. Mildred Francis VARNON3,294 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 37953. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: D. Nehemiah C. DILLE. D. Nehemiah C. DILLE and Mildred Francis VARNON were married. Reference Number:697563 Nancy Jane VARNON3,294 was born on 14 Jan 1810.3,294 She died on 12 Dec 1887 in MO?.3,294 She is reference number 38215. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: Orris James MILLER. Orris James MILLER and Nancy Jane VARNON were married on 6 Oct 1828 in Millersburg, Bourbon Co KY.3,294 Reference Number:700544 Children were: John Hubbard MILLER, James T MILLER, Alvin William MILLER, Md George Dumas MILLER, Elizabeth J MILLER. Polina\Paulina VARNON3,294 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 37954. Parents: John VARNON and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Spouse: Tilton\Tarlton W ROLLAND. Tilton\Tarlton W ROLLAND and Polina\Paulina VARNON were married on 24 Nov 1822 in Harrison Co. KY Between Cynthiana And Leesburg KY.3,294 Reference Number:697570 Willis VARNS3,413 was born about 1890.3,413 He died WFT Est 1921-1981.3,413 He is reference number 94570. Spouse: Mildred GUTHRIE. Willis VARNS and Mildred GUTHRIE were married WFT Est 1921-1956.3,413 Reference Number:1507431 Unknown VARNUM.188 Spouse: Arthur J. ROBBINS. Children were: Living ROBBINS. Natalie Archibald VARS5,94,126,127 was born on 28 Oct 1915 in Bridgeport, Fairfield Co., CT.5,94,126,127 She died on 28 Oct 1968 in Danbury, Fairfield Co., CT.5,94,126,127 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Fact 3]5,94,126,127 She is reference number 17078. Spouse: Frank Wilson TRUESDELL. Frank Wilson TRUESDELL and Natalie Archibald VARS were married about 1939 in Baltimore, MD.5,94,127 Reference Number:93976 Children were: Living TRUESDELL, Living TRUESDELL, Living TRUESDELL, Living TRUESDELL. Joseph Henry VASCHE5,128 was born on 1 Apr 1880 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA..5,128 He died on 5 Nov 1930 in Oakdale, Stanislaus Co., CA..5,128 He is reference number 8362. Spouse: Alfreda Agnes STRIBLING. Joseph Henry VASCHE and Alfreda Agnes STRIBLING were married on 14 Oct 1909 in Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA..5 Reference Number:31721 Beatrice VASCI.327 Spouse: Eustace CLAVERING. Living VASILIADIS.3 Spouse: Living DULL. Children were: Living VASILIADIS, Living VASILIADIS. Living VASILIADIS.3 Parents: Living VASILIADIS and Living DULL. Living VASILIADIS.3 Parents: Living VASILIADIS and Living DULL. Living VASILON.5,128 Spouse: Living HALSTEAD. Children were: Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD. ? VASQUEZ.3 Spouse: Elena ROMERO. Living VASQUEZ.3 Spouse: Living FERNANDEZ. |