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(Marvin Or) VON MARINER4,5 was born about 1628.4,5 She is reference
number G10205. Spouse: Johannes Von B KNICKERBOCKER. Johannes Von B KNICKERBOCKER and Juliana (Marvin Or) VON MARINER were married. Children were: Harmen Jansen KNICKERBOCKER. Gainfroi VON MASSGAU7,242 was born in 795. OCCU Count in Massgau FREN Y DATE 14 MAR 1999 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 OCCU a count, possibly of Sens SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html OCCU a count, possibly o f Sens SOUR al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html Parents: Count Of Sens Mainier Of SENS and Daughter DE HAUDRE. Spouse: Theinlindis BLOIS. Gainfroi VON MASSGAU and Theinlindis BLOIS were married. Children were: Count Of Massgau Gislebert Of MASSGAU. Bishop Of Metz Arnoul De Heristal VON METZ5,7,18,38,54,71,110,113,128,198,201,202,220,222,298,467,502,514,530,531,542,554 was born on 13 Aug 582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium.5,113,115,128,201,502 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He died on 16 Aug 641 in Metz, Moselle, France.5,113,115,128,201,502 He was christened in Mayor Of The, Palace, Bishop Of Metz, In 612. He was buried in Metz, Moselle, France.201 [De La Pole.FTW] Sources: RC 53, 171, 358; AF; Kraentzler 1635; Collins; Pfafm an; "The Franks;" The Carolingian Ancestry of Edmond Hawes, Alice Freeman andT homas James by Henry James Young. Along with Pepin, the Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia, Arnoul(Arnulf) was a chief advisor of Dagobert. RC calls him a tuto r ofDagobert. Bishop of Metz. K: St. Arnuld, the Holy, Majordomo and Bishop of Metz. Born after 13June 562. Buried Habendum an der Mozel, later at St. Arnul f's Church at Metz. Carolingian: St Arnulph, died 641, mayor of the palace of Austrasia,later bishop of Metz. No wife listed. Collins (or Smallwood) mixes u p St. Arnold, Bishop of Metz. withArnoaldus, Bishop of Metz.Name Suffix:<NSFX> Bishop of Metz Name Suffix:<NSFX> Bishop of Metz [De La Po le.FTW] Sources: RC 53, 171, 358; AF; Kraentzler 1635; Collins; Pfafman; "Th e Franks;" The Carolingian Ancestry of Edmond Hawes, Alice Freeman and Thomas James by Henry James Young. Along with Pepin, the Mayor of the Palace in Austr asia, Arnoul (Arnulf) was a chief advisor of Dagobert. RC calls him a tutor of Dagobert. Bishop of Metz. K: St. Arnuld, the Holy, Majordomo and Bishop of Met z. Born after 13 June 562. Buried Habendum an der Mozel, later at St. Arnulf's Church at Metz. Carolingian: St Arnulph, died 641, mayor of the palace of Aus trasia, later bishop of Metz. No wife listed. Collins (or Smallwood) mixes up St. Arnold, Bishop of Metz. with Arnoaldus, Bishop of Metz. GIVN St Arnoul, de SURN Metz AFN 9GC9-0M _PRIMARY Y EVEN Bishop of Metz TY PE Appointed DATE BEF 628 PLAC Metz EVEN King Dagobert of Austrasia TYPE C ounselor DATE BET 628 AND 639 PLAC Metz DATE 10 SEP 2000 TIME 06:57:57 GIVN St. Arnoul (Arnulf) Bishop SURN Metz NSFX ** ! RELAIONSHIP: H. Reed Bla ck is 37th G G Son. GIVN St._Arnoul (Arnoldus) Bishop_of SURN Metz Colonia l and Revolutinary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2. Royal Ancestors of S ome LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 701. Also spelled St. Arnoul, Bish op of Metz. Ancestry and Progeny of Captain James Blount - Inmigrant. by Rober tFfafman p. E- 30, OCCU Bishop of Metz ... SOUR COMYNR.TAF says CIR 13 Aug 582, Austrasia;www.public.asu.edu/bgertz/family says ABT 582;Royalty for Comm oners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129, 249 says 582; COLLINS.ROY; al7fl.abts.net/g reen-page/greenged.html says AFT 13 Aug 582; SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roder ick W. Stuart, p. 129 says 16 Aug 640; COMYN4.TAF, p. 10 says ABT 640/641;al7f l.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html; misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmil burn says 16 Aug 641 SOUR COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve); al7fl.abts.net/green-page/ greenged.html ; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 36, 129; www.pu blic.asu.edu/bgertz/family/d0000 Saint Arnulf Von Metz - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserv e Roots), p. 4; St. Arnulf (Arnoul) - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 10; COMYNR.T AF (Compuserve Roots) says that the parents I have listed as Doda's parents (w hich was info obtained from COMYN4.TAF) were actually the parents of Arnulf. I believe the COMYN4 file is correct - NLP; Major Domus de Austrasia, Eveque o f Metz - COMYNI.GED, #1594;ADAM.TXT (Compuserve) says father was Ausbert de Mo selle-NLP ARNOUL DE METZ, son of BODEGISEL II and ODA: St. Arnulf (Arnoul), B ishop of Metz, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia and tutor of Dagobert - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129 ADAM.ZIP (GS) says father was Arnou l, son of Ausbert de Moselle - ADAM.ZIP(GS) http://misc.traveller.com/genealog y/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0001/g0000049.htm#I1347 & http://www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz /family/d0001/g0000067.htm#I2045 say father was Arnoul (Bishop of Metz), son of Ausbert de Moselle http://www.teleport.com/~ddonahue/donahue/d0001/s0000043. htm#I2228 says parents were Arnoldus & Oda of Saxony - NPH http://www.public.a su.edu/~bgertz/family/d0002/g0000072.htm#I2043 says parents were Arnoldus of Sa xony (son of Ausbert de Moselle and Bertha de Kent) and Ode of Saxony - NPH ht tp://www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz/family/d0003/g0000083.htm#I2411 says parents we re Bodegisel II and Oda - NPH http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/d 0008/g0000105.html#I27201 says parents are Ansbertus (son of Ferreol and Dode) and Bilichilde - NPH He was Bishop of Metz, Mayor of the Palace and tutor of D ogobert, tonsured late summer 613. He may have been married "Abt 596". He may h ave died 18 Jul 641. [This child may not have the parents indicated; the first source indicates that Bodegisel II is the father of Saint Arnoulf; the secon d source says that Ansbert is the father of St Arnoulf; I have left the two lin es in tact and have identified Dode as the daughter of one side of Charlemagne' s family tree to keep both in this database. Gary O. Green]; Bishop of Metz (612/4-627/9); Feast day, 19 August.; This Arnulf (Arnoul) passed his earlier l ife at the court of Theodebert II, King of Austrasia; through the marriage of h is elder son with a daughter of Pepin of Landen (St. Begga), he became an an cestor of the Carolingian dynasty. At the age of thirty, he wanted to retire fr om public life, but instead in 614 he was chosen Bishop of Metz, though still a layman. He continued to act as adviser to King Chlotar II, whom he had helpe d to the Frankish throne, and was tutor to his son Dagobert. Arnulf made furthe r attempts to resign his offices, but it was not until 629 that he was able to retire to the Vosges mountains. Here his friend Also Known As:<_AKA> Arnoul de /Heristal/ Arnoul was the 29th. Bishop of Metz, in 612. He was canonized by the Church, Saint Arnoul. He became the Mayor of t he Palace of Austrasia, and tutor of Dagobert. In the year 614, when Clotaire II had had Brunehaut killed, he remained the only descendant of the sons of Clo vis alive. But he is only a toy in the hands of the Franc aristocracy both lay and ecclesiastic. At the head of each of the three ancient kingdoms, Austrasia , Neustria and Burgundy, the Major Domus [Mayor of the Palace] gains progressiv ely greater importance. On 18 October 614, Clotaire II signed the Edict of Pari s which in 27 articles, essentially formed the basic power structure for the Co uncil of Bishops and the Assembly of the Greats [nobles]. In 623, Clotaire I I was pushed by the Bishop of Metz and also Pepin [Le Vieux de Landen] , the Ma yor of the Palace to give Austrasia its own King. Thus, Clotaire II's son Dagob ert became King of Austrasia and under the tutelage of Arnoul. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Bishop Of Metz Arnold DE SCHELDT and Dode (Oda) Of HERISTAL. Parents: . Parents: Bishop Of Metz Arnold DE SCHELDT and Oda DE SCHWABEN. Parents: Govenor Aguitine Bodigisel II AUGITINE and Dode (Oda) Of HERISTAL. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Governor Of Aquitaine BODEGISEL II and Oda Of SUEVIA. Parents: Govenor Aguitine Bodigisel II AUGITINE and Oda DE SCHWABEN. Parents: ARNOULDUS. Parents: II BODEGEISEL and A Suevian ODA. Spouse: Saint
Iduberge Ou Itta VON SCHELDE. Bishop Of Metz Arnoul De Heristal VON METZ
and Saint Iduberge Ou Itta VON SCHELDE were married in 602 in , Herstal, Liege,
Belguim.5,115,128 _FREL
Count Of Neider Lahngau Gerhard VON METZ II7,54 was born in 885. He died in 910 in Battle. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count Of Neider Lahngau Parents: Udo OF NIEDER-LAHNGAU. Spouse: Uda OF SAXONY. Children were: Udo I Of Werner Wingarteiba VON WETTERAU, Oda Of Metz UDA. Richeut VON METZ7,18 was born in 844. She was also known as Richardis. Parents: Count Of Metz Budwine METZ and Richilde D'ARLES. Spouse: King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE. King Of France Charles II Caroling FRANCE and Richeut VON METZ were married. Duchess Of Lorra Luitgarde VON MOHA7,111 was born in 1109 in Trier, Rhineland, Germany. She died in 1162. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duchess of Lorra Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duchess of Lorra Ances tral File Number:<AFN> 9HM6-4S Parents: Count Of Sultzba Albert MOHA and Countess Of Dags Ermisende DE LUXEMBOURG. Eberhard VON NIEDERLANDGAU7,54 died in 902 in Bamberg, Germany. Parents: Udo OF NIEDER-LAHNGAU. Gerhard VON NORDGAU II7,121 was born in 974. He died in 1038. He was also known as Gerhard II Von Nordgau.243 DATE 3 MAY 2000 Parents: Count Of Hugo NORDGAU V and Countess Of Lower Alsace BERLINDA. Parents: Count Of Nordgau V HUGH and Countess Of Lower Alsace BERLINDA. VON PERG.45,463 Spouse: Margrave Of Austria* Leopold III Of AUSTRIA. Himiltrude VON RHINELAND7,18,33,34,121,198,221,242,264 was born about 742 in Prussia. She died in 783 in Germany? - Wife Of Charlemagne. She was also known as Concubine. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCD-MB OCCU PLAC (Concubine) OCCU a concubine .. SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahu e says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen, Rhineland,Prussia - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; OCCU a concubine .. SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue sa ys ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen,Rhin eland,Prussia - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; OCCU a concubine .. SOU R CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen,Rhinelan d,Prussia - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 T ITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TYPE Book AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis PERI A ncestral Roots EDTN 7th PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999) TEXT Line (50-13) TYPE E-Mail Message AUTH Ed Mann <[email protected] IA.COM> TITL Re: early Plantagenets DATE 29 Oct 1998 LOCA GEN-MEDIEVAL-L@roo tsweb.com/PowerMac 6500>Applications>Reunion>Documents-source DATE 3 APR 2000 GIVN Hameltrude of SURN France NSFX * EVEN TYPE Mother of PLAC Alpais of Paris DATE 5 MAY 2000 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA T EXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 770, Prussia; w ww.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 770; members.aol.com/sargen3 says AB T 770, Aichen, Rhineland, Prussia; SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 SOUR CHARLE MG.ZIP (GS) says 770, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 770; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 770, Aichen, Rhineland, Prussia; SOUR member s.aol.com/sargen3 OCCU PLAC (Concubine) OCCU a concubine .. SOUR CHARLE MG.ZIP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen,Rhineland,Prussi a - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; OCCU a concubine .. SOUR CHARLEMG.Z IP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen,Rhineland,Prussia - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; OCCU a concubine .. SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP ( GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen,Rhineland,Prussia - www .teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Oth er PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.F TW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TYPE Book AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis PERI Ancestral Roots EDTN 7th PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999) TEXT Li ne (50-13) TYPE E-Mail Message AUTH Ed Mann <[email protected]> TITL Re : early Plantagenets DATE 29 Oct 1998 LOCA [email protected]/PowerM ac 6500>Applications>Reunion>Documents-source DATE 3 APR 2000 GIVN Hameltru de of SURN France NSFX * EVEN TYPE Mother of PLAC Alpais of Paris DAT E 5 MAY 2000 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Impo rt: Feb 1, 1999 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Imp ort: Feb 1, 1999 SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 770, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ ddonahue/donahue says ABT 770; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 770, Aichen, R hineland, Prussia; SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 770, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahueAncestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCD-MB OCCU PLAC (Concubine) OCCU a concubi ne .. SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/dona hue says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aache n,Rhineland,Prussia - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; OCCU a concubine . . SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen,Rh ineland,Prussia - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; OCCU a concubine .. S OUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 746, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 746; of the Holy Roman Empire - sites.rootsweb.com/gumby; of Aachen,Rhinel and,Prussia - www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue; TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL pennington.FTW RE PO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TYPE Book AUTH or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis PERI Ancestral Roots EDTN 7th PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, M D (1999) TEXT Line (50-13) TYPE E-Mail Message AUTH Ed Mann <[email protected] CIA.COM> TITL Re: early Plantagenets DATE 29 Oct 1998 LOCA GEN-MEDIEVAL-L@ro otsweb.com/PowerMac 6500>Applications>Reunion>Documents-source DATE 3 APR 2000 GIVN Hameltrude of SURN France NSFX * EVEN TYPE Mother of PLAC Alpai s of Paris DATE 5 MAY 2000 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 TITL Final.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999 SOUR CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says 770, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 770; members.aol.com/sargen3 says A BT 770, Aichen, Rhineland, Prussia; SOUR members.aol.com/sargen3 SOUR CHARL EMG.ZIP (GS) says 770, Prussia; www.teleport.com/ddonahue/donahue says ABT 770 ; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 770, Aichen, Rhineland, Prussia; SOUR membe rs.aol.com/sargen3 Children were: Pepin Monk At PRUM. Spouse: Emperor Of
The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne
MARTEL and Himiltrude VON RHINELAND were married in 768 in (Not Married - Had
Natural Dtr).231 EVEN
Alburgis VON RINGELHEIM3,7,206,377,1109,1110,2585 was born about 800 in Ringelheim, Germany.3,206,1109,2585 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]299 She was also known as Alburgis Von Ringelheim.221,299 She died.3 She is reference number 65393. 1 NAME Altburg /de Saxe/ 2 SOUR S04104 3 PAGE athertonb database 2 SOUR S25694 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Aug 9, 2000 Spouse: Wolpert VON RINGELHEIM. Wolpert VON RINGELHEIM and Alburgis VON RINGELHEIM were married. Reference Number:1098071 Children were: Count Of Ringelheim Reginhart Count Of VON RINGELHEIM, Count Of Ringelheim\ REGINHARD. Friedrun VON RINGELHEIM377 was born about 880 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Prussia.377 Parents: Count Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM and Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND. Spouse: Wichmann I Count In SAXONY. , Countess Of Ringelheim Matilda VON RINGELHEIM3,7,38,54,95,198,206,221,299,535 was born in 833 in Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany.3,206,299 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died after 909 in Hannover, Germany.3 She is reference number 65391. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess Ancestral File Number:<AFN> FLH2-LL Parents: Echbert DREINI and IDA. Parents: Echbert DREINI and Ida RIPUARAIN. Parents: Echbert DREINI and IDA. Spouse: Count Of Ringelheim Reginhart Count Of VON RINGELHEIM. Count Of Ringelheim Reginhart Count Of VON RINGELHEIM and , Countess Of Ringelheim Matilda VON RINGELHEIM were married. Reference Number:1097957 Children were: Count Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM. Children were: Count Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]139,299,500 She was born in 878 in Of Ringelheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany.16,20,340,377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]115 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]115 She died on 14 May 968 in Memleben, Saxony, Germany.16,20,84,340,377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]139,299,500 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She was christened in Saxony - Direct Desc. Of Widukind (Mathilde). She was buried in Quedlinburg.16 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] GEDCOM line 18867 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Matilda GEDCOM li ne 18868 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SURN of Ringleheim Weis' "Ances tral Roots" (141:18), (142:17), (147:18). Neither Weis nor Stuart identifie s the mother, but from the dates of marriage, it must be Gisela rather than Re ginhilde. Parents: Count Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM and Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND. Parents: . Parents: Walpert RINGELHEIM and Alburgis Von Ringleheim LESMONIA. Parents: . Parents: Count Dietrich RINGELHEIM and Reinhildis LUDMILLA. Parents: Count Wolpert RINGELHEIM and Alburgis RINGELHEIM. Parents: Count Of Ringleheim THEODORIC and Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND. Parents: Count Dietrich RINGELHEIM. Parents: Graf Von Ringelheim REGINHART and Mathilde Von SACHSEN. Parents: Count Of Ringleheim Theodoric DIETRICH and Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND. Parents: Count Of Ringleheim Theodoric DIETRICH and Gisela OF LORRAINE. Parents: . Spouse: Emperor/Germany Henry I Of The Germans SAXONY. Emperor/Germany
Henry I Of The Germans SAXONY and Countess Of Ringleheim Matilda VON RINGELHEIM
were married in 909 in Spouse:
King Of Germany HENRY I. King Of
Germany HENRY I and Countess Of Ringleheim Matilda VON RINGELHEIM were married.
Children were: Princess Of The Germans
Hedwig Or Hartwige SACHSEN. Spouse: King
Of Germany Heinrich I HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR. King Of Germany Heinrich I HOLY
ROMAN EMPEROR and Countess Of Ringleheim Matilda VON RINGELHEIM were married
about 907. Children were: Archbishop
Of Koln Bruno I Of KOLN, Queen Of
France Gerberge Auceps Of FRANCE, Princess
Of The Germans Hedwig Or Hartwige SACHSEN, HENRI
Duc De Lorraine, King Of Germany Otto
I OF GERMANY. Spouse: , Countess
Of Ringelheim Matilda VON RINGELHEIM. Count Of Ringelheim Reginhart Count
Of VON RINGELHEIM and , Countess Of Ringelheim Matilda VON RINGELHEIM were married.
Reference Number:1097957 Children were: Count
Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM. Spouse: Countess Of Ringelheim Mathilda Of DREINI. Count Of Ringelheim
Reginhart Count Of VON RINGELHEIM and Countess Of Ringelheim Mathilda Of DREINI
were married. Children were: Count
Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM. Spouse: Alburgis
Reference Number:1098071 Children were: Count
Of Ringelheim Reginhart Count Of VON RINGELHEIM, Count Of Ringelheim\ REGINHARD. Spouse:
Hugh Eugene FOX. Spouse:
Hans MERKLIN. Hans MERKLIN and Henrietta
VON ROSEN were married in 1521.3,9 Reference Number:1449458 Children
were: Maria MERKLIN, Henrietta MERKLIN. Spouse: Walram
OF LUXEMBERG. Children were: John
OF LUXEMBERG. Spouse: Comte Adalbert III DE NAMUR. Comte Adalbert III DE NAMUR and
Ida Billung VON SACHSEN were married. Children were: Comte Godfrey DE NAMUR, Ida
De Chiney DE NAMUR, Henri I DE LA
ROCHE. Spouse: C. D'thurgovie Burchard I De THURGOVIE. C. D'thurgovie Burchard
I De THURGOVIE and Luitgard VON SACHSEN were married about 870. Children
were: Duke Of Suabia Burchard OF SUABIA
I. Spouse: MECHTILD.
Count Adalbert VON SAFFENBERG V and MECHTILD were married. Children
were: Count Adolph Von SAFFENBERG. Spouse: Count Of Bavaria
& Swabia Welf GUELPH I. Count Of Bavaria & Swabia Welf GUELPH I and Dutchess
Of Bavaria Edith VON SAXONY were married about 799 in Saxony.73,134 _FREL
Spouse: Emperor
Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL. Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne
MARTEL and Gerswinda VON SAXONY were married in 760. Children were:
Abbess Of St. Peters Adaltrude. Spouse: Godfrey
D'ARDENNE. Godfrey D'ARDENNE and Matilda VON SAXONY were married.
Children were: Ermentrude DE VERDON,
Regilla D'ARDENNES, Adelheid DE ARDENNE, Godfrey
DE VERDUN, Duke And Marquis Of Antwe
Gonzelon I OF LOWER LORRAINE. Spouse:
ANSOUD. Children were: Sigrada SIGRADE. Spouse:
Queen Of Kent Aldeberge DE SOISSONS Blithildis.
Senator Of Rome Ansbertus VON SCHELDE and Queen Of Kent Aldeberge DE SOISSONS
Blithildis were married about 561 in Spouse: Queen
Of Kent Aldeberge DE SOISSONS Blithildis. Senator Of Rome Ansbertus VON SCHELDE
and Queen Of Kent Aldeberge DE SOISSONS Blithildis were married.
Children were: Bishop Of Metz Arnold
DE SCHELDT. Children were: Duchess Angise Begga METZ. Spouse: Mayor Of The Palace Pepin I Le Vieux VON LANDEN. Mayor Of The
Palace Pepin I Le Vieux VON LANDEN and Saint Iduberge Ou Itta VON SCHELDE were
married about 612 in , Landen, Liege, Belguim. Children were: Duchess Angise Begga METZ, Grimoald I De LANDEN, Begga
Doda DE BRABANT, Mayor Of The Palace
Grimoald Of AUSTRASIA, [Abbess Nivelf]
Gertrude De LANDEN. Spouse: St
Arnoul OF METZ. St Arnoul OF METZ and Saint Iduberge Ou Itta VON SCHELDE
were married about 596.115
Children were: Ansgise OF AUSTRASIA,
St Clodulphe OF METZ. Spouse: Bishop Of Metz Arnoul De Heristal VON METZ.
Bishop Of Metz Arnoul De Heristal VON METZ and Saint Iduberge Ou Itta VON SCHELDE
were married in 602 in , Herstal, Liege, Belguim.5,115,128 _FREL Natural
Children were: Johannes
VAON SCHUDI. Children were:
Johannes VON SCHUDI. Children were:
Rudolf VON TSCHUDI. Children were: Heireich
VON SCHUDI. Spouse: Reginlinde Reginlindis' DE NELLENBURG. Burkhard II VON SCHWABEN
and Reginlinde Reginlindis' DE NELLENBURG were married. Children
were: Bertha Of SWABIA. Spouse: Duke
Of Saxony Bernhard II Duke In Saxony BILLUNG. Duke Of Saxony Bernhard II
Duke In Saxony BILLUNG and Elika VON SCHWEINFURT were married about 1020 in Spouse: BERNHARD Herzog Von Sachsen. BERNHARD Herzog Von Sachsen and
Elika VON SCHWEINFURT were married about 1020. Children were: Herzog Von Sachsen ORDULF, Gertrud Von SACHSEN. Spouse: Botho VON BOTTENSTEIN.
Botho VON BOTTENSTEIN and Jutte VON SCHWEINFURT were married. Children
were: Adelheid VON BOTTENSTEIN. Spouse: Irmgarde
DI SUZA. Otto VON SCHWEINFURT III and Irmgarde DI SUZA were married.
Children were: Jutta Of SWABIA. Spouse:
III and Irmgarde SUSA were married. Children were: Jutte VON SCHWEINFURT. Spouse: Marcus
SMITH. Marcus SMITH and Euprosyne VON SONTAG were married. Children
were: Rowena SMITH. Spouse:
Daniel Jr. HALSTEAD. Daniel Jr. HALSTEAD
and Hester VON SPRAND were married on 10 May 1794 in New York City, NY.5 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt.
Marriage]5,128 Reference Number:3341 Children were: John A. D. HALSTEAD, Christopher
Sarah Catherine 1St Wife HALSTEAD,
Eliza HALSTEAD, James M. HALSTEAD, Alexander
Mary Ellen HALSTEAD. Spouse: Unknown
JUDITH. Heinrich I Graf VON STADE and Unknown JUDITH were married.
Children were: Hildegarde VON STADE. Children were: Hildegarde
VON STADE. Spouse: Bernhard
Billung Duke Of SAXONY. Bernhard Billung Duke Of SAXONY and Hildegarde VON
STADE were married about 990 in Spouse: I
BERNHARD Herzog Von Sachsen. I BERNHARD Herzog Von Sachsen and Hildegarde
VON STADE were married about 990. Children were: BERNHARD Herzog Von Sachsen. Spouse: Duke Of Saxony Bernhard II Duke In Saxony BILLUNG. Duke Of Saxony
Bernhard II Duke In Saxony BILLUNG and Hildegarde VON STADE were married about
990. SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
Randolph OF BURGUNDY II. Randolph
OF BURGUNDY II and Bertha VON SWABIA were married. Children were:
Conrad OF BURGUNDY III. Spouse:
Duke Of Alemania\ Gerold I VINZGAU.
Duke Of Alemania\ Gerold I VINZGAU and Duchess Of Swabia Emma VON SWABIA were
married in 751. Children were: Count
Of Orleans Hadrian, Ermentrude Of ALLEMANIA,
Duke Of Alemania\ GEROLD II, Count Of Argengau\ ULRICH I, Count
Ulrich I Of ARGENGAU, Princess Of
Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU, Count
Of Orleans Hadrian Of ORLEANS. Spouse: Duke
Of Swabia Gerold GENEVA I. Duke Of Swabia Gerold GENEVA I and Duchess Of
Swabia Emma VON SWABIA were married about 740 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia.73,74
_FREL Natural
Spouse: Randolph OF
BURGANDY I. Children were: Waldrada
Randolph OF BURGUNDY II. Children were: Princess Ingonde VON THURINGIA. Spouse:
King Of The Clothaire FRANKS I. King
Of The Clothaire FRANKS I and Princess Ingonde VON THURINGIA were married.
Children were: Queen Of Kent Aldeberge
DE SOISSONS Blithildis, King Of Burgundy
GUNTRAM, Bertha MEROVING, Sigebert AUSTRASIA I. Spouse: King Of Cologne CLODERIC. King Of Cologne CLODERIC and Princess
Ingonde VON THURINGIA were married about 500. _FREL Natural