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Of Arles & Provence WILLIAM III7,14,122
was born about 981 in Arles, Provence, France. He died in 1018.
Parents: Count Toulouse William TOULOUSE
III and Arsinde D'ANJOU. Parents:
Count Toulouse William TOULOUSE III
and Countess Of Adela De ANJOU. Spouse: Countess Of Burgundy Gerberga De Burgundy DE MACON. Count Of Arles & Provence WILLIAM III and Countess Of Burgundy Gerberga De Burgundy DE MACON were married in 1002. Count Of Arques WILLIAM7,242 was born about 985. He died in 1053. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Also Known As:<_AKA> William /Poncius/, Count of Arques & Toulouse This file is as error-free as my sources. IF you should discover an error, I would appr eciate it if you would bring it to my attention and provide me with the correct information and source for that information. Many thanks. Parents: Duke Of Normandy Richard II BON II and Duchess Of Pope DE NORMANDY. Count Of Poitou Duke Of A WILLIAM III7,113,115,122 was born in 995 in Of Poitiers, Vienne, France. He died on 31 Jan 1029/30 in France. Parents: William II Count Of POITOU and Emma Of BLOIS. Spouse: Almodis VAN GEVAUDAN. Count Of Poitou Duke Of A WILLIAM III and Almodis VAN GEVAUDAN were married. Children were: Princess Of Aquitaine AGNAES, Duke Of Aquitaine Guillaume Vi-VIII AQUITAINE VI. Spouse: Countess Of Burgundy Gerberge DE BOURGOGNE. Count Of Poitou Duke Of A WILLIAM III and Countess Of Burgundy Gerberge DE BOURGOGNE were married before Mar 1017/18 in France. Children were: William V Count Of POITOU, Beatrix Of POITOU. WILLIAM Malet7,105,115,516,2329 was born in 1023 in Graville St Honorine, Normandy, France. He died in 1071 in Yorkshire, England.115 He was also known as Sheriff York Sire De Graville. William Malet, of Granville, Normandy; also held lands in Lincs before 1066 (po ssibly by virtue of his mother's putative status of Englishwoman); granted the feudal Barony of Eye, Suffolk, following the Conquest, in which he was one of W illiam I's chief lieutenants, being allegedly given the task by William of bury ing Harold's body after Hastings; Sheriff of Yorks 1068; married Hesilia Crispi n (living 1086), gggdau of Rollo The Dane, Duke of Normandy, and died c1071. [ Burke's Peerage] ---------------------------------------------- Note: Mal et is a dimunitive of "Mal" meaning evil. The Peytons, Camden observes, have had a common progenitor with the Uffords, who became Earls of Suffolk, the fou nder of both being William Mallet, a Norman baron, who was sheriff of Yorkshire in the 3rd of William I, and obtained grants of sundry lordships and manors fr om the crown, amongst which were Sibton and Peyton Hall, which he possessed at the time of the survey. "Iselham," says the same author, "formerly belonged to the Bernards, which came to the family of the Peytons by marriage, which knight ly family of Peyton flowed out of the same male stock whence the Uffords, Earls of Suffolk, descended; albeit they assumed the surname of Peyton, according to the use of that age, from their manor of Peyton Hall, in Boxford, in the count y of Suffolk." [John Burke & John Bernard Burke, Extinct and Dormant Baronetcie s of England, Ireland, and Scotland, Second Edition, Scott, Webster, & Geary, L ondon, 1841, p. 408, Peyton, of Isleham] Note: Domesday states that Walter d e Caen held Sibton (given to him by William's widow) and Swein of Essex held Pe yton--Walter having been dead since 1071. ---------------------------------- ----------------- William, according to some, was grandson of Lady Godiva & brother of Harold Godwyn's wife, while not necessarily entirely true, probably there was some relationship. I have William's mother as a daughter of Godiva's husband Leofric Earl of Mercia, by an earlier wife or mistress. ---------- ----------------------------------------- According to Crispin and Macary, " William (Guillaume) Malet de Graville stands out as one of the most imposing fi gures at the Conquest. There can be no doubt about his presence there, which is subscribed to by William of Poitiers, Guy of Amiens, Orderic Vital, and all th e historians of this epoch. So much has been placed on record concerning him th at just a few facts of his life will be recited here. He was probably descended from Gerard, a Scandinavian prince and companion of Duke Rollo, which gave the name of the fief of Gerardville or Graville, near Havre. Robert, the eldest so n, occurs in a document of about 990 in Normandy. On his mother's side William Malet was of Anglo-Saxon origin, for she was probably the daughter of Leofric, Earl of Mercia, and Godwa or Godgifu, the supposed sister of Thorold the Sherif f in the time of Edward the Confessor, and therefore the aunt of Edwin and Morc ar, Earls of Northumberland. He was nearly killed in the battle of Hastings but was rescued by the sire de Montfort and William of Vieuxpont, and was appointe d by William the Conqueror to take charge of the body of Harold, a statement th at has been disputed. The consensus of opinion favors it, and it is most logica l if William Malet's mother was as stated the sister of Algar II., 7th Earl of Mercia, who was the father of Alditha, wife of Harold. He accompanied King Will iam at the reduction of Nottingham and York in 1068, for which he was rewarded with the shreivalty of land in that county. Gilbert de Gand and Robert Fitz Ric hard were also commanders in this expedition. The following year he was besiege d in the castle of York by Edgar, the Saxon prince, and was only saved from sur render by the timely arrival of the Conqueror. In the same year he was attacked by the Danes, who captured the city of York with great slaughter and took Will iam Malet, his wife and children, prisoners, but Parents: Sire De \Graville\ Malet MR. and Daughter Of Leofric Earl Of MERCIA. Spouse: Hesilia CRISPIN. WILLIAM Malet and Hesilia CRISPIN were married. Children were: Alvarissa MALET, Lord Of Sibton Walter DE Caen, Baron Of Eye Malet GILBERT. Count Of Burgundy WILLIAM I7,248 was born about 1024 in Bourgogne, France. He died on 11 Nov 1087. He was also known as The Great. Parents: Count Palatine Of Burgund I RENAUD and Princess Of Normandy Alice DE NORMANDY. King Of England\ WILLIAM II7,21 was born between 1056 and 1060. He was also known as Rufus Normandy. Acceded 1087-1100. William II (known as William Rufus) Strong, outspoken an d ruddy (hence his nickname 'Rufus'), William II (reigned 1087-1100) extended h is father's policies, taking royal power to the far north of England. Ruthless in his relations with his brother Robert, William extended his grip on the duch y of Normandy under an agreement between the brothers in 1091. (Robert went on crusade in 1096.) William's relations with the Church were not easy; he took ov er Archbishop Lanfranc's revenues after the latter's death in 1089, kept other bishoprics vacant to make use of their revenues, and had numerous arguments wit h Lanfranc's popular successor Anselm. William died on 2 August 1100, after bei ng shot by an arrow whilst hunting in the New Forest. Parents: The Conqueror/Duke Of Nor Guillaume DE NORMANDIE and Countess Of Flanders Mathilda MATILDA. King Of England\ WILLIAM II7,35,36 was born in 1058.35 He died on 2 Aug 1100.35 He was also known as Rufus'. 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: The Conqueror/Duke Of Nor Guillaume DE NORMANDIE and Countess Of Flanders Mathilda MATILDA. King Of England WILLIAM Rufus7,46,47,48 was born in 1060 in Normandy, France.50 He died on 2 Aug 1100 in New Forest, Hampshire, England.50 [Pullen010502.FTW] Reigned 1087-1100. His harsh rule aroused baronial and ac clesiastical opposition, notably from Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury. He mad eseveral attempts to recover Normandy from his elder brother Robert andwas kill ed by an arrow while hunting. He may have been assasinated byorder of his young er brother who became Henry I. Had Red Hair. He hadvery little time for religio n and presided over a liberal court buttreated his subjects brutally. He was re luctant to fill churchvacancies and waited 4 years to apoint Anselm. Source: 'The World Book Encyclopedia', 1968, p WXYZ259.: William II'Rufus' King Of Eng land became king in 1087. He was called Rufus,meaning red, because of his ruddy complexion. Lustful for power andcompletely illiterate, he ruled with violence rather than strength.The clergy denounced his brutality and his infringements on churchrights. In 1088, several powerful Norman barons revolted againstWillia m. He put down the revolt and strengthened his position. Later,he gained contro l of Normandy by financing the crusading ventures ofhis brother Robert, Duke of Normandy. He also invaded Scotland andbrought it under his control in 1097. Wi lliam's reign was marked by abitter quarrel with the Roman Catholic Church. Wil liam kept the see ofCanterbury vacant after the archbishop die in 1089, in orde r tocollect its revenues for himself. When he fell seriously ill in 1093,he wel comed the election of Anselm as archbishop to atone for hissins. But when he re covered his health, he forced Anselm into exile.An arrow shot by a fellow hunte r killed William while he was hunting.The clergy refused to give him a church f uneral. REF: British Monarchy Official Website: William extended his father' spolicies, taking royal power to the far north of England and helpingto make We stminster the administrative centre of the kingdom. Downloaded from Bradfo rd_Taylor on rootsweb.com Parents: The Conqueror/Duke Of Nor Guillaume DE NORMANDIE and Countess Of Flanders Mathilda MATILDA. WILLIAM Of Normandy Clito7,507,508 was born in 1101 in Rouen, Seine, France.507 Parents: Duke Of Normandy Robert II and Sybilla DECONVERSANA. Spouse: Jeanne DEMONTFERRAT. Children were: Maud CLITO Of Normandy Lemeschines. Count Of Geneva WILLIAM I7,45,239 was born in 1130 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. He died on 25 Jul 1195. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HM2-JB Aka Guillaume Sn DE Faucigny. !NAME:Anc estry of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily De Neville A Royal Study and Chartin g to the Begining, Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily De Neville A Ro yal Study and Chartin g to the Begining, Kraentzler, Ernst-Friedrich, 17 OC T 1994, chart 1065 !NAME:Ahnentafel for Margery Arundell, Ahnentafel for Margery Arundell, Marlyn Lewis, 08 Oct 1997 !NAME:Wallop Family & Their Anc estry, Wallop Family & Their Ancestry, Vernon James Watney, Oxford: John John son, 1928, LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9., p 355 !NAME:large-G675.FTW, large -G675.FTW !NAME:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW !BIRTH:Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily De Neville A Royal Study and Chartin g to the Beginin g, Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily De Neville A Royal Study and Chartin g to the Begining, Kraentzler, Ernst-Friedrich, 17 OCT 1994, chart 10 65 !BIRTH:Brøderbund WFT Vol. 13, Ed. 1, Tree #0990, Date of Import: Jan 24, 1999, Brøderbund WFT Vol. 13, Ed. 1, Tree #0990, Date of Import: Jan 24, 1999 !BIRTH:Ahnentafel for Margery Arundell, Ahnentafel for Margery Arund ell, Marlyn Lewis, 08 Oct 1997 !BIRTH:Wallop Family & Their Ancestry, Wallo p Family & Their Ancestry, Vernon James Watney, Oxford: John Johnson, 1928, LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9., p 355 !BIRTH:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW !BIRTH:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW !DEATH:Ancestry of Richard Plantagen et and Cecily De Neville A Royal Study and Chartin g to the Begining, Ances try of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily De Neville A Royal Study and Chartin g to the Begining, Kraentzler, Ernst-Friedrich, 17 OCT 1994, chart 1065 !DE ATH:Brøderbund WFT Vol. 13, Ed. 1, Tree #0990, Date of Import: Jan 24, 1999, Brøderbund WFT Vol. 13, Ed. 1, Tree #0990, Date of Import: Jan 24, 1999 ! DEATH:Ahnentafel for Margery Arundell, Ahnentafel for Margery Arundell, Marly n Lewis, 08 Oct 1997 !DEATH:Wallop Family & Their Ancestry, Wallop Family & Their Ancestry, Vernon James Watney, Oxford: John Johnson, 1928, LDS Film# 1696491 items 6-9., p 355 !DEATH:large-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW !DEATH:l arge-G675.FTW, large-G675.FTW GIVN Guillaume I Count Of SURN GENEVA AFN 9HM2-JB PEDI adopted REPO @REPO10 97@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sai nts PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancest ral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Chu rch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, d ata as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral F ile (R) _MASTER Y DATE 21 OCT 2000 TIME 10:48:15 GIVN Guillaume I Count O f SURN GENEVA AFN 9HM2-JB PEDI adopted REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of L atter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 21 OCT 2000 TIME 10:48:15 Parents: Count Of Geneva AMADEO I and Mathilde De CUISEAUX. Parents: . Spouse: AGNES. Count Of Geneva WILLIAM I and AGNES were married about 1165. Spouse: Beatrix DE FAUCIGNY. Count Of Geneva
WILLIAM I and Beatrix DE FAUCIGNY were married after 1177. !MARRIAGE:Ancestry
of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily De
Earl Of Salisbury WILLIAM Longespee7,104,105,122 was born before 1173 in England.104 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] He died on 7 Mar 1225/26 in Salisbury Castle, Wiltishire, England.104 William Longespee became Earl of Salisbury in right of his wife. In the beginni ng of King John's reign this nobleman was sheriff of Wiltshire, he was afterwar ds warden of the marches of Wales, and then sheriff of the counties of Cambridg e and Huntingdon. About this period (14th John ) [1213], the baronial contest c ommencing, William Longespee at once espoused the royal cause and maintained it so stoutly that he was included by the barons amongst the evil councillors of the crown. The next year he was again constituted sheriff of Wilts and he held the office from that time during the remainder of his life. He had also a grant of the honour of Eye, in Suffolk, and was the same year a witness to the agree ment made between King John and the barons as guarantee for the former. He was likewise a witness to the charter whereby John resigned his kingdom to the Pope . After this we find him a principal leader in the royal army until the very cl ose of John's reign, when he swerved in his loyalty and joined, for a short per iod, the ranks of Lewis of France. Upon the accession, however, of Henry III [1 216], he did homage to that monarch, particularly for the county of Somerset, w hich the king then gave him; and joining with William Marshall. governor of the king and kingdom, raised the siege of Lincoln when he was constituted sheriff of Lincolnshire and governor of Lincoln Castle, being invested at the same time with sheriff of the co. of Somerset, and governorship of the castle of Shirbur ne. His lordship soon afterwards accompanied the Earl of Chester to the Holy La nd, and was at the battle of Damieta, in which the crescent triumphed. He serve d subsequently in the Gascon wars, whence returning to England, Dugdale relates , "there arose so great a tempest at sea that, despairing of life, he threw his money and rich apparel overboard. But when all hopes were passed, they discern ed a mighty taper of wax burning bright at the prow of the ship and a beautiful woman standing by it who preserved it from wind and rain so that it gave a cle ar and bright lustre. Upon sight of which heavenly vision both himself and the mariners concluded of their future security, but everyone there being ignorant what this vision might portend except the earl, he, however, attributed it to t he benignity of the blessed virgin by reason that, upon the day when he was hon oured with the girdle of knighthood, he brought a taper to her altar to be ligh ted ever day at mass when the canonical hours used to be sung, and to the inten t that, for this terrestrial light, he might enjoy that which is eternal." A ru mour, however, reached England of the earls having been lost, and Hubert de Bur gh, with the concurrence of the king, provided a suitor for his supposed widow, but the lady, in the interim, having received letters from her husband, reject ed the suit with indignation. The earl soon after came to the king at Marlborou gh and, being received with great joy, he preferred a strong complaint against Hubert de Burgh, adding that, unless the king would do him right therein, he sh ould vindicate himself otherwise to the disturbance of the public peace. Hubert , however, appeased his wrath with rich presents, and invited him to his table, where it is asserted that he was poisoned, for he retired to his castle of Sal isbury in extreme illness and died almost immediately after, anno 1226. His lor dship left issue, four sons and five daus., viz., William, his successor; Richa rd, a canon of Salisbury; Stephen, Justiciary of Ireland; Nicholas, bishop of S alisbury; Isabel, m. to William de Vesci; Ela, m. 1st, to Thomas, Earl of Warwi ck, and 2ndly to Philip Basset, of Hedendon; Idonea, m. to William de Beauchamp , Baron of Bedford; Lora, a nun at Lacock; and Ela, jun., m. to William de Odin gsells. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, B urke's Peerage, Ltd., London, England, 1883, p. 167, d'Evereux, Earls of Salisb ury] ---------- I have attached William to Parents: King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Queen Of England Rosamund Joan CLIFFORD. WILLIAM7,95,467,859 was born about 1255 in Of, Bagulegh, Lancashire, England. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 96W4-5W Parents: William DE BAGGILEGH. WILLIAM3,1107 was born about 1839 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.3,1107 He died on 16 Feb 1864 in Rock Island Prison, IL.3,1107 He is reference number 932. Spouse: Mary Jane BOYD. WILLIAM and Mary Jane BOYD were married on 18 Jan 1857 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.3,1107 Reference Number:25166 Children were: Levonier E. MCCLINTON. 2Nd Lord Of Caus & Wattl Corbet WILLIAM7,574 was born about 1080 in Caus Castle, Shropshire, England. He died after 1136 in Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England. Parents: . Children were: 3rd Lord Of Caus & Wattl Corbet SIMON. Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM7,97,98,100,122,248,378 was born in 960 in Hainault, Belgium. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died in 1003. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] The first Montfort of Ile de France, invested by Hugh Capet. Parents: Amaury I DE MONTFORT and Judith DE CAMBRAY. Parents: Amaury DE MONTFORT and Unknown DE CAMBRAI. Parents: . Parents: . Spouse: Albreda De Esperon
DE MONTFORT. Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM and Albreda De Esperon
DE MONTFORT were married in Children
were: Seigneur Amauri DE MONTFORT I. Spouse:
DE NOGENT. Children were: Amaury DE MONTFORT. Spouse: Miss
De NOGENT. Count Of Hainault De Bastinbourg WILLIAM and Miss De NOGENT were
married. Children were: Seigneur
Amauri DE MONTFORT I. Spouse:
Maude De ST. HILAIRE. Earl Of Arundel
And Sussex D'aubigny WILLIAM and Maude De ST. HILAIRE were married WFT Est 1144-1189.1000,1001
Children were: Nicole D'AUBIGNY. Spouse: Princess Adeliza Adela Of
DE LORRAINE. Earl Of Arundel D'aubigny WILLIAM and Princess Adeliza Adela
Of DE LORRAINE were married in 1138.35,50,115,223,224,249,575,1000,1001
Children were: Earl Of Arundel And Sussex
D'aubigny WILLIAM. Spouse: Elizabeth
COMYN. Earl Of Mar WILLIAM and Elizabeth COMYN were married about 1242 in
Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.3,206 Reference Number:1096879 Children
were: Donald Earl Of MAR. Spouse:
Ermentrude Agnes FLAITEL. Count Of
Longueville Giffard WILLIAM and Ermentrude Agnes FLAITEL were married.
Children were: Earl Of Buckingham Giffard
WALTER, Rohese Of Bolebec GIFFARD. Spouse: Anna Marie MITCHELL.
Children were: Rev William ROBERTSON. Spouse:
Agnes Margaret FRANKE. Sir, Knight
Ix Gascoigne WILLIAM and Agnes Margaret FRANKE were married. 1 REFN
33311 Children were: William X GASCOIGNE. Spouse: Hester
KELSEY. John WILLIAM and Hester KELSEY were married. Children were: Samuel CORNWALL. Spouse: Paula.
Spouse: Barbara BENDER. Children
were: Deborah FLANAGAN. Children were: Arcajah
Louisa MCCONCHIE. Spouse: Elizabeth
EDGINGTON. Jr. Ross WILLIAM and Elizabeth EDGINGTON were married. Spouse:
Gary Fremont COVEY. Gary Fremont COVEY
and Lizzie Sarah WILLIAM were married. Reference Number:855324 Children
were: Living COVEY. Spouse: Daughter PARKER. Gen Porter WILLIAM and
Daughter PARKER were married. Reference Number:1103384 Children
were: Elizabeth Rittenhouse PORTER. Spouse: Gertrude Elizabeth
SOULE. Ralph WILLIAM Sr. Jeffery and Gertrude Elizabeth SOULE were married.
Children were: Living JEFFERY, Living JEFFERY, Living JEFFERY. Children
were: Elizabeth BUTLER. Spouse:
Mary SESSOMS. Sr Blake WILLIAM and
Mary SESSOMS were married in Jan 1704 in Isle Of Wight Co VA.3,294 Reference
Number:695646 Children were: Thomas BLAKE. Spouse: Keziah
ANDERS. Children were: Sr. Allen
Ann Mitchell GRIGSBY. Sr. Allen WILLIAM
and Ann Mitchell GRIGSBY were married. Children were: Nancy ALLEN. Spouse:
Joan MARTYN. Children were: Jr. Cornwall WILLIAM. Children were: Edward GATLIN. Children were: Jr. Risley
WILLIAM, Joab RISLEY, Barbara RISLEY, Benjamin
Children were: Queen Of France & England
Eleanor AQUITAINE. Spouse:
IV and HUMBERGE were married. Children were: Count Of Auvergne ROBERT I. |