Ben BOYD3,396,487 was born
in 1875.3,487 He died in 1954.3,487 He is reference number 36521.
Parents: John Martin BOYD and
Carolina YARBAR. Parents: John
BOYD and Carolina YARBAR.
Children were: Living BOYD. Ben B. BOYD3,397 was born in Feb 1893 in TX.3,397 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 62602. Parents: John T. BOYD and Matilda S. MAHON. Ben M. BOYD3,483 was born in Mar 1899.3,483 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 58009. Parents: William T. BOYD Sr. and Margaret Lula LAVANDER. Benjamin BOYD3,109,1356 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 43500. Died in childhood Parents: William BOYD and Charity TALBOT. Benjamin BOYD2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 44103. ! (1) "Colonial Families of Maryland, Colonial Families of Anne Arundel County, Maryland," p .84-87 (rpt. The Learning Co. CD 184). Cites: (a) "Notes on the Thomas Boyd Family," by Edwar d Kinsey Voorhees (193) at MD Hist. Soc. Parents: William BOYD and Charity TALBOTT. Benjamin BOYD2,3 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 44168. ! (1) "Kentucky Mariages Before 1810" (FTM CD2, 229). ! Marriage to Anna BOYD: (1) 18 Feb 1794, Shelby Co., KY. Spouse: Anna BOYD. Benjamin BOYD and Anna BOYD were married on 18 Feb 1794 in , Shelby Co., Kentucky.2,3 Reference Number:784280 Benjamin BOYD2,3 was born in , , Pennsylvania.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 45041. ! (1) "The Boyd Family...," by Scott Lee Boyd (Santa Barbara, CA, by author, 1935) p.50. FH L 929.273 B692bs. ! Birth: (1) s/o Benjamin BOYD by his 1st wife. Parents: Benjamin BOYD. Benjamin BOYD2,3 was born in , Franklin Co., Ohio.2,3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 45126. ! (1) "History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois," p.138 (GenealogyLibrary. com, 2000). ! Birth: (1) s/o John BOYD/Susannah HINER. Death: (1) In his 9th year. Parents: John BOYD and Susanna HINER. Benjamin BOYD2,3 died in 1824 in , Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He was born Between 1756-1757 in Cumberland Twp., York Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He was buried Unknown in Dick Church Cemetery, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He is reference number 44578. ! (1) "Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical, Chiefly Relating to Interior Pennsylv ania," ed. William Henry Egle, Annual Vo. 1896, XXVI, p.142. (2) "The Boyd Family...," by Scott Lee Boyd (Santa Barbara, CA, by author, 1935) p.29-31, 4 9-50. FHL 929.273 B692bs. Cites: (a) York Co., PA Will Bk G, p.61. (b) Westmoreland Co., PA W ill Bk 2, p.112. (c) Old Dick Church Cemetery Records. ! Birth: (1) s/o William BOYD/Catherine. (2) s/o William BOYD/Catherine McGREW. 1756 or 1757 , Cumberland Twp., York Co., PA. (2c) 1756. Marriage to __ __: (2) May have been a d/o Alex McGREW Sr. Marriage to Annie WHITE: (2b) Named wife Annie in will. (2) Death: (2) 1824, age 67 years. (2c) 1824. Burial: (2) Old Dick Cemetery near West Newton, PA. (2b) Will dtd 25 Feb 1824, probated 2 5 Jun 1824, Westmoreland Co., PA. (2) Remained at York, now Adams, Co., PA with his brother Archibald until he moved to Westm oreland Co., PA after 1799. (2c) 1777: Ct. Mtl. Man, Capt. Patrick HAY's Co., Lancaster Co., PA Militia, 5th Co., 6th B attalion, Col. John ROGERS. (2) It is believed that this is in error, but the correct war ser vice of this man has not been traced. (2a) 1785, 13 Aug: William BOYD of Cumberland Twp., York Co., PA wrote his will. Gave to so ns Robert, Archibald and Benjamin lands whereon I now live, and to pay their mother the sai d 7 pounds a year; if they wish to separate and leave the land, it is to be sold and they ar e to be given their shares. (1) 1785, Nov: William BOYD of Cumberland Twp., York Co., PA die d leaving wife Catharine and children William, Robert, Archibald, John, Benjamin, Mary (m. Jo hn CAVEN), Janet, and Elizabeth. (2) Aft 1799: Moved to North Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA. (2b) 1824, 25 Feb: Benjamin BOYD wrote his will. Gave to wife Annie, land where he now live s. Gave to daughters Catherine, Matilda, Jean, Ann, Elizabeth and Harriet. Gave to sons Benja min, Alexander, and William. Mentions land in Franklin Twp., Adams Co., PA, on which George M ARSH lives, to be sold if necessary. Executors, wife Annie and son Benjamin. Wits. Robert BA NTER, William BOYD. (2b) 1824, 25 Jun: Will proved, Westmoreland Co., PA. Parents: William BOYD and Catherine MC GREW. Spouse: Annie WHITE. Benjamin BOYD and Annie WHITE were married. Reference Number:789944 Children were: Matilda BOYD, Jean BOYD, Ann BOYD, Elizabeth BOYD, Harriet BOYD. Children were: Catherine BOYD, Benjamin BOYD, Alexander BOYD, William BOYD. He was born on 13 Jan 1708 in Queen Anne's Parish (Prince George's) MD.3,109 He died in Apr 1762 in (Prince George's) MD.3,109 He is reference number 43429. Born 13 January 1707 O.S. Boyd, Benjamin, Prince George's Co., planter 12 Apr, 1762 22 Apr, 1762 To eldest son Thomas Boyd, plantation whereon I now dwell, called "Sway and Frys Choice", in this county. To son Abraham Boyd, slaves. To eldest dau. Eleanor Whatkins, To 2nd dau. Sarah Boyd, one slave. To 3rd dau. Peggy Boyd, slaves. Exs: Sons Thomas and Abraham. Wit: John Bateman, Abraham Woodward, Benjamin Hall, the son of Benjamin Hall 31.583 MCW 12:118 Inventory 6 May 1761; Next of Kin: Eleanor Watkins and Sarah Harris; Ex.: Thomas Boyd "Colonial Families of Maryland, Colonial Families of Anne Arundel County, Maryland," p .84-87 (rpt. The Learning Co. CD 184). Cites: (a) "Boyds of Maryland and Virginia," by Lero y Stafford Boyd, "Boyd Family Journal, No. 1, Mar 1925, p.10-17. (b) NWB 31:505. (c) MINV 95: 220. "Maryland Marriages, 1634-1777." (FTM CD 195). Cites: (a) 2 PG-6. "Maryland Calendar of Wills," Vol. 12, 1759-1764, p.118. (FTM CD 206). "Genealogical Records: Maryland Probate Records, 1674-1774" (FTM CD #206). (a) Prerogat ive Court Abstracts, 1766-1769, p.52. (b) Calendar of Wills, Vol. 12, 1759-1764, p.118. "The Family of Andrew Boyd, Frederick, Maryland," by Carroll H. Hendrickson (http://hom, Jul 2000). Cites: (a) Markell Papers, Frederick Historical Soc ., Frederick, MD. "Side-Lights on Maryland History, with Sketches of Early Maryland Families," by Heste r Dorsey Richardson (1903; rpt. Tidewater Publishers, Cambridge, Maryland, 1967) Vol. 2, pp.2 67-276. Cites: (a) Queen Anne's Parish Register, Prince George's Co., MD, p.302. ! Birth: (1a,4.7) s/o John BOYD/Eleanor FITZREDMONDS. (1a) 13 Jan 1707. (4) 13 Jan 1705/6. [ NOTE: Parents m. 1706. Did they m. 1705/6 and son Benjamin b. 1706/7?] (6a) 15 Jan 1706. s/ o John BOYD/Elinor. (7a) 13 Jan 1706. Queen Anne's Parish, Prince George's Co., MD. Marriage to Elizabeth HARWOOD: (1a,2a,7) 30 Oct 1733. (2a) MD. [NOTE: PG = Prince George' s Co.?] Death: (1a) 10 Jul 1762. (1b,3,5b) Will dtd 12 Apr 1762, proved 22 Apr 1762. (3,5a,b) Princ e George's Co., MD. (1c,5a) Inventory of estate dtd 6 May 1762. (7) 1756, 30 Jan: Benjamin BOYD of Prince George's Co., MD, for natural love and affection , gives to his son Thomas BOYD a tract of land containing 100 acres, being part of "Amphill G range" and that part whereon John BOYD my father, deceased, dwelt. (3,5b) 1762, 12 Apr: Benjamin BOYD of Prince George's Co., MD, planter, wrote his will. Giv es to eldest son Thomas BOYD the plantation whereon I now dwell, called "Sway and Frys Choice ," in this county. To son Abraham BOYD, slaves. To eldest daughter Eleanor WHATKINS, to 2n d daughter Sarah BOYD, one slave. To third daughter Peggy BOYD, slaves. Executors, sons Thom as and Abraham. Wits. John BATEMAN, Abraham WOODWARD, Benjamin HALL, the son of Benjamin HALL . (1c,5a) 1762, 6 May: The estate of Benjamin BOYD of Prince George's Co. was inventoried b y Robert TYLER and Jeremiah MAGRUDER.(1c) Personal property was valued at 622.14.2. (1c,5a ) Eleanor WATKINS and Sarah HARRIS signed as next of kin. (5a) Creditors: Thomas LANCASTER, T homas WILLIAMS. (1c) 1768, 29 Jan: Thomas BOYD, executor, filed the inventory in court. Parents: John BOYD and Eleanor FITZREDMONDS. Spouse: Elizabeth HARWOOD. Benjamin BOYD and Elizabeth HARWOOD were married on 30 Oct 1733 in Queen Anne's Parish (Anne Arundel) MD.3,109 Reference Number:773626 Children were: Peggy BOYD, Thomas BOYD, Eleanor BOYD, Sarah BOYD, Abraham BOYD. Benjamin BOYD2,3,109 was born in 1734 in , , Maryland.2,3 He died in 1784.2,3,109 He is reference number 44082. ! (1) "Maryland Calendar of Wills," Vol. 14, 1767-1772, p.218. (FTM CD 206). (2) "Colonial Families of Maryland, Colonial Families of Anne Arundel County, Maryland," p. 84-87 (rpt. The Learning Co. CD 184). Cites: (a) PGQA. (b) DAR. ! Birth: (1,2) s/o John BOYD. Marriage to Eleanor __?: (2a) May be the Benjamin BOYD who m. Eleanor WILLIAMS 27 Feb 1758 . (2b) A Benjamin BOYD, b. 1734, d. 1784, m. Eleanor TAYLOR, and was private in MD, Revolutio nary War. (2) A Mrs. Eleanor BOYD, b. c. 1737, d. 13 May 1830, age 93, Hagerstown, MD, at th e residence of her son Mr. Joseph BOYD. (1,2) 1760, 17 Apr: John BOYD wrote his will. Named wife Susannah; children Benjamin, John , Abraham, William, Mary, Margaret, Marulla, Elinor, Ann, and Sarah, and son-in-law Aaron PRA THER Jr. !(1) D.A.R. Patriot Index (1966) p.76. (2) "The Maryland Gazette 1727-1761, Genealogical and Historical Abstracts," by Karen Mauer Green (The Frontier Press, Galveston, 1989) p.54. (2) 1748, 2 Nov: Benjamin Boyd at Queen Anne in Prince George's Co., MD reports a runaway servant man named John Key, born in Lancashire, a weaver. (NOTE: Not sure this is the same Benjamin Boyd. Included here because of Maryland location and date.) (1) Pvt., MD, Rev. War. (3) "Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Book." (a) Vol. 63, p.301. Lineage of Mrs . Margaret Porterfield Macdonald 62904. (3) 1778: Private, Capt. Benjamin HOOKER's Co., Col. Mordecai GIST, 3rd MD Regiment. (1) Pv t., MD, Rev. War. Parents: John BOYD III and Susannah BALDWIN. Spouse: Elenor Taylor WILLIAMS. Benjamin BOYD and Elenor Taylor WILLIAMS were married on 27 Feb 1758.3,109 Reference Number:774520 Children were: Abraham BOYD, Thomas BOYD, Jane BOYD, Joseph BOYD. Benjamin BOYD2,3,95 was born about 1735 in !(1) "Pennsylvania Genealogies, Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German," by William Henry Egle (Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1969; originally pub. Harrisburg, 1896) p.113,114. (2) D.A.R. Patriot Index (1966) p.76. !Birth: (1,2) 1738. (1) s/o William Boyd. Marriage to Jennett Elliott: (1) 31 Dec 1761, by Rev. John Roan. (2) Death: (1,2) 8 May 1803. Burial: (1) Old Derry Church Graveyard. (1) 1754, Nov: Jennett McCosh disposed of her husband's estate, giving to Benjamin, Joseph and William, children of William Boyd, and niece Catherine Boyd. (1) Private, Pennsylvania, Revolutionary War. ! (1) "Pennsylvania Genealogies, Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German," by William Henry Egle (Ge nealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1969; originally pub. Harrisburg, 1896) p.113,114. (2) D.A.R. Patriot Index (1966) p.76. (3) "Five Typical Scotch_irish Families of Cumberland Valley," by Mary Craig Shoemaker, p.7 3. FHL film 1,033,617, item 5. Marriage to Jennett ELLIOTT: (1,3) 31 Dec 1761, by Rev. John ROAN. (2) (1) 1754, Nov: Jennett McCOSH disposed of her husband's estate, giving to Benjamin, Josep h and William, children of William BOYD, and niece Catherine BOYD. (1) Private, PA, Revolutionary War. Parents: William BOYD and Elizabeth. Spouse: Janet ELLIOTT. Benjamin BOYD and Janet ELLIOTT were married on 31 Dec 1761 in Derry Twp., Lancaster, PA.3 Reference Number:24592 Children were: Margaret BOYD, Mary BOYD, William BOYD, Jean BOYD, Eleanor BOYD, Rachel BOYD, Esther BOYD, Elizabeth BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3,109 was born about 1760.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 43488. Parents: Thomas BOYD and Charity DUCKETT. Spouse: Rebecca DUVALL. Benjamin BOYD and Rebecca DUVALL were married on 21 Dec 1794 in (Anne Arundel) MD.3,109 Reference Number:774428 Benjamin BOYD3,95,371,1249 was born on 24 Mar 1768 in Prince Georges, MD.3,371 He died Unknown in ?.3,371 He is reference number 56964. He has Ancestral File Number MRTB-4V. REFN: 1595 Parents: Joseph BOYD and ELEANOR. Spouse: Rebecca DUVALL. Benjamin BOYD and Rebecca DUVALL were married
on 21 Dec 1794 in Maryland.3,371 Reference Number:775080 1 He was born on 25 Dec 1776.3,475 He died on 1 Oct 1859.3,38,281,474,475 He is reference number 74973. ! (1) "A Family History, Boyds & Connected Families, Early Settlers, Central Savannah Rive r Area of Georgia and South Carolina," by John Wright Boyd, p.6. FHL book 929.273 B692bj. Parents: John BOYD and Mary FULTON. Spouse: Annis FINDLEY. Rev. Benjamin BOYD and Annis FINDLEY were married in 1800.3,38,474,475 Reference Number:114353 Children were: John F. BOYD, Benjamin BOYD, Eliza BOYD, David M. BOYD, James M. BOYD, Frederick Augustus BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3 was born about 1780.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 417. Parents: William BOYD and CATHERINE. Benjamin BOYD3,95 was born about 1790 in <, Anne Arundel, Maryland>.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 57000. He has Ancestral File Number MRT9-Z2. Parents: John BOYD and Elizabeth CARRICK. Benjamin BOYD3,281,474,475 was born on 20 Sep 1806.3,281,474,475 He died on 13 May 1867.3,281,474,475 He is reference number 75012. Parents: Rev. Benjamin BOYD and Annis FINDLEY. Spouse: Ellen JONES. They were married on 24 Jul 1836.3,475 Reference Number:847344 Children were: F. Augustus BOYD, Sarah J. BOYD, Gaston BOYD, Mary Ada BOYD, Ellen J. BOYD, Linn BOYD, Henry C. BOYD, Benjamin Y. BOYD, Joseph M. BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3,95 was born about 1807 in , Fairfield, South Carolina.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 57429. He has Ancestral File Number 1H9T-25S. Parents: John Joseph BOYD and Elizabeth DAVIS. Benjamin BOYD3,38,95 was born in 1817 in , Pulas., Kentucky.3,38 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 21017. He has Ancestral File Number 3L2X-MN. Parents: Samuel BOYD and Mary WHITAEKER. Spouse: Elizabeth BOYD. Benjamin BOYD and Elizabeth BOYD were married on 23 Oct 1848 in , Pulaski, Kentucky.3,38 Reference Number:422425 Children were: Patsey Ellen BOYD, Lucinda J BOYD, Sarah E. BOYD, John Samuel BOYD, Thomas M. BOYD, Benjamin Samuel BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3,1358 was born about 1820 in Virginia.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 32512. Spouse: Elizabeth COCHRAN. Benjamin BOYD and Elizabeth COCHRAN were married about 1838.3 Reference Number:612436 Children were: Frances Elizabeth BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3,1359,1360 was born on 14 Apr 1821 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 23046. BENJAMIN BOYD, a prominent citizen and wealthy farmer of Tennessee township, is a son of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH (STEVENS) BOYD. He was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, April 14,1821, and was reared and educated in his native state. In the spring of 1843, he removed with his parents, to Fayette County, Ohio, where he followed farming until he came to McDonough county, Illinois, in the fall of 1868. He purchased then, a farm on section 26, Tennessee township, on which he has since resided. He was united in marriage in Fayette County, Ohio, September 05,1844, with MARY LOWDERMAN, a native of Ohio, and daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Lawderman. Mrs. Lowderman died in Ohio, July 01, 1880. In 1882, Mr. Lowderman came to this county to reside with his children, and died here December 28,1884. His remains were taken back to Ohio for burial. MR. and MRS. BOYD are the parents of six children: KATE, married to J.F. WADDILL, of Tennessee township; MARY ANN; SAMUEL W., married to EVA WHITE, living in Colchester township; WILLIAM T., married to HATTIE GUMWALT, also living in this township; ELIZABETH ELLEN BOYD, wife of JOSEPH KING,lives in the same town, and JOHN. Mr. Boyd owns 240 acres of land and carries on farming and stock raising. He has been township trustee four terms, and is one of the directors of the Industrial Home Insurance Company, of Industry. Mr. Boyd's father, WILLIAM BOYD, died in 1872, in Pickaway County, Ohio. His mother,Mrs ELIZABETH BOYD, died in the same place,May 7,1864. Parents: William BOYD and Elizabeth STEVENS. Spouse: Mary LOWDERMAN. Benjamin BOYD and Mary LOWDERMAN were married on 5 Sep 1844 in Fayette County, Ohio.3 Reference Number:459456 Children were: Kate BOYD, Mary Ann BOYD, William T. BOYD, Elizabeth Ellen BOYD, John BOYD, Samuel Works BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3,1361 was born on 26 Dec 1823 in Scotland Or Ireland.3,1361 He died on 20 Apr 1892 in Miller, NE.3,1361 He is reference number 2028. Spouse: Anna BRADY. Benjamin BOYD and Anna BRADY were married. Reference Number:44714 Children were: Mary Elizabeth BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3,474,475 was born on 11 Mar 1827.3,281,474 He died on 8 Jan 1833.3,281,474 He was also known as Benjamin Boyd.3,281 He is reference number 47718. Parents: John F. BOYD and Susan SMITH. Benjamin BOYD3,38,95 was born on 15 Dec 1832 in Spouse: Annie MAHONEY. Benjamin BOYD and Annie MAHONEY were married. Reference Number:483800 Children were: William BOYD, Benjamin BOYD, Alexander BOYD, Thomas BOYD, James H. BOYD, Elizabeth BOYD, Sadie BOYD, John Samuel BOYD, Annie BOYD, Mary BOYD. Benjamin BOYD3,38,95 was born about 1852 in Benjamin BOYD3,95 was born in 1852 in , Allen, Ohio.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 54042. He has Ancestral File Number 16KP-QKD. Parents: Hugh Nelson BOYD and Eliza Ann O'NEAL. Benjamin BOYD3,841 was born on 12 Feb 1855 in Nat's Creek, Lawrence County, Kentucky.3,841 He died before 1870.3,841 He was also known as Benjamine Boyd.3,936 He is reference number 16770. *Lawrence County on-line births Parents: Isom BOYD and Polly FITZPATRICK. Benjamin BOYD3,178 was born after 1860.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 43131. Parents: Hillard BOYD and Amanda WOODS. Benjamin BOYD3,1289 was born in 1873.3,1289 He died after 1925.3,1289 He is reference number 76437. Parents: John BOYD and Amy Beuseville ROBERTSON. Benjamin BOYD3,178,218 was born on 10 Apr 1890 in Pine Grove Church, Cotton Valley, Alabama.3,178,218 He died on 19 Apr 1962 in Pine Grove Church, Cotton Valley, Alabama.3,178,218 He is reference number 107429. Parents: Hilliard BOYD and Amanda Woods BOYD. Benjamin Bishop BOYD3,399 was born on 20 Dec 1879.3,399 He died on 4 Oct 1961.3,399 He is reference number 13559. Parents: Andrew Jackson BOYD and Pricilla LESTER. Spouse: Vada WOLFE. Benjamin Bishop BOYD and Vada WOLFE were married. Reference Number:325198 Children were: Orbie Lee BOYD, Living BOYD, William Albert BOYD, Moses Holland BOYD, James Howard BOYD, Clarence BOYD, Martha BOYD. Benjamin Bond BOYD3,95 was born on 6 Sep 1832 in Franklin, Oneida, NY.3 He died on 10 Aug 1910 in Lawrence, Douglas, KS.3 He was buried Unknown in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Douglas, KS.3 He is reference number 57630. He has Ancestral File Number 4FZ1-QX. Parents: Reuben Maton BOYD and Rebecca BOND. Spouse: Susan HILL. Benjamin Bond BOYD and Susan HILL were married on 6 Mar 1862 in Hancock, Delaware, NY.3 Reference Number:871034 Children were: Diantha Eva BOYD, Celia Aurella BOYD, Myrta Etta BOYD. Benjamin C. BOYD3,676 was born about 1851 in Christian County, Kentucky.3,676 He died on 7 Feb 1919 in Christian County, Kentucky.3,676 He was buried Unknown in Riverside Cemetary, Hopkinsville, KY.3,676 He is reference number 52377. Parents: John Washington BOYD and Elizabeth Mary ANDERSON. Benjamin F BOYD3,95 was born on 27 Dec 1850 in MS.3 He died in Feb 1884 in Arnoldville, It.3 He was buried Unknown in Arnoldville, It.3 He is reference number 57474. He has Ancestral File Number 1J43-Q5R. Parents: James M BOYD and Nancy Mahota LOVE. Spouse: Louise Josephine CORBIT. Benjamin F BOYD and Louise Josephine CORBIT were married on 3 Oct 1873.3 Reference Number:987438 Children were: Juel BOYD. Benjamin F BOYD3,95 was born in Feb 1862 in , , CA.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 57495. He has Ancestral File Number XTBF-B7. Parents: William BOYD and Catherine MCGEE. Spouse: Mary I. Benjamin F BOYD and Mary I were married in 1896.3 Reference Number:987676 Children were: Edna BOYD, Eugene BOYD, Edward L. BOYD, BOYD. Benjamin F. BOYD3,206,583 was born after 1812.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 39054. Parents: Col John BOYD and Mary A. SCOTT. Benjamin F. BOYD3,960 was born in 1834.3,960 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 34303. Parents: William BOYD and SUSANNAH. Benjamin F. BOYD3,38 was born on 13 Feb 1835 in , Benton, Alabama.3,38 He died on 15 Jul 1866 in , Cherokee, Texas.3,38 He was buried Unknown in Old Palestine C., Cherokee, Texas.3,38 He is reference number 21588. He has Ancestral File Number 1BTS-215. Parents: James BOYD and Martha Ann SELMAN. Spouse: Laura Ann SELMAN. Benjamin F. BOYD and Laura Ann SELMAN were married on 21 Aug 1860 in , Nacogdoches, Texas.3,38 Reference Number:433813 Children were: Laura C. BOYD, Alice BOYD, Sarah BOYD, John M. BOYD. Benjamin F. BOYD3,38,95,583 was born in 1841 in Newton Co., MO.3,38 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 21273. He has Ancestral File Number 11DH-NFJ. Parents: David Feniston BOYD and Elizabeth E. BLANKENSHIP. Spouse: Lucinda TEDRICK. Benjamin F. BOYD and Lucinda TEDRICK were married on 12 Mar 1872.3,38 Reference Number:427900 Children were: Edward Lee BOYD, Mary E. BOYD. Benjamin F. BOYD2,3 was born in 1842 in , Somerset Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He died on 22 Dec 1894.3,449 He was also known as Benjamin Franklin Boyd.3,449 He is reference number 44861. Benjamin was a tailor. Assuming this is the Benjamin E. Boyd in 1870 Census. Age would fit and wife of Sarah would fit. Said he was jailer, not tailer. One of these is wrong. Inputting the data incase it belongs here. 1870 Lower Turkeyfoot Census BOYD, Benjamin E. 27 m jailor Sarah 24 f keeping house James J. 3 m Jennie 1 f Parents: Josiah W. H. BOYD and SARAH. Spouse: MARION. Benjamin F. BOYD and MARION were married. Reference Number:415656 Spouse: MENERVA. Benjamin F. BOYD and MENERVA were married. Reference Number:415692 Spouse: SARAH. Benjamin F. BOYD and SARAH were married before 1870.3,449 Reference Number:415674 Children were: James J. BOYD, Jennie BOYD. Benjamin F. BOYD3,206 was born on 25 May 1854 in Pulaski County, Kentucky.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 295. Parents: Samuel BOYD and Mary C. BAKER. Benjamin F. BOYD3,397 was born in Jul 1855 in Attala Co., MS.3,397 He died on 8 Dec 1941 in Brownwood, Brown, TX.3,397 He was buried Unknown in Indian Creek Cemetery, Indian Creek, TX.3,397 He is reference number 63162. Parents: Cyrus BOYD and Elizabeth BENNETT. Spouse: Frances RAMSEY. Benjamin F. BOYD and Frances RAMSEY were married. Reference Number:1066278 Benjamin F. BOYD3,848 was born in Jan 1881.3,848 He died on 3 Apr 1937.3,848 He is reference number 71014. Parents: Samuel James Montgomery BOYD and Reta F. PATE. Spouse: Allie DINKINS. Benjamin F. BOYD and Allie DINKINS were married on 14 Jun 1903 in Montgomery Co., Alabama.3,848 Reference Number:1178771 Children were: Living BOYD, Mabel BOYD, Benjamin F. BOYD. Benjamin F. BOYD3,848 was born about 1906.3,848 He died in Sep 1976.3,848 He is reference number 71055. Parents: Benjamin F. BOYD and Allie DINKINS. Spouse: LIVING. Children were: Living BOYD, Living BOYD. Benjamin Franklin BOYD3,38 was born in 1829 in , Pettis, Mssr.3,38 He died in 1919.3,38 He is reference number 21562. Parents: Abraham BOYD and Mary Polly HARRYMAN. Spouse: Mary Ann JOHNSTON. Benjamin Franklin BOYD and Mary Ann JOHNSTON were married. Reference Number:433280 Children were: Missouri E. BOYD, Rachel Elizabeth BOYD, Permelia BOYD, James Abraham BOYD, Elizabeth May BOYD, Mattie Lou BOYD, Robert L. BOYD, Annie BOYD. Benjamin Franklin BOYD3,1362,1363 was born on 19 Feb 1841 in SC.3,1362,1363 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Little River Co., AR.3,1362,1363 He appeared in the census in 1880 in Johnson Twp., Little River Co., AR (Parents B NC).3,1362,1363 He appeared in the census in 1900 in Little River Co., AR, Franklin Twp. With Wife Allie.3,1362,1363 He died on 11 Nov 1900 in Prob. Franklin, Little River Co., AR.3,1362,1363 He was buried Unknown in Gravelly Cem..3,1362,1363 He is reference number 55022. Spouse: Alley Elizabeth SHEPARD. Benjamin Franklin BOYD and Alley Elizabeth SHEPARD were married on 29 Dec 1869 in Little River Co., AR.3,1362,1363 Reference Number:950720 Children were: Mary Ann BOYD, William Franklin BOYD, Cornelia Catherine BOYD, Thomas Blakely BOYD, John BOYD, Benjamin Franklin Jr. BOYD. Benjamin Franklin BOYD3,483 was born on 10 Apr 1845.3,483 He died on 29 Mar 1913 in Leon, TX.3,483 He is reference number 59139. Parents: David B BOYD and Sarah CLARK. Spouse: Cynthia Susannah HOUSE. Benjamin Franklin BOYD and Cynthia Susannah HOUSE were married in 1865 in Sumter Co, Alabama.3,483 Reference Number:991981 Children were: John BOYD, Benjamin Hampton BOYD. Benjamin Franklin BOYD3,95 was born on 15 Jun 1870 in , Parker, Texas.3 He died on 12 Jun 1960 in Weatherford, , Texas.3 He is reference number 57547. He has Ancestral File Number 1892-32P. Parents: Frank M. BOYD and Amanda WALDEN. Spouse: Maggie SUBLETT. Benjamin Franklin BOYD and Maggie SUBLETT were married. Reference Number:988299 Children were: Ottie BOYD, Barney BOYD, Curtis BOYD, William Lester BOYD. Benjamin Franklin BOYD Sr.3,645 was born on 20 Jul 1882 in Horry County, South Carolina.3,645 He died on 12 Jan 1955 in Horry County, South Carolina.3,645 He was buried Unknown in Carter Cemetery, Horry Co, SC.3,645 He is reference number 55686. Benjamin Franklin Boyd, is listed in the WW I, Draft Registrations, of Horry County, South Carolina, (b.20 July 1881; nearest relative Dellie Boyd, farmer, Allsbrook District.) He is buried in the Carter Cemetery, in Horry County, South Carolina. In the 1910 Horry County, census of Simpson Creek Township, District # 56, Benjamin F. Boyd, is listed as head of household # 101, with his wife Nancy I., they are listed as married 4 years and as having had 2 children with 2 living, he is listed as a farmer In the 1920 Horry County, census of Simpson Creek Tws, District 97, Benjamin F. Boyd, is listed as head of household # 313, with his wife Della, and 6 children, he is listed as a farmer, They are listed as living on Todd Ferry Road West, living with him listed as boarders, are a Russel Fowler, age 52 listed as a widow, a Daniel Fowler, age 22, single, and Covel Fowler, age 20, single. (WSH) Parents: Robert T. BOYD Jr. and Sarah Margaret STANLEY. Spouse: Delia Gertrude HARRELSON. Benjamin Franklin BOYD Sr. and Delia Gertrude HARRELSON were married. Reference Number:960402 Children were: Living BOYD. Spouse: Nancy Idella GORE. Benjamin Franklin BOYD Sr. and Nancy Idella GORE were married on 26 Apr 1906 in Horry County, South Carolina, Marriage Abstracts From Newspapers.3,645 Reference Number:960403 Children were: Living BOYD, Living BOYD, Velma B. BOYD, Alma L. BOYD, Benjamin Franklin BOYD Jr., Reese R. BOYD Sr., Clyde Wofford BOYD Sr., Herman L. BOYD, Robert George BOYD. |